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Not to be confused with STALKER: The RPG or STALKER: The Other RPG.

Start[edit | edit source]

STALKER: The Zone RPG is a PNP Roleplaying game based on the Dark Heresy and Black Crusade systems currently being developed by an assortment of Neckbeards from /tg/.

This game will include such features such as:

  • Career-less system unlike Dark Heresy but with relatively free advancements mimicing Black Crusade
  • Starting kits to "specialize" your character, ranging from a regular soldier, medic, mechanic, etc.
  • A "Quick Inventory" system integrated into protective vests, where you can only use the inventory you have equipped on your vest, like a Molle system
  • A system for working out radioactive areas, a modified version of Corruption Points
  • Bleeding, which unlike earlier discussions and ideas will not be about "losing X amount of Wounds every Y turns", but will be a status effect with inherent modifiers, including narrative ones (predators smelling blood, etc.)
  • Empty/full magazines, as you may have 150 bullets, but only 2 magazines to fill them up with. Keep those empty magazines!
  • Weapon degradation that isn't a giant pain in the butt to keep track of.

Also note that this page is pretty much completely outdated. All current, up-to-date information and rules can be found in this Google Documents folder:

Contact us for ideas, feedback and coöperation in #STALKERPG at

Survival: Ailments and Needs[edit | edit source]

All ailment effects rely on what's been coined the Expanded Exhaustion system. Things like Hunger, Sleep, etc all take a toll on your body when not dealt with. Normally, you would have Fatigue points equal to your Toughness bonus. But since that is too limiting for all the varying effects, it has been expanded to (pending) your Strength + Willpower + Toughness scores combined. (Ex. 30 STR + 26 WIL + 38 TOU = 94 Stamina)Each ailment has 5 tiers, each increasing the penalty to all your rolls as well as giving you exhaustion. You can take up to as much exhaustion as your Stamina score- when maxed, your character dies.(Ex. A Player is inflicted with Bleeding Tier 1, which gives 3 Exhaustion- which is therefore also -3 to all rolls.)

  • Bleeding When an attacker rolls damage, on a 9 or a 10- the victim in inflicted with a tier of bleeding. This ailments stacks and will not recover until dealt with (bandaged, etc).
  1. Cut, 3 Exhaustion
  2. Light Bleeding, 6 Exhaustion
  3. Mild Bleeding, 9 Exhaustion
  4. Severe Bleeding, 12 Exhaustion
  5. Dying, 15 Exhaustion, Blood Loss

Anomalies[edit | edit source]

(Possible mechanics of Anomalies) When a player enters an area with an anomaly nearby, there are essentially 3 steps to resolving what happens. There is Detection, Escape and Effect. Player A walks down a hallway, GM first calls for a Detection check. Depending on the anomaly, the stat used to detecting one will change- but most will use Perception as the majority are visible. Having a Sensor or a bolt or any type of tool used to aid in detection will have a bonus listed with it. That bonus is added to the respective stat, and combined- must succeed the detection roll. If passed, the anomaly is spotted and can be avoided. If failed, there may be (depending on anomaly) one last ditch to get out of the way/dodge/hang on for dear life before the annoying or deadly results come into play. This usually depends on a Dodge or Agility test to escape getting hurt. If the player succeeds that save, then they escape unharmed. And finally, if the player fails both the Detection and Escape rolls- they are subject to the anomaly's effects. Most likely damage or instant death.

  • Burner Burner anomalies can be hard to spot in their dormant state as the only visible clue is a mirage blurring the surrounding area. When triggered the anomaly will shoot out a large column of flame, burning brightly for a few seconds, after which it becomes dormant until provoked again.

Detection: -20 to detect while dormant. If successfully detected with a thrown object, will turn active and grant a +60 to detection rolls for the next few seconds.

Escape: Can only effect what is within it's 1 meter area, becomes active when person enters it's range. Grants no escape rolls.

Effect: Inflicts 1d10 damage, roll location. This damage can only be reduced by CBRN and Toughness bonus. Must immediately make 2 durability rolls for armor.

Armor List[edit | edit source]

Name Locations AP CBRN Durability Weight Price
Sunrise Bodysuit Arms, Body, Legs 2 2 10 DP 5.00 kg 3,750 RU
Leather Trench Coat Arms, Body, Legs 0 1 10 DP 4.00 kg 375 RU
SEVA Bodysuit All 2 4 10 DP 10.00 kg 15,000 RU
Berill-5M Armored Suit Arms, Body, Legs 3 1 10 DP 9.00 kg 7,500 RU
Bulat Armored Suit Arms, Body, Legs 4 2 10 DP 12.00 kg 15,000 RU
Gas Mask Head 0 2 10 DP 4.00 kg 600 RU
Screen Helmet Head 2 4 10 DP 4.00 kg 3,600 RU
Steel Helmet Head 2 0 10 DP 4.00 kg 720 RU
Sphere M12 Helmet Head 4 2 10 DP 4.00 kg 3,600 RU
    • Unsure how to gauge durability without hard stats to mimic and without Durability chart. Right now laying them all at a flat 10 DP. (Possibly always roll durability damage after an encounter?)

Weapon List[edit | edit source]


Caliber Damage Qualities Weight Price/Rounds
9x18mm 1d10+2 - 1.00 kg 600 RU/50 rounds
9x18mm +P+ 1d10+2 Wounding 1.00 kg 900 RU/50 rounds
9x19mm 1d10+2 Proven (2) 1.00 kg 625 RU/50 rounds
9x19mm JHP 1d10+2 Proven (2), Wounding 1.00 kg 875 RU/50 rounds
.45 ACP 1d10+2 Proven (3) 1.00 kg 1,200 RU/50 rounds
.45 ACP Hydrashock 1d10+2 Proven (3), Wounding 1.00 kg 2,000 RU/50 rounds
12x70 Buckshot 1d10+4 Scatter 1.00 kg 160 RU/10 shells
12x76 Slug 1d10+4 Wounding 1.00 kg 300 RU/10 shells
5.45x39mm 1d10+3 Proven (2) 1.00 kg 1,392 RU/60 rounds
5.45x39mm AP 1d10+3 Proven (2), Piercing 1.00 kg 2,062 RU/60 rounds
5.56x45mm 1d10+3 Proven (3) 1.00 kg 1,272 RU/60 rounds
5.56x45mm AP 1d10+3 Proven (3), Piercing 1.00 kg 2,090 RU/60 rounds
9x39mm SP-5 1d10+3 Sub-Sonic, Proven (2) 1.00 kg 471 RU/30 rounds
9x39mm SP-6 1d10+3 Sub-Sonic, Proven (2), Piercing 1.00 kg 600 RU/30 rounds
7.62x54mm 1d10+3 Proven (4) 1.00 kg 1,043 RU/10 rounds


Name Range Rate of Fire Caliber Magazine Reload Qualities Durability Weight Price
Fora-12 30m S/2/- 9x18mm 12 rounds Half Stubby, Compact 3 DP 0.83 kg 360 RU
PMm 30m S/2/- 9x18mm 8 rounds Full Stubby, Compact 4 DP 0.50 kg 240 RU
Walker P9m 40m S/2/- 9x19mm 16 rounds Half Stubby, Compact 2 DP 0.69 kg 720 RU
HPSS-1m 40m S/2/- 9x19mm 13 rounds Half Stubby, Compact 4 DP 0.88 kg 390 RU
Martha 40m S/2/- 9x19mm 15 rounds Half Stubby, Compact 3 DP 1.00 kg 450 RU
Kora-919 30m S/2/- .45 ACP 7 rounds Half Stubby, Compact 1 DP 1.10 kg 540 RU
SIP-t M200 30m S/2/- .45 ACP 8 rounds Half Stubby, Compact 4 DP 0.72 kg 720 RU
UDP Compact 30m S/2/- .45 ACP 12 rounds Half Stubby, Compact 4 DP 0.72 kg 840 RU


Name Range Rate of Fire Caliber Magazine Reload Qualities Durability Weight Price
Sawed-off Shotgun 10m S/-/- 12x70 shot 2 shells Hand Load(1) Stubby, Storm 5 DP 1.90 kg 120 RU
Hunting Shotgun 50m S/-/- 12x70 shot 2 shells Hand Load(1) +1 BS 5 DP 3.10 kg 720 RU
Chaser 13 30m S/-/- 12x70 shot 7 shells Hand Load(2) Stockless 3 DP 3.00 kg 1,440 RU


Name Range Rate of Fire Caliber Magazine Reload Qualities Durability Weight Price
AC-96/2 100m S/4/10 5.45x39mm 30 rounds Full +3 BS 2 DP 4.00 kg 4,500 RU
AKM-74/2 100m S/2/10 5.45x39mm 30 rounds Full +2 BS, Big Kick 4 DP 4.80 kg 3,000 RU
AKM-74/2U 60m S/2/10 5.45x39mm 30 rounds Full +1 BS, Big Kick 3 DP 2.7 kg 2,250 RU
GP37 100m S/2/10 5.56x45mm 30 rounds Full +2 BS 3 DP 3.60 kg 6,000 RU
IL 86 80m S/2/10 5.56x45mm 30 rounds Full +1 BS, Precise 1 DP 5.00 kg 3,750 RU
SGI-5k 100m S/2/10 5.56x45mm 30 rounds Full +2 BS 4 DP 4.50 kg 6,000 RU
TRs 301 100m S/2/10 5.56x45mm 30 rounds Full +1 BS 2 DP 2.70 kg 3,600 RU


Name Range Rate of Fire Caliber Magazine Reload Qualities Durability Weight Price
SVDm-2 200m S/-/- 7.62x54mm 10 rounds Full Precise, +2 BS 2 DP 4.90 kg 9,600 RU
SVU2-A 200m S/2/- 7.62x54mm 10 rounds 2 Full Precise, +3 BS 2 DP 4.40 kg 15,000 RU
SVUmk-2 200m S/-/- 7.62x54mm 10 rounds 2 Full Precise, +5 BS 4 DP 4.40 kg 10,200 RU
Tide 100m S/-/- 9x39mm SP-5 10 rounds Full Suppressed, Precise, +2 BS 3 DP 3.20 kg 11,250 RU
Vintar BC 80m S/3/- 9x39mm SP-5 10 rounds Full Suppressed, Precise, +1 BS 4 DP 3.20 kg 7,200 RU
Mosin Nagant 200m S/-/- 7.62x54mm 5 rounds Hand Load(2) Precise, +1 BS 5 DP 4.00 kg 6,351 RU


Name Range Rate of Fire Caliber Magazine Reload Qualities Durability Weight Price
Bulldog-6 60m S/-/- VOG-25 Grenade 6 rounds Half per grenade - 2 DP 6.20 kg ??? RU
RPG-7u 120m S/-/- OG-7V Warhead 1 round 2Full - 3 DP 6.30 kg ??? RU
F1 Grenade SBx3 - - - - - 2 DP 0.30 kg ??? RU


Some of these are from Black Crusade, others have been made up.

  • Scatter: At Point Blank Range this weapon gains a +10 to hit and inflicts an additional +3 Damage. At Short Range it gains an additional +10 to hit. At Long or Extreme Range it suffers -3 Damage (to a minimum of 0).
  • Proven(X): Treat any die roll for Damage lower than the Proven rating (as indicated by the number in the parenthesis) as if it were the Proven rating instead.
  • Storm: This Quality doubles the number of hits inflicted on the target and the amount of ammunition expended.
  • Stubby: +3 BS attacking targets in Short range. -3 BS attacking targets at Long Range or further.
  • Stockless: Bonus for Aiming is halved. Weight is lowered by 1 kg.
  • Big Kick: -3 BS when firing in Semi-Burst or Full auto.
  • Suppressed: Negates sight-based tests to spot. If not used with Sub Sonic ammunition, destroys suppressor on a misfire.
  • Sub-Sonic: -1 to Proven(X) rating. When used with supressor, -20 to hearing-based tests to spot.
  • Precise: After successfully hitting with a called shot, for every degree- add a bonus d10 to the damage roll. Maximum of 2 bonuses.
  • Hand Load(X): Difficult to reload, always takes a full action to reload (X) quantity of ammunition.
  • Compact: +20 to concealing this weapon.
  • Piercing: Halves the victim's Armor Value when determining damage. Round down.
  • Wounding: Halves the victim's Toughness Bonus when determining damage. Round down.

Coming Soon

More Weapons, More caliber types and qualities, More Armor, More equipment qualities, Acessories (magazines, mounted lights, scopes), More Anomalies.