Painting Power

Painting Power is a build created for the Pathfinder RPG system, intended to break the game by creating a potentially infinite amount of godlike constructs using the Trompe L'oeil template. And it can all be done by level 5! Ever wanted to wear fucking Hastur as a set of Construct Armor? Ever wanted an infinite amount of free Wish spells by level 5? Step right up my friend and become a true artist.
The Build[edit | edit source]
This build centers around the abuse of the Trompe L'oeil template. Although intended for GMs to slap onto creatures to make encounters more interesting there are, like many things in Pathfinder, arbitrary rules attached allowing for players to create these monsters themselves. Unlike Simulacrum (which only allows creatures of twice your level's HD to be cloned, and at half strength), the Trompe L'oeil template can copy anything under the sun, outside the reach of the sun's rays, or in a screaming abyssal vortex, AT FULL STRENGTH. If that wasn't stupidly broken enough, whenever the creature is killed, it respawns after 2d4 days in the original canvas. The only limiting factor is the Craft(painting) check to create these things, which is 5+creature's HD+5 per missing spell component. Let's get started.
Basics[edit | edit source]
- Select Human (+1 feat) or Half-elf (Skill Focus as bonus feat)
- Be a Venerable old fuck, for a +3 to mental stats, but a -6 to physical
- Take the traits Theoretical Magician (+2 to Spellcraft) and Spark of Creation (-5% cost to create items)
- Get 18 INT with point buy.
- Take 5 levels in Wizard, Arcane Bond Familiar, with Familiar Archetype of Valet for the Cooperative Crafting.
Feats[edit | edit source]
- Take Skill Focus (Spellcraft) - racial bonus
- Take Magical Aptitude - 1st level
- Take Craft Wondrous Item - 3rd level
- Take Craft Magic Arms and Armor - 5th level
- Take Craft Construct - 5th level bonus
The build is now complete. You should have an INT score of 24 (18 + 2 race + 3 age + 1 level 4) granting you a +7 modifier. Your Spellcraft bonus should now be 5(ranks) + 3(class skill) + 7(INT) + 3(skill focus) + 2(Mag. Apt.) + 2(trait) + 2 (Familiar) for a +22 bonus. The ascension can begin.
The Ascension[edit | edit source]
- Make an Efreeti for their 3/day Wish spell-like ability. Use this to gain infinite wealth for crafting more paintings.
- Make a painting of yourself for painting paintings while you paint paintings. Continue recursion to your liking.
- Paint a Solar for Create Greater Demiplane, now you've got a Timeless realm to paint in forever and fill with more paintings.
- Use Wishes for an inherent +5 INT bonus
- Craft a Headband of Vast Int. +6 INT bonus
- Make a painting of Nocticula, use Profane Ascension for another +6 INT bonus
- With your bonus of +32 Spellcraft, begin crafting an army of Old Ones and Demigods.
This bonus can easily be heightened further through spells and items, for easier Cthulhu painting. As it is now, you've got infinite resources from Wishes in your Timeless plane. If you're worried about dying from old age when you leave, just Astral Project or use Reincarnation/Cyclic Reincarnation from one of your many, many painted friends. You can make fucking Construct Armor out of Hastur, since his Trompe L'oeil is technically a construct, so he can finally get a taste of his own damn medicine while also giving you an unkillable bio-mech made of the skin of a Great Old One. If that doesn't make you a god then I don't know what the hell does, and reminder: you're still only level 5 while doing all this. Enjoy purging Heaven and Hell with your army of false gods!