RZAC Bush Rangers

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The RZAC Bush soldiers live on a world of almost endless baking savanna, poisonous creatures and high altitude mountain jungles. Where massive lake-watering holes are sites of civilization and attract the many massive predators of the planet. Where a virtually constant struggle for water ensues every day. The planet is otherwise rich in underground promethium and mineral wealth. However their homes are beset by Otroki oppressors and chaos infected predators which appear mysteriously in the night.

The Bush soldiers allied themselves to the nearby Mechanicus out of necessity, its government forming the RZ Army Corps. They have a strong history of zeal for the Imperial faith. They are used as the favored assault boat troops on ships and have a deserved reputation for brutal attacks in their own right.

Weapons: Although RZACs field locally manufactured Lucius pattern lasrifles which are easier to produce on their planet, they prefer auto weapons for up close and utilize a unique subautogun made there. Its high rate of fire and reliability make it a prized possession among RZACs even if it is a somewhat simple design.

Subautogun 50m S/3/8 1d10+3 0 35 Full Reliable 3kg Average - Lightweight (+10 for firing one handed) - Extra grip (+10 for firing one handed when at half range)

The scarcity of advanced technology means that the Forgeworld delivers RZACs standard plasma weapons with a shorter barrel. These snub barreled plasma guns have evolved into a carbine of sorts which is favored for close quarter assaults and the long desert patrols where weight rapidly becomes cumbersome.

Plasma Carbine: Basic, 60m, S/2/-, 1d10+7E, Pen 8, Clip 10, 1full1half; Maximal, Overheats, 4kg; Very Rare Upgrades: - Carbine (+50% range of pistol) - Lightweight (-10 for firing one handed) - Rapid clip ejection (-50% reload time)

The Regimental Favored weapons of the RZACs are their locally produced Flamer and Heavy Stubber.

Regimental favoured assault weapon: flamer A firm staple with RZACs this flamer is equipped with a longer barrel and high pressure pump to add range. Due to the position of the pilot flame it often overheats the barrel during long periods of use, sometimes causing it to glow red, it is in danger of 'cook off' where the fuel ignites too soon in the barrel causing the fuel tanks to explode. Because of this RZACs regularly coat the barrel in vehicle grease to keep it cool, however more enthusiastic bush soldiers have been known to use it as an impromptu weapon, extinguishing the barrel by thrusting it into the hide of an enemy. - Longbarrel (+10m) - Heating issues (Overheats) - Back pack feed lines. - Overheated barrel (1d5+2E Shocking)

Regimental favoured heavy weapon: Heavy stubber Cheap to produce and lighter than most heavy weapons the RZAC heavy stubber is a venerable weapon designed by a renowned officer. This weapon seems inexplicably always eager to damage enemies. Being light enough to port due to its drum magazine, it also comes stock with an extra grip fashion from wood and a bipod for sustained fire. Veterans have been known to lighten the weapon further by sawing off its barrel and using it in bush assaults. Utilising it in single shots, many veterans claim they are marksmen with the design and don't need extended barrels.

Heavy Stubber Heavy, 100m S/-/8 1d10+4I Pen 3, Clip 60, Proven (2), 1full 30kg Average. - Extra grip (+10 for firing one handed when at half range) - Bipod - Venerable Design (Proven 2) - Sawnoff (reduce range and weight by 1/4, +2 damage at close range, veterans only)

RZACs have also been known to utilize autocannons in some instances though most are produced by the nearby forgeworld and are treasured pieces reserved for command squads.