Reynard le Chasseur

Reynard le Chasseur, also known as Reynard the Hunter, is one of the fairly large assortment of special characters for Bretonnia that appeared only in Warhammer 5th edition and were subsequently removed when it received its more grimdark revamp in 6th edition.
As his name basically implies, being a combination of Reynard (French for "Fox") and French for "the Chaser", Reynard is an absolute hunting freak, to the point he uses a boar spear instead of a lance as a weapon and always takes to the field accompanied by a trained falcon and his two best hunting dogs; Groffe and Griffe, the Chiens de Guerre (War Dogs in English), And you do not wanna hurt these dogs, because if they die, he develops the Hatred rule against their killers.
He is widely known for treating battle like a mere hunt, as he prefers to take his own personally trained squires into battle over a group of knights.