Scrollhammer: Falmer

by Lolpwnt
Introduction[edit | edit source]
The following are the rules to play as the Falmer in games of Scrollhammer.
General Rules[edit | edit source]
Twisted Souls: Falmer have Hatred(Everything!). In addition, they gain the bonus from Hatred all rounds of combat, not just the first, against units containing Nords or Dwemer.
Beasts of the Sightless Realm: This model may use the Leadership of any Falmer model within 12” instead of its own for all morale checks, and has Bestial Instinct
The Hordes Beneath: When you deploy your army, you may nominate up to half of the units(including Independent Characters) in your army with this Special Rule as arriving by Hive Tunnel. They are kept in reserve, and may choose to either arrive by Outflank or Deep Strike the turn they arrive. Independent Characters arriving in this manner with another unit must be assigned to that unit before the game begins, as per the usual rules.
Scuttling: This Beast does not have Fleet.
Allies[edit | edit source]
Grudging Allies:
- Aldmeri Dominion
- Orc Hordes
- Dragons
- Sixth House
Desperate Allies:
- Undead
- Daedra Cults
Army List[edit | edit source]
Overview[edit | edit source]
Heroes: Warlord, Shadowmaster
Core: 1+ Warriors, Chaurus, 0-1 Slaves
Elite: Spidermasters, Deepcrawlers, Gloomweavers, Wretches, Trappers
Support: Frostbite Spiders, Chaurus Hunters, Skeever Swarms, Spiderling Swarms, Gehenoth
Heroes[edit | edit source]

Falmer Warlord[edit | edit source]
Falmer, Independent Character, Infantry, Skirmish
Falmer Warlords use 25mm x 25mm bases.
60 pts(80 pts for Warmonger)
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Nightprowler | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 3 | 6+ |
Warmonger | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 3 | 6+ |
Wargear: Poisoned(4+) Hand Weapon, Chitin Armour
Special Rules: Twisted Souls, The Hordes Beneath
Cover of Darkness: If an army contains one or more models with this special rule, if Night Fighting occurs Turn 1, it lasts d3 turns. Otherwise, start rolling for Night Fighting on Turn 4(if the normal rolling for Night Fighting applies at all to the scenario).
Tyrants of the World Below: An army containing one or more Warmongers gets +1 to its Reserve Rolls while one is alive.
A Falmer Warlord may take:
- Poisoned(4+) Short Bow or Poisoned(4+) Bow for +6 pts
- Shield +5 pts
- Second Poisoned(4+) Hand Weapon or Poisoned(4+) Dagger +6 pts
- Spell: Frostbite or Sparks +6 pts
- Poisoned(4+) Blowgun +6 pts
A Falmer Warlord may replace his Hand Weapon with:
- Poisoned(4+) Dagger (free)
- Poisoned(4+) Spear +2 pts
A Falmer Warlord may take one of the following spells: Icy Spear, Chain Lightning, Shock, Ice Spike, Minor Healing for +6 pts
A Falmer Warlord may take any of the following Poisons on one or more weapon:
- Fleshwilt Poison +10 pts per weapon
- Chaurus Bile +20 pts per weapon
- Mindbreak Poison +4 pts per weapon
- Lingering Death +6 pts per weapon
- Frostbite Venom (free)
- Nervegrasp +10 pts per weapon
- Wearyblood Draught +10 pts per weapon
- Steelbane Acid +8 pts per weapon
A Falmer Warlord may upgrade his Chitin Armour to:
Hardened Chitin Armour +8 pts Carapace Armour +20 pts(Warmonger only)
A Falmer Warlord may be mounted on one of the following:
- Chaurus +45 pts
- Giant Frostbite Spider + 55 pts
A Nightprowler may take up to 30 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate. A Warmonger may take up to 40 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate, and may purchase either Auri'El's Bow, Auri'El's Shield, or the Spear of the Snow Prince, in addition to the base 40 points spent on magic items(see the Armory and the Artifacts of Tamriel Supplement for rules).
Falmer Shadowmaster[edit | edit source]
Falmer, Independent Character, Infantry, Skirmish
Falmer Shadowmasters use 25mm x 25mm bases.
50 pts
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Shadowmaster | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 6 | - |
Spells: Bound Sword, Frostbite, Ward, Oakflesh
Special Rules: Twisted Souls, The Hordes Beneath
A Falmer Shadowmaster may replace any number of their starting spells with:
- 13+ or lower (free)
- 14+ or higher +10 pts
A Falmer Shadowmaster may take a Poisoned(4+) Blowgun for +6 pts,
A Falmer Shadowmaster may take any of the following Poisons on one or more weapon:
- Fleshwilt Poison +10 pts per weapon
- Chaurus Bile +20 pts per weapon
- Mindbreak Poison +4 pts per weapon
- Lingering Death +6 pts per weapon
- Frostbite Venom (free)
- Nervegrasp +10 pts per weapon
- Wearyblood Draught +10 pts per weapon
- Steelbane Acid +8 pts per weapon
A Falmer Shadowmaster may take one of the following:
- Chitin armor for +2 pts
- Hardened Chitin armor for +10 pts
A Falmer Shadowmaster may be mounted on one of the following:
- Chaurus +45 pts
- Giant Frostbite Spider +55 pts
A Shadowmaster may take up to any number of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Core[edit | edit source]

Falmer Warriors[edit | edit source]
Falmer, Horde, Infantry
10-25 models per unit, 25mm x 25mm base
8 pts per model
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Warriors | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 6+ |
Raid Leader | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 2 | 6+ |
Shaman | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 4 | - |
Wargear: Hand Weapon(Poisoned 4+), Chitin Armour
Special Rules: Twisted Souls, The Hordes Beneath, Character(Shaman and Raid Leader)
One Model may be upgraded to one of the following for +16 pts
- Shaman (has Bound Sword, Frostbite, may exchange for other spells 9+ lower)
- Raid Leader (has Chitin Armour and HW Poisoned 4+)
The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Poisoned(4+) Short Bow or Poisoned(4+) Bow for +3 pts per model
- Shield +1 pt per model
- Second Poisoned(4+) Hand Weapon or Poisoned(4+) Dagger +1 pt per model
- Spell: Frostbite or Sparks +2 pt per model
The entire unit may replace their Hand Weapon with:
- Poisoned(4+) Dagger (free)
- Poisoned(4+) Spear +1 pt per model
The entire unit may upgrade their Chitin Armour to Hardened Chitin for +2 pts per model
A Raid Leader may take up to 8 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
A Shaman may take up to 15 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Chaurus[edit | edit source]
Horde, Scuttling Beasts
3-10 Chaurus per unit, 0-5 Chaurus Reaper per unit
The smaller Chaurus use 25mm x 25mm bases. Chaurus Reapers use 25mm x 50mm cavalry bases.
8 pts per Chaurus, 15 pts per Chaurus Reaper
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Chaurus | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 5+ |
Chaurus Reaper | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 0 | 4+ |
Wargear: Chitin Carapace
Virulent Maw: This is a natural, head-mounted shooting weapon. When used by a Chaurus, it has the following profile: Fire and Charge 1, S1 AP0, Poisoned(3+), range 12”. When used by Chaurus Reaper, it is instead Poisoned(2+).
Special Rules: Beasts of the Sightless Realm, The Hordes Beneath, Immune to Poison
0-1 Slaves[edit | edit source]
Slaves may be from any of the ten common races, but the unit must be at least 66% Nord and Orc. +1 pt must be paid for each Argonian, Khajiit, Altmer, and Bosmer.
Horde, Infantry
10-80 models per unit, 25mm x 25mm base
2 pts per Slave, 10 for Slavemaster
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Slave | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | - |
Slavemaster | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 6+ |
Slave Special Rules:
Nightmarish Existence: A unit of Slaves containing a Slavemaster is Stubborn. If a unit of Slaves flees, the Slavemaster and any characters attached to the unit are removed from play as casualties. The fleeing unit of Slaves cannot rally, even if caught.
Slavemaster Wargear: Hand Weapon(Poisoned 4+), Chitin Armour
Slavemaster Special Rules: Twisted Souls
Unimaginable Cruelty: If the unit fails a morale check, and contains a Slavemaster, you may remove d3 slaves as casualties to reroll the morale check(you must abide by the second result).
The Slavemaster may take one of the following:
- Poisoned(4+) Short Bow or Poisoned(4+) Bow for +3 pts
- Shield +1 pt
- Second Poisoned(4+) Hand Weapon or Poisoned(4+) Dagger +1 pt
- Spell: Frostbite or Sparks +2 pts
The Slavemaster may replace their Hand Weapon with:
- Poisoned(4+) Dagger (free)
- Poisoned(4+) Spear +1 pt
The Slavemaster may upgrade his Chitin Armour to Hardened Chitin for +2 pts
The Slavemaster may take up to 5 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Elite[edit | edit source]
Spidermasters[edit | edit source]
Skirmish, Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry
1-3 Spidermasters, 0-10 Frostbite Spiders per unit(see profile below).
Spidermasters and their monstrous mounts use 50mm x 50mm bases.
65 pts per Spidermaster
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Spidermaster | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 6+ |
Giant Spider | 2 | 2 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 0 | - |
Wargear: Hand Weapon(Poisoned 4+), Chitin Armour
Special Rules: Twisted Souls, The Hordes Beneath
The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Poisoned(4+) Short Bow or Poisoned(4+) Bow for +3 pts per model
- Shield +1 pt per model
- Second Poisoned(4+) Hand Weapon +1 pt per model
- Spell: Frostbite or Sparks or Bound Sword +2 pt per model
The entire unit may upgrade their Chitin Armour to Hardened Chitin for +2 pts per model
Profile(Giant Spiders):
Wargear: Frost Fangs: These count as a hand weapon poisoned with Frostbite Venom.
Special Rules: Beasts of the Sightless Realm, The Hordes Beneath
Cave Crawlers: Frostbite Spiders treat Difficult Terrain, other than water features, as open ground. Dangerous Terrain tests must be taken as normal.
Spider's Web: If a unit directs any of its attacks in close combat against a unit containing one or more Frostbite Spiders, it gets -1 Initiative until end of turn. Multiple instances of this effect on any one unit do not stack.
Webspittle: Shooting attack. Move and Fire 1, S2 AP0, range 18”. Units hit count as caught in the Spider's Web(see above) this turn.
Giant Spiders cause Fear.

Deepcrawlers[edit | edit source]
Falmer, Horde, Scuttling Cavalry
3-10 models per unit, may take 0-5 Chaurus(not Reapers), see profile above
Deepcrawlers use 25mm x 50mm bases.
24 pts per Deepcrawler
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Deepcrawler | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 1(2) | 6 | 2 | 4+ |
Raid Master | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2(3) | 7 | 2 | 4+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon(Poisoned 4+), Chitin Armour
The entire unit is mounted on Chaurus Reapers. Each model's Chaurus Reaper may use the following ranged spittle weapon at BS2:
- Virulent Maw: Fire and Charge 1, S1 AP0, Poisoned(2+), range 12”, in addition to the unit's other ranged weapons.
Special Rules: Twisted Souls, The Hordes Beneath, Character(Raid Master)
One model may be upgraded to Raid Master for +16 pts
The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Poisoned(4+) Short Bow or Poisoned(4+) Bow for +3 pts per model
- Shield +1 pt per model
- Second Poisoned(4+) Hand Weapon +1 pt per model
- Spell: Frostbite or Sparks or Bound Sword +2 pt per model
The entire unit may upgrade their Chitin Armour to Hardened Chitin for +2 pts per model
The Raid Master may take up to 15 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Gloomweavers[edit | edit source]
Falmer, Skirmish, Infantry
5-20 models per unit, 25mm x 25mm base
16 pts per model
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Gloomweaver | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 3 | 6+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon(Poisoned 4+), Chitin Armour
Special Rules: Twisted Souls, The Hordes Beneath
Shroud of Darkness: Gloomweavers, and any attached Shadowmaster, have Chameleon(+1)
Any number of Gloomweavers may take one of the following:
- Poisoned(4+) Short Bow or Poisoned(4+) Bow for +3 pts per model
- Shield +1 pt per model
- Second Poisoned(4+) Hand Weapon or Poisoned(4+) Dagger +1 pt per model
- Spell: Frostbite or Sparks +2 pt per model
- Poisoned(4+) Blowgun for +3 pts per model
The entire unit may replace their Hand Weapon with:
- Poisoned(4+) Dagger (free)
- Poisoned(4+) Spear +1 pt per model
The entire unit may replace 4+ Poison on a weapon with Frostbite Venom(free)
Each model may take a Destruction, Alteration, Conjuration, Restoration or Mysticism spell cast on 13+ or lower
For every 5 models, one model may take any additional spell for +8 pts
For every 5 models, one model may put a unique poison on a weapon:
- Fleshwilt Poison, Nervegrasp, Wearyblood Draught +8 pts per weapon
- Steelbane Acid, Lingering Death +6 pts per weapon
- Mindbreak Poison +4 pts per weapon
For every 5 models, 1 model may take up to 15 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate
Any number of Gloomweavers may upgrade their Chitin Armour to Hardened Chitin for +2 pts per model, or choose not to use armour at all for free.

Wretches[edit | edit source]
Falmer, Horde, Infantry
10-40 models per unit, 25mm x 25mm base
10 pts per model
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Wretch | 2 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | - |
Special Rules: Twisted Souls, Fearless, The Hordes Beneath
Feral: Wretches' insane craving for flesh make them a threat to friend and foe alike. Wretches are Frenzied, and can never be shaken from their Frenzied state. However, they cannot hold objectives or be joined by Independent Characters under any circumstances. Nor do they allow nearby models with Beasts of the Sightless Realm to use their Leadership.
Trappers[edit | edit source]
Falmer, Skirmish, Infantry
5-12 models per unit, 25mm x 25mm base
12 pts per model
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Trapper | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 6+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon(Poisoned 4+), Chitin Armour
Special Rules: Twisted Souls, The Hordes Beneath
Trap Riggings:
When it is your turn to deploy, for each unit of Trappers in your army, you may declare a Trap to be set. Write down secretly which type of Trap is to be used, and the reveal it to your opponent when it first comes into effect.
Volley Trap: A tripwire releases a flurry of poisoned darts against the enemy. When you deploy this trap in secret, write down which piece of area terrain the trap is in. The first time a unit moves into, out of or through that piece of terrain, reveal the trap to be in it: the unit must take an initiative test on its lowest value. If it fails, it takes 3d6 S2AP2 Poisoned(4+) hits. If it passes, the trap has no effect.
Pitfall Chasm: Pits are dug, leading into rock crevices, spikes, or perhaps even the abyss. When you deploy this trap in secret, write down which piece of area terrain the trap is in. The marked terrain is to be treated as Dangerous Terrain for the duration of the game(reveal it to be so once necessary).
Expanded Tunnels: The Trappers have made use of a precise network of tunnels under the entire battlefield. Both the Trapper unit and another unit marked in secret in your army, if arriving via The Hordes Beneath, may re-roll reserve rolls and only roll a single die to scatter.
Cripplefoot Snares: Enemy units attempting to charge this unit of Trappers must do so as if through difficult terrain if they contain one or more non-Monstrous Creature, non-Flyer model. Non-Monstrous Creature models and non-Flyer models must take a Dangerous Terrain test when making this charge. Cavalry models must re-roll successful Dangerous Terrain tests on this charge. If a model is wounded by this dangerous terrain test, it loses all charge bonuses. Any number of enemy models in the unit may choose to take an initiative test to avoid taking the dangerous terrain test. If this occurs, the entire unit loses its charge bonuses.
Poisoned Stream: The water supply of the enemy has been clandestinely poisoned before the battle. After both armies are deployed, but before Scout moves are made, roll a d6 for each enemy unit. On the roll of a 6, that unit takes d6 S1 Poisoned(4+) hits that ignore armour.
Each model may take the following:
- Poisoned(4+) Blowgun for +3 pts per model
Each model may replace his Chitin Armour with the following:
- Hardened Chitin Armour +2 pts per model
For every 3 models, one model may put a unique poison on a weapon:
- Fleshwilt Poison, Nervegrasp, Wearyblood Draught +8 pts per weapon
- Steelbane Acid, Lingering Death +6 pts per weapon
- Mindbreak Poison +4 pts per weapon
Support[edit | edit source]
Frostbite Spiders[edit | edit source]
Skirmish, Infantry, Monstrous Creature(Giant Frostbite Spider)
0-3 Giant Frostbite Spiders, 3-20 Frostbite Spiders per unit
The smaller Frostbite Spiders use 25mm x 25mm bases. Giant Frostbite Spiders use 50mm x 50mm bases.
8 pts per model(55 pts per Giant Frostbite Spider)
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Spider | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 0 | - |
Giant Spider | 2 | 2 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 0 | - |
Wargear: Frost Fangs: These count as a hand weapon poisoned with Frostbite Venom.
Special Rules: Beasts of the Sightless Realm, The Hordes Beneath
Cave Crawlers: Frostbite Spiders treat Difficult Terrain, other than water features, as open ground. Dangerous Terrain tests must be taken as normal.
Spider's Web: If a unit directs any of its attacks in close combat against a unit containing one or more Frostbite Spiders, it gets -1 Initiative until end of turn. Multiple instances of this effect on any one unit do not stack.
Webspittle: Shooting attack. Move and Fire 1, S2 AP0, range 18”. Units hit count as caught in the Spider's Web(see above) this turn.
Giant Spiders cause Fear.
Chaurus Hunters[edit | edit source]
Skirmish, Scuttling Flyer Beasts
3-15 models per unit, 40mm x 40mm base
35 pts per model
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Chaurus Hunter | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 0 | 5+ |
Wargear: Chitin Carapace
Virulent Maw: This is a natural, head-mounted shooting weapon with the following profile: Fire and Charge 1, S1 AP0, Poisoned(2+), range 12”.
Stinger Claws: This is a Poisoned(2+) melee weapon that strikes at AP4.
Special Rules: Beasts of the Sightless Realm, The Hordes Beneath, Immune to Poison
Skeever Swarm[edit | edit source]
Horde, Beasts
3-20 bases per unit, 40mm x 40mm base
16 pts per base
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Skeever Swarm | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 0 | - |
Special Rules: Beasts of the Sightless Realm, The Hordes Beneath, Swarms
Ataxia: This infectious disease carried by Skeevers sickens and weakens the coordination of its victims. If a unit suffers one or more unsaved wounds from a Skeever Swarm, the models in that unit contracts Ataxia at end of turn. You may put a marker on the unit to represent this(multiple cases of Ataxia do not stack). Once per turn, you may force the player controlling that unit to re-roll a single d6 for a unit with Ataxia(or for a model in the unit), other than a roll to wound or a roll to cast a spell. The second result must be abided by. If Ataxia is cured, it no longer affects the unit.
Spiderling Swarm[edit | edit source]
Horde, Infantry
3-20 bases per unit, 40mm x 40mm base
13 pts per base
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Spiderling Swarm | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 0 | - |
Wargear: Frost Fangs: These count as a hand weapon poisoned with Frostbite Venom.
Special Rules: Beasts of the Sightless Realm, The Hordes Beneath, Swarms
Cave Crawlers: Spiderlings treat Difficult Terrain, other than water features, as open ground. Dangerous Terrain tests must be taken as normal.
Gehenoth[edit | edit source]
Skirmish, Monstrous Creature
Single Model, 40mm x 40mm base
100 pts
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Gehenoth | 3 | 0 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 8 | 0 | 5+ |
Frost Fangs: These count as a hand weapon poisoned with Frostbite Venom.
Armored Hide: The Gehenoth has a 5+ natural armor save.
Special Rules: Beasts of the Sightless Realm, Fleet of Foot, Rampage, Fearless.
Gehenoths cause Terror.
Terror in the Night: The Gehenoth has the Infiltrate special rule. While Night Fighting is in effect, it may Infiltrate up to 6" closer than would normally be allowed, and also has the Hit and Run special rule.
Special Characters[edit | edit source]
Vyrthur, Arch-Curate of Auri'El[edit | edit source]
Snow Elf(uncorrupted Falmer), Vampire, Independent Character, Infantry, Skirmish
300 pts
Vyrthur may be taken as a Hero choice in a Falmer army.
Host of the Frozen Chantry: If Vyrthur is taken as a Hero choice, no other Hero Choices may be taken in your army from this army book. Wretches are a Core choice, while Slaves and Warriors are Elite choices. Certain models may be upgraded to Frozen(see below).
Vyrthur uses a 25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Vyrthur | 6 | 6 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 10 | 8 | 4+ |
Wargear: Elven(+1 AP) Dagger of Blizzards, 1x Healing Brew, 1x Magicka Brew, 1x Potion of Invisibility
Ancient Falmer Armor: This is Light Armor(4+) that grants Vyrthur a 5+ Ward Save against spell damage.
Spells: Lightning Bolt, Frost Cloak, Icy Spear, Ice Storm, Wall of Frost
Command Daedra(Cast on 8+), Illusion: during either player's shooting phase. Chose a Daedra other than a Physical God within 6". That model makes a Ld test on its own value. If it succeeds, that model resists this spell, and cannot be targeted by it again until the beginning of your next turn. If it fails, you Command that model until end of turn.
Repel Daedra(Cast on 8+), Restoration: during either player's shooting phase. Chose a Daedra other than a Physical God within 6". That model makes a Toughness test on its own value. If it succeeds, that model resists this spell, and cannot be targeted by it again until the beginning of your next turn. If it fails, that model suffers a wound with no saves of any kind allowed.
Summon Frost Atronach(cast on 12+), Conjuration: Summons a Frost Atronach. This Summoned unit is an upgrade for caster, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. See the Scrollhammer Rulebook for further information on Summoning.
Thunderous Quake(cast on 20+), Alteration: Every unit, friend or foe, within 24" of Vyrthur must take an Initiative test on its lowest value. Roll two d6's. Each unit that fails must test for Pinning, is Chilled and Slowed until the end of next turn, and must take 2d6 hits at Strength equal to the first d6 that was rolled, and AP equal to the second.
Special Rules:
Guardian Stone Blessing: The Serpent
Power of the Night: Vyrthur is a rogue Vampire of the Volkihar bloodline. As a result, he follows the normal Vampire rules, and has the following special rules:
- Ice Blood: Vyrthur has Feel No Pain against Frost attacks
- Vampire's Grasp: Vyrthur's melee attacks have Absorb Health(6+).
- Creature of the Night: Vyrthur may attempt to vanish once per game. He may use this ability at the beginning of any phase. When he does, he becomes Invisible until end of turn.
- Puppet Mastery: Units of Wretches within 12" of Vyrthur, as well as Vyrthur's summoned Atronachs, may hold objectives.
Above the Betrayed: Vyrthur may not join units with Twisted Souls or Beasts of the Sightless Realm special rules, except for Frozen models, whom he may join(even if he would normally not be able to do so). Vyrthur and his unit may never arrive via The Hordes Beneath.
Flawless Plans: If a random scenario is rolled to be chosen before the game, an army containing Vyrthur may choose to re-roll the die to choose the scenario. In addition, Vyrthur has the Cover of Darkness rule(see the Warlord entry), and his army may re-roll the die to determine whether or not it will be Night Fighting the first turn(if it is rolled for normally). If it is Night Fighting the first turn, it will always last 3 turns as per the Cover of Darkness rule, and if it is not, then it will always begin Turn 4. Whatever dice are rolled, both players must abide by the second result.
Vengeance Upon a God: Due to his centuries of bitter plotting, Vyrthur is Stubborn and has Hatred(Everything!). However, due to his state as a pariah and his monstrous goals, Restoration spells able to harm him re-roll failed wounds against him: the gifts of the gods to mortals strike him with incredible vigor.
Frozen Horrors: The labyrinths and arches of the Chantry of Auri'El are dotted with strange sculptures of ice, each a sightless Falmer or a strange beast turned to solid ice. These creatures dwell in endless frozen agony, awakening only to share their suffering with any intruders. For these are Vyrthur's minions, enslaved to his vampiric will.
Frozen models gain Feel No Pain, Fearless, and are Immune to Frost, but Flame attacks get +2 to wound against them. Vyrthur may target units locked in combat with them with shooting attacks, and may place templates so that they cover Frozen models, so long as those models are not part of a unit he is attached to.
An army containing Vyrthur may upgrade all models in a unit to Frozen, for the following points costs:
- Wretches: +3 pts per model
- Chaurus: +2 pts per model, +4 pts per Chaurus Reaper
- Skeever Swarms: +3 pts per base
Vyrthur may purchase Auri'El's Bow and/or Auri'El's Shield from the Artifacts of Tamriel Supplement.
Equipment[edit | edit source]
Basic Equipment[edit | edit source]
Chitin Armour made from the hide of Chaurus is Heavy Armour(6+).
Hardened Chitin Armor is Heavy Armour(5+).
Carapace Armour is harvested from the greatest of the Chaurus broodmothers, or even from the legendary, solitary shellbugs. It is Heavy Armour(3+).
Blowgun: This ranged weapon is fired with the following profile: Range 6”, Move and Fire 1, S2 AP2, Sniper. Two hands.
Mounts[edit | edit source]
Chaurus Reaper: Models riding a Chaurus Reaper count as Cavalry. A Chaurus Reaper grants the mounted model +2 to armour , +1 A, +1 Wound, spittle attack.
Chaurus Reapers are armed with Virulent Maw. This is a natural, head-mounted shooting weapon with the following profile: Fire and Charge 1, S1 AP0, Poisoned(2+), range 12”, which is fired at BS2 in addition to other ranged weapons.
A model mounted on a Chaurus Reaper uses the 25mmx50mm cavalry base.
Giant Frostbite Spider: Models riding Giant Frostbite Spiders count as Monstrous Cavalry. Giant Frostbite Spiders are Monstrous Creatures with the following profile:
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Giant Spider | 2 | 2 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 0 | - |
Wargear: Frost Fangs: These count as a hand weapon poisoned with Frostbite Venom.
Special Rules: Beasts of the Sightless Realm, The Hordes Beneath
Cave Crawlers: Frostbite Spiders treat Difficult Terrain, other than water features, as open ground. Dangerous Terrain tests must be taken as normal.
Spider's Web: If a unit directs any of its attacks in close combat against a unit containing one or more Frostbite Spiders, it gets -1 Initiative until end of turn. Multiple instances of this effect on any one unit do not stack.
Webspittle: Shooting attack. Move and Fire 1, S2 AP0, range 18”. Units hit count as caught in the Spider's Web(see above) this turn.
Giant Spiders cause Fear. A model mounted on a Giant Frostbite Spider uses a 50mm x 50mm Monstrous Creature base.
Unique Poisons[edit | edit source]
The means of sustenance are scarce beneath the surface, and just as many dreadful substances as benign ones are found in the strange creatures, mushrooms and streams of the world below. The Falmer have long learned to differentiate and extract poisons from everything around them, and to make use of them to torture or kill their enemies with terrifying effectiveness.
Falmer can use a variety of poisons on their weapons. At the beginning of each turn, announce which poisons will be used on which weapons, if a weapon has multiple poisons available to it. A poisoned weapon counts as doing Poison damage, and as such an Immunity to Poison will negate the effect of whatever poison is on it, unless stated otherwise(see Frostbite Venom and Steelbane Acid below). The default "Poisoned(4+)" on many weapons counts as being among the poisons to choose from each turn if it is available, although some more lethal poisons are strictly better.
- Fleshwilt Poison: This exceptionally toxic mixture causes the skin and flesh around the bloodstream in which it was injected to dry and wither, causing its victim to quickly collapse as his heart ceases to beat. A weapon with this poison equipped is Poisoned(3+).
- Chaurus Bile: A refined mixture of the digestive fluids of the Chaurus, this noxious liquid chews through whatever livings thing it touches, causing massive destruction of flesh and pus-filled ruptures of all parts of the body. The poisoned weapon is Poisoned(2+).
- Mindbreak Poison: This poison affects not the body, but rather the mind. In a fit of insanity, the brain affected becomes unable to concentrate. Unsaved wounds inflicted by a weapon coated in this poison cause Magicka Drain(total).
- Lingering Death: Certain ingredients are renowned among assassins for being slow-acting in their effects. The cruel minds of the Falmer have engineered means to use such concoctions in battle, to bring their enemies into a dying coma: a perfect condition for capture. For each wound, saved or not, caused by this weapon, mark the affected model as poisoned by a dose of Lingering Death. At the end of turn, each model affected must take a Toughness test for each dose they have been poisoned by. For each failed test, that model takes a wound (that cannot be re-allocated), no armour save allowed.
- Frostbite Venom: The poison found in the fangs of the Frostbite Spider freezes the foe. Attacks by a weapon with Frostbite Venom are Poisoned(5+), and wounds they inflict, saved or not, Chill the wounded model until the end of next turn. Frostbite Venom counts as dealing Frost Damage, not as being a poisoned weapon.
- Nervegrasp: The Nervegrasp is made from the deadliest of blossoms in the depths and high in the mountains. A weapon coated in Nervegrasp is Poisoned(4+), and wounds inflicted, saved or not, Paralyze until the end of next turn.
- Wearyblood Draught: The Wearyblood Draught is known to create incredible fatigue in its victim, while not outright killing him. A wound by a weapon poisoned in Wearyblood Draught, saved or not, prompts an immediate initiative test after it damage resolution by the affected model. If the test is failed, the model may only make a single attack(regardless of modifiers) the next round of combat.
- Steelbane Acid: Steelbane Acid is among the most caustic poisons in existence, not merely to corrosive to flesh, but equally dangerous to wood, stone, steel and even ebony. A weapon bearing Steelbane Acid is Poisoned(4+). It gains +3 AP, regardless of its status as a poisoned weapon or any Immunity to Poison the enemy might have.
Magic Items[edit | edit source]
The Magic Items available to an Falmer army are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model which is holding that type of item, and replaces the one he is holding. A model may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model. Daedric Artifacts are included in the Artifacts supplement of the Core Rules, and are taken wherever specified for a model.
Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked, and they may not be upgraded further. (Replacements are only available to models which could take that class of item to begin with).
Weapons and Staves[edit | edit source]
Weapon of Frost: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Frost damage, and models hit are Chilled until the end of next turn. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Blizzards for +12 pts, causing it to ignore armor saves.
Weapon of Darkness: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Models hit are Blinded until the end of next turn.
Weapon of Screeches: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Models hit by weapon re-roll successful casting of spells until the beginning of next turn.
Weapon of Terror: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. Morale checks taken against casualties inflicted by one or more Weapons of Terror are given a -1 modifier. This does not stack multiple times on the same unit.
Flaying-Blade: This is a Dagger. Bearer's attacks have Absorb Health(6+) and Absorb Magicka(1 on a 4+). +10 pts.
Spear of the Snow Prince: Artifact, Spear, Warmonger only. The relic of the great Snow Prince, the last of the Falmer heroes, a warrior without peer who defended Solstheim to the last against the armies of Ysgramor. Many northmen fell before it's ravages. This weapon was scavenged from the Snow Prince's tomb in the latter part of the 3rd era, and has never been seen since. The Spear of the Snow Prince is a Spear that strikes with +1 Strength, ignores armor, and models hit are Paralyzed until end of next turn. It counts as dealing Frost Damage. +60 pts.
Any magic weapon may be made Poisoned(4+) for +6 pts, and this poison may be exchanged or upgraded further as normal.
Armor and Shields[edit | edit source]
Armor of Grime: Armor upgrade for +4 pts. Poisoned attacks get their normal re-roll to wound against Bearer, regardless of strength.
Armor of Dwindling Magic. Armor upgrade for +8 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.
Shield of Blocking: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Bearer may take an Initiative test each phase that he suffers one or more wounds from a shooting attack, before rolling saves. If bearer passes, and has a hand weapon that can normally be used to parry, he may use Parry against shooting attacks this phase(even if it came from a Monstrous Creature or a model with more than twice his WS). He may not, however, Parry any shooting attack that does not roll to hit in the normal manner.
Shield of Dwindling Magic: Shield upgrade for +10 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.
Woe Mask: Helm. This weeping mask grants its bearer +1 Mg and -1 WS. +5 pts.
Ancestor Mask: Helm. This eerie ritual mask grants its bearer +2 Mg and -2 WS. Bearer Causes Fear. +20 pts.
Other Items[edit | edit source]
Shadow Pearl: Amulet. Bearer has Chameleon(+1). +15 pts.
Star-Eater: Amulet. Enemies within 12" of Bearer gain no benefit from Guardian Stone Blessings. +15 pts.
Duskbringer: Amulet. Enemies shooting at bearer's unit must do so as though Night Fighting were in effect. +30 pts.
Grappleblade: Enemies attempting to flee from bearer's unit get -2 to their roll to break away. +15 pts.
Consumables[edit | edit source]
Consumables are available to all models which can purchase magic items. Consumables are 0-3. Scrolls can be read as many at a time as available at times where a model is casting spells with both hands. Scrolls autocast the spell written on them. Potions may be drunk once per player turn at the start of the turn.
Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list.
Scroll of Cast on 4+ or Lower Spell: +5 pts
Scroll of Cast on 5-8+ spell: +10 pts
Scroll of Cast on 9-12+ spell: +20 pts
Scroll of Cast on 13-19+ spell: +30 pts
Scroll of Cast on 20-25+ spell: +45 pts
Scroll of Cast on 26+ or Higher spell: +60 pts
The following potions are available to this army:
Healing Brew: Heals drinker on a d6 5+ on consumption. +5 pts
Magicka Brew: Replenishes 1 Power Die on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts
Potion of Invisibility: Drinker is Invisible this turn. +12 pts
Noxious Medicine: Cures all Disease from caster's unit. Caster's unit is Paralyzed this turn. +6 pts
Potion of Antivenom: Grants Feel No Pain against Poisoned attacks to drinker this player turn. +4 pts
Flesh of Innocents: Bearer enters a Frenzied state when consumed. Bearer has -2 Leadership for the remainder of the game. +8 pts
Glowing Mushroom: Bearer's Destruction spells strike at +1 Strength the turn this item is consumed. +10 pts.
Spells[edit | edit source]
School of Destruction[edit | edit source]
Sparks: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", shock, Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a shock spell weapon with Magicka Drain(1) on striking.
Frostbite: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", frost, chills on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a frost spell weapon with Chills on striking.
Shock: Cast on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Magicka Drain(1) on striking, shock.
Ice Spike: Cast on 4+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Chills on striking, frost.
Chain Lightning: Cast on 8+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", shock. Hits from Chain Lightning cause Magicka Drain(1). For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit. These additional hits, if they wound, generate additional hits of their own, and so on.
Ice Storm: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S3 AP3, Template, Fire and Charge 1, frost.
Lightning Bolt: Cast on 10+, shooting attack. S7 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 48", hit causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.
Icy Spear: Cast on 11+, Shooting attack. S5 AP5, Move and Fire 1. Range 36", model hit strikes at Initiative 1 this turn, frost
Frost Cloak: Cast on 14+, cast any time, Cloak. Enemy models in base contact with caster(and enemy models in base contact with those) take a S3AP5 frost hit at Initiative 10 each round of combat, until the beginning of your next turn. Only one Cloak can be active at once on a model.
Wall of Frost: Cast on 16+. Shooting attack. Large Blast, Move or Fire 1, Range 12". This shooting attack does not have to target a unit; the rest of caster's unit not also shooting a weapon that does not have to target a unit cannot shoot or run this round as per the normal rules. Instead simply target a spot on the table(within range, and no friendly models underneath) with all models in the unit that can target in this way, and roll for scatter. Note exactly where the large blast marker hits. The marker remains in play where it lands until your next turn, affecting everyone underneath it; it represents a wall of frost. At the end of each turn, while the wall lasts, each model with any part of its base underneath it takes a S3 AP0 Ignores Cover frost hit that Chills on striking. Each model that was underneath it(with any part of its base) at any point during this player turn then takes a S3 AP0 Ignores Cover frost hit that Chills on striking. At the beginning of your next turn, remove the wall from play.
School of Conjuration[edit | edit source]
Bound Sword: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound hand weapon in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Dagger: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Dagger in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Spear: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Spear in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Bow: Cast on 6+, shooting phase. Equips a Bound Bow in both hands until end of turn.
Bound Battleaxe: Cast on 6+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Battleaxe in both hands until end of turn.
School of Alteration[edit | edit source]
Stoneflesh: Casts on 8+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +1 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Ironflesh: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +2 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Ebonyflesh: Casts on 16+, 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +3 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Soften the Meal: Casts on 18+, 1-handed, may be cast at the beginning of any phase. Select a unit within 6" of caster. Until the beginning of your next turn, every model in that unit has -1 Toughness. Multiple instances do not stack.
School of Illusion[edit | edit source]
Screams from Beneath: Cast on 4+, shooting attack. Fire and Charge 1, Range 36". Models hit must must re-roll all Power Dice whenever they successfully cast a spell until the end of next turn, and abide by the second result(remember that each die can only ever be re-rolled once).
Vision of Eyelessness: Cast on 5+, close combat phase, 1-handed. A model in base contact with caster is Blinded this round.
Lure Prey: Cast on 7+ at the beginning of your opponent's close combat phase. Targets an enemy unit that could charge caster's unit this phase. That unit must take a Leadership test on its lowest value. If it fails, it must attempt to charge caster's unit.
Deathly Trance: Cast on 8+. Cast at the beginning of either player's shooting phase. Chose a Mortal model other than a Monstrous Creature within 6" of caster. That model takes a Leadership test on its own value. If it succeeds, that model resists this spell, and cannot be Commanded until the beginning of your next turn. If it fails, you Command that model until the end of this turn.
Shadow Walk: Cast on 8+, at the beginning of any phase. This phase, caster is Invisible.
Shadow Weave: Cast on 11+, any time. Caster gets Chameleon(+2) this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Enslave: Cast on 14+. Cast at the beginning of either player's shooting phase. Chose a Mortal model other than a Monstrous Creature within 6" of caster. That model takes a Leadership test on its own value. If it succeeds, that model resists this spell, and cannot be Commanded until the beginning of your next turn. If it fails, you Command that model until the end of next turn.
Cripple Prey: Cast on 14+. Shooting attack. Move and Fire 1, range 18”. Models hit are Paralyzed until the end of next turn.
Feast of Suffering: Cast on 14+. Shooting attack. Move and Fire 2d6, range 12”. Models hit are Blinded until end of turn. For each enemy model hit, caster immediately takes a S2AP0 hit.
Wail of the Wretched: Cast on 18+, shooting attack. Fire and Charge 1, Range 36”. The unit hit, if it has not already taken a Morale check this turn, must immediately pass a Morale check or flee. All models in the unit must must re-roll all Power Dice whenever they successfully cast a spell until the end of next turn, and abide by the second result(remember that each die can only ever be re-rolled once).
Impenetrable Gloom: Cast on 19+ at the beginning of any phase. Caster's unit gain Chameleon(+2) until end of turn. This does not stack with other Chameleon effects, or with multiple instances of itself, but it does stack with all other types of cover saves as normal.
School of Mysticism[edit | edit source]
Soul Trap: Cast on 4+, 1-handed. Cast at the start of the Fight sub-phase during the close combat phase. Caster's attacks gain the Soul Trap special rule until end of turn.
School of Restoration[edit | edit source]
Scargrowth: Cast on 6+ during any movement phase, 1-handed. Caster is Healed on a 6.
Ward: Cast on 7+, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells. If this spell is successfully cast, caster attempts to Ward the targeted spell(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook for details).
Flesh Mend: Cast on 9+ during any movement phase, 1-handed. Caster is Healed on a 5+.