Pleician Tome

The Pleician Tome is a portable font of certain archives, templates and pieces of ancient lore, created by a senior Tech-priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus and used by Techmarines of the Adeptus Astartes.
Overview[edit | edit source]
A pretty cool-looking mechanical codex. Akin to the Mechanicus' version of the Insignium Astartes and Imperial Munitorum Manual, the Pleician Tome is part encyclopedia, part tablet and part diary. It contains a good majority of relevant knowledge pertaining to concepts such as the Machine Spirit, the Adeptus Mechanicus and its history, know-how in maintaining and constructing the various machines of the Imperium, the proper incantations and rituals in making said Machine Spirits happy, alongside more esoteric lore.
Given the sheer number of technicalities of the AdMech, it is impossible to put every info in a book, even a very large one. So like the Liber Daemonicum, it is likely that each page is a stacked tablet, with each 'page' containing a digital foundry of every single knowledge based on the subject manner. There is also likely spare 'pages' for which any member of the AdMech could 'write down'/upload notes on any new discoveries that should be added in the Pleician Tome.
Unfortunately, reading this thing is a pain in the ass. Even to a trained eye, the information is a seemingly random collection, with no easy means of navigation, and so it takes much study to glean anything relevant to a particular task. Indeed, only those with a wide knowledge of Machine Spirits and engine lore have any hope of understanding the information contained within, however, those with patience and the appropriate skills can find secrets of great use within the datacore.