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The Nikaal are one of the many obscure humanoid races native to the Dungeons & Dragons setting of Dark Sun. Introduced in the second Monstrous Compendium Appendix, "Terrors Beyond Tyr", these mysterious reptilian humanoids are believed to hail from an unknown land beyond the Ringing Mountains, but are found throughout the Tablelands in small nomadic groups that seem to be one part tribe and one part merchant caravan. Unfortunately, we don't actually know that much about them, because Nikaal were kind of cheated in the lore department - seriously, the Ssurran and Tari got beefier lore entries! They never made it into Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, but they did catch on with the fans, who made them playable and expanded their lore somewaht in the Complete Book of Athasian Humanoids for 2e and Terrors of Athas for 3e.
So, what do we know? Well, uniquely amongst scalykind, the nikaal favor the "human" portion of their "humanoid reptile" anatomy; they could largely pass for humans, being 6ft tall four-limbed bipeds, were it not for their skin (fine, purple scales), their serpentine eyes, their bestial claws on their hands, and their ability to spit acid at anyone dumb enough to pick a fight. Essentially, they look a lot more like a Yuan-Ti Pureblood than they do a Lizardfolk. The scales of a nikaal are heavily involved in their ability to thermoregulate, and as such nikaal cannot wear armor for prolonged periods - regular Athasian armor doubles their daily water requirement, but metal armor quadruples it. When unarmored, though, nikaal only drink half the water of humans, and they are twice as resistant to the elements.
If provoked into combat, whilst certainly capable of ripping and tearing with their claws (2 strikes per round, 1d4 slashing each) and acid spittle (bonus melee attack once per 3 rounds, does 2d4 Acid damage, Save Vs. Breath Weapon to halve), nikaal also use a wide variety of weapons, including blowguns, javelins, clubs, swords and polearms. The elite of the race carry a unique polearm with a circular jagged blade (think a Whirligig Saw from Bloodborne) known as a "Tkaesali"; these are symbols of their honor and status, and losing it will result in the nikaal being ostracised until they get it back - and if they find somebody else using it, they must defeat that individual in a duel before they can honorably take it back.
Tkaesali weigh 12 pounds, and have the stats "size L, type S, MV 8, Dmg 1-8/1-12". They are usually decorated with totems and war trophies.
Nikaal tribes consist of 10d10 members, and are led by a council of elders, backed by elite warriors and shamans (elemental clerics). They travel between the various large villages, towns and city-states of the Tablelands, trading as they go.
PC Stats[edit | edit source]
2e[edit | edit source]
- Ability Score Minimum/Maximum: Strength 5/20, Dexterity 5/20, Constitution 10/20, Intelligence 5/20, Wisdom 5/2-, Charisma /17
- Ability Score Adjustments: -2 Charisma
- Note: A nikaal's Charisma score is 2 points higher when interacting with other nikaal.
- Racial Class/Level Limits: Fighter Unlimited, Gladiator 14, Ranger Unlimited, Cleric 8, Thief 12, Trader 12, Psionicist Unlimited
- Racial Thieving Skill Adjustments: +5% Detect Noise, -5% Forge Document, -5% Bribe Official, +5% Escape Bonds
- Natural Armor Class: 8
- Movement: 10
- Mandatory Nonweapon Proficiency: Bargain
- Special Advantages:
- Undrinking: Nikaal only need 1/2 a gallon of water per day (or 1/4 gallon, if they take Heat Protection).
- Natural Weapons: 2 Claw attacks (1d4 damage), Acid Spit (once every 3 rounds, used in addition to other melee attacks, doeos 2d4 Acid damage half daamage if target passes save vs. breath weapon).
- Special Disadvantages:
- Thermoregulation: Nikaal lose their Undrinking racial trait if they wear armor of any kind. They will also refuse to wear anything heavier than Hide Armor (AC 6).
3e[edit | edit source]
- Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
- +3 Natural Armor Bonus
- Natural Weapons: 2 Claws (1d4) and 1 Bite (1d4).
- Acid Spit (Ex): As a standard action, a nikaal can spit a glob of acid at a target within 15 feet. This does 2d4 Acid damage (Reflex save DC 11 to halve). Acid Spit can be done once every 3 rounds, up to r5 times per day. Save DC is Constitution based.
- Heat Tolerance (Ex): So log as a nikaal is not wearing armor other than a shield, they treat "Very Hot" temepratures as "Normal" and "Extreme Heat" as merely "Very Hot", although "Abysmal Heat" affects them normal.
- Favored Class: Fighter
- Level Adjustment: +1