Quest:TG Meta Quest

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TG Meta Quest is a quest that was run by MetaMan for 130 threads and featured the exploits and trials of Taskforce 38 as they fixed the damage done to their section of reality they maintain order in.

“My name...” he said, with great deliberation. " Sector Manager Garret Holtz". "And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart... that no matter how bad your day is, it cannot begin to compare to mine."
Sector Manager Garret Holtz, exasperated at his predicament
We started this quest off with just a single cruiser, a bounty hunter, three Mobile Infantry, a squad of UNIT soldiers, and no idea what the fuck we were doing. We cajoled, bribed, and outright raised from the dead soldiers and heroes to our cause as we burned a path of fire and fury across the sector.

Differences from Editors Setting Codex[edit | edit source]

Transpace Guard:[edit | edit source]

TG Quest was set in the Meta, but in this instance of the multi-multiverse the Transpace Guard are Meta-Earth's defensive organization. The TG (whose name was, of course, based off of the "traditional games" board's name) watch over an unknown number of sectors, inside of which are located innumerable and varied canons.

The players were collectively known as the Command Crew, giving orders to tactical situations and doing overall strategic decisions in the quest. As the Command Crew, there were no distinct characters among them, but as a vague collective of sorts. In terms of mechanics and other intervening factors with regards to the campaign, the concept of a Command Crew is a "disembodied", detached group of people in command similar to any player in an RTS game, while not having any other concrete identity attached to them.

The corner of the Meta being beseiged and tasked to the players to fix, in was an RPGs sector. This sector, was shown to host Ghostbusters, Cowboy Bebop, Lord of the Rings, Warhammer 40K, Star Wars, Silent Hill, X-COM, Exalted, Call of Cthulu, and several more canons, though the full extant of them may have covered beyond what was seen.

Features[edit | edit source]

Known Sector Canons[edit | edit source]

  • Ah! My Goddess
  • Call of Cthulu
  • Command and Conquer
  • Dark Matter
  • Delta Green
  • Exalted
  • Fallout 3
  • Final Fantasy VIII
  • Final Fantasy X
  • Final Fantasy Tactics
  • Half Life
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Namco x Capcom
  • Pathfinder
  • Persona 3 and 4
  • Ravenloft
  • Shadowrun
  • Silent Hill
  • Starcraft 1 and 2
  • Star Wars
  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • Super Robot Wars MX
  • Super Robot Wars J
  • Super Robot Wars Z
    • Super Robot Wars Z2 Hakai-hen
    • Super Robot Wars Z2 Saisei-hen
  • unspecified Super Robot Wars canon with Masaki Andou and Cybuster
  • Warhammer 40k
  • X-COM

Known Quest Crossovers[edit | edit source]

  • Zerg Quest

Character Recruitment & Overwhelming Force:[edit | edit source]

Originally, the Editors setting did not allow for agents to have a large degree of interaction with canon natives nor did it allow for using technology or magic outside of the canon it originated from. However, in order for TG Quest to work as it did MetaMan's version of the Transpace Guard allowed for such measures to be taken as long as proper protocol was followed. One of the first options that the Command Crew players were given was recruitment of two hero characters, that being Spike Spiegel and Ibram Gaunt, and then three units of Troops, which ended up being one from UNIT, one from the SCP, and one set from the Starship Troopers novels. Over time, the Command Crew recruited dozens of characters and troop units from many canons, covering a wide array of specializations, abilities, and personalities.

Also, diverging from the idea that Editors should be methodical and stealthy to cover their tracks, the Transpace Guard who would become known as Taskforce 38 would instead use whatever tactics seemed best for the given situation, sometimes (or oftentimes) using a literal army to attack their opponents. One such tactic (which came back to bite them. HARD.) was empowering an army of the ghosts of men of an entire world where they had been unjustly slaughtered. This army then participated in a world-wide attack on the resident Arch-SUE and his forces.

The STOB[edit | edit source]

The Space-Time Oscillation Bomb (STOB) originates from the Super Dimension Century Orguss canon. By itself, it fuses timelines together, but with additional components acquired across the Meta, it can affect the meta by breaking down dimensional boundaries, crossing over canons and allowing incursions by SUEs and inter-dimensional forces.

The device known as the STOB.

The first Super-STOB affected the sector the players operated in. The second Super-STOB encountered at the end of campaign had the power to affect a very large part of the Meta.

Behind the Scenes[edit | edit source]

Scrapped concepts[edit | edit source]

  • Scrapped scenarios and boss fights from the Ebon Night world:
    • The Ruina from Super Robot Wars D, down at Antarctica
    • A corrupted Emperor boss in Silent Hill if Space Marines were took
    • Walpurgis Night from Puella Magi Madoka Magica at Tokyo
  • SRW Quest/Musouquest scenario, and:
    • Shadow Mirror Katina as an endboss to the quest
  • Azalin Rex from Ravenloft had the potential to assume a new identity as Drew the Lich, but events in the final battle changed that as Azalin Rex decided to confront Task Force 38 in one last struggle instead.
  • The major boss fights in the quests each had potential to add up to being an opposing side in the final battle over the Super-STOB. They are listed as such:
    • Chaosbringer
    • Dr. Grimm
    • Ebon Night
    • Kane