Nobledark Imperium Notable Scion Regiments
This page is part of the Nobledark Imperium, a fan re-working of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. See the Nobledark Imperium Introduction and Main Page for more information on the alternate universe
Scion and Stormtrooper Regiments[edit | edit source]
The organization and outfitting for Stormtroopers and Scions could be seen under Tempestus Scion.
Scion Regiments[edit | edit source]
68th Empress' Sons[edit | edit source]

Known to operate on toxic worlds, these warriors can withstand plagues and poisons. This ability has led them to be frequently used by the Ordo Securitas and Orders Securitas or Militant to fight minions of Nurgle. The 68th is rather infamous for their last passing exam. Recruits are given the final training mission of either surviving or completing objectives on a poisonous Death world. Those that pass or live this deadly test are offered to drink the blood of their predecessors. The foundation for the regiment goes is that The Empress herself blessed the original 68th Delphic Lions Regiment back during the War of The Beast or the founder was one of the humans in Isha's Rescue. The story is surrounded in mystery but what is clear is that whoever drinks the blood of those who were originally was blessed, are transferred the immunity to most poisons and plagues. The same effect of being able to transfer the blessing is also present among those who have not been blessed but drank blessed blood.
55th Omega Hydras[edit | edit source]

Founded by DATA EXPUNGED BY ORDO SECURITAS. They use multiple training worlds to recruit from in Ultima Segmentum, unlike most other Scion regiments. All new recruits undergo a questionable re-education program that inspectors said "Is perfectly normal" that is almost totally unknown to outsiders. Famously fought with the Ultramarines right after the 2nd Black Crusade on the Argi world of Marsali in Segmentum Solar to gain the recognition of the Space Marines. Purging the world of the leftover Orks from the recent Black Crusade. Flanking to destroy the Orks HQ, the Scions lured the Orks into an Ultramarine trap as they retreated. From there on the Ultramarines have requested the 55th to accompany them on various battles. The Securitas Sisters also commonly use the Hydras as reinforcements disgusted as civilians to infiltrate on Hive worlds. Sometimes even the Inquisition have conscripted the regiment to either guard VIPs or assassinate targets.