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Pyon are a race of humanoid frogs native to the Mists of Akuma setting for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Originally a peaceful and reflective race of swamp-dwelling hunter-mystics, during the Kengen Occupation, they took up arms and became a guerrilla resistance against the invading ceramians; their efforts were key to the ultimate success of Hitoshi's Rebellion, which drove the ceramians from Soburin. Because of this, the pyon were welcomed with open arms into an alliance with the native humans and other "civilized" races of Soburin, propelling these humble froggies to a position they're still not certain about. In particular, they have strengthened their always close ties with the Osore clan, who have even taken to stylizing their armor with green lacquer and frog-like grinning faceplates to honor their ancient allies.

In the modern era, the pyon have mostly returned to their peaceful lives of hunting, gathering and meditation upon spirituality within their ancestral marshland homes. However, they haven't forgotten the Kengen Occupation, and whilst it's rare that they actively wish harm on others, the race still maintains strong martial traditions.

Much of what defines the pyon today arises from their treatment in the past. Those who were forced into the bloody wars no longer croak their deep, bellowing swamp dirges, but the frog folk have made a point to remember the pain of their forefathers so that they might never again face the brutality of such oppression. A greater need for a vigilant warrior class resulted and these protectors watch from the dark, patiently waiting for when they must strike. Conversely, spiritual and mystical pursuits among pyon have been reinforced to create a new tradition of tribal scholar-warriors, many of whom focus on developing martial skills that naturally capitalize on their strengths. All of this spirals inward for their peoples leading to what many call the Sacred Art of Right Balance, which the frog folk often symbolize as an individual pyon resting gently on a single lily. This is as much a spiritual pursuit as it is a philosophy leading outsiders to assume that these apparently gentle creatures are not as fierce as the Osore portray them—although nothing could be further from the truth.

Pyon society embraces their history as warriors but the task of each individual is theirs to choose. Nothing defines them like their swamps and they work tirelessly to make those marshes precisely what they want as a race. As one would expect, pyon openly interpret this in a wide variety of ways; some leave their tribes on spiritual quests, some elect to remain, looking ever onward into their inner realms and seeking perfect balance on an imperfect lily.

Pyon tend to form roving collectives that align themselves to specific clades of lilies, building cool, compact homes along the banks of the swamps in which they live (almost invariably focusing on a central grouping of carefully tended lilies). Outsiders often note the frog folk focus on the inner activity of their settlements, their eldest members resting in the center with younglings while adults patrol the perimeter, watching for predators or catching food.

Pyon clades are led by elders but those born with mystical abilities are afforded special treatment and groomed for leadership. As natural hunter-gatherers pyon in remote regions rarely take on particular professions but as they move closer to civilization this changes; those who dwell closest to the Osore Clan’s cities take up alchemy and herbalism or in some instances more violent professions—only exceptionally gifted frog folk are recruited to become Numanojanpā, although this trend has greatly subsided since the end of the Kengen Occupation.

PC Stats[edit | edit source]

Ability Score Increase: +2 Dexterity
Size: Small
Speed: 25 feet, Climb 15 feet
Darkvision 60 feet
Amphibious: You are able to breathe both air and water.
Natural Jumper: You gain proficiency with Acrobatics and double the distance of any jump you make.
Survivalist: You have Proficiency in the Survival skill.
Poison Resistance: You have Advantage on saving throws against Poison.