Overlord (Video Game Series)

Overlord was a /v/idya game series whose story was written by Rihanna Pratchett, daughter of the late Sir Terry Pratchett, author of Discworld. The games focused on placing the player in the steel-toed boots of the Overlord, a homage to Dark Lords like Sauron and Morgoth from Middle Earth. The gameplay focused around you, as the Overlord, kicking ass and taking names, leading a horde of creepy-cute goblinoid-like minions known as... "Minions", which come in 4 different varieties and come from Hives which allow the Overlord to spawn more of them from the stolen life essence of his victims. The first game focused on whether you chose to embrace being evil or if you could rise above temptation while killing off your former adventuring party who left you for dead, with a DLC called "Raising Hell" where you punish-torture the souls of your former adventuring party in The Infernal Abyss. The second game, where you play the first game's player character's son, has it so rather than focusing on Good or Evil, you are focused on two different types of Evil, Domination or Destruction, whether you brutally enslaved your victims or just slaughtered them immediately, during a quest to basically bring down an Anti-Magic, Human-Supremacist Empire that looks like the Roman Empire in aesthetics crossed with an intense need to conquer the lands of and victimize & enslave magic-users, nonhumans and magical beings in something similar to the Lebensraum. There have been two side games and a mobile game, too, but the creator of this page has yet to play them and as such will leave that information to be added later by either a fan of the series or someone with time, effort, and access to the Wikipedia articles.