Primordial Evolution Game/Ta'mirel

A Lem hunter tribe of the North tundra. Having strong belief but no social tact. They are held together by alien familiarity. Individual memories are shared with the whole tribe after death. Lem that survive reproduce by self-division each new Lem having the memories of the old. Early in their development, they started believing in a end-of-the-world war they called the Tomorrow War. This led to rapid development of war technology over agriculture or government. Their beliefs were vindicated by the Vyrii Invasion.
Technology[edit | edit source]

They built areas to congregate. They spent their nights staring at the fire speaking of great and humble things. They developed music to entertain and stimulate new ideas. The Ta'mirel developed group discussion, lecture, and constructive debate. Most conversation focused on better ways to stab and ambush. But sometimes they talked of music and art.
The Ta'mirel became highly accomplished Scrimshaw craftsmen and leather tanners, making use of the abundant bone, tusk and hide in the icy tundra. The carrion weapons and armor they created were of a higher quality and hardness then the flint and wood items of the south.
Armscraft became a pastime of the conclave, done as a form of art while others would play music. One evening a lem used their simple musical tendon string instrument to fling a rock, then another, then a tooth...the invention was shown to other lems, and quickly the group began to study and experiment with different configurations, projectiles, until their musical instrument was weaponized.
The Ta'Miril studied the K'lahk stone cutting technology and applied fire tempering to it. This resulted in stronger digging and cutting tools. With the tamed Ramel they began to haul great slabs of stone, reinforcing their dwellings, adding to their simple paths. Amongst themselves, the lem cam to a realization...all of this was just more armor, they needed a bigger spear.
During one evening a young frowg used its spoon to fling food directly into the eye hole of a solider-killer Lem's helmet. This made all in attendance laugh. Before long food was dropped and the Lem crowded around the child. They frighten the child to crying before they took the spoon for themselves. They attempt creating great throwing machines. Their lack of understanding of physics hindered their creation. The Lem were crushed by their failures literally. Two were killed, one was maimed badly. Undaunted the Lem press on, turning failure into success. From the failed throwing fork came the loader mechanism, a simple pulley of sinew rope over a smoothed piece of cidex horn.
The new pulley device they tried out in the failed tests were examined further. A bowyer, as if struck with lightning, created small versions of the pulleys to be used in bows... after a few broken bows, the bowyer had finally managed to make a Composite Bow using the small pulleys to half the amount of pull exerted by the archer's arm, thus making the bow more powerful. Advanced Projectile Weaponry discovered!
The Conclave gathers around a single growing frilla sapling, next to it, a walking stick carved from a frilla branch, still alive. Next to that, a seed (spore?) pod, and finally a piece of frilla bark. rolling to study this new life form.
The Lem watched as the Frilla sapling grew larger. The walking stick also continued to grow, but this time to a branch instead of a tree. The seed pod grew into another frilla sapling, while the bark just... stays there.
It was a Frog child's toy kite that inspired a Solider-Killer. After a few rough falls the Lem have developed simple gliders. Launching themselves from the top of cliffs and frilla trees the Ta'Mirel have become highly effective scouts.
The simple gliders the Ta'Mirel Lem discovered were good for entertainment, and for study, but they required refinement if they were to ever reach any distances, such as the strange island with its city of walls off their coast. The gliders could also be turned to great use for war if one could develop tactics to use the bow from it.
The Ta'Mirel were never masterful engineers, The development of the glider progresses slowly, while the concept of shooting a bow or throwing a spear comes fairly naturally. Ranged combat from gliders enabled, but it cost a few Lem lives to figure out how, especially due to their shitty construction.

Grinning, or at least as close of an approximation as a Lem can to a grin the scout jumped off of the frilla tree and aimed into the deep gorge around the village. The glider strapped to him unfolded and went instantly from being a burden on the land, to a gift. Using the momentum of the fall he pulled upwards and giving the pulley system a few tugs managed to gain lift and climb. It was part of scout training, and it was the best day of of the lem's life.
On the ground a Soldier-Killer lem looked up at the scouts circling in the sky, it did not envy them. Carrying heavy armor and weapons was hard work, but the effort of constantly controlling and fighting a glider was worse, and with no armor and only a bow. Today though, was a treat, they would be testing out a new weapon. It would only work once, but he was told that was all he needed. Holding it with both claws and pressing firmly into the shoulder, the lem utilized its prehensile head tail to use a smouldering torch to ignite the volatile compounds within this strange tube. A moment later an explosion blasted out the front of the tube, and shrapnel came flying out, faster then anything has ever moved before on this world, only a few pieces hit their mark, the rest peppered the wall around it. After setting down the smoking tube the Lem observed the damage. It was indiscriminate, horrific, and absolute when it hit, and where it hit. His "lips" pulled further back, fully exposing a maw filled with razor sharp teeth. He too, was grinning.

Weapon Technology(Ta'mirel)[edit | edit source]
1. Blood Spiller-giant, heavy spear made for outright slaughter. Constructed from horn and bone of a blood spiller Ramel.
2. Ritual spear- All Ta'Mirel build one. It carries images, words, significant thoughts. Every one makes reference to the Tomorrow war. thrown on enemies and followed up with stabbing
4. Shard driver- A compound bow that launches arrows made from shards of bone. A flint mechanism on the front of the bow ignites arrows soaked in various oils. 5. Arms and armor, all constructed from Ramel and Cidex hide, bone, plate, and horn.
Weapon Technology(K'lahk)[edit | edit source]
1. War axe- made from the horn of an immature blood spiller, lighter and more mobile then its lem counterpart.
2. Battle Song- An axe that is made of a hollowed out Cidex spine. the spines processes on back can be plucked at to create music.
3. Hand Axe, made for quick work, wielded in all 4 arms, and throwing. Its a K'Lahk workhorse.
4. Long Axe, an ancestral item from long before the K'Lahk were ever a separate tribe, back to the early days of the Frowg. Still an effective skull crusher its blade more blunt then sharp.
5. GiantLem crusher- A prize taken by the most fearless of Frowgs, the fist weapon of a giant lem.
6. Frowg crossbow, vicious, effective, a derivative of Ta'Mirel technology. fires bolts that are: dormant ragas vine (pretty horrible death, considering the ragas are parasitic and can devour a host in moments.), hardened bone to penetrate armor, flammable bolts, standard, and the horrifying short ranged spear bolt.
7. K'Lahk armor is similar to Ta'Mirel armor but focused more on mobility then enduring blows.
Culture and Belief System[edit | edit source]
The Lem have developed their pictogram carving quite a bit, music has progressed as well. Storytelling is a new experience for them, but they continue to grow as a culture.
The Ta'Mirel have a love of entertainment and play, and create new and strange instruments for the Frowg, they play off the frowgs ability to generate electrical impulses, to create a new sound never heard before.
From these efforts come the Electric Kazoo. They gift the instrument to the Laster. The Ballad of the Lem is received lukewarm at best. The Electric Kazoo doesn't play well. A select few Frowg channel their raw emotion and feeling to create songs of beauty. They would be beautiful if not played with an Electric Kazoo.
Tribe Structure and Government[edit | edit source]
The Ta'mirel are a tribe of hunters, there is no leadership. When a Lem begins a task if others are around they will help. The Lem value building, play, hunting, and berserking. For the Ta'mirel it is natural to aid your "other". This immediate urge to collect and cooperate is possibly their best trait.
As the Lem learn to specialize, they developed different professions such as Tamer, Killer, Scout-Hunter.
Having researched the baskets of the frowgmen, The Ta'mirel repurposed the meshed support to create articulated carapace plates.
History and Legends[edit | edit source]
The Ta'mirel Scout their territory for information on prey species, competing predators, other tribals, and odd things. After returning the scouts had a lengthy debrief. They reported to the masses. Domestication, One species leading another for its meat, bone, leather, and horn. They reported on trade between different clans of Frowgmen. Of the southern lands that were too warm with soft earth and plants that do not murder.
They decided to domesticate the Ramel through force. This failed mainly because their aggressive tactics do not placate the Ramel. Not ones to be dissuaded the conclave again takes up arms to go on another hunt. With the goal to either tame the Ramel and Cidex or kill off the entire population. Only their skill at hunting brought them two whole Cidexes. The lem feed their Cidex, they were a breeding pair. The Lem watch them constantly, and prevent them from leaving their camp by poking them with spears if they try to. The Cidex become accustomed to the Lem's presence. They are used to move heavy loads and go on hunting raids against other Cidex and Ramel.
The giant lem, while savage and nearly mindless, never attacked the Ta'Mirel. So the Ta'mirel would left Massive punching blades made from the tusks of AlphaRamel and Cidex near the GiantLem to aid their brethren. The GiantLem took the blades and proceed to raid isolated Frowgmen enclaves.
The Ta'mirel attempt to contact the Tundra Frowgmen to trade for their woven baskets, dyed cloth and silks that the Frowgmanon have been known to trade. The Frowgmen had no interest in trading with tribes that supply weapons to raiding beasts. The Ta’mirel could only buy a few marked up Frowgman tools, including a basket from the south.
The Ta'mirel sit and study this strange basket as a group, in a large circle it is handed from lem to lem, each one getting a turn to examine it. They disassemble the thing strand by strand and reverse engineer it. They were confused how simple ribbons could be used to make something so strong. Why they didn't they use hides or what it was even used for? They conclude that the Frowg make pathetic weapons. They thought that they must teach the Frowg how to make better equipment. If they were forgiven for aiding the GiantLem that raid them. To the Ta'mirel this was good. They would help the Frowg make better weapons for their survival. Through this they discovered Simple Basket Weaving.
After the exhaustive study of the woven "bhass-khet". The lem knew, deep down in their nuclei, that they could make better armor with that, then just out of woven leaves and vines. So they set to work using the hide of Cydex (not theirs) and Ramel plate. there would be much learning and sharing this evening. the Ta'mirel haven't figured out how to cut the Cidex hide in strips long enough for weaving.
A terrifying Nightmare Spirit happened to visit the eldest shaman, and put forth visions of death and disasters of a great scale.
After rejecting the Nightmare Spirit, the Ta'mirel sought to bring an armed party outside the K'lahk settlement. This became The meeting of K'lahk and Ta'mirel.
Upon the realization that its easier to steal eggs from Ramel then it is to break adult ramel to obedience the lem have started doing just that. Attempting to raise baby ramel has been an experience for the Lem. They have learned to specialize into different professions, such as Ramel Tamer. The lem however to not have talent at taming anything. Many creatures do not survive the dismemberment they use to subdue them.
The K'lahk and Ta'mirel Exchange was the Ta'mirel's effort to share Technology with the K'lahk and arm them against the Tundra Predators.
While the other races explored, and studied the Ta'Mirel continued to prepare. The Ramel Domestication project has been progressing and now the Adults have laid a second generation of eggs. Half of the eggs were used as food. Enough "Domesticated" ramel exist that they are now undergoing training as beasts of burden, and one night after a rowdy frowg jumped on the back of one in a display of his warriors unbreakable pride, and even held on for a moment the Lem got to thinking. In the Ramel pits of the lem village a lone tamer did what had killed so many before him. He rode the bull Ramel, and survived.
The Ta'Mirel send out a scouting force to attempt and make contact with another tribe. The expedition crossed the river safely only to meet the massive sentient Mevolans of the Jenter. They easily tower almost twice a Lem's height.
The First Road was created between the K'lahk and Ta'mirel to facilitate trade and culture of the two tribes.
The Lem of the Ta'Mirel have had bad experiences with the Ragas and its silence is uncomfortable. Sending scouts into ragas territory was always risky but this operation was essential. No news of them returned. It is feared that they have fallen to the Ragas' machinations.
The Lem didn't know how many K'lahk truly believed in their cause, but they were strong, they were warriors, and had proven themselves true. A few ate of the Conclave and knew the nightmare, even if it did not translate well. The Frowgmen passed their stories down thru song, dance, and story. In order to communicate with the rest of the land they would need something they could leave behind. The lem make an effort to learn the K'lahk written language. They succeeded in learning how the K'Lahk manage to use the speak-pictures, and associate them with writing. Discovered Written Alphabet (K'Lahk)!
The K'lahk exchange knowledge and technology with the Ta'mirel in the The K'lahk and Ta'mirel Exchange Legend
The Lem as a whole have been bothered by the dreams so they consult the Fo'wil elders. This was record in The Fo'wil teach the Ta'mirel Legend.
The Ta'mirel discover another tribe of Lem called the Onolkeshan. They proceed to convince them to join them in an alliance with the Frowgmen. This collection of Northern tribes becomes the Enclave. However they enforce unfair trade of Knowledge without understanding how the Onolkeshan revere it. This became to be known as The Bad Deal.
The Lem were at a loss. The Ta’mirel seemed to be less benevolent as of late. A past attempt at help turned to disaster still haunts their memories. The Giant lem as of late were raiding frowg villages. They were an embarrassment to the Ta'Mirel. Ta'Mirel sent war parties to ride out on Ramel, carrying two cannons each, armored and armed in the steel from the Onolkeshan. Scout-Hunters fly overhead, bows with flaming and explosive bolts at the ready.
They find the Giant Lems easily, for they seem to inhabit caves. Some of the patrols were defeated; While others managed to kill some Giant Lems. Both sides suffer casualties, but thankfully it seems the Giant Lem does not have the ability to gain knowledge by eating dead Lem. On the other hand, the Lem has learned more of their genetic memory from the fallen Giant Lem... The memories became clearer. They were once plentiful, and helping the world by giving it more air to breathe - but in their naivety, these early Lem had caused an imbalance. This threw the world into fiery chaos, volcanoes erupting and massive lives lost. Several creatures became extinct. Afterwards, the surviving Lems retreated into caves, terrified of something they had no control of. Then they gradually developed to the Lem as we know them now.
Since the destruction and consumption of the giant lem, the Ta'Mirel become in tune with themselves, more then ever before.
It is a time of peace, so the Ta’mirel military forces focus on improvement projects, aid, and war preparations.
During the The Vyrii Invasion the Ta'mirel rushed head long into the Vyrii front lines.