Primordial Evolution Game/Burrahn

The Burrahn are a tribe of Melovans inhabiting a frilla forest of the Western Continent in the Primordial Evolution Game.
Technology[edit | edit source]

Out of all of the tribes inhabiting the western continent, the Burrahn are amoung the most primitive. They have a network of vines strung up throughout their village and surrounding territories which serve as roads throughout the forest canopy. For weapons, the Burrahn possess simple spears and blow darts which they cover with poisons extracted from Shield Glunds. The also produce shields from the shells of the Glunds.
Culture and Belief System[edit | edit source]

The Burrahn live in the vines hanging from treetops, weaving them along with fallen branches into hanging huts. They worship Kraless, their name for the sun, that which gives life. When Kraless is at its highest point, many of these Mevola will gather at the tops to bask in their god's radiance, reinvigorating them.
They have a creation myth where a tree taller than all others managed to reach Kraless, and upon this, some of its life-giving light passed into this colossus, and from its bark the Burrahn emerged. But this tree was very old and nearing the end of its life. Soon after, it fell and returned to the earth. From this, the light taken into the trunk of the Great Tree pass into the soil, and thus to those which it had long towered over, and now to this day the saplings of the Burrahn still grow from their bark.
With being grown from spores, I'm guessing that the Mevola reproduce asexually. In the evo threads, I read that the spores often grow on the massive Frilla Trees. The Burrahn believe that they are born through Spontaneous Generation from the Frillas' bark, and the cause of this is the light passed into them from the earth from Nemir.
Notable Figures[edit | edit source]
Chief Lenarus
Elder Council
Fallen Scout
History and Legends[edit | edit source]
In the forest to the east of the mountains (point G) there has been a tribe of Mevola. While other tribes and races spread across the continent have been advancing in religion, culture, and technology, the Burrahn tribe has to this point existed in a state of stagnation.
And I suppose I should roll for something. Hunting expedition and possibly running across something which could end their period of stagnation.
They find Glund wandering the forest floor, bashing thru the undergrowth. Although these glund have grown sluggish, they were still a challenge to take down with their thick carapaces, (I believe) electrified horns and poison. Luckily there were no deaths and few injuries. These creatures seem that they may have a myriad of uses.
Also is the ever present tropical Fluz. The scouts found a splinter of a Tribal Hoppa herd. They are lost, and vulnerable and in need of aid. The Burrahn have long hunted hoppas and the closely related Flouz, but a herd this large has never been seen by the tribe. They must have come from somewhere.
Those who fed on the glund grew sick. Many of the young and elderly died in agony a few days later. The meat was quickly discarded. A ceremony was held in memory of those whom passed away in this disaster. Out of the disaster, they discovered that they could apply poison from the glunds to their spears.
With the shortage in food, they turned to Kraless, living off his radiance, but that can only tie them over for so long. They must take some hoppas from the lost herd.
Not too difficult to steal a hoppa from the disorientated splinter herd. the starvation is understandable, and they are hurting for sustenance.
Unwilling to move from their ancestral home, a hunting party will head to the herds location every couple of weeks to pick two or three hoppas off. At this time, the concept of raising livestock is unheard of to them.
Taking the occasional Hoppa in order to feed the village helped the Burrahn make it through the poison disaster and an easy way of getting food, but the journey is a one longer than they'd prefer for hunting trips. Too much could go wrong in that distance. The numerous Rage Glund below may have driven off some of the animals which these Mevola previously hunted, although the Flouz may not be affected.
With the crisis passed, the Burrahn can once more resume hunting where they had done so for generations. The increase of Glund in the area has not affected the other wildlife of the forest. Not needing to make the long trips to the herd, the tribes hunter-warriors have time to train in the use of their new shields alongside their spears.
While sparring with the shields crafted of Glund shells, it is found that they are heavier than appearances would suggest, and only the largest and strongest of hunters are at all capable of wielding them. In discovering this, the Burrahn hang some of the shields on the outsides of their homes as decoration. Living in the forest canopy, using them as fences makes little sense.
Some of the hunters try removing some of the material to make lighter, although slightly smaller or weaker shields which they themselves can use. The individual plates were detached, so the hunters found out that if you take the lightest of the plates and sew two of them together, they make a good shield.
With the sudden, although mostly temporary changes in the lives of the Burrahn, a decision has been made to further explore the lands around their village. With knowledge of what surrounds them, the tribe can better prepare for the event of future disaster.
The scouts return with news of there being much game to the east and west, as well as the current whereabouts of the Hoppa herd. Good news indeed from these parties.
To the north and south, news comes in of Bladeworms. The Burrahn have long known about the fliers. They had encounters in which one would kill a Purple Flouz which had been attacking one of the tribesmen. What struck the chief and council odd was the appearance of these new "walking" worms. Never before has this been seen in the creatures.
It is unknown if these worms take interest in the Burrahn, being plants unlike what they usually hunt. Regardless, they are known to be fierce predators, and better ranged weapons would be needed in the case one attacked.
With the Rage Glund below, getting around the forest has become difficult for those who are not hunterts. They work to lay new paths with the hanging vines. With the expanded "roads" comes a need to label where they lead. They've managed to make impressive networks of vine roads, so now the Frilla-trees in their area have these criss-crossing their canopy, kinda like that Ewok village. They've also discovered Written language! Although kinda crude, but it works. The vine roads are a more organized and maintained version of the above. Double lanes and such.
Meanwhile, the Burrahn's accordion blowguns now has a didgeridoo mode, with multiple holes. These holes are sealed with a special cover piece when they need it to be used for blowgun mode.
The Frilla forests of the east are alive with the droning music of the Burrahn!
The Bane of the Burrahn[edit | edit source]

On a regular hunting trip, one of the Burrahn Stumbles across something unusual: A Frilla tree with what looks to be tunnels leading beneath the bark. He considers taking a closer look, but decides that it is a better idea to report his finding. While surveying the area, an Adoni sneaks up behind the unaware Mevola. The Light carried by this hunter is returning to the spirit of Nemir.
Seeing how the hunter was gone longer than expected, another had to go out for food. It is not uncommon for a later than expected return from hunting trips, or even the occasional death. What is unusual, is that the last few hunters to go that way haven't returned. A small expedition party is assembled to go check out what has been causing these disappearances, so that the chief and counsel can best decide on further action.

With the disappearance of the scouting party, the location of the Adoni has been dubbed "Darrahnek Mervaa", or in our English Land of Mervaa, Taker of Radiance (the moon-god). It has been declared by Chief Lenarus as a forbidden land now.
The Lenarus fights the Adoni[edit | edit source]
Lenarus looks out over the village which he had been the chief of for the last thirty years of his life. In this time, he had watched so much change. The sudden appearance of the Glund and the devastation they brought to his people. The poison. Although that had long-passed and gave the Burrahn a tool to help fight off threats such as the invaders from the south and Purple Flouz, he still feels regret for allowing it to happen.
Hunters used to be on their own while making trips out into the wilderness but these new instruments allowed them to coordinate over long distance. Not only that, but new life was brought to the tribe with music.
The vast improvements to the network of vines allowed the village to grow larger than ever before. Surely these are great times for the Burrahn tribe, but with an old hunting ground becoming the lands now called Darrahnek Mervaa, Lenarus fears that this period of prosperity may not last much longer. He must know what lies within the unhallowed grounds.
Lenarus gathers the council and explains what he plans to do. Lenarus himself plans to go out unto the Land of the Mervaa. He hands his staff to the eldest member. "If I do not return, I leave our people in your capable hands," the chief says to [I have yet to name this guy].
He says that he cannot accept this request, and the rest of the council tries to convince their chief otherwise, but Lenarus has made up his mind. He takes his trusty spear, a large shield, and a container of glund poison. Farewells are made, and he starts his journey.
Unlike most of the tribe, who were born of frilla bark, he was one of the Ground Born: Mevola who grew strong on the fertility of the forest soil. The Burrahn believe the Ground Born grow larger and stronger than the rest of the tribe because they take in the light Nemir took from Kraless directly from the earth, instead of taking it second hand from the trees. Rarely do they survive, as they are easier to get to for predators while still growing. Only the lucky or strong survive. Those who are Ground Born are strong enough to use the full shields.
Lenarus moved with an authority and unspoken grace that kept the predators of the wild at bay. He was a peer, not prey. slowly he crept into the old hunting grounds. the wind whispered slightly, and the air grew chill...Lenarus would never know it, but that wind had originated from Kunaba, cursed mountain of the frowg.
In that moment of distraction he was attacked by 3 adoni. Sweeping his spear wildly backwards the blunt end knocked one onto its back, then following up he gored another thru the eye, but the spear stuck fast. Using his massive shield he crushed the last one like a bug, which it was. On an attempt to retrieve his spear for the the vile beast the tip broke off.
With a snap of his tentacles (vines?) he broke the end of the stick off and made a very long and sharp wooden steak out of it. Deeper into his old hunting grounds were more and more of the beasts. He had seen enough, it was time to turn back. Then it was too late. The beasts had crept up silently on him again. Twice he was caught off guard, and felt like a damn fool.
He did not want to die a fool. A violent melee ensued, the makeshift pike cracked and splintered, it became a club. the club too broke. The Bark armor was in ruins and all Lenarus had left was his bottle of Glund poison and shield. In a gambit Lenarus poured the poison on the shield and surged forward crashing into the sea of Adoni.
It had been six days since their chief left to uncover the secrets of Darrahnek Mervaa. The people of the Burrahn tribe were beginning to wonder if Lenarus would ever return. When the day turned to dusk, a badly injured Mevola limped into the center of the village, whom all of the tribe recognized to be their chieftain. That night was filled with song and dance in celebration of Lenarus' return. While the tribe partied into the night, the chief watched happily while his wounds were tended to before turning in. With a lack of medical knowledge, he will be forever crippled.
The next day, Lenarus shared his findings with the council. without a lower jaw, his speech had become difficult to understand, but after enough time, the message got across. The existence of the Adoni has been made known to the Burrahn. With this knowledge, preparations are made for in the case that they ever begin to wander into the village.
Some Adoni have started coming close to the village, but the preparations have proven adequate at keeping them at bay. Crutches and peg legs are made for those who become injured in defense. Lenarus himself even has a wooden jaw.
Without seeking word from the council, one member of the tribe gets the bright idea to try luring some slizers to the adoni nest.
The plan worked well. A brave Mevolan was sent to aggravate and lure a land Slizer to the Adoni hives. He went and saw one. Staying quiet, he throws rocks at it to get its attention.
What he didn't expect is that he also aggravated a Rage Glund along with the land Slizer. So now he's running (or rather, swinging from tree to tree) for his life while two monstrous beasts chase him below the canopy. Soon enough, he reached the forbidden area, and some Adoni also followed him, jumping from tree to tree like him.
Soon enough, the Mevolan reached the Adoni hives, and he barreled through, throwing rocks to distract Adoni warriors. He managed to outrun all of them, and reached a Mevolan village. What he missed, however, is an awesome fight, the Land Slizer fighting the Shogun Glund in the Adoni hive, while Adoni are scurrying about trying to defend their home. Truly, a spectacle missed.