
The Scrag is to the troll what the koalinth is to the hobgoblin. Which is to say they put a troll underwater and made it vaguely fish-like. Voila! Another completely unique and original monster for your aquatic encounter table.
Scarred Lands Scrags[edit | edit source]
In the Scarred Lands setting, Scrags were the creation of Kadum the Mountainshaker and the rulers of the oceans for the longest time. Then the Divine War came, Kadum was dismembered and thrown into the seas, and Corean created his Tritons to oppose them. Now the Scrags are trying desperately to survive and keep what land they have.
Their society is combatative and caste-based, with the caste depending on how well you can intimidate others into doing your bidding. Lowest are slugs, misshapen runts who perform most of the menial labor, kappi are the middle caste, warriors who also take care of hunting and overseeing the slaves, and at the top are the warlords, who oversee the kappi, and plan and head slave raids and invasions, and the shamans, who are druids, clerics, warlocks, and sorcerers, who help the warlords in plotting and divine potential outcomes.
If you wanted to play the sea-trolls in Scarn, then Yugman's Guide to Ghelspad has you covered, giving them the following stats for 5E:
- Ability Score Increase: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution
- Size: Medium
- Speed 30 feet, swim 30 feet
- Darkvision 60 feet
- Amphibious: You can breathe air and water.
- Claws: You can deal 1d4 + Strength slashing damage instead of bludgeoning for an unarmed strike.
- Regeneration: When submerged in water, you regain one hit point at the end of each of your turns. If you lose a limb or body part, the lost portion grows back within 3d6 minutes. A severd limb can be reattached by holiding it to the stump, where it reattaches instantly. If you take fire or acid damage, or you fail a death saving throw, your regeneration doesn't function at the end of your turn.
- Unshakable: You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
- Languages: You speak Titan Speech, Giantish, and one common language of your choice.
Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar[edit | edit source]
No, not River Trolls/Fellwater Troggoths. In Warhammer Fantasy, the lore actually makes mention of a race of oceanic trolls, far rarer for the civilizations of land dwellers to encounter for the simple fact that they lived very deep underwater. They were apparently also known as "Shugons" which kind of sounds like the alternate name for manatees, "dugongs". And, despite how minor they were in the lore, they managed to reappear AGAIN in the lore... in a minor role once again. Now rebranded in Age of Sigmar as Deepwater Troggoths, they were only ever mentioned by name in promotional material on Warhammer Age of Sigmar's Facebook page sneak-peaking Idoneth Deepkin. They were even illustrated, a picture of a troggoth covered in seaweed tangled on its body and wielding a crude axe made from the skull of a sea monster. They were also mentioned not by name in the description of the Angujakkak, an enormous kaiju-size sea monster species that is said to look like "a cross between an oceanic trench dwelling troggoth and a mega-squid".
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Dungeon #12
Warhammer Fantasy
Age of Sigmar Idoneth promotional material featuring Deepwater Troggoths