Santiago De Vivar
Santiago De Vivar is a fan-made special character for the Estalia army created by the Warhammer Army Project in their fandex for this unexplored part of the Warhammer Fantasy Battles world.
Unlike most of the special characters in the Estalian army book, Santiago is a historical character, in-universe. He was the King of Almagora during the Arabian invasion of Estalia, and defended his city until it was the last spot of resistance against the invaders from the Southlands. Such was his skill and courage that he became known as the Champion of Estalia and the Scourge of Araby. During the final siege of his homeland, he was slain by a poisoned Arabian arrow, but with his dying words, he instructed his generals to pull a trick on the invaders: they dressed his dead body in his arms and armor, strapped him to his horse, and sent it charging ahead of the Estalians as they launched a counter-attack. Believing the man they had come to know and fear had somehow cheated certain death, the Araby armies lost all morale and fled, allowing the Estalians to win the day. For this, Santiago is now both a national hero (incredibly remarkable, considering how disunited the Estalians are) and a saint of the Myrmidian church.
On the tabletop, Santiago uses up a Lord slot and costs 275 points. His stats are: Movement 4, Weapon Skill 7, Ballistic Skill 5, Strength 4, Toughness 4, Wounds 3, Initiative 6, Attacks 5, and Leadership 9. He rides a Barded Warhorse named Babieca, but it has no stat changes vs. a regular barded warhorse.
His special rules are:
- Tactical Supremacy: Roll 3d6 when taking test to Rally, March, Reform, or Redirect Charge, and discard the highest.
- Champion of Estalia: Each Wound caused by Santiago becomes d3 Wounds for combat resolution.
He carries two magic items; the magic weapons Tizona & Colada (Paired Weapons, Re-roll failed To Hit & To Wound, Santiago Causes Fear in foes with lower base Ld) and the magic armor known as the Armor of the Champion (Heavy Armor, successful Wounds against the wearer must be rerolled).