
The Resistance is one of the human based factions in Dropzone Commander and Dropfleet Commander. They are not a unified group, but instead the scattered remnants of humanity who survived after the invasion of the Scourge.
History[edit | edit source]
While only a tiny fraction of mankind survived the initial attack from the Scourge, enough managed to hide away on their various worlds to establish themselves as sustainable populations. This was largely due to the Scourge's reluctance to stray too far or deeply underground, and their determination that stomping out the last few humans present was not worth the resources, happy to simply keep them from growing too strong or bold.
As a result, these groups can vary from organized fighting forces utilizing and maintaining proper military weaponry, to brutally violent Mad Max style warlords. They are largely characterized by their guerilla style actions, inflicting disproportionate damage to their foes. They can function independently, or work with either the United Colonies of Man or Post-Human Republic. As the Reconquest has advanced, liberated worlds have seen their resistance forces inducted as new citizens of the UCM.
The Vega Scrapfleet[edit | edit source]

The battle over Vega IV between the EAA and those attempting to heed the warning of the White Sphere and flee was the largest space action seen by humanity to that point. While many of the fleeing ships successfully jumped out of the system, the battle left a vast field of debris and ships too damaged to make the jump either out of the system or back home with the remaining EAA. Promising to return with the help necessary to repair, the EAA fleet returned to Earth, but were destroyed days later by the Scourge invasion, leaving the ships and their crew over Vega IV to be forgotten.
Over time, they managed to learn to live off ship-based resources and infrastructure, supplied from scrounged supplies off the debris field and occasional daring runs to occupied planets. Their space-based life led them to become experts in engineering and piloting. Independent of the UCM, discussion of them is largely squashed by state censors, as the possibility of a life free from military obligations and service to the UCM could lead to problems of morale.
Kalium[edit | edit source]

A former colony, they chose to isolating themselves in the early days of the formation of the UCM rather than cede control, deactivating their foldspace node. The planet has had a violent history, experiencing multiple civil wars until coming under control by the militaristic totalitarian government of the Kabal. Since taking control, the Kabal has directed their vast manufacturing infrastructure to pump out massive numbers of weaponry, vehicles, and spacecraft. Lacking the resources necessary to properly conduct their own R&D, they have continued to produce the hardware of the EAA.
Although hidden and long forgotten by the UCM, Kalium has had a long history of espionage and infiltration and have been keeping watch on the other colonies.
Famous Commanders[edit | edit source]
Karl Foley, Prince of New Troy[edit | edit source]
The preeminent leader of the UCM allied resistance forces on Eden Prime, Karl Foley is responsible for activating the foldspace node that allowed the UCM to jump to the system, and after the successful conquest of the system was inducted into the UCM as an honorary general. A bitter rival of Salakahn, he is most often seen piloting a Hellhog jumpjet.
Jessie Adams, Guide of the Damned[edit | edit source]
Commander of a group of resistance known as the Damned, they are one of many bands of fighters that reside in the tunnels underneath the city of Granum on Elysium Prime. The constant combat between the various groups of humans as well as the Scourge have honed her skills as a commander. She does not fight herself, but instead commands her forces from the tunnels, traveling through the underground complexes in her modified mining drill.
Salakahn, Tyrant of Atlantia[edit | edit source]
A despot that held total control over the city of Atlantia on Eden Prime. A massive and cunning man, he maintains power through fear and cruelty. The PHR, seeking something on Eden Prime, allied with him and his forces. When it seemed he was close to losing control of the city of Atlantia to approaching UCM forces, he detonated a hidden nuclear device, obliterating the UCM along with all the Scourge and PHR present in the area, and escaped to the city of New Athens. Thought dead by the UCM, thanks to the use of a body double he managed to escape and was later approached by an unknown figure with an offer of employment. Typically seen in battle riding a custom Alexander heavy battle tank.
Gunnarr of Elysium, The Ferryman[edit | edit source]
Residing in the city of Granum on Elysium Prime, he gained his nickname at an early age, having already sent many into the afterlife. The horror of a life under the Scourge and the harsh cruelty of so many of the surviving humans broke his already violent mind and compelled him to greater heights of brutality. He leads a band of berserk warriors who take to battle in a modified Lifthawk, never commanding forces to achieve any strategic or tactical goal, but only to relish in the slaughter.
Technology[edit | edit source]

Vehicles[edit | edit source]
Resistance vehicles run the gamut from simple gun and rocket technicals to proper old-Earth military armor. Repurposed civilian vehicles such as hovercraft, ATVs, and mining drills serve alongside APCs, jet fighters, and attack helicopters, depending on the resources available to the resistance fighters in question. Bloated military budgets in the early days of humanity's expansion led to heavily armored and powerful military vehicles that are still useful in modern combat.
Their spacecraft consists of the remnants of EAA fleets, featuring tough armor and extreme customizability. The prosperous days on the Cradle Worlds led to a vast array of private manufacturers that produced components with standardized fittings, leading to highly modular ships.
Weapons[edit | edit source]
Weaponry is a mixture of traditional missiles and tank cannons, to more modern weapons such as vent cannons, powerful but unstable weaponry that attack by directly venting a ship's power core into the weapon, risking damage to the ship itself when firing. Repurposed Scourge plasma weapons are also commonly in use.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Karl Foley
Jessie Adams