
Scorrow are a monster indigenous to the Eberron setting of Dungeons & Dragons. Natives to Xen'drik, they are essentially their world's analogue to Driders, being half-drow and half-arachnid aberrations and tied to the arachnid-themed drow deity. Who in this case is the Scorpion God Vulkoor instead of the Spider Queen Lolth.
Unlike driders, though, scorrow are not transformed drow - they're a true breeding race in their own right. Their numbers are relatively low, because they reproduce infrequently and, frankly, they're not very good parents. See, scorrow hate weakness, and as such any child of theirs who can't keep up with the clan is swiftly left behind, a fate that few, if any, survive. Never mind that Scorpions don't do that shit at all in real life, in fact they are remarkably GOOD parents.
The scorrow believe that they were once the most skilled tribe of drow hunters in all of Xen'drik, so much so that Vulkoor himself was impressed. As a sign of his approval, a monstrous god-touched scorpion came to the village and stung every member of the tribe, with its magical venom transforming them into the first scorrow. They say it still lurks in the jungle, and may reappear to the worthy to offer them a gift. They still follow their old life-style, living alone or in small clans that migrate through the jungle in pursuit of food.
As you can probably tell, scorrow definitely have a heaping helping of elven arrogance. Combined with their predatory nature, they disdain all other races, although not to the point of being impulsive killers - you can reason with them, but it's hard.
Despite common roots, the drow/scorrow "alliance" only extends so far as drow respecting the scorrow and the scorrow not seeking to war on their former kinsfolk. Working together happens rarely, and only if the scorrow feel the drow are worthy of their company.
Scorrow traditionally practice dual-wielding the machete-like "drow long knife", pairing it with boomerangs for ranged combat. A small minority, called the Clawborn, have rending pincers in lieu of hands; these can't use weapons obviously, but they're skilled and powerful enough that they are no less lethal.
Sadly, unlike the drider, the scorrow never really reached the mainstream audience of /tg/, and thus it did not spark a surge of interest in sexy scorpion-based monstergirls.