One Page Rules

"Wargaming made simple and fun!" - One Page Rules Motto
One Page Rules is the home of many "single-page" rulesets, most known for One Page 40k (later renamed to Grimdark Future) and One Page Fantasy (now named Age of Fantasy). The Blog features alternate rulesets to be played with Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Fantasy Battle/Age of Sigmar miniatures, and they are written by OnePageAnon (since April 2014). The mission statement is to create rules that everyone can enjoy, and to "leave no man behind", by providing systems in which players can use any and all of their miniatures instead of having to leave them on a shelf because GW nerfed them to oblivion. Since 2017 the project is being funded via Patreon.
The Games[edit | edit source]

As of October 2020 there are 5 official games that have been released:
- Grimdark Future Simplified Rules for 40k-like
- GF: Firefight Simplified Kill Team-like Rules
- Age of Fantasy Simplified Rules for Age of Sigmar-like
- AoF: Regiments Simplified Warhammer Fantasy-like Rules
- AoF: Skirmish Simplified Mordheim-like
- Warfleets: FTL Simplified Battlefleet Gothic-like. Fluff-wise closer to Star Wars, though it's being rewritten to more closely align with GDF.
- Arena (both in the Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy flavors) Simplified Warhammer Quest - Discontinued
The games come with supplement such as Beginner's Guides, Campaign Rules and AI Rules. Whilst most of the games were written with GW miniatures in mind, they can be used with pretty much any miniatures from different manufacturers. Of note is their own miniatures in the 2D and 3D variety, some available only to their patreon supporters while the rest are available for purchase on their own storefronts.
Interestingly, they created a whole army-builder app to simplify building armies as well as read up on the lore. Though it started out as just a distilled version of WFB and 40k respectively, they've been going through lengths in order to divorce itself somewhat from GW's thing. Some of this is more obvious through things like an entire faction of fantasy!Italians with clockwork robots or an army of sci-fi dog-men, though others are less so, such as the original lore's God-King being shifted to a warlord and geneticist called the Founder who actually does die during a rebellion and has a clone-son who's being guarded by the not!Custodes or how there's a faction of Angels (independent of the not!Stormcast, whom hail from some doomed dimension and seek to prevent others from sharing their fate) who own their own kingdom that they rule in a militaristic fashion that unsettles some folks.
Patreon[edit | edit source]
Since 2017 the project is being funded via Patreon. Players can get access to Full Rulebooks, Point Calculators and have Early Access to new updates for $5. Rumor has it that there's going to be a hard-cover release at some point, but don't hold your breath.
2D Paper Models & 3D Print Models[edit | edit source]

OPR has recently started creating 2D paper models as well as 3D print models, with new models being released monthly via their Patreon page.
They have free 2D models on their website, as well as free 3D models on Thingiverse.
You can also buy 2D models from previous months on WargameVault and 3D models from previous months on CGTrader.
Community[edit | edit source]
They've been expanding their community presence, bringing them up to speed with other modern games:
See Also[edit | edit source]
- Grimdark_Future
- Age of Fantasy/Tactics
- Grimdark Future/Tactics
- Games Workshop
- Warhammer 40,000
- Warhammer Fantasy Battle
- Blood Bowl
- The 9th Age - another community-made wargame