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As the Dragon Empire expanded, the range of intelligent races that one could encounter expanded with it. One race that was found with increasing frequency was the quasta. Formally acknowledged during the middle of the Copper Age, the coming of the Dragon Empire has been a great boon to this race. Quasta look nothing like the humanoid races, but share many mental traits, including a sense of mercantilism, a love for technology, and an insatiable curiosity. Once exposed to Imperial technology, the quasta leapt at the opportunity to join, and have worked with a sort of comic diligence to become respected traders and inventors.
Personality[edit | edit source]
Quasta thinking is dominated by two desires—a driving curiosity and a craving for respect. Most quasta are able to rein in this inquisitive spirit enough to avoid major mishap, but put an unknown device or a clever puzzle in front of a quasta and it will work relentlessly to understand it. With their ability to examine an object from all angles at once and superior three-dimensional thinking ability, quasta make excellent technicians and pilots. Unlike most natural flyers, confined spaces do not disturb quasta, and they find space travel (especially on simpler, zero-gravity vessels) to be quite comfortable and indulge in it frequently.
Quasta are somewhat resentful of their relative size—it was exceedingly unfair of the gods to make nearly everyone else so much bigger! Combined with their unusual appearance, they feel they have to work twice as hard to gain respect in the Dragon Empire. Sometimes this backfires, leaving others with the impression that they are hyperactive and childlike. Other times this desire leads to dark ends—the handful of quasta wearing the silver trimmed black of the ISPD are as malicious and cruel as any drow. Most are simply efficient, and those who have worked closely with them realize that the quasta is a highly reliable associate, determined to never, ever fail. Just don’t make jokes about them where they can hear you.
Physical Description[edit | edit source]
A quasta’s body is generally bird-like, with a wingspan of about 5 to 7 feet (though their bodies are much smaller) and weighing 75-100 lbs. There are significant differences, however. The head of a quasta is dominated by a single central eye, and there is no beak to speak of. Instead, the mouth is quite small and located below this eye, hidden by a protective ridge. The feathers are vivid green for most quasta, though parrot-colored variations are the norm on some worlds. Quasta enjoy using dyes and ornamentation to spice up their appearance, so many other colors and patterns are possible. Quasta have four hook-like limbs, two extending from each of their flanks, which they use in combination like a single hand. The arrangement looks awkward to most humanoids, but is actually quite functional and quasta have a noticeable gift for handling complex electronics and other technological devices. Quasta have no legs, instead maneuvering by an innate form of levitation.
Unquestionably the quasta’s most distinctive feature is their independent eyes. Each has between eight and ten floating eyes that accompany it everywhere. New eyes form as buds about one inch across along the quasta’s back, and are periodically released to replace aging or damaged eyes. An eye will grow to up to six inches in diameter, and will fail (and be replaced) in about two years. These eyes range in color quite a bit, and eye coloration is a poor method of distinguishing between two quasta, since new buds do not necessarily match the colors of the eye being replaced. With their singular central eye and multiple lesser eyes, along with the quasta’s ability to levitate, it is speculated that the quasta may be distantly related to beholders. The fact that beholders have been found on every world where quasta have been spotted and they seem to share the same language only adds more weight to this theory.
Quasta have two genders, and the females lay clutches of anywhere from one to four eggs. Both parents generally tend to the children. Before making contact with the Empire, quasta had come to accept that only one child at best was likely to survive to adolescence at the age of 10, but the introduction of Imperial medical science has led to nearly all quasta children surviving. This has led to a population boom the quasta have yet to come to grips with, and driven many quasta into high risk, high reward occupations to support their growing families. The quasta lifespan has also been greatly improved, with individuals living to as old as 90 years in the Empire. Those quasta on backwater planets can still only expect to live to the age of 60 or so.
Relations[edit | edit source]
Quasta are friendly and outgoing—sometimes annoyingly so. As such they will happily deal with anyone who seems to share their interest in technology. While dwarven craftsmanship is greatly respected, the quasta have found special delight in their dealings with gnomes. A gnome and quasta in the same room can rapidly degenerate into a technical discussion that leaves everyone else scratching their heads. Still, the quasta’s acquisitive instincts make gnomes somewhat cautious around them—a technical secret revealed is likely to end up incorporated into some new gadget and sold far and wide by one of the quasta trading guilds. Quasta are also favorably inclined towards halflings. They believe that all of the smaller races need to stick together.
Quasta hold the dragons and dragon-kin in awe. The Dragon Empire is a masterpiece of craftsmanship in their eyes, having endured for millennia, and bringing powerful medicines to the quasta people. Many quasta do not understand the significance of the shift in rule from Qesemet to Asamet, and remain deeply loyal to the Empire and eager to serve its emperor.
Quasta are intrigued by soulmechs, and sometimes have to be physically restrained from examining them.
Alignment[edit | edit source]
Depending on their ability to discipline their own curiosity, quasta can be found of lawful, neutral, or chaotic alignment. Most quasta are of good alignment, but many neutral quasta also pursue lives of trade or research. Those few quasta of evil alignment have usually been driven to it by ridicule, or have taken on the attitudes of the Emperor. This last group is the most frightening, as many quasta are hugely loyal to the Empire, and as the reign of Mezzenbone continues, it is likely that many more members of this race will turn to evil.
Quasta Lands[edit | edit source]
Quasta can often be found in small numbers on many imperial worlds, almost always on worlds plagued by beholders. They tend towards jungle climates and some light forests. Their population has exploded in the last 300 years as Imperial medicines have greatly reduced the quasta’s crushing infant mortality rate. Now the colorful quasta can be found on nearly any high-tech world.
Religion[edit | edit source]
The quasta adopted the worship of the Unification Church quite easily, favoring the Judge, the Mother, and the All-Seeing Eye (The Magus). In the last few decades the worship of the Destroyer and the Reaper has taken an upswing as more quasta follow the example of the current Dragon Emperor.
Language[edit | edit source]
Quasta speak their own language, which is shared with the beholders, and Common. Many quasta deliberately practice speaking in a deep voice when dealing with others, as they despise sounding “tiny.”
Names[edit | edit source]
Quasta children are not named at all, simply referred to as “little one” until adolescence. This practice is a holdout from the quasta’s debilitating infant mortality rate. Upon reaching adolescence, the quasta may choose his or her own name, often an ancient form of a virtue that the young quasta aspires to. Since joining the Empire, quasta have adopted the habit of taking a surname after their personal name, based on the planet from which they came. As the quasta population grows, it seems likely they will have to devise a more varied naming scheme, but the quasta have yet to decide on what it will be. Male Names: Aquii (nobility), Hecko (fortitude), Lusaqu (precision), Quisa (magic) Female Names: Chalu (swiftest), Teema (perception), Uma (beauty), Yulil (healthy)
Adventurers[edit | edit source]
While quasta have always been involved in the use and development of technology, in recent years they have also begun to ply their skills as pilots—their own movements can be related to the controls of an air or space craft, and their ability to monitor a dozen indicators or screens at once lets them integrate combat information at the breakneck pace of a dogfight. With so many young quasta coming on to the scene, traditional, relatively safe technician roles have been filled and now quasta are seeking their fortunes elsewhere.
Quasta Racial Traits[edit | edit source]
- +2 Dexterity, –2 Strength, –2 Constitution: Quasta are quick to dodge blows or manipulate fine tools with their talons, but are not terrifically strong or hardy.
- Small: As Small creatures, quasta receive the standard +1 size bonus to Armor Class, +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks. However, they must also use smaller weapons than those wielded by humans, and their carrying/lifting limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size characters.
- Aberration traits: As aberrations, quasta are immune to spells that target humanoids, such as charm person and hold person.
- Quasta base speed is 30 feet. Further, while a quasta cannot fly (their wings only assist them in maneuvering), they may levitate up to a height of 10 ft. above the ground, supporting up to a medium load. To go any higher requires a Jump check by the quasta. In zero gravity, the quasta may move freely in any direction with a speed of 30 feet and good maneuverability. In an anti-magic zone, quasta may pull themselves along slowly with their wings and talons, but no faster than 5 ft. as a full round action, and may not take their 5 ft. bonus step while so impaired.
- Darkvison up to 60 feet.
- +2 racial bonus on all Pilot, Repair, and Use Device
- +8 racial bonus on all Freefall checks.
- All-Around Vision (Ex): A quasta’s multiple eyes move in a coordinated, constantly scanning pattern, giving them a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Search checks. In addition, they can’t be flanked.
- Unusual Body Type: Because of their uncommon size, quasta seldomly find clothing or armor that will fit them. Typically, they must have such items made. Because they are a Small non-humanoid race, such items cost two times as much as normal, and are half as heavy.
- Automatic Languages: Quasta speak a language they share with beholders (commonly known as Quasta), and Common. Bonus Languages: Gnomish, Dwarven, Draconic.
- Favored Class: Mechanist or Pilot. At 1st level, a quasta must choose one of these two classes. The quasta’s levels in the chosen class do not count when determining whether or not there is an XP penalty for multiclassing (see PHB, Chapter 3, Experience for Multiclass Characters). Quasta are well adapted to be either mechanists or pilots.
- Level Equivalent: +0.
Quasta Racial Feats[edit | edit source]
Probing Eye You may send one of your eyes a short distance away from your body to scout. Prerequisites: Character level 3+, quasta only. Benefits: You may send one of your eyes up to 100 ft. from your body in any direction (including around corners). You may see through this eye normally, and retain the use of your darkvision. While you and your eye are separated like this, you are considered flat-footed. The lone eye is a Fine creature with 1 Strength, your Dexterity, and the same levitating movement as a quasta. It has 2 hp, and if it is destroyed, you lose 2 hp, which may be healed normally. Lost eyes are replaced at the rate of one per month. Normal: Quasta eyes may not normally be targeted separately from the main creature.