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Oruks are a race of powerful, warlike humanoids from the Dragonstar setting of Dungeons & Dragons.
It is believed that the precursors to the oruk were the result of various unions between starfaring orcs and the more primitive ogres that they encountered. These brutish giants are quite adept at employing strength and intimidation, yet they are much more disciplined than their orc or ogre kin.
Orcs are among the most populous races in the galaxy and they have expanded throughout the Empire and beyond. During this expansion, usually on less advanced worlds, the orcs would encounter ogre tribes. The ogre tribes were often little match for the more technologically advanced orcs and entire ogre populations were enslaved. Eventually, hybrid offspring were born. Welcome in neither ogre nor orc company, these offspring, calling themselves “oruk,” could find only companionship and comfort among each other. Left to their own devices, the oruk bred among themselves.
Eventually, a new species developed. The oruk race resembles their orc and ogre kin, but also gained their own unique genetic characteristics. This genetic inbreeding resulted in much stronger oruk, with tough, durable skin, but it also created an entire population that lacked a normal lung capacity. The same thick skin and massive bone structure that gave the oruk their awesome strength that proved too rigid and inflexible to allow their lungs to expand properly. For the most part, the oruk remained on the primitive worlds of their ogre ancestors for thousands of years. There they developed a society of their own, untouched by other races.
Then the Dragon War came. The war brought an increase in offworlders and the oruk became exposed to the larger galaxy. In a short amount of time, it became clear to the dragons of Asamet that the oruk made excellent foot soldiers in the dragon’s armies. The dragons recruited large numbers of oruk for their conflict. For the most part, the oruk were willing participants. They relished the chance to obtain prestige and considerable personal wealth as part of the dragons’ forces. Those oruk communities that defied the dragons’ will were often subjected to harmful airborne chemicals and noxious spells until they submitted to the dragons’ rule.
Although the oruk took heavy losses during the war, their resolve to survive and thrive was only strengthened. With lifespans relatively equal to that of their orc kin, generations of oruk were born on the battlefields during the Dragon War. When the war was over, many oruk found acceptance and even respect within the Imperial Legions. To this day, many oruk are career military as their parents and grandparents were before. Even those who do not serve in the military work in jobs that require strength and discipline. Despite their respiratory limitations, many oruk have taken to the spacer’s life, where a strong arm and tough skin is almost always an asset. A few oruk have displayed an unusual talent for magic, which lead some to speculate that the oruk have some ogre mage blood in them as well.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Oruk are generally straightforward and gruff. They have little patience for those who appear timid or weak. They despise deceptions of all kinds and demand, and expect, total honesty in their dealings, although they don’t always give it. Oruk are much more disciplined and controlled than either their orc or ogre kin, and they resent being thought of as stupid because of their large size and goblinoid appearance. They realize that there are times when intimidation, or even diplomacy, can achieve a desired end much more quickly and cleanly than a fight. Yet, when pushed or teased about their intelligence, they are aggressive and relentless fighters. Nonetheless, oruk are cunning enough to know when they are outnumbered or outgunned, and are careful to pick fights that they at least stand a chance of winning.
Physical Description[edit | edit source]
Oruk stand between 8 1/2 and 10 feet tall and weigh from 350 to 500 lbs. Their skin is often a muddy yellow, though some have a darker skin closer to a deep olive green or reddish-brown. Their long, coarse hair is often a deep black or an earthy brown. Oruk eyes are predominantly red or yellow in color and their gaping mouths sport pronounced lower canines that jut forth from the lower jaw like tusks. A few walk around in the stooped posture that is common among their orc kin.
Relations[edit | edit source]
Oruk face considerable prejudices and are often loners. Orcs have little use for oruk, seeing them as tainted halfbreeds. Likewise, ogres despise the oruk, but are too lazy or indifferent to expend the effort to eradicate them. Dwarves consider oruk to be as distasteful as other giants, even more so due to the oruk’s orc heritage. Elves generally distrust them and even gnomes, usually accepting of other races, find oruk companionship undesirable.
Halflings are more tolerant of oruk, as are half-elves, but oruk are most comfortable around humans and half-orcs. Humans and half-orcs respect the oruk’s ability to overcome adversity, the half-orcs particularly as they know the hardships that come with an orc heritage. Oruk also get along well with soulmechs, as they too are creatures drawn from two worlds, yet uniquely different from each.
Dragons and their kin find the oruk to be particularly useful. While the oruk tend to engage in freethinking, a trait not always desirable in a soldier, the dragons find them to be relatively easy to control, if necessary. The drow have begun employing the techniques of their dragon masters, but are not nearly as successful.
Alignment[edit | edit source]
Most oruk are lawful, reflecting their tendency to follow orders.
Oruk Lands[edit | edit source]
The oruk have no lands of their own. Most are found in mercenary companies or other military organizations. Large gatherings of oruk also occur in cities and major urban centers where they are more likely to be tolerated. A number of oruk communities have fled toward the Outlands to live their lives free of those who seek to oppress them. A few independent oruk strongholds remain on some of the more primitive worlds where the oruk developed. These worlds largely contain bleak wastelands and poor resources and, thus, were left relatively untouched by the Empire.
Religion[edit | edit source]
Many oruk worship the Warrior, who they praise for delivering them from a life of greater oppression by the orcs and ogres. The more aggressive and savage among the oruk heed the call of the Destroyer. A growing number, particularly those who are drawn to explore their heritage are drawn to Dualism. The majority of these worship the Adversary.
Language[edit | edit source]
Oruk generally speak Giant, the language of their ogre ancestors, but many also learn Common and Orc.
Names[edit | edit source]
Oruk typically have orc names, preferring to distance themselves from ogres.
Adventurers[edit | edit source]
Oruk are unusual in that most of them become adventurers. They lack a stable home life, so most of them set off to seek their fortune among the stars. Fortunately, their imposing size and incredible strength make them ideal mercenaries. Many oruk have found their place in life serving in the Legions. Others have decided that they want no part of their traditional lot in life and become smugglers or pirates.
Oruk Racial Traits[edit | edit source]
- +6 Strength, +4 Constitution, –2 Dexterity, –2 Wisdom, –2 Charisma: Oruk are strong and tough, but also clumsy and awkward.
- Large: As Large creatures, oruk have a –1 size modifier to Armor Class, a –1 size modifier on attack rolls, and a –4 modifier on Hide checks. They can use larger weapons than humans use, and their lifting and carrying limits are double those of Medium-size characters.
- Extended Reach: An oruk’s reach is 10 feet.
- Oruk base speed is 30 feet.
- Darkvision up to 60 feet.
- Orc/Ogre Blood: For all special abilities and effects, an oruk is considered an orc or an ogre. Oruk, for example, can use special orc weapons or magic items with racially specific orc powers as if they were orcs. The same holds true for items with racially specific ogre powers.
- Inefficient Lungs: Due to their rigid bone structure and inflexible skin, the lungs of oruk are much less efficient than other humanoids. Unlike other creatures, an oruk can only hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution score. In addition, oruk lungs are not as effective in absorbing oxygen from the air. Oruk characters suffer a –6 racial penalty to Fortitude saves in conditions of low oxygen or those resulting from altitude sickness. Their inefficient lungs and slow metabolism make oruk more vulnerable to attacks conveyed through gas, including stinking cloud, cloudkill, and poisonous gas. Oruk suffer a –4 racial penalty to saves against gas-based effects and attacks.
- Unusual Body Type: Because of their uncommon size, oruk seldomly find clothing or armor that will fit them. Typically, they must have such items made. Because they are a Large humanoid race, such items cost two times as much as normal, and are twice as heavy.
- Automatic Languages: Giant. Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Goblin and Orc. Oruk have difficulty with other languages and although they can understand and read all the bonus languages they know, they cannot speak them without spending skill points.
- Favored Class: Fighter. A multiclass oruk’s fighter class does not count when determining whether or not there is an XP penalty for multiclassing (see PHB, Chapter 3, Experience for Multiclass Characters). Although they can be ferocious and aggressive, oruk tend to be more disciplined than their orcish and ogre ancestors.
• Level Equivalent: +2
Oruk Racial Feats[edit | edit source]
Tough Skin (General) Your tough skin can sometimes ward off blows. Prerequisites: Character level 3+, oruk only Benefit: You gain a +2 natural bonus to AC.
Improved Tough Skin (General) Your skin has become extremely tough, often deflecting even solid hits from an opponents’ weapons. Prerequisites: Character level 6+, Tough Skin, oruk only Benefit: Your natural bonus to AC from Tough Skin is increased to +4.
Greater Tough Skin (General) Your skin is incredibly thick and tough, even by your race’s standards. It can turn aside even the most powerful weapon. Prerequisites: Character level 9+, Improved Tough Skin, oruk only Benefit: Your natural bonus to AC from Improved Tough Skin is increased to +6.
Mighty Strength (General) Your mighty strength and hardened skin allow you to perform feats of strength that other races can only marvel at. Prerequisites: Oruk only Benefit: You receive a +4 racial bonus to all Strength checks.
Incredible Strength (General) Your strength is so great that even other oruk look at you in awe when you display it. Prerequisites: Character level 3+, Mighty Strength, oruk only Benefit: You receive a +8 racial bonus to all Strength checks.
Legendary Strength (General) Your strength is legendary among your people. Prerequisites: Character level 6+, Incredible Strength, oruk only Benefit: You receive a +12 racial bonus to all Strength checks.