Samurai Movie RPG
The generically named Samurai Movie RPG is an RPG system created for /tg/ by Squash Monster.
Designed to emulate genre-flick samurai movies, combat rarely lasts longer than a single dice roll. Because combat is so short and almost always fatal, there is almost no warning to tell you when you are horribly outmatched. Because of this, most of the game will be spent sizing up opponents and avoiding direct confrontation.
Needless to say, you'd need a good group to actually make this work.
Combat Rules[edit | edit source]
The bulk of the game's pittance of rules is used for combat.
Basic Combat[edit | edit source]
Everybody has their combat ability as a single stat, which is ranked from 1 to 100. When you fight somebody, you first choose what you are attempting to do to your opponent, then both roll 1d6 and add it to your skill: the person with the higher result gets to determine the outcome. In a tie, the person with the higher skill wins. If both opponents have the same skill and the same roll, resolve the combat as if both were successful.
When choosing what you want to do to your opponent, you have three options: kill, disable, or disarm. What happens in a combat depends on what the winning combatant chose.
- If you chose Dead and your skill is higher, they're Dead.
- If you chose Dead and your skill is lower, they're Dying.
- If you chose Dying, they're Dying.
- If you chose Disarmed and your skill is higher, they're Disarmed.
- If you chose Disarmed and your skill is lower, they're Fine.
Disarmed is a -6 penalty to skill. Dying is a -3 penalty to skill, you can only move half as fast (not that there's any form of tactical movement in this game), and is generally considered worse. If something should render you Dying but you're already Dying, you're just dead.
Group Combat[edit | edit source]
For many vs one combats, the outnumbered guy takes a penalty equal to the number of opponents and makes separate rolls against each of them.
For many vs many combats, each participant makes a roll: 1d6+skill. The person with the highest roll chooses however many opponents he wants to face, then the next highest, and so on. Participants who have already been chosen have no farther say in the matter. When choosing opponents, you must choose either a group of unchosen opponents, or choose to join in a fight against a single opponent: you cannot help a single participant against a group of opponents. Once all the participants have chosen, resolve each group as a many vs one combat.
Character Creation[edit | edit source]
Regular people should have skills of 1 to 5. Properly armed and armored player samurai should have skills of around 40.
There should be lots of situational modifiers. For now, the rest is up to you.