Primordial Evolution Game/Rii'Dan
A Koburrog Tribe in Central Tribes

History[edit | edit source]
Their history is recorded thought oral storytelling, with writing being something that never occurred to them. Their history is embellished by each storyteller, the prominent figures becoming almost god-like in their prowess. Their heroes are often Koburrog who bravely fought the jungle, dying for the betterment of the tribe.
The Early Years[edit | edit source]
The Rii'Dan are a small tribe of Koburrogs who travelled from their home in the southern desert, seeking respite from the harsh desert and the creatures within. They settled along a river, rich with fungal growth and some relatively passive animal species. They built a place to call their own, a place they could safely call home. They lived in relative peace for years, having found what they thought was a land safe from the horrors of the desert. This safety was not long lived though, for their riverside home became increasingly hostile, the plants becoming more and more toxic with the fungus they subsided on becoming aggressive. The Rii'Dan were almost wiped out with this, being forced to flee into the fringes of the jungle, scattering to the winds. Only the strongest of the tribe survived, with the more peaceful members dying to the fungal attacks. As such the once peaceful tribe became more militant, focused upon what it would take to allow them to survive. They killed what they could, stole what they could find. Any progress they had gained in their more peaceful time was lost when the Toxeced scattered them. They had lost much, turning into the very thing they had been trying to escape.
The Middle Years[edit | edit source]
When the Mud Grubs developed the anti-toxin plants, the Koburrog were given a new lease on their existence. By this time, the Rii'Dan had become a shadow of themselves. While a few had come to the jungle to populate it, even fewer survived at this time. The Rii'Dan initially killed the Mud Grubs to gain their fruits, assuming the creatures to be hostile, as history had taught them about this land. Eventually the Mud Grubs became larger than the Rii'Dan could easily take down, so they were forced to watch them. They learned that the creatures actually ignored other lifeforms, instead focusing on plant matter. When the Grubs became their engorged size, becoming the Mother Grubs, The Rii'Dan moved onto it's back to gain access to the fruits they grew. They ate these fruits as supplements to their diets, allowing them to consume some of the less toxic elements in the jungle.
Religion[edit | edit source]
The Rii'Dan's Religion is centered around three deities; Swarog, Iod and Juk, and The One Who Waits.
Swarog[edit | edit source]
A large flaming eye that flies across the heavens. He flees across the heavens from Iod and Juk. The Rii'Dan offer part of their meals to Swarog to give it sustenance and the energy it needs to escape the moon for another day. They perform these rites by burning their offerings.
Iod and Juk[edit | edit source]
A pair of coiled worm-like beings with their wings presented outward. Iod has 8 wings, while Juk, the lesser of the two, has 2 wings. They travel surrounded by their masses of children. To slow Iod and his entourage the Rii'Dan offer sacrifices to him each night, with greater sacrifices when Iod is full and when Juk is full. They believe that when either Iod or Juk are not present in the sky, the figure is resting from their hunt.
The One Who Waits[edit | edit source]
This deity is a large near formless being who lives beneath the surface. It embodies the death that these Koburrog found in the jungles. Its mortal servants are the Toxeced who derive sustenance from the corpses of the jungle. They then take some of the energy they've gathered and bring it to The One Who Waits, feeding it the gathered scraps. The One Who Waits sits in its subterranean home awaiting the day that either Swarog escapes or Iod and Juk kill Swarog. When this day comes, The One Who Waits will emerge from its home and feast upon the victor, bringing an end to the eternal hunt and driving darkness across the land. With this darkness the Toxeced will have free reign of the world, consuming all. The One Who Waits is patient, but still gets restless and when he moves, the ground shakes.
Social Structure[edit | edit source]
The Rii'Dan has a loose social structure with caste like groupings. Firstly they have the King, the head of the tribe. The King is picked based upon merit. Next are the Storytellers, the collectors of the oral history of the tribe. They act like a council for the King of the tribe, as well as spiritual leaders. They pick a grouping of Koburrogs from each generation and begin to educate them in the history of the tribe. They ritualistically blind themselves in one eye in reverence towards Swarog. Next down the line are the Hunters and Gatherers, This caste are the ones who venture forth into the jungle and gather food and supplies. They also double as the tribe's militia and guard force. Finally, at the bottom of the groups, are the Craftsmen. They are seen as the weakest, being the most mentally oriented of the Koburrogs. As such, they suffer large amounts of ridicule from their tribe-mates, meaning they often give out faulty goods as a means of pranking and revenge upon the other castes.
The current King is: Ikway The Storytellers consist of: Ikway,-,-