Primordial Evolution Game/Hitangan

A Gorrirog tribe inhabiting the Western mountain range. A Strong warrior race that was able to rally other tribes and races together. They were the driving force for creating a civilization in the harsh desert and defenders of that civilization when the swarm came.
Technology[edit | edit source]

The Hitangan Gorrirogs start to make larger settlements, huts made of the carapaces of Worms, Houyi, various donii, et cetera. Gorrirog carapaces are gathered and used in respect to their comrades past, and eventually households develop for each set of Alphas and their subordinates.
The Hatangan Gorrirogs begin sewing together carapaces of various races and building huts, extra armour, and even weapons. Gorrirog horns are especially useful as they are naturally conductive. Some alphas favour the use of thick horned gauntlets made from gorrirog horns
Hitangans discover Sewing! Using dried sinew and thin Houyi or Blade Runner bone, they can sew softer carapaces together.
Collecting metals had been a thing of pride to the Hitangan. the metals would decorate their homes, and some of the gorrirogs would make crude jewelry out of the minerals and vines.
Then one day an upset juvenile stole their rivals metal and cast it into the fire. The mature hitangan ushered their juveniles away, and when the fire died down, something interesting was discovered. The metal had melted and pooled at the bottom of the fire pit. Naturally, some tried to repeat this effect and eventually discovered the malleability of the metal. Alphas and Ancients immediately thought of the potential, and began crafting spears similar to the projectiles that the houyi use.
The difference now is that gorrirogs can innately project electricity through these spears. This proves to be very valuable and only the strongest warriors amongst the Hitangan are granted the use of the spears
Culture and Belief System[edit | edit source]
The Hitangan's increased social structure sees advancements in communication. No longer satisfied with exclamatory grunts and their powerful roars, the Hitangan start to develop their own tongue.
The Hitangan develop a tonal dialect, rhythmic and musical in nature. It plays well to the powerful vocal chords of the Gorrirogs. This enables the hitangan to project specific messages over quite long distances, though this has the unfortunate side effect of drawing a lot of attention. To this end, Hitangan develop a very detailed sign language for use when discretion is key.
The Ancients try to spread the ideas that every soul is connected. Some catch on, most don't. The beliefs of the Hitangan do not spread much further at this time. The Ancients reveal the mysteries of the herbs. They can be used for many things For food, for medicine, for energy... The possibilities seem endless. They revere the spirits of the earth that gave them this bounty. Everything is connected. Every race is sacred. Every animal they kill and eat and use in every way they can.
Tribe Structure and Government[edit | edit source]
As their tribe advances, and their dwellings provide better protection, Alphas cease to be the oldest and males cease to be the only dominant ones. Ancients of both genders rise to be the wisest amongst the gorrirogs and lead their more headstrong kin. Hitangan society pressures each member to be of value in every aspect of life, and the Ancients see to it that each gorrirog is taught.
Notable Figures and Heroes[edit | edit source]
Kuat[edit | edit source]
Lembut[edit | edit source]
Unggu[edit | edit source]
History and Legend[edit | edit source]
Hitangan Gorrirog find abundant metal ores in the rocks they use for shelter. But, they do not know its properties yet, they just think it's another kind of rock.
Hitangan Gorrirogs push into the mountains to avoid predation by sand / land worms. They take rocky areas as a preference because they are able to find the minerals they desire.
The Hitangan move into the former territory of the Zu-Nul tribe. Their they find the remains of the Zu-Nul's former abode, a gigantic sandworm. They saw the carapace and got hit by inspiration.
Households develop for each set of Alphas and their subordinates.
The Hitangan see many attacks by the houyi as they expand their territory. Losses are a great disaster to the tribe, who see each individual as a valuable contributor and valiant warrior.
Eventually, the Hitangan use their craft to make large carapace shields. This allows them to withstand a modicum of the houyi's firepower during their hunts. Many of the predators here use some sort of projectile, so these thick shields are a blessing. Soon the Ancients decide that the housing too may soon come under attack. The search for more resources begins.
Unfortunately the only source of fresh carapaces are the houyi, and hunting them is dangerous on any day. Sandworms are too difficult to find, and the largest ones are literally teeming with suzumou. The Ancients know better than to piss off an entire tribe. This means that fortifying the village with anything other than rocks is a no go.
So in their lack of resources they turn back to what they have always known. the earth. The rocks they had such a hard time figuring out before now have years of knowledge behind them. Gorrirogs learn to crush the rocks and extract the metals.
Obsidian. For so long they had lived amongst it, but very rarely put it to use. Now the time had come. The Hitangan gorrirogs have successfully replaced a great deal of their buildings with obsidian and stone, leading to more concealed settlements and less reliance on carapaces. The sandworm carapaces are almost all gone now, replaced by easier to find Houyi Carapaces. The houyi carapaces are a source of pride amongst the hitangan warriors. Killing Houyi is a dangerous task, and those who survive deserve their trophys.
The bands of koburrogs raiding their settlement had been little more than a nuisance before, but overzealous theft had made them into an enemy. A rather influential Alpha decides to lead a cadre of his subordinates to attack the Koburrogs. They search the country side finding the remains of a burned down camp which used to be the Fire Manes.
Trying to develop better metalworking techniques results in an unfortunate accident, and a handful of the hitangan die in a fire as their building collapses upon them. This loss of life and leadership is a disheartening blow to the Hitangan.
After a great fire that killed some of their ancients Kuasa lead his subordinates to settle on the coast. This is recorded in Kuasa's Settlement.
The remaining Ancients push for the refinement of their metalworking skills. many of the weapons they had previously are broken or lost and carapaces are only so tough when used as shields and armour. Other groups of Hitangan turn to more domestic tasks. They have a hard time convincing the Hitangan to continue developing metalworking skills. For some it is easier to use their natural weapons or easily obtainable carapace weapons & rocks. rocks are ferried to the village in large stretchers & primitive carts.
The tribe develops a mortaring system out of ground stone waste from retrieving metals. they also build a makeshift crop farm by the oasis, and start tending herbs and plants, though success is limited there due to interference by desert predators. At the oasis, the Hitangan have great success hunting and growing plants. They discover all sorts of herbs and foodstuffs. However the use of the herbs is ignored in their enthusiasm for this source of life.
Hard work has finally paid off for the Hitangan. metals are melted, refined, mixed into alloys, and shaped into tools, armour, weapons, and even jewelry. However, attempts to progress in the field of masonry have had abysmally disastrous failures. collapsed walls, new buildings crumbling before they are even finished. It seems the Hitangan need new materials and knowledge to progress beyond simple mortar.
The threat of Houyi, Koburrog, and even possibly Suzumou attack prompts the Ancients to erect a sizable obsidian wall in a wide berth around the village so they still have room to expand. As aggressive as the gorrirog are, the Hitangan only seek to protect what is theirs.
A small hunting party go off in search for meat, while an ancient gorrirog tries to contact the mighty Old Ones (animalistic and primitive gods) for enhanced intelligence for his tribe. A lone youngling tries to eat a strange plant.
The Hitangan come across a fair bit of trouble trading between their villages! Quake worms tend to burst out and destroy shipments. Kuasa cannot afford to lose any more subordinates, and The Ancients decide to develop new tactics, while sparing a few subordinates that wish to move to the coast.
Worms. The bane of the Hitangan society. Ancients advise against damaging them due to the risk of war with the suzumou. Alphas push for ways to eliminate them. A compromise is eventually reached. gigantic horns and hammers are made. In a test of fearless bravery, subordinates that travel the road do so far ahead of the cargo, screaming into the horns that they place on the ground and hammering the ground before dashing away. This is about as successful as it can get, though as always, accidents happen.
Expansion into the mountains begins, in an effort to link their villages through less hostile territory than the road around and through the desert and plains. A fortress starts to be erected in the mountains. The hitangan hope that travelling through the mountains will keep them closer to the mines they frequent and away from easily burrowed soil.
The hitangan fortress is made in an auspicious spot between mountain crests. the only road to either village runs through the fortress. Hitangans pour all their expertise into this fortress, and the walls are built robust and tall. Towers are erected in the center of the fortress for lookouts. All in all, the fortress project is a huge success.
Food sure does become a problem! The fortress doesn't see an abundance of food, and when food does come from the coast it doesn't last long! The Main settlement has had plenty of luck so far with developing their herbalism in the oasis, but even there they can barely keep up with the demand. Even when they do they have a hard time keeping the food for long. Hitangan attempts to prepare food for storage are met with abysmal failure and lots of wasted food.
What food they do have is prepared much better than before, and the Hitangan have even found a new area to compete among themselves. Cooking becomes a bit of a sport! Potential Alphas are judged on their skills as a warrior, and their ability to provide delicious food for their offspring.
Karnak takes a few of the Hitangan to migrate to a desert Oasis. This is recorded in Karnak Oasis.
The Hitangan suffer an attack from Thick blood while attempting to tame the Houyi. In order to survive The Hitangan befriend the Desert and Fight the Sky.
Lembut, Kuat, and Unggu all recognize that relations with the Houyi are the only thing that saved them from certain doom. They organize a system wherein Houyi are partnered with Hitangan subordinates and younglings. These Hitangan are responsible for the care of their Houyi partners. They craft jewelry & armour for them, adding individual touches to make distinctions on which houyi are which.
An up and coming Alpha from the fortress, Singa, Sets out with his subordinates after hearing tales of the Scar Wall. He believes that finding it (or other artillery houzi) are key to survival against the wespar & Thick Blood.
Singa finds The Scar Wall and is determined to bring the beast into the fold. A running fight ensues with Singa charging the towering beast. Half of his subordinates fall to its bio mortar cannons. Reaching Scar Wall his leg is mangled by the Scar Walls blades. A a rage Singa climbs the beast and wrestles it into submission. After a bloody day, Singa brings his surviving team, his broken leg, and the subdued Scar Wall back to the Hitangan.
Lembut Felt as though The Scar Wall could become their greatest ally. A feast was held, with The Scar Wall as the honoured guest. Care of this magnificent hero would fall to the ancient Kuat in the fortress. When the festivities died down the Hitangan resolved to further their relationships with the neighboring species.
The tribe continues to study how ranged weapons work, but their functionality escapes them, and frequently they would rather let the Houyi do the hard work when it comes to that area of war.
Scouts were summoned to travel with their houyi. they would visit the suzumou and the hu'raan. They brought metal jewelry as an offering of peace.
The Hitangan receive the scouting Simidan group, but alas they do not have an abundance of food to spare. They give the scouts many herbs and meats and send them on their way. They hope this will strengthen relations with their kin. The weary scouts return with blessings from the Hitangan tribe. The Simidan will remember this, they are a prideful race, and we shall one day return the kindness.
The Ancients deem it wise to foster alliances across the desert. The Hitangan attempt to prove to the suzumou that they respect the Sand Worms they revere. This is recorded in The Hitangan revere the God Worm.
The Hitangan of the coast start to capture and tame ramel for food. they make okay pets for the younglings, if a bit rowdy. Unggu starts pushing for agricultural development. Fruits and herbs are grown, and the Hoyi feed upon the bounty with the Hitangan. Relations with the two species of houyi develop slowly but surely.
Farming attempts on the coast are disrupted by Ramel Wrangling and keeping the houyi appeased with hunted meat. The Hitangan turn to the ocean, where they have great success blasting the water with electric pulses and using spears.
Some of the younglings attempt to sew together bits of carapace, but are firmly scolded by their superiors. They instead turn to weaving together bits of reeds and sinew. their attempts are crude and unsavoury.
Kuat faces the challenge of trying to calm the Scar Wall. In fury he ruins the great Houzi and must atone by rebuilding him. This is recorded in Kuat Rebuilds The Scar Wall.
Unggu returns to the coast to find that new farms have been built. She is pleased to see more herbs and fruits being planted. This may ease the tribes dependance on meat since the coming of the houyi.
The Coastal Hitangan start to develop other methods of fishing. not content with just spearfishing by the shoreline, they try to come up with a way to get further out to sea. They have abysmal failure trying to become seaborne. Turns out rocks don't float!
After losing their scouts from the plains, Lembut worries that some indeterminate threat is out there. Sould it ever come into the desert, many casualties would be incurred. She felt it was her duty to protect the Tribes of the desert. The Simidan, The Zu'Nul, the Houyi. the Hitangan would prove that they are allies. forces are prepared, and subordinates work tirelessly to develop new ways to defend themselves.
Lembut's hasty preparations seem to have caused a bit of a panic. Preparations are rushed, and few improvements can be made. The warriors seem more tightly organized than before, but nothing on the scale of tactical genius. A new weapon type is developed that plays well to the strength of the gorrirog. a long blade with a thick handle that allows the Warrior to grasp it with two hands and slash furiously.
In their effort to gain more allies the Hitangan reach out to the Korriban tribe to the north. This is recorded in The Hitangan meets the Hu-Raan.
The mystics foretell of a great conflict between the desert's tribe and its creatures. This is recorded in Whispers.
The Hitangan attempt to create a war machine. something akin to a siege tower. However The Hitangans plans are too grandiose. The resources they have are not enough. More must be devoted to gathering stone and metal, not just making objects of vanity. This lack of resources leads to the fortifications and war machine plans being ignored. The attempts to create areas for food storage also go incomplete.
However one breakthrough is made. Weaponsmiths devise a series of ranged weapons that should prove useful for Hitangans behind cover. Javelins are crafted, sleek and sharp. Bows are developed with the use of wood and sinew strands. The tensile strength sees that the metallic arrows pack a fair punch. Interestingly, one of the weapons crafted seems to be a barbed spike on a length of chain. It seems to be intended to pierce large targets and provide a link for the Hitangan to electrocute them.
The Hitagan are surprised when the Zu-Nul break their isolation and send an emissary to the Hitangan fortress. This is recorded in The Zu-Nul Reach Out to the Hitagan.
Lembut does her best to oversee construction and maintenance.
The Hitangan do a marvelous job of building thick walls and wide towers for their warriors to defend the Village with. This leaves their supplies in a dire state as the hungry workers exhaust water and food supplies. Metals and Minerals are used up as fast as they can be retrieved, and farmers are pulled from their duties to help fortify the village.
Houyi prove to be hard to train with. Seems all the Hitangan can do for now is spot for their cunning brethren, guide and protect them.
Lembut's closest subordinates have taken Hitangan spirituality further and further. They claim to have visions of the events to come. When questioned about this, their answers are cryptic at best. Lembut believes strongly in the inter-connectivity between all the races on this planet. In time a separate Caste is formed, the Mystics.
Plans were made for a road to be built, but resources are still tight, and tons of focus is spent towards improving the village (which has quickly developed into "The Capital"). Hu'raan building methods are painstakingly duplicated to create split level storage buildings, and underground shelters for storing food and water while taking cover form airborne threats. Many attempts are made to build a road between the Hu'Raan and Hitangan, some are ambushed, some are disrupted by sandworms, some are raided by Viets. The Hitangan are determined to build this road.
The increased demand for stone and metal sees advancements in mining tools. Rock carving tools become more sophisticated and ore refineries are built in the fortress.
Similar advancements are made on domestic tasks. Abundance of plant material and animal skins turn into useful supplies. The mystics develop a means of weaving the fibers together into cloth which is useful for a great number of applications. Clothes are made for important figures in society. The mystics seem to put meticulous care into their garb.
The armor and prosthetics of The Scar Wall are impressive. So much learning went into the project that it has bled backwards to the Hitangan. Prosthetics are now quite advanced, a marvel of dried tendons, hinges, and know how.
Armor has also improved significantly, become more durable while lighter. the trick was putting woven leather and plant fiber in stacks between two plates of metal.
Hitangan welcome the peace between their kind and the tribes of the Hu'Raan and the Zu'Nul. Emissaries in the capital are shown as much of the Hitangan wisdom and culture as possible. Harimau spends time within the Hu'Raan city with his mystic and subordinate trying to decipher the Hu'Raan written language.
Kuat is eager to learn the use of explosives form the VeitKoburrong. This is recorded in Kuat Learns from the Hu-Raan.
The leaders of the Desert tribes gather to decide how to manage their resources as well as war preparations. This is recorded in The Triumvirate.
The fortress was coming along as planned. The triumvirate decided upon a symbol that would represent all the races in their collective so far. Supplies were shipped out, and resilient shelters built for the inhabitants of the races.
For a long time the Houyi had lived amongst the Hitangan, but only one Houzi. Kuat's bond with the Scar Wall had grown strong. Kuat made it clear that the artillery houzi would make powerful allies were they to be found and brought into their society.
Kuat brings the Scar Wall to the capital. He intends to move all the way to the new fortress. He orders his men to look for the Scar Walls kin with him. In their travels through the plains, they come across a band of artillery houzi fighting off jet wespars. Naturally Kuat takes the opportunity to drive the massive armoured bulk of the scar wall and blast at the wespar with his Houyi kin until they disperse. The Scar Wall is seen as a giant shining god to these cunning predators, and when offered meat they decide to join the Hitangan in the fortress.
Unggu's time spent on the coast allows her to develop fishing techniques the mainland Hitangan would never think of. She requisitions her subordinates to build a boat out of light and sturdy materials. Naturally, metal is chosen, and the Hitangan try many designs until they find a vessel that is seaworthy. Unggu herself takes the maiden voyage with her subordinates, wondering if there are any tribes across the seas.
Due to the success of the Hitangan, the Simidan rejoin their relatives. They share their connection to Thick Blood. "So we have come to be one with the great Thick Blood. How can we halt it's advance?" inquired Lembut of her mystics. "Surely it will hunger for the bodies of the living. Perhaps with a sacrifice we can appease it?" This grim suggestion gives the Hitangan mystics great pause.
"Have our warriors train amongst the Hou, their varied talents will help us overcome this crisis" Kuat commands his men. Hitangan devil rider units are formed. Artillery commanders are elected. Archers join the houyi as masters of ranged warfare. The mostly peaceful Hitangan are massing for a war that may engulf every tribe of the continent.