Primordial Evolution Game/Ry'lai

Descendants of Chuflouz blown in from the Western Continent. Explode violently when murdered. Uses same gasses as propellant and as a natural firebomb. Tentouz biology has evolved 360 degree vision, and bio luminescence as a form of communication. This allows certain Ry'lai to talk to the ancient Frilla trees that house them. The Ry'lai specifically have evolved to store poisons from the Frilla trees that house them allowing them to throw those as well.
Tentouz biology has 2 stronger gripper arms with opposable thumbs, and 4 tentacle-feeler arms. The latter four arms have links to their gas bladders to allow these arms to craft the explosive firebombs, and poisonous ones as well.
At some point the Ry'lai connected with enclave forces from the western continent. Through an act of good faith the Ry'lai, through Dakkon, and the Enclave Lem began to share technology and lifestyles.
Technology[edit | edit source]

Live on what used to be Frilla trees, but through a strange meteor and bio engineering now live in flying Frilla cities. The cities are effectively armored flying battleships and support the entirety of the Ry'lai civilization. Through engineering attempts the Ry'lai have attached propellers to their home trees and war trees to allow them to be moved along faster than the trees normal breezy pace.
War-trees are peak of Ry'lai technology. Combining metalurgy, flying frillas, and all three groups of Ry'lai they have created what can only be described as a flying battleship. A medium sized frilla is uplifted and covered in frilla bark armor. Wherever there are vulnerable gas sacks, metal armor is applied. After that the propeller engines are attached to allow the Ry'lai a way to move their war-trees along faster. From here the ships effectively can act as CC centers, drop ships, or anything inbetween. As for armament the onboard Ry'lai rain poisons and explosives from their high positions, and Enclave cannons are shot from their perch as well. Normally webseers are onboard but they stay on ship to heal wounded and tend to the trees that form the base of the ships. Death masks will range out to give the other onboard troops easier access to enemies.
The Ry'lai have metal working, sentient homes, enclave standard language, bio luminescence, natural firebombs, weak combustion engines, primitive blunderbusses, pipe work, flying battleships, natural flight.
Voodoo[edit | edit source]

Through a twist of fate and the meteors mutating properties the Ry'lai population have gained the ability to "see" the threads of life. Any species evolved to survive and linked with the circle of life can be influenced by Ry'lai who have learned to focus their innate powers. In doing so many of the Ry'lai have the mantle of Webseer. These Ry'lai are predominantly healers, but there are a small sect of Ry'lai known as Death Mask. In larger groups the Webseers can perform more powerful effects.
The Death Mask Ry'lai use their influence on the threads of life to amplify the pain they inflict. Wounds they leave fester instead of seal, a bruise becomes and aching thump, and head aches are common for those who engage the ash painted Ry'lai. Their weapons are 6 frilla sapling daggers. Small frilla saplings that are grown to grasp metallic blades. Because they are still alive the Ry'lai can use their webway powers to make the daggers "dance" making them hard to follow and harder to block.
Leadership[edit | edit source]
Alc'mund[edit | edit source]
The largest frilla tree of the central continent. The size of 8 large frilla's merged together by the power of the meteor. Its wisdom is huge, and it helps its young charges as best it can. When it connects to other frilla a portion of its mind is left with them. In this way Alc'mund is the ultimate knowledge base for the Ry'lai connecting all of the war-trees. Its ability to calculate was further increased by the 10 large frillas that were formed to create an outer wall for it.
It also serves as the Ry'lai capital and major flagship. Think large floating island with an outer ring of 10 interconnected frilla that serve as homes, forges, academies, and hospitals. They also serve as an outer wall to protect the massive central tree.
Dakkon[edit | edit source]
The first true leader of the Ry'lai. Rose to power after being touched by the meteor that forced the Ry'lai down their evolutionary path. Fought the previous Ry'lai elder for control and won. Led the advancement of the flying frilla as homes, and formation of the Webseers. As an incredibly powerful seer he powered out a webway connection that let him affect the entire central continent. The effects of which were minor but allowed the Ry'lai to realize they needed to meet the other groups. In his passing his mind was allowed to meld with the greatest of the flying Frilla, Alc'mund. His mind is not fully coherent in the great tree but he does help guide his people when he can.
Council[edit | edit source]
After Dakkon's passing the Enclave required new leadership to help the Ry'lai. One of each of the three main groups of Ry'lai was called to create a council to guide their people. Saki, the engineer, a forward thinker that was always looking to create new solutions to problems. Urza, an extremely old frilla speaker that has a strong connection to the frilla and all of their knowledge. Fal'kest, a prodigy among Webseers that helped to pioneer group webway use.
As of the insect war Saki and Urza are with Alc'mund over the Hitangan western fortress. Fal'kest's war-tree has crashed on the eastern front and become a sort of safe zone on the war front.
History and Legends[edit | edit source]
As flocks of the TentaFlouz become larger they begin to spread around the central currents drifting along trade winds and scattering. To the north of the hot deserts where they evolved some of the TentaFlouz become stranded in the Frilla forests of the north.
While initially the toxic trees killed many TentaFlouz there were some who grew immune, and even thrived on the entirely new gas in their systems. They became able to capture the toxic gasses and also mix them with their fire bomb gasses. Ry'lai Tentouz adapted to the Frilla trees' poison, but this resulted in their spit-bombs becoming unpredictable; It has a small chance of malfunctioning.
These TentaFlouz named themselves Ry'lai. At night they began to settle into the tree tops to allow their bodies time to capture more poison gasses and to commune with each other. The light shows (I think everyone forgot that they still light up) of the Frilla becoming a sort of ancestral memory show for the Ry'lai.
As the Ry'lai begin to settle into their new home they collectively decide to send some scouts up to see what is around. They also send some of their group out to gather food. Plant matter, or burned animals are both ok in their diets. Ry'lai scouting expedition temporarily canceled due to hunger, they found that Frilla trees produce fruits. There are also small land flatworem variants in the underbrushes. A Ry'lai saw patterns in these light displays, and he is beset by ideas, perhaps of a new word or language, even.
The Ry'lai that have settled in the tree tops have begun to lay branches over the tops of the Frilla pods. Since they live within the pods this allows them some semblance of privacy and a way to escape the heat. With a normal separation of each other the Ry'lai have begun to think for themselves in their free time. Some take to mimicking the patterns of their homes. Other take to trying to "dance" their person lights changing in colors they have had little use for in day to day life.
Some of the Ry'lai who have mimicked the trees have begun to tell others that the trees know many things. They speak in a language they cannot yet understand but perhaps they understand something now after watching the ancient trees for so long. While the fine art of dancing and recreation seems to be a fringe hobby of the stranger Ry'lai some of the more entranced Ry'lai have begun to make sense of their hosts patterns. While taking in the lights these Ry'lai fall into a trance state where they understand the ancestral memories of these great trees. Some of these seers have begun to tell stories to the younger Ry'lai. Slowly but surely some of the Ry'lai have begun to take stories from the trees and apply things to real life.
Meanwhile one of the elder scouts seems a new creature below their homes. While normally the Ry'lai would descend upon them like a blast of napalm, this time he is curious. The isolation has caused him to wonder what other creatures do. From the skyward perspective of the Ry'lai the Plusmal seems to just scurry about. Sure they must be going to and from somewhere the scout thought. The Ry'lai becomes bored in his watchings, he can discern no real pattern so he decides to have some fun. The scout floats down upon the plusmal. However, before he can unleash his payload he sees one look up and signal. The plusmals underneath him quickly disappear. Who knows what his actions will have wrought.
With some knowledge gleaned form the trees the Ry'lai have begun construction of more elaborate homes. The new roofs aren't too useful but they are more aesthetically pleasing than the last set. Craftsmen are still working on making more solid roofs for the Ry'lai. They have begun to weave frilla fronds, their tentacles surprisingly nimble. The weavers find no inspiration for new weaving techniques. They would need to see new things.
Some of the smarter Ry'lai have learned to harness their poisons more readily. Their immunity has been built up and they can store the poison gasses along side their explosive ones. When they lob their firebombs they now explode with a poisonous bang. Alongside that the Ry'lai can now throw what is equivalent to a mustard gas grenade. There is talk about expanding through the frilla forests to find more lethal poisons but as of yet nothing has been decided.
As the Ry'lai become accustomed to their new homes the need for food becomes greater. The scouts begin to look for new foods outside of the frilla pods. One enterprising Ry'lai scout speaks up of the small creatures that scurry below them. A group call is made to look for other sources of food but some call for a hunt. Opinions are split and so the group allows proponents of both to do as they wish.
The Frilla Speakers have noticed that the skies above their homes have large shadows above them. Occasionally obscuring the sun they begin to become curious as to what these things are. Some of the Frilla Speakers want to venture higher but until more food is secured they are told to wait.
The scouts return with new fruits from the massive floating frilla above them. In doing so they have confirmed the thoughts of the Frilla Speakers. They rush up into the skies to meet these new trees. In doing so the Ry'lai have two groups now. The Frilla Speakers who live on the flying Frilla and the mundane Ry'lai who live on the terrestrial Frilla.
The terrestrial Ry'lai have begun experimenting with ways to tend to their new homes. Some have taken to cleaning the trees of small animals and in doing so they hope to keep the trees health.
The floating Frilla is old indeed, for it remembers the time when their kind were but simple creatures floating in the breeze. Knowledge about the winds and things on the air were transferred to the shamans via light-induced trances. Meanwhile, by chasing out small creatures from their Frilla-homes, the hygiene of the place is secured, and thus less Ry'lai get sick.
Scouting and foraging, the Ry'lai found the gigantic floating Frillas. These bore fruits, and tasty ones at that.
As the large flock of Ry'lai expand northwards some are beset on by strange wasp like creatures. While many of the Ry'lai defend themselves a few are extremely sick. When the group sets up new roofs in the northern forests many of the Ry'lai are worried for their flock mates.
Ry'lai gatherers return with strange blue plants, when ingested the sick tentouz appear to lose their fevers quickly. In fact their gas bladders appear to be more powerful. The normal ry'lai try to eat these plants but to no avail. They wonder why but can't figure anything out at the moment.
The scouting of the Ry'lai has revealed the trees in their region to excrete a different kind of poison. The first Ry'lai to find it are quickly paralyzed, but after the blue plants they seem to be fine. When looking for more medicinal hrass the gathering party finds an entire grove of them. It seems the hrass enjoys the tiny forest spring, when plucking them the Ry'lai find some curious pods that pop out of the ground when they pull out the hrass. When the medicinal hrass is applied to the paralyzed ry'lai an elder has a realization. These plants can give the tribe a boost in speed, but not everyone is so sure they can take the new poison long enough for the hrass to be applied.
This new piece of forest has little in the way of the tentouz's traditional diet of frilla fruits and other shrubbery. If they do not find food soon they'll need to return home, or move again.
As food stores drop precipitously low the Ry'lai panic. Most of the northern encampment spreads out and begins to look for food. No source is left unchecked. They look for frilla fruit, pusmals, forest game, and blue hrass as means of sustenance.
The Ry'lai who go to harvest the frilla fruits find the ones of the northern forest to be quite dangerous. When plucked the trees expel more of the paralytic poisons. In the process some of the Ry'lai are hurt as they crash to the forest floors and bump into the tree trunks. The fruits of the deeper forest are seemingly too dangerous for the Ry'lai to just pluck, though the ones that are retrieved do seem edible.
Once again the pusmal seem to detect the firebombs before they hit them, the firestorms of the Ry'lai are avoided once again. Frustrated the Ry'lai scorch the forest floor beneath them burning away any chance of animals scavenging for food beneath them. In the process some of the slower ramel and stealth usmals corpses are left in the burnt ground. Enough to feed the northern expansion for a time, but it is doubtful pusmals will come up here for a while.
Meanwhile the Frilla Speakers wonder how the floating trees manage to stay up. There's a curious idea that comes up. Perhaps these trees could be guided to move? They make little head way in their communications with their trees. Though it does seem to them that the trees have some level of intelligence. They just cannot glean how the trees dictate where they will go.
<legend> Kthulo and Dakkon Duel
Any time for celebration is cut short as small orange haired koburrogs appear on the horizon. An alert is made and the R'lai quickly begin to ready themselves. These mischief makers have roamed the out edges of the forest, what are they doing here?
As the orange koburrog rush the meteor the Ry'lai quickly move to intercept them. The rise to arms was well received and the initial fire storm of the Ry'lai is too much for the tiny koburrog. Many of the tiny creatures are killed while the survivors are routed quickly.
After the battle the Ry'lai notice something is missing...Kthulo is gone. There are drag marks near his body but none of the Ry'lai noticed when he disappeared. Was he abducted? Did he finish his exile on his own?
Tonight though the Ry'lai will feast on flesh. A celebration is had though Dakkon is troubled by the missing elder.
<legend> The VKB Kidnappings
Since Dakkon's defeat of the old priest the tribe has developed a much more progressive look at things. The way forward is indeed by progress, and if that means changing of traditions, so be it. The Space rock has been steadily shrinking, as if its dissolving. Oddly enough the local flora and fauna have begun to exhibit strange mutations.
The frilla trees have grown multiple bulbous sacks on their trunks and their roots long and vine line, they sway on the breeze, some even ripping up chunks of the ground to form small floating land masses. This adaptation appears to be "infectious" even the existing flying frilla trees grow the lighter then air sacks.
As the mutations became more prevalent among the frilla there was a growing unrest among the Ry'lai. What is happening to their homes? Dakkon put their fears to rest, it was no matter he spoke. The trees were just adapting to the will of their people. One small frilla tree seemed to grow almost over night. Large enough to house Dakkon he took it over quickly. When the gas sack developed on them he coaxed them by digging them free with stone tools. Soon, his home floated off the ground. Other Ry'lai wondered if the larger trees could do such a thing. No longer were the Frilla speakers alone in the skies. Now Dakkon was with them constantly asking them what the trees were saying.
With the threat of the Koburrogs gone he wondered where he could lead his flock next. He thought that perhaps they were not ready. After all war was a dangerous game for his people. He needed a way of protecting his people and the trees he hoped to use. Afterall what better ways to transport his people than living gardens?
While the new floating frilla are amusing Dakkon has bigger plans than what his new home can do. It floats but it has the tendency to land every day or so. He wants his people to live in the sky as the great plants do. He wants to live safe from predators but his people cannot do this while bound to the land. The space rock has proven useful, its influence shifting the world around him to help him. Not enough he thinks
The attempts at armor working prove cumbersome at best. The Tentouz physiology doesn't allow for them to wear much while maintaining their mobility. Instead the armor may be useful on the home trees. Dakkon has armor applied to his tree to see how it will affect his tree. Tree armor while inspired causes the trees to sink.
One of the younglings has an idea. If the rite of passage helps his people become stronger could the rite of passage help the frilla become stronger. He brings the idea to Dakkon and he quickly sees the knowledge in it. The tribe turns much of their hrass into paste and plasters it all over Dakkon's tree. Time will tell what this will do to his tree.
In the mean time Dakkon sends off the gatherers to collect more Hrass, he also puts some of the tribe to digging around the roots of the larger trees (perhaps they can be freed of the earth), and gather more food. VietKoburrong made off with the Hrass harvest and burned the rest, minimal food is recovered.
More of the large frilla trees are freed and take to the sky. They bind to each other forming thick vine bridges, creating floating forest-clusters.
The commotion of the trees being freed and the burning fields has made game scarce.
Hrass paste has an interesting effect on the Frilla trees. Massive bouyant vines form on the tree, and Hrass takes root in the bark. The trees can be the farms for the tribe. The trees develop an acidic pool in their "blossoms" where organic matter can be broken down. Frilla trees can be fed the nutrients in these blossoms and only require landing for about a week once a year.
With the new propensity for the Ry'lai frilla to float freely Dakkon has an idea. He gathers the many Frilla Speakers and has them coax the trees to settle in near the pond with the sky rock. The massive trees let go of each other and form up around the pool of water. As they dig in they create a circle around the pool. The next time they root the trees will bring the pool of water and the sky rock up with them. The Ry'lai prepare their homes for movement. The next time their homes uproot they won't be returning to their burned lands for a while.
The stone finishes dissolving away. The trees twist and bind together into a central branching structure. The frilla tree began to fruit. With careful management it would keep the tribe from total starvation.
An example of a Ry'lai village: Only a few trees large the trees are the recycling centers that nature has always wanted. The Hrass grow out of the frilla themselves allowing any of the young Ry'lai to under go their coming of age rite as wanted.
Pools of water are gathered from rain clouds and collection by the Ry'lai. Small lean-tos are made under the Frilla trees and inside some of the frilla pods. These villages are well equipped to hunt because effectively the population can drop its own bombs. They float over areas firebombin large swaths of ground while other Ry'lai collect the charred remains for food. This does not happen often but is a well accepted strategy for food collection from the Ry'lai.
These villages are led by frilla speakers who have grown up with Dakkon, and look mainly for survival. However, a little murder is not amiss from them.
The mega frilla supports much of the Ry'lai tribe. They feed it and it in turn feeds them. Since it is a fusion of multiple trees it has many hollow spaces within that the Ry'lai have begun to use as homes. The remarkably strong frilla bark is even stronger now than its ancestors bark has ever been. When the bark is shed some of the ry'lai have the bright idea to use them to cover the gas sacks of the tree. These new mega frilla easily handled modified armor.
<legend> A Shipwreck from the West
<legend> The Ry'lai welcome Strangers
<legend> The Ry'lai Discover VooDoo
<to be cont>
As the lem population grew in Dakkons death the trees and the Ry'lai helped to accommodate them on their journey. Onolkeshan huts are erected at the base of the mega frilla and the Ry'lai are quick to help their visitors.
Meanwhile the loss of so many frilla speakers and Dakkon has sent many of the Ry'lai into confusion. There are many who begin to take up the mantle of frilla speaker and many more who want to focus on their newly found webway. While many of the younger webway shamans cannot see the grand causeway as Dakkon could they can see more localized ones. The lem are outside of their influence but any sick Ry'lai can now be healed by shamans and hrass medicines.
Those who understand the Lem have found them strangely silent. Dakkon's influence has the mega frilla continue to move forward with the smaller village of Urza trailing behind them ever so slightly. Behind them the frillas leave a trail of seedlings hoping to grow more of the flying frilla plants in their wake.
</to be cont>
The Ry'lai experience what can only be described as a cultural and technological renaissance. With the Lem providing new technologies and protection the Ry'lai turn to new things. For one their home tree has grown and with it a new crop of Frilla speakers has emerged. They converse with Alc'mund the great frilla often. The tree's mind with Dakkons influence now moves at a much faster pace than it did in Dakkon's time.
When the Ry'lai pass by particularly large frilla they uplift them and populate them. One such tree is the largest they have seen yet. The Alc'mund and Dakkon send out their roots to touch the new tree. In doing so they hope to combine the land masses and the minds of the frillas. The frilla are slow to merge, but their vines twist into one anothers branches quite easily, and its a start. Hrass paste does the trick, the trees begin to merge much quicker.
<legend> The Web Seers
As a result of Alc'mund's new quicker mind and Dakkon's influence there is now a council made of three representatives. One from the common Ry'lai, the senior Frilla speaker, and senior webseer. Each provides insight from the other groups and when dealing with the Lem this council has the final say. The current council is Saki (common), Urza (elder speaker), and Fal'kest (old webseer).
As the Ry'lai slowly begin to feel the chill of the north many of the Ry'lai begin to feel cold. The council is called to try to bring some way for the creatures to stave off the cold. Saki gets the idea to ask the enclave for a large bowl of metal. With some help a large metal plate is procured from one of the enclave huts. Supported by Alc'mund's branchs a large bonfire is constructed at the base of Alc'mund. It works, but is treated as a foreign danger, venting out more heat than siphoned into Alc'munds hollow for the Ry'lai living within.
<legend> The Ry'lai accept a Foreign Alliance
One topic broached by the council is the creation of metal. Alc'mund has expressed a desire to move his people around faster, and while the protection offered by the trees is great. Speed is not their strong suit. The three groups of Ry'lai are furthered in their own strengths by the members of the council.
Those who are led by Saki have focused on becoming engineers, they look for a way to increase the speed of the trees. A group of enterprising Ry'lai have suggested a large propeller like mechanism. Perhaps if the Ry'lai cannot push their homes something else may? (Looking at hand cranked propellers right now)
The frilla speakers are as they always are. They direct people to hunt, perhaps the northern tundras will have foods and resources the forests did not.
The webseers have also begun making trips to the ground beneath them to practice healing wounded creatures, and tending to gas sack frilla that have grown naturally. During these times some of the webseers led by Fal'kest have begun group webway exploring to see if they can amplify their powers.
As Saki learns of the propeller idea he sends more of the Ry'lai to work on it. At first they only have hand cranked propellers, small and not too efficient they only serve to propel the small frilla saplings. Saki realizes that to get a large propeller they will need to step up from frilla carved props. He turns to the enclave for help on using metals.
After learning how to mine metal a group of Ry'lai is sent out to find some ore deposits in the frilla forests below them. A small group of Enclave Lem goes with this expeditionary force to protect them. They take a small propeller frilla tree down to help set up a mining camp. As Saki sends out the mining group so too does he being work on a forge.
Using materials from both the Lem and Alc'mund work on a small forge begins. The forge is built but it is small. The amount of metals the Lem can spare is quickly dwindling. The Ry’lai will have to wait for the mining expedition to return with more raw materials.
The expedition encounters some inclement weather and is forced to land in a sub optimal area. Beset by local wildlife the enclave soldiers along with the Ry'lai bombs prove enough to force back the natives. The small frilla isle has a mind of its own and slowly makes its way towards a rocky outcropping. The expedition’s frilla speaker, Glissa, cannot seem to reason with the tree. As a result the group begins to make camp near the rocks. The engineers quickly begin work on prospecting the rocks while the enclave lem keep watch from above.
As the mining expedition finishes up their gathering they realize that it may be a good idea to make a map. They fly high into the sky to get a lay of the land and the Lem craft a crude map on a piece of soft frilla bark. They return home with their payload and are greeted with the sight of some lem training with what appear to be Ry'lai.
To top it all off the load of raw materials should allow for the Ry'lai to truly begin the great propellor building, and metal working that the Lem take such great pride in. The first of the massive propellers fails in a spectacular manner. It falls from its mounting and cuts down a swath of frilla forest in its wake. Luckily there are more than enough materials to attempt to build more. The Saki has the engineers craft another.
<legend> The Ry'lai Float South
<> the city
Alc'mund has become the heart of the Ry'lai city. Many of the Ry'lai visit it daily to discuss things with Frilla speakers who often talk to Alc'mund. Urza and the council are often found here making sure things run smoothly around the newly expanded city.
The northern part of the city has become the area where many of the juvenile Ry'lai learn, and grow up. More hrass grows along the northern ridge. The frillas here are also much younger so they give advice much more to the younger Ry'lai's liking.
The western frillas have become the war training trees. Death mask Ry'lai train here with their enclave allies. Many areas are coated in metal here to allow the Ry'lai time to practice dropping their explosive payloads. Alongside that there are areas dedicated to examining new uses for poisons and the like.
The east is mainly dedicated to the webseers. They practice their healing and group uses for the webway. Many of them use their abilities as a kind of clairvoyance. Any aggression towards them can be felt if the creatures are connected to the web of life.
Meanwhile the southern frilla have become the industry of the Ry'lai. Small mining groups are sent out periodically as the massive floating trees pass over good rock outcroppings. Here the trees have chimney stacks everywhere. The forges burn into the night, the craftsmen work on creating more propellers to move the city along. The first of the propellers is moved by Ry'lai moving a what can only be described as a winch. Some of the engineers have proposed a chamber that can take the powers of the explosive bombs created by Ry'lai to power the props.
The combustion chamber explodes after a few cycles. In the meantime all the hot air and exhaust gasses from the industrial sector are routed thru pipes to the propellers, which provides a good use for the waste heat.
The Frilla Advances to the Front
The Recuse Mission
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Meteor crash landed
Dakkon beats Kthlo and rises to power
The meteor hyper evolves the frilla
Attempts of forcing Frilla to grow larger gas sacks
Alc'mund before its fusion to its outer wall trees
Mining camp Glissa