Richard Garfield
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Richard Garfield is a game designer most notable for creating Magic: The Gathering. While not majorly involved in Magic currently, he still contributes to the design of some sets. He has a BS in Computer Mathematics and a PhD in Combinatorial Mathematics. You can read his thesis here, but if you don't understand it, it's sufficient to say he's good at math. His games tend to have quite a logical bent to them. If you're playing a Richard Garfield game, stack your bonuses.
Genealogy[edit | edit source]
Richard's great-great-grandfather is 20th U.S. President, James A. Garfield; and Richard's grand-uncle invented the paper clip.
Games Designed[edit | edit source]
Shamelessly stolen from Wikipedia:
- Magic: The Gathering (1993), collectible card game
- RoboRally (1994), board game
- Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (1994), collectible card game
- The Great Dalmuti (1995), card game
- Netrunner (1996), collectible card game
- BattleTech CCG (1996), collectible card game
- Dilbert: Corporate Shuffle (1997), card game
- Filthy Rich (1998), board game
- Twitch (1998), card game
- Star Wars Trading Card Game (2002), collectible card game
- Pecking Order (2006), board game
- Rocketville (2006), board game
- Stonehenge (2007), board game anthology
- Spectromancer (2008), online card game
- Schizoid (2008), console action game
- Kard Combat (2011), iOS Game
- King of Tokyo (2011), board game
- SolForge (2012), iOS Game
- Android: Netrunner (2012), collectible card game
- Artifact (2018), Valve's Dota2 themed online collectible card game
- Keyforge (2018), a card game with a strange distribution model
Socks[edit | edit source]
Richard has (or at least had) a tendency to wear mismatching socks [1]