Osprey Games

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Osprey games is a department of Osprey Publishing which makes historical, science fiction and fantasy games. They tend to focus on narrative games -- usually either setting-neutral, or tied to a specific genre instead of licensing a particular intellectual property. They also do publishing and distribution contracts for several indie designers.

War Game Catalogue[edit | edit source]

Note that this list is incomplete. Really, you're better off checking their catalogue.

  • A Fistful of Kung Fu - Wargame in the Hong Kong action flick genre. Yakuza, Police, Cyborgs, and Demons.
  • A World Aflame -
  • Black Ops - Action-Thriller genre skimish game akin to James Bond and Jason Borne.
  • Broken Legions -
  • Chosen Men - Horse-and-Musket skirmishes set during the Napoleonic Wars.
  • Dragon Rampant - High Fantasy army scale wargame, based on Lion Rampant.
  • Dux Bellorum -
  • En Garde! - 16th through 18th Century swashbuckling Skirmish game. Focuses on sword fighting with a small amount of pistols.
  • Fighting Sail -
  • Frostgrave - Skirmish between bands of looters in a frozen lost city, each led by a wizard and its apprentice. Uses D20 and feels a lot like a dungeon crawl. Models by North Star Military Figures.
    • Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago - Same as above but between a Captain (Superhero) and a Warden (crappy wizard) and their crew in islands seeking magical treasures a-la "Pirates of the Carribean."
  • Gaslands - Hack up Hot Wheels and slam them together in a deathrace. Spiritual successor to Dark Future and Car Wars. Second edition, "Refuelled" is out.
  • Gamma Wolves- Mecha pilots fight to control an irradiated earth. What Gaslands is to Hot Wheels, Gamma Wolves is to Gunpla and all those good looking Mech minis from long dead wargames.
  • Heroes, Villains and Fiends -
  • Honours of War -
  • In Her Majesty's Name -
  • Last Days: Zombie Apocalypse - Post-apoc skirmisher. Notable for its focus on surviving zombie attacks in-between skirmishes and keeping your team supplied and fed, not just shooting everything that moves.
  • Lion Rampant - Historical Medieval wargame with an extremely divisive activation mechanic.
  • Oathmark - Company-scale rank-and-flank fantasy game by the author of Frostgrave. Uses a Heroes of Might and Magic-style campaign system, where you pick territories for your kingdom that let you bring a mix of units into combat.
  • Of Gods and Mortals -
  • On the Seven Seas - Age of Piracy game focusing on boarding actions of ships and treasure hunting adventures on land.
  • Poseidon's Warriors -
  • Rangers of Shadowdeep - Collaborative (optional solo) game in narrative campaigns divided in scenarios and missions. Think low fantasy rpg without master meets skirmish miniature game type Mordhein meets mordern dungeon crawler (minus app and tiles). Very worked out system heavily based on Frostgrave, specially solo campaigns, adding narrative events and habilities.
  • Reality's Edge - Cyberpunk skirmish wargame by the author of This is Not a Test. Similar engine with a bunch of added rules.
  • Rogue Stars - Setting-neutral science fiction skirmish game. Make your own minis.
  • Ronin - Dice-pool based skirmish samurai game. Leans historical. Forces are 5-15 models, usually a minor noble and his retinue or a small sohei/ninja/Yakuza clan. Shares some elements with "En Garde!".
  • Scrappers - a post apocalyptic setting where small skirmishes revolve around scrapping stuff. Doesn't have official minis
  • Sleeping Dragon, Rising Sun -
  • Stargrave - Frostgrave, In Spaace! System takes from both Frostgrave classic and Archipelago. As miniature neutral and flexible, good alternative for narrative scifi campaigns with crews "inspired" by any popular show or setting (Firefly, 40k, Star Wars, Andromeda, etc)
  • The Men Who Would Be Kings - Mid to Late 19th Century game. Has a built-in solo play system, too!
  • The Pikeman's Lament - Pike-and-Shot era company-level skirmish game designed with narrative play in mind.
  • Zona Alfa - A hilariously broken STALKER-like narrative game. Skirmish-level, might as well be pointsless, requires some moderate houseruling.