
Ogroids, known to themselves as Goroans, are a Chaos-affiliated race introduced in Age of Sigmar. As you can tell from their name, they're vaguely like ogres, except significantly more furry and closer to a stereotypical pop-culture devil, big horns, hooves and all.
Formerly part of the Grand Alliance of Destruction, the Ogroids viewed allying with the hordes of Gorkamorka-allied races as a way to protect their own city-state. When Bonesplitterz Orruks realized they were basically just using the Destruction faction to build up their own Order-esque city with Greenskins and Ogors as disposable troops, the Bonesplitterz launched an assault on their city to humble them. This enraged the Ogroids, who rose up in rebellion against Gorkamorka. When they inevitably got their asses kicked for trying to fight the most spiritually in-tune subfaction to one of the strongest gods out there, they turned to Chaos to aid them. Their begging for aid offended Gorkamorka even more, and he lead his followers on a genocidal campaign that ensured that only those Ogroids who fled to the most chaos corrupted wastelands survived. What remained of the Goroans were enticed by Archaon with promises of a new home, secure against all invaders – the land that would become the Eightpoints. There, under the shadow of the Varanspire, the ogroids raise dark citadels, forge mighty weapons, and serve as overseers in the armies of Chaos.
Despite their savage appearance, Ogroids are actually very intelligent creatures who can become highly skilled warriors or studious wizards. However, despite their pretensions of sophistication, if they get wounded in battle they fly into a berserk rage that shows their true bestial nature.
Ogroid Thaumaturges[edit | edit source]
The first Ogroid model released, Ogroid Thaumaturges are sorcerers dedicated to Tzeentch, and the combination of arcane prowess and brute physical strength makes them a force to be reckoned with. They are said to know more of the secrets of wyrdflame than all but the most accomplished spellcasters, making them particularly favoured by the pyromaniacs of the Pyrofane Cult. Some Thaumaturges lead their own covens of Tzaangors, while others act as bodyguards for the Gaunt Summoners.
Ogroid Myrmidons[edit | edit source]
The masters of the fighting pits of the Eightpoints, the Ogroid Myrmidons wield spear and shield, and carve magic runes onto their flesh to further enhance their fighting prowess. The various warbands of the Eightpoints are eager to fight under the gaze of a Myrmidon, and many congregate to their side in battle in order to impress them.
Ogroid Theridons[edit | edit source]
A new Ogroid troops unit revealed by leaks, and then later confirmed and revealed and full. Seem to be actual Shock Troop of the Ogroids, whereas Myrmidons are Gladiators for the amusement of Archaon. They each get a choice between a shield and sword, and a fuckoff huge halberd, both leading them equally well to their role as the heavy linebreaker infantry of the Chaos forces, which they naturally fit, being fucking huge and comically swole cow-devil-people.