Scrollhammer: Battle Reports
House Redoran vs. Dremora, Apr 22 2012, first seen on /tg/[edit | edit source]
The army of House Redoran:
Nerevarine (Incarnate). Dark Elf, Sign of the Serpent. Daedric Armor of Strength, Goldbrand, Bow, Scroll of Dispel, 3x Potion of Strength.
20x Redoran Knights w/ Champion with Greatsword of Incineration, Standard Bearer and Musician.
20x Redoran Knights w/ Champion with Greatsword of Incineration, Standard Bearer and Musician.
Siege Strider w/ Ashflame and Trainer
Siege Strider w/ Ashflame and Trainer
Siege Strider w/ Ashflame and Trainer
1500 pts.
The Daedra Army:
Dremora Markynaz w/ Daedric Armor, Daedric Mace, Scroll of Silence
10x Dremora
10x Dremora
5x Daedroth
5x Daedroth
10x Winged Twilight

This was the initial setup, Daedra going first. The green is forest area terrain.
I will confess beforehand that mistakes were made during this battle(being the first testing these rules). A particular unit was found to be overpowered, and I decided to nerf it, especially after the rematch.
On turn 1, the Daedra army moved forward. Not a lot happened; the Markynaz's unit shot some firebolts at some knights, but the Dunmer's Feel No Pain against flame attacks stopped any damage from being dealt. The Winged Twilights moved up halfway across the forest ahead of them.
On the Dunmer turn, arrows were fired; Nerevarine's unit picked off a Daedroth. The Siege Striders fired their Ashflame into the Winged Twilights. The devastating Large Blast, combined with the extra damage over time, led to the Winged Twilights being all killed off save 1 by the time they could move next turn. The first turn was looking bad for the Daedra already.
Turn 2, one unit of Daedroths is in range to charge Nerevarine's unit. They breath fire and even pick off a few Dunmer, and then attack. Goldbrand though.... holy wow. Just as crazy powerful as in the vidya games. Nerevarine with Goldbrand got in a wound which became 6 wounds, and another wound which stayed as 1 wound but increased to 2 via critical strike. He pwns the Daedroths.
The last surviving Winged Twilight flies over to one of the Siege Striders and beats it up with its Always Wounds on 2+. And then gets crushed by a giant bug foot.
On the Dunmer turn, more shooting. The other Knight's squad passes their Terror test and charges the surviving Daedroths. They win via Furious Charge shenanigans. The Siege Striders torch the Markynaz's unit and kill most of it.
Turn 3, the Dremora unit on the left exchanges fire with Nerevarine's unit. The Markynaz flanks the knights, and they fail their fear test, and so hit on 6's. He cuts them to pieces, but they hold. The Siege Striders kill the other Dremora unit from across the map on their turn, and the Markynaz finds himself unable to do much.
He goes down on turn 4, the last remaining model on his side. Nerevarine stands victorious over the armies of the House of Troubles.
So that's how it ends. Daedra get pwned. Goldbrand is fine, because its a +70 pt weapon that can 1-shot eternal warriors. It doesn't even ignore armor saves.
Daedroth getting auto-cast Third Barriers is good. It saved them a lot. But Siege Striders are overpowered. In the rematch, the Ashflame took out half the winged twilights (multi wound models, please note), even with the twilights deep striking. And only one Ashflame hit.
I decided to nerf Ashflame. Either that, or it costs +50 pts. Your choice, your call. But I realize now that Heavy 1 getting 3 hits on the same unit over 3 phases is essentially Heavy 3. So Ashflame is now treated as a 3-shot weapon for what it does for its points cost.
House Telvanni vs Mythic Dawn vs Sotha Sil, Apr 26 2012, from /tg/[edit | edit source]
The first army is the Telvanni army of Divayth Fyr, using the Morrowind codex:
Divayth Fyr with 4 Daughters 550 pts
80x Argonian Slaves 243 pts
80x Argonian Slaves 243 pts
1x Siege Strider with Spellwrights: Deadly Weakness, 2x Toxic Cloud 140 pts
1x Siege Strider with Spellwrights: Silence, 2x Mass Paralysis 140 pts
1x Siege Strider with Spellwrights: Raise Skeletal Minion, 2x Raise Skeletons 175 pts
This army revolves around two huge tarpits, and a whole ton of magic artillery. And a magic artillery that creates shooty tarpits.
The second army is a Mythic Dawn army, led by Mankar Camoran himself:
Mankar Camoran (265 pts) with 4x High Elf Sorcerors, each with Daedric Bite, Lower Resists Scroll of Dispulsion, and Scroll of Dispel (128 pts)
20x High Elf Cultists with Bound Bow and Chain Lightning, led by Breton Blackguard w/ Hand Weapon, Ebony Armor, Shield 131 pts
20x High Elf Cultists with Bound Bow and Chain Lightning, led by Dark Elf Blackguard w/ Hand Weapon, Ebony Armor, Shield, Mehrunes Razor 171 pts
3 Xivilai with 6 Clannfears(Wall of Flames and Voidscream Lightning on all, one also has Cripple/Drain Strength, one has Cripple/Dispulsion, one has Drain Strength/Dispel) 570 pts
Siege Crawler 225 pts
The third army also uses the Morrowind Codex. It is a Sotha Sil army, using the Mystery of Morrowind's personal list:
Sotha Sil, protected by an Imperfect 820 pts
13x Fabricants 338 pts
13x Fabricants 338 pts
This is the initial setup. The game was a three-way objective matchup, with forests on the sides and the objective on the wooded hill in the center.
Since this, once again, was the first time using some of these units, mistakes were made, and a unit was found to be overpowered.

So, for the first turn, Sotha Sil(who chose to go last) steals the initiative. Joined to a squad of Fabricants, he heads toward the center woods between his army and Master Fyr's. His other squad moves toward the objective and toward Camoran's army.
It is Divayth Fyr's turn next. Slaves move toward bottom left woods, other slaves move toward right center woods. Everything else moves straight forward. The Destruction Siege Strider successfully casts Toxic Cloud, killing four cultists and wounding the Blackguard without Mehrunes Razor. Six skeletons are summoned by the Conjuration Siege Strider, who shoot at Sotha Sil's unit. Sotha Sil casts Sixth Barrier, giving himself a 2+ armor save and soaking up the wound. Divayth Fyr attempts to Lightning Storm Sotha's unit, but fails to cast it.
On the Mythic Dawn turn, the Siege Crawler fires its Inferno at the Slaves on the left, and the cultists behind him fire Chain Lightning. 14 Slaves are killed. The Siege Crawler's gun is quite overpowered; I made the mistake of only firing it once, instead of three times, which was why so few were killed. Sotha Sil protects the Fabricants on the left from the cultists' Chain Lightning with his Aetherofabricant charge; only one is permanently killed, but several are wounded. Camoran summons a Storm Atronach.
Turn 2:
Sotha Sil's squad moves into the woods. The other Fabricants charge the cultists with the Razor. They get terrible To Hit rolls, and so they only barely win the combat. The Cultists hold.
The Siege Striders make more Skeletons. They unleash a volley of spells at Sotha's unit as the slaves move up, each towards the woods that it is heading towards, but do the striders do little damage to it, even though Deathly Weakness removed the immunity to poison on the Fabricants- the Toxic Cloud missed. Divayth Fyr's unit scores a wound on the Siege Crawler with a lucky 6.
The Siege Crawler continues to torch the slaves, but due to the mistake that was being made with its rules, it doesn't stop them. The Xivilai and Clannfears charge the Fabricants on the left, and finish them, but not before the Fabricants reduce the Razor unit to size 6. The Razor's insta-kill is what allowed the combat to end that turn- it was a close call.
Turn 3:
Sotha Sil and his unit charge the Slaves moving toward him. The Slaves take heavy casualties, and fail their morale test. They attempt to flee, but are caught and destroyed.
All spellcasters in Fyr's army move back away from the Fabricants. More skeletons are raised, now forming a decent tarpit. Divayth Fyr casts Lightning Storm, but only permanently kills one Fabricant because of Sotha's spell. The slaves on the left charge the cultists, and win, but the Cultists hold with a single Blackguard remaining.
Camoran's army ignores the Cultists, and moves en masse up to the objective. The Siege Crawler torches Sotha Sil's unit(all three shots this time, no errors), and kills several, and badly wounds the Imperfect. Sotha Sil is in dire straights.
I'll be back in a bit, I gotta eat- feel free to comment so far.
Turn 4:
Sotha Sil moves toward the objective, and tarpits the Siege Crawler, while contesting. There is much rejoicing on all sides.
The Slaves continue to move up, and Siege Striders randomly lob shots into the center. Divayth Fyr's lightning knocks out all of Camoran's buddies(Camoran was silenced by Sotha Sil at this point). The Slaves charge Mankar Camoran, and finish him and his Atronach off.
The 'Crawler continues to be tarpitted. Sotha Sil remains in play, passing his test. The Xivilai and the Mehrunes Razor squad continue to move up.
Anyways, turn 5, tarpit in the center continues. Siege Striders get off their first Mass Paralysis in the game, freezing the Xivilai in place. The Slaves charge the tarpit, and join the fun. The Xivilai, unable to move, get revenge by shooting Voidscream Lightning at one of the Siege Striders. At this point, I was unsure what to do if the monster died but not the rider- I decided to have the riders live, but each take a hit, ignoring all saves, equal to the Strength of the monster. Suffice to say, the Destruction Siege Strider was utterly destroyed.
Sotha Sil left the game at the end of turn 5, but the game would continue for 2 more turns.
Fyr's army moved up toward the objective, shooting wildly and killing some Clannfears out of the Xivilai unit. The slave tarpit killed the last remaining Fabricant (one was somehow still alive), but was then destroyed, 40+ remaining models at once, by a single volley from the Crawler. This is when I really started to realize how OP that thing was....
Divayth Fyr' army moved up on Turn 7, but couldn't do much. They couldn't reach the objective. Fyr conceded the match.
Mythic Dawn victory.
The game was better than the previous playtest. As I already mentioned, I made a ruling concerning Monstrous Cavalry rules. This will go into effect as soon as I edit it into the core rules article.
The Siege Crawler was quite overpowered. It may have doubled it's points value this game, and more like quadrupled it, if tarpitting Sotha Sil until he leaves the battlefield counts as a kill. Comparing him to a 40k unit, he's like the Tyranid Tyrannofex, except with a ridiculous 8 toughness and *much* more powerful shooting. I think I'll go with doubling his points cost, based on how much he seems to be worth in game. The balancing math adds up that way too. What are your thoughts on this?
Oh yeah, and Sotha Sil. His army is really small, but he's crazy fun. Basically shuts down all your opponent's casters, and is crazy hard to kill(especially with Sixth Barrier) but has to rely on his Imperfect for the heavy hitting. Being able to auto-cast 11 mana in spells per player turn would be too much, if it weren't that he has a chance of leaving automatically.