Primordial Evolution Game/Ighqatar

Ighqatar is a tribe of Kwagos located on the northern end of the Central Continent of the Primordial Evolution Game, introduced into play at the beginning of the Civilization stage of the game. The Ighqatar have spent the past several generations living in nomadic fashion, wandering the northern reach of the continent in forced isolation under the rule of Ydraioni the Liar. Ydraioni was recently overthrown by their current leader, known as Icouri, Chieftan. A budding civilization, they have yet to establish contact with other tribes.
Origin[edit | edit source]

Though much is lost of the Ighqatar tribe's true origins, legend has it that there were seven Kwagos who were lost for a period of time in the jungle on the northern end of the continent. Lacking the skill to navigate their way back home, they wandered for weeks, incurring several casualties. Due to the unique nature of the vegetation which inhabits the northern jungle, one of the few remianing began to have delusions of grandeur. Eventually several of them found their way back to their tribe (though it is unknown which one). The Kwagos claimed to have been enlightened, to have been touched by the gods while he was lost, and that it was a direct result of his gods that he was able to save the few he had brought back, including himself. He converted many followers and one day returned with them to the jungle. Details about the events which transpired within the time between this and those leading to the death of their most recent leader, Ydraioni the Liar, are unknown.
Culture[edit | edit source]
The Ighqatar is a tribe of Kwagos, a species recently evolved from its amphibious roots, to currently dwelling on land. Prior to their introduction to the civilized world of the Central Continent, The Ighqatar tribe, under leadership of Ydraioni, was isolationist, nomadic, and xenophobic. Towards the end of his rule, the tribe itself was overwhelmingly discontent with these policies, but change was stifled. Upon his overthrow, the tribe has settled in its current location on the northern end of the continent, on the western coastline north of the jungle.
The current culture of the tribe is that of discovery and diplomacy, preferring negotiation over war. The tribal atmosphere is that of close family and extended family relationships. All members are seen as equals within the hierarchy, as there is relatively little diversity within the population group due to generations of isolationishm.
Social Structure[edit | edit source]
Traditionally, leadership roles are filled by female members of the population, as is common in other Kwagos tribes. Females also fulfill the domestic roles of the Ighqatar tribe including childcare, cleaning, organization, and general oversight and planning of their family unit. Males have the role of defending the tribe, hunting, fishing, farming, cooking, and construction. Despite these traditional roles, it is not uncommon for duties to be shared or switched within a family or extended family unit.
Economics[edit | edit source]
The tribal leadership allows free trading among its people, free of taxation.
Political Structure[edit | edit source]
Ighqatar is a tribe, led by a singular Chieftan, Icouri. All decisions made by her are law; however, since her rise to power, she has acted exclusively in the interest of the tribe as a whole. She also has chosen to appoint a panel of advisors in this time of tradition, to which she often looks to for guidance.
History[edit | edit source]
Introductory post[edit | edit source]

Dirt, grime and blood smeared across Ydraioni, the Firstborn's face. The sudden wave shouting and cheering hit him as his legs gave way from the blinding pain in his skull. As he fell, he opened his eyes for one last drink of the mortal world before it slipped away from his grasp.
His last sight was that of the miserable soul that incited this uprising in the first place. Her name was Icouri the Usurper.
He tried one last time to rise to his challenger, but his limbs would not obey him. Icouri stood above him, hooting and raising the blood-stained stone above her head victoriously. Ydraioni's vision faded, and for a moment he was blind. In that last moment, he imagined, the crowd was cheering for him.
So passed Ydraioni the Liar. No more would the group wander the tundras in forced isolation under Ydraioni's tyranny.
Under their new leadership, the tribe named themselves the Ighqatar, "The sun's second rising." The memory of their origin had been wiped out through generations of manipulation and slavery, but in their grasp once again are the tools to write the next pages of their story.
Subsequent events[edit | edit source]
- Summary of Thread 1
The tribe's first action was to build permanent residences at their new site out of driftwood and grass in the area. Next, they attempted to secure a reliable source of food. Fishing in the immediate area turned out to be futile, and members of the tribe began to suggest that they try to find game inland. Their agricultural endeavors were successful however, and the beginnings of an agricultural system were realized, with some tribesman working full time on experimenting with different plants and soils.
Wanderlust began to set in, and the tribe's leader at the time organized an expeditionary party to head west in search of more resources, food in particular.
Historic Figures[edit | edit source]
Current Status[edit | edit source]
The Ighqatar are currently attempting to expand their agriculture, and designate plots of dedicated farmland. They are sharing knowledge of improved building methods with one another, searching for innovation. They have sent out an expedition to the west of their starting location in order to search for a viable source of fish and to hunt for game. They also are keeping an eye out for any interesting flora on the way.
This section is currently outdated, and will be updated upon the conclusion of the current Central Continent Civilization thread.