Olhm Archipelago

The Olhm Archipelago is a sample collection of islands for The Sea of the Dead
Hester[edit | edit source]
An ancient trading hub which has become increasingly irrelevant and is in decline. Several of the slips in its large dock have become abandoned, and it's proud populace is shrinking as the younger and more curious members leave. Ancient and elaborate buildings dot both the north and south island, which are connected via a rope bridge. Residents are required to help repair and maintain the bridge as part of an annual ceremony thanking the ancestors for their good fortune.
The Deeps[edit | edit source]
A source of the great wealth of the Ohlm islands. Just twelve hundred years ago it was merely a barren, jagged splinter of rock until a passing vessel was forced to make emergency landfall for repairs. The master noticed signs of copper deposits, and within a few years mining had begun. The resulting spoil heaps are have resulted in the island increasing to twenty times its original size, and there have been several serious accidents where the wooden retaining walls have collapsed, allowing the sea to rush in. Mineworkings, poorly constructed shacks and service buildings dot the landscape of The Deeps, and can be a dangerous place for the unwise and the unwary.
Although the resulting land is of poor quality, The Deeps are now capable of growing enough food to support its busy populace and is even home to some of the hardier trees, but the island is still heavily dependent on traders for the heavy timbers required to maintain and expand it.
Pience[edit | edit source]
Once a tiny and largely ignored settlement, life on Pience has become relatively comfortable thanks to the timber trade with The Deeps. The elders of the isle have dedicated over 90% of their land to forestry. Newer buildings are becoming increasingly grand, but the settlement still shows traces of its humble origins, with tiny stone huts between some of the larger wooden buildings.
Olhm[edit | edit source]
An island with nothing going for it. A mere 83 people eke out a living in a tribal society. Working only with wooden and stone tools, and all but a fragment of vague history is lost to the populace. Lying just outside of the established trade routes, contact with the outside world is rare; although marked on most charts, it is only visited by the occasional desperate trader seeking an emergency landfall, an event that can go decades or centuries between instances. Few are foolish enough to make the voyage without dire need.