Scrollhammer: Great Houses of Morrowind

by Duke and Lolpwnt
Introduction[edit | edit source]
Beyond the Land of the Niben and the Land of the Sky, beyond the endless mountains, lies the mysterious eastern empire of Morrowind. There dwell the Dark Elves, the Dunmer in their tongue, cursed by the Daedric Prince Azura to have skin of Ash and eyes of Fire. For it is in Ash and Fire that the Dunmer live their lives, the shadow the great Red Mountain in the heart of the holy island of Vvardenfell.
The Dunmer are a grim and dour people, capable of living for centuries in an inhospitable land. Ash storms and horrific diseases ravage crops and farmers every year. Armor and weapons are forged from the carapaces of the many giant insects and other strange creatures that roam the land. Pale, dark mushrooms grow alongside twisted trees in the endless swamps. Rivers of lava flow across the desert slopes of the Red Mountain. And at the top of the Red Mountain itself dwells Dagoth Ur, the Sharmat, who sends forth countless plagues and storms upon all Morrowind.

The Dunmer take refuge in the faith known as the Tribunal Temple, dedicated to the worship of the three entities Almalexia, Sotha Sil and Vivec. These three are ALMSIVI, the physical gods who have ruled Morrowind for three thousand years. Processions of priests and pilgrims cross the perilous land, wearing robes, veils, and resin eye-goggles. They brave even the ash storms to pray to their gods at the holy shrines, that their ailments might be healed. Many leave their homes forever and follow them on these pilgrimages, for it is an honor to be chosen as a Priest of the Tribunes. The rites of the Temple faith are countless and utterly alien to human religion, filled with masks and eerily chanted hymns. The Temple teaches that ALMSIVI dwell in mortal flesh in the highest temples of their holy cities, and that from their blessings are the Dunmer preserved. Only the Ashlanders, the savage tribes who dwell on the slopes of the Red Mountain, reject the authority of the Temple over all things.
The Dunmer first came to Morrowind before the rise of mankind, as the pale-skinned Chimer, or Changed Folk, following the Prophet Veloth the Pilgrim. In these days, the Land of Ash was known as Resdayn. Veloth taught that the kingdoms of his fellow Elves, all the ancient empires of Summurset Isle, Valenwood, Cyrodiil and Pyandonea, had grown decadent and false. He taught his people that the philosophies and religions of other Elves were likewise foolish. In the place of the Aedra, the Chimer worshiped the Daedra: Azura, Prince of Dusk and Dawn, Boethiah, Prince of Ambition, and Mephala, Prince of Secrets. They meanwhile sought to appease or battle their Daedric enemies, Mehrunes Dagon, Molag Bal, Malacath and Sheogorath, the Four Corners of the House of Troubles. Veloth taught the Chimer to live out their lives loyal to the Temple, and to pursue the oft-deemed impossible Psijiic Endeavor, CHIM in the language of the Ehlnofey. Through virtue and enlightenment, the Chimer were taught, they might be blessed with godhood.
Veloth's followers lived as nomads for millennia, but many of the clans united into the Great Houses. These families each ruled a section of Resdayn, seeking profits as a syndicate while meanwhile providing temporal government to the local tribesmen. The Great Houses made war upon each other, until but six remained: Indoril, Redoran, Telvanni, Hlaalu, Dres and Dagoth.
But the Chimer were not the only inhabitants. For the Dwemer, the Dwarves, had long inhabited much of Vvardenfell. The Dwarves were first scorned by the Chimer for not worshiping the gods, but instead entirely devoting themselves to worldly matters of magic and science. But in the First Era, Resdayn was conquered by Men, and incorporated into a larger empire. For two hundred years, the Great Houses were put under the authority of humans. It was in the 5th century of the First Era that a young hero of House Indoril, Nerevar by name, was named Hortator, supreme commander of the armies of every Great House. Nerevar held the First Council with his advisors and with Dumac, King of the Dwarves. Chimer and Dwemer united, and overthrew the foreign rulers. A peace was made afterward between the newly independent nations of Mer.
But the peace would not last forever. For the Dwarves had found the Heart of the Missing God Lorkhan within the Red Mountain. Kagrenac, Chief Tonal Architect of the Dwemer, forged Tools of incredible power, through which the divinity of the Heart of the World could be channeled. Tapping into the powers emanating from the heart, Kagrenac formed Numidium, the Brass God, a war golem hundreds of feet high. The Dwarves plotted to achieve godhood, as an entire race, in due time. The Chimer were appalled by this, and went to war with the Dwarves to stop them. But Voryn, leader of House Dagoth, betrayed his fellow Chimer. To secure the power of the heart for himself, he made false promises offering it to the human King Wulfharth, who came to the aid of the Dwarves in the battle.
This army crushed the Chimer, again and again. It was only then that Nerevar was once more made Hortator that they stood their ground, uniting every House and Tribe against their enemies. The Temple teaches that Nerevar became Herald of the Tribune Way through this war, guided by ALMSIVI in righteous fury. For his wife was the goddess Almalexia in physical form, and the gods Sotha Sil and Vivec came to him and gave him advice and wisdom. Nerevar infiltrated the fortress of the Dwemer, at the peak of Red Mountain, and slew Dumac and Kagrenac for their heresy. He then did battle with his former friend, Voryn Dagoth, and defeated him. But through these events it is said he was mortally wounded, and did not live to see the next day dawn. The entire race of Dwemer, save one, disappeared in an instant.
Another source says that Voryn Dagoth did not reveal his treachery to Nerevar until Nerevar attempted to destroy the Heart. And yet another claims that Lorkhan himself fought in the battle. But regardless of which historical account is used, Nerevar fell at Red Mountain, and the Dwarves vanished.
It is then that the Temple teaches that ALMSIVI ascended their thrones, having long been Anticipated as the True Gods of the Chimer by Azura, Boethiah and Mephala. The Chimer were cursed by Azura for the shameful events of the war and the slaying of Nerevar; it was then that they became the Dunmer, their faces and eyes transfigured into same the hellish darkness of the Red Mountain. Indoril Nerevar was forever made a saint of the Tribunal Temple. For two thousand years, the Great House high culture thrived throughout Morrowind, led by House Indoril and the Tribunal Temple. Countless slaves were taken from the southern parts of Tamriel to Morrowind, toiling their days in vast plantations. Vast cities were built, and holy shrines were built to the Temple of ALMSIVI.
At the end of the First Era, after an eighty year's war, the Tribunal made peace with the human Empire of Cyrodiil. They would hold a nominal place in the Empire, but be governed primarily by their own laws and customs. It was in these later days of cooperation with the Empire that Voryn Dagoth awoke. Before Nerevar had slain him, he had used the Tool of Kagrenac himself, and had used the Heart to become a god. Now immortal, and possessing incredible powers, he unleashed the Blight upon Morrowind, causing all its inhabitants and their livestock to die in droves. He unleashed Corprus upon them, a plague twisting the flesh of its victims until they became deformed beyond recognition, while twisting their minds until they went mad. He was Dagoth Ur, Lord of the Sixth House once more. He stole the Tools of Kagrenac back from the Temple, and prepared a master plan. The Empire would no longer hold any power in Morrowind, or anywhere else; all the world would be his.
And not even ALMSIVI could hold Dagoth Ur forever. Vivec, Almalexia and Sotha Sil constructed the Ghostgate, an impenetrable wall made of the revenant dead, called up once more to serve their descendants. But even that did not suffice. At the end of the Third Era, the Great Houses of Morrowind were desperate for a hero, or even a flicker of hope, to allow them to survive the return of the Sixth House. But little time remained.
The following book contains the rules necessary to field a Dunmer Great House army in games of Scrollhammer.
Army List[edit | edit source]
Types of Lists[edit | edit source]
There are five Great Houses which competed for the control of the Land of Ash in the days of Nerevarine. Each of the Great Houses has its own personal history, traditions and beliefs. Consequently, each Great House forms its armies from a different combination of the units in this book.
In addition, each Great House, as well as the Nerevarine if taken with the Lone Hero option(see section 3.6.10), counts as a separate army for alliances: they use separate rules for alliances, and may ally with one another.
Great House Indoril[edit | edit source]
At the heart of Morrowind, the far east of Tamriel, lies the great cities of House Indoril. Nerevar, the greatest hero of the Dunmer, who led the alliance of Elves and Dwarves against the human King Wulfharth at Red Mountain, was a leader of House Indoril. As the most historically powerful of the Great Houses, Indoril is steeped in countless millennia-old traditions, providing secular governance where needed in the sacred cities of the Tribunal. Its banners are white, pure as its faith in the God-Kings of Morrowind.
A House Indoril army uses the following list:
Heroes: Noble(Indoril), Warrior Priest.
Core: Ordinators, Temple Priests, Warriors(Indoril), Slaves, Outriders.
Elite: Great House Agents(Indoril), Morag Tong Assassins, Bonewalkers, Silt Strider, 0-1 Holy Orders
Support: Ancestral Ghosts, Bonelords, Siege Strider
A House Indoril army may choose to take Great House Agents as Core. If Great House Agents are taken as Core, Ordinators, Warriors and Outriders must be taken as Elite instead.
Great House Hlaalu[edit | edit source]

The wealthiest and most influential of the Great Houses is Hlaalu. Owning mines and plantations all across Morrowind and Vvardenfell, and bordering the Imperial Province itself, House Hlaalu makes lucrative trade with the Empire, and accepts a certain amount of Imperial authority over their lands and people. As a result, in the days of the Nerevarine, both the Duke of Vvardenfell and the King of Morrowind were Hlaalu councilors. Hlaalu is not a full ally of the Empire, however; its most corrupt faction, a criminal organization known as the Camonna Tong, wishes to expel the Empire and its citizens from Morrowind. House Hlaalu's banners are yellow, and gold is its only master.
A House Hlaalu army uses the following list:
Heroes: Noble(Hlaalu).
Core: Warriors(Hlaalu), Slaves, Outriders, Great House Agents(Hlaalu), Camonna Tong Thugs.
Elite: Spellswords, Morag Tong Assassins, Bonewalkers, Silt Strider, 0-1 Ordinators, 0-1 Holy Orders.
Support: Temple Priests, Ancestral Ghosts, Bonelords, Siege Strider.
Great House Redoran[edit | edit source]

Along the border with Skyrim lies the Great House Redoran. Forged in martial tradition and vows of honor, Redoran's nobles brave the Ashlands themselves to hold their great councils. On the slopes of Red Mountain, they defend their fortress, the hollowed shell of a city-sized Emperor Crab, from all the terrors of the wastes. In the west of their territory, they proudly make war against the kingdoms of the Nords. The knights of Redoran bear a grim and gloomy temperament, battling endless hardships with a strict sense of duty. House Redoran's banners are crimson, as is the blood they shed for the defense of the Morrowind, the honor of their House, and the glory of the Tribunal.
A House Redoran army uses the following list:
Heroes: Noble(Redoran), Warrior Priest.
Core: Warriors(Redoran), Slaves, Outriders, Redoran Knights.
Elite: Spellswords, Great House Agents(Redoran), Morag Tong Assassins, Bonewalkers, Silt Strider, Ordinators, 0-1 Holy Orders.
Support: Temple Priests, Ancestral Ghosts, Bonelords, Siege Strider.
A House Redoran army may choose to take Great House Agents as Core. If Great House Agents are taken as Core, Warriors, Knights and Outriders must be taken as Elite instead.
Great House Dres[edit | edit source]
In the south of Morrowind is an endless spread of farms and jungles, wondrously fertile land, cultivated by the labor of millions of wretched slaves. It is Great House Dres that rules these lands. Followers of the most ancient Dunmer ways, House Dres is a rigid society that only rarely does business outside of Morrowind. When warriors of Dres do leave their homeland, it is most often on raids into Argonia and Elsweyr, to kidnap Lizardmen and Khajiiti by the thousand. These captives are taken by sail to the great port of Tear; there they are sold as slaves to Dunmer from all across Morrowind, never to see their homes again. The banners of House Dres are dark blue, the color of the seas they cross to make slaves of the beast-folk.
A House Dres army uses the following list:
Heroes: Noble(Dres), Warrior Priest.
Core: Warriors(Dres), Slaves, Outriders
Elite: Spellswords, Great House Agents(Dres), Morag Tong Assassins, Bonewalkers, Silt Strider, 0-1 Ordinators, 0-1 Holy Orders.
Support: Temple Priests, Ancestral Ghosts, Bonelords, Siege Strider, Ash Wasp Raiders.
A House Dres army may choose to take Great House Agents as Core. If Great House Agents are taken as Core, Warriors and Outriders must be taken as Elite instead.
Great House Telvanni[edit | edit source]

In the far north-east of Tamriel, across the grey islands of the Sea of Ghosts, are the spiraling towers of House Telvanni. Otherworldly in shape, the towers are giant mushrooms, magically grown and hollowed out to form the abodes of the great Master Sorcerers. These lords of House Telvanni pay little attention to the people they rule, and ignore the dictates of the Temple and the envoys of the Empire. They spend their lives hidden in their towers, performing forbidden rituals and conducting gruesome experiments. Some wizards of House Telvanni live unnaturally long lives, reaping the rewards of the secret magics they have long pondered. Others are murdered by rival sorcerers, covetous of their title or research. Still others have gone mad, their minds twisted into fried shells by the powers that have flowed through them. The banners of House Telvanni are brown like the towers of fungus they dwell in; "knowledge is power" is their only creed.
A House Telvanni army uses the following list:
Heroes: Sorcerer.
Core: Spellswords(Telvanni), Warriors(Telvanni), Slaves, Outriders.
Elite: Great House Agents(Telvanni), Morag Tong Assassins, Silt Strider.
Support: Siege Strider(Telvanni).
Various models in a Telvanni army use summoned Daedra, according to the rules in Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults.
A House Telvanni army may choose to take Great House Agents as Core. If Great House Agents are taken as Core, Warriors, Spellswords, and Outriders must be taken as Elite instead.
Heroes[edit | edit source]
Noble[edit | edit source]

The Great Houses of Morrowind are ruled by councils of nobles. Some of these magnates hold their position by birth; others by wealth, others by merit. The nobles embody the great ambition and pride considered high virtues among the Dunmer; they lead their House's armies and thugs against its enemies, ever seeking to improve their status above that of their many bitter rivals.
60 pts (80 pts for House Father)
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf Single Model
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Dunmer House Father | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 9 | 4 | 5+ |
Dunmer Noble | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 4 | 5+ |
Hand Weapon, Bonemold Armor.
Spells: none
Special Rules:
Oath of Allegiance: A Dunmer noble's experience working inside or alongside his affiliate Great House has led him to acquire a set of skills and contacts from his rise to power. Depending on the Great House he fights for, the noble has a particular in-game benefit.
House Indoril: A noble of House Indoril fights for the traditions of Morrowind and for the Tribunal Temple. He gets +1 Ld. A Noble of House Indoril wears Indoril Armor instead of Bonemold, and his unit has Preferred Enemy(Undead and Daedra).
House Hlaalu: The nobles of House Hlaalu bear great wealth and influence, and prefer tactics of stealth and surprise in battle. A Noble of House Hlaalu has +1 I. A Hlaalu army containing at least one noble gets +1 to its reserve rolls.
House Redoran: The nobles of House Redoran are experienced warriors, skilled in the arts of both battles and honorable duels. A Noble of House Redoran has +1 WS and Furious Charge.
House Dres: The nobles of House Dres are feared by the slaves they rule, and fight in battle according to the most ancient customs. A Noble of House Dres has +1 BS, and all friendly units of Slaves within 12" of him may use his Leadership value and are stubborn.
A Noble may replace his hand weapon with:
- Spear +4 pts
- Javelins +6 pts
A Noble may take one of the following:
- Shield or Second Hand Weapon +5 pts
- Bow or Short Bow +5 pts
A Noble may replace items in both hands with:
- Halberd +8 pts
- Greatsword +14 pts
- Battle Axe +14 pts
- War Hammer +14 pts
A Noble may upgrade any number of his weapons to the following:
- Glass +6 pts per weapon
- Ebony +10 pts per weapon
- Daedric +25 pts per weapon (House Father only)(A Greatsword upgrades to a Daedric Katana)
A Noble may replace his armor with:
- Chitin Armor(free)
- Glass Armor +10 pts
- Ebony Armor +18 pts
A Noble may be mounted on a Battle-Guar or a Warhorse for +25 pts.
A Noble may be mounted on a Silt Strider for +75 pts(but loses Independent Character and becomes a Character if he does so). A Noble mounted on a Silt Strider is given the Standard Bearer upgrade(+1 to combat resolution).
A Noble of House Dres may be mounted on an Ash Wasp for +45 pts.
A mounted Noble may take a Lance for +10 pts.
A Noble may take up to two spells from this book's spell list as follows:
- Destruction Spells, cast on 9+ or less: +8 pts each
- Alteration Spells, cast on 9+ or less: +5 pts each
- Bound Weapon Spells: +8 pts each
- Restoration Spells, cast on 9+ or less: +5 pts each, (Indoril and Redoran only)
- Illusion Spells, cast on 9+ or less: +8 pts each,(Hlaalu and Dres only)
A Noble may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
One Noble may bear the army's Battle Standard for +35 pts, if the army contains another Hero choice.
A Noble may take up to 70 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate. A House Father may take any number of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Warrior Priest[edit | edit source]
The Tribunal Temple provides spiritual rule over the Dunmer of Morrowind. Countless pilgrims make dangerous journeys through the Ashlands to bow at the shrines of noble saints or appease the Daedra. Escorting such travelers is taken as a duty by many disciples of the Temple, in the hopes of proving themselves worthy of ALSMIVI, or out of aspirations of sainthood. The masters of the Temple are therefore skilled in the arts of both healing and battle, and have been known to put these twin talents to use in times of war.
60 pts
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf Single Model
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Warrior Priest | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 6 | - (6++) |
Priest Robes, Hand Weapon, Dagger.
Hearth Heal, Mother's Embrace, Inferno Hand. Warrior Priests have up to two additional spells of your choice from the Schools of Mysticism, Restoration and Alteration, or from the Temple Only Illusion Spells.
Special Rules:
Hatred(Undead and Daedra)
Sotha's Grace: Warrior Priests have a 6+ Ward Save.
Vigilant Faith: Warrior Priests grant their unit immunity to Fear, Terror and Panic.
A Warrior Priest may take one of the following:
- Shield +5 pts
- Priest's Staff +8 pts
- War Hammer +15 pts
A Warrior Priest may upgrade any number of his weapons to the following:
- Glass +6 pts
- Ebony +10 pts
A Warrior Priest may take one of the following:
- Chitin Armor +6 pts
- Glass Armor +14 pts
A Warrior Priest may be mounted on a Battle-Guar or Warhorse for +25 pts.
A Warrior Priest may be mounted on a Silt Strider for +75 pts(but loses Independent Character and becomes a Character instead if he does so).
A Warrior Priest may be given one of the following:
- An additional spell of your choice from the School of Mysticism, Restoration or Alteration, or from the Temple Only Illusion Spells +15 pts
- Invoke Ancestral Ghost +12 pts
- Invoke Bonelord +50 pts
A Warrior Priest may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
A Warrior Priest may take up to 70 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Sorcerer[edit | edit source]
The mad Sorcerers who rule Great House Telvanni are rarely seen by other Dunmer. Dwelling high in their fungal towers, they ponder heretical tomes, and perform unthinkable rituals. A Telvanni wizard hollows out the living space of his tower at the very peak, keeping out those incapable of magical flight. In doing so, he ensures that no meddlesome commoners will interrupt his studies, and no Temple Priests will lay hands on him for consorting with Daedra or enslaving the dead. After spending centuries in their isolated lairs, the mages of House Telvanni hone their magical talents to nigh-perfection, and proceed to utterly destroy all who once sought to thwart them.
110 pts (140 pts for Master Sorcerer)
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf. Single Model
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Master Sorcerer | 2 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 8(9) | - |
Sorcerer | 2 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 10 | 7(8) | - |
Wizard Robes, Sorcerer Staff.
A Telvanni Sorcerer knows 4 spells, other than Temple Only, Necromancy or Summon Daedra spells, of your choice from the lists in this book.
Special Rules:
Bound Daedra: A Telvanni Sorcerer may have all the Summoned Daedra he has payed Summoned in play simultaneously, and may take multiples of the same Daedra spell in order to Summon multiples of that Daedra at once.
The Sorcerer may take up to 2 additional spells(or 3 if a Master Sorcerer) from these schools of magic for the following costs:
- Any spell(other than Temple Only spells, Summon Daedra or Necromancy) cast on 13+ or lower from the spell list: +15 pts
- Any spell(other than Temple Only spells, Summon Daedra or Necromancy) cast on 14+ or higher from the spell list: +25 pts
- Summon Scamp (cast on 4+) (+10pts)
- Summon Hunger (cast on 7+) (+15pts)
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +15pts
- Summon Dremora (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Golden Saint (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Dark Seducer (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Winged Twilight (cast on 11+) (+30pts)
- Summon Clannfear (cast on 11+) (+30pts)
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+30pts)
- Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+50pts)
- Summon Spider Daedra (cast on 20+) (+75pts)
- Summon Daedroth (cast on 20+) (+100pts)
- Summon Dremora Lord (cast on 22+) (+130pts)(summons a Markynaz)
- Summon Xivilai (cast on 24+) (+160pts)
- Raise Skeletal Minion +12 pts
- Raise Skeletons +20 pts
- Raise Skeletal Horde +40 pts
A Sorcerer may take an Atronach Familiar(in addition to any spells). This grants the Sorceror the ability to buy a seventh(or eighth if he is a Master Sorcerer) spell from his spell list, and a Summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature Summoned:
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) (+51pts)
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+64pts)
- Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+80pts)
Rules for using Daedra are found here: Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults.
A Sorcerer may be mounted on a Silt Strider for +75 pts(but loses Independent Character and becomes a Character instead if he does so).
A Sorcerer may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
A Sorcerer may purchase any amount of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Core[edit | edit source]
Slaves[edit | edit source]
Slavery is widely practiced throughout Morrowind. The warriors of House Dres go forth on raids into the jungles of the southern half of Tamriel, bringing back throngs of Khajiiti and Argonians in chains. These unfortunates are sold to every Great House: Hlaalu, Dres and Indoril use slaves for farm and house labor, the warriors of Redoran use them for gladiatorial combat, and the wizards of Telvanni consider their slaves to be laboratory assistants or test subjects. Cursed manacles are often bought for slaves, preventing those suspected of knowing magic from using it effectively to escape. The Khajiit and Argonian species are considered by Dunmer to be worthy of slavery, a little bit wiser than animals, but still mere beasts compared to Merkind. Slaves of other races are found only in very small numbers, most often from among criminals who have offended House Dres.
Slaves are often mobilized for war in time of need. They are poor substitutes for the warrior retainers of the Great Houses, and rebellion is a constant danger while slaves are armed; nevertheless they are an inexpensive army for a Dunmer lord to raise, and a far less costly one to lose.
3 pts per Slave, 6 pts for Slavedriver. Core. Horde, Infantry. Each Slave is either Khajiit or Argonian. Slavedrivers are Dark Elves. 19-79 Slaves, 1 Slavedriver per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Khajiit Slave | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 0 | - |
Argonian Slave | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 0 | - |
Slavedriver | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 5+ |
Khajiit Slaves use their Claws(dual wielded hand weapons).
Argonian Slaves have Spears.
A Slavedriver is armed with Hand Weapon, Shield and Leather Armor.
Special Rules:
"Do as I say, you animals!": If a unit of Slaves with a Slavedriver fails a morale test(including Fear or Terror), you may immediately remove one Slave as a casualty to re-roll the test. Units of Slaves locked in combat cannot use this ability.
Escape to Freedom: If a unit of Slaves flees, the Slavedriver and any Independent Characters joined to the unit(if any) are immediately removed as casualties. Slaves can never rally except in reaction to being charged.
All Slaves in the unit may take Leather Armor for +1/2 pt per model.
Warriors[edit | edit source]

Dunmer Warriors make up the core of the standing armies of the Great Houses. Some regiments of warriors consist of retainers and Oathmen, the guards of the Great House who both enforce law and order in the streets of their cities and fight for the nobles when the House goes to war. Others are mercenary thugs, sell-swords sent to do the House's dirty work. The Blade, Bow and Spell are the three great Dunmer arts of combat; garrisons of Dunmer warriors vary in their choice of weapon from village to village.
7 pts per model. Core. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Dark Elf. 10-25 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Warrior | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 4+ |
Hand Weapon, Shield, Bonemold Armor.
Special Rules:
Great House Loyalties:
The Warriors of each Great House hold different specialties, based on the character of the Great House and the personal experiences of its soldiers.
House Indoril: The piety of the Warriors of House Indoril gives them +1 Ld.
House Hlaalu: The streetwise Warriors of House Hlaalu have +1 I.
House Redoran: The noble arts of combat practiced by Warriors of House Redoran give them +1 WS.
House Dres: The swift raids of the Warriors of House Dres make them experienced marksmen. They have +1 BS.
House Telvanni: The Warriors of House Telvanni are highly familiar with magic. They have +1 Mg.
The entire unit may:
Upgrade one model to Champion(+1 A) for +6 pts. A Champion is a Character.
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +3 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician for +3 pts
The entire unit may replace Hand Weapons with:
- Spears +1 pt per model
- Javelins +1 pt per model
The entire unit may replace Shields with:
- Spell: Inferno Hand, Winter Hand, Storm Hand or Black Hand (free)
The entire unit may replace both hands with:
- Bows +1 pt per model
- Short Bows +1 pt per model
- Halberds +1 pt per model
The entire unit may replace their Bonemold Armor with:
- Chitin Armor (free)
- Leather Armor (free)
The entire unit may purchase one of the following spells:
- Firebolt, Icy Spike or Shock +1 pt per model
The Champion may replace his armor with Glass Armor for +4 pts.
The Champion may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Outriders[edit | edit source]
The Guar is among the most common form of livestock in Morrowind. A two-legged predator with wide jaws, they have been domesticated as steeds and pack animals for generations. They often are ridden into battle, providing an element of speed to the Dunmer war-host. Horses, normally considered a delicacy by Dunmer, are occasionally ridden into battle as well, but not as often as Guars; the ash storms and blight of the Red Mountain sicken them.
12 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Cavalry, Dark Elf. 5 to 15 models per unit. May only be joined by Independent Characters who are also riding Battle-Guars or Horses.
25mm x 50mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Outrider | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3(4) | 1 | 4 | 1 (2) | 7 | 2 | 5+ |
Hand Weapon, Shield, Chitin Armor.
The entire unit is mounted either on Battle-Guars or on Warhorses.
Special Rules:
Attached Independent Characters also have the Scouts special rule.
The entire unit may:
Upgrade one model to Champion(+1 A) The Champion is a Character. for +6 pts
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +6 pts
The entire unit may take:
- Lance +2 pts per model
The entire unit may replace their Hand Weapon and Shield with:
- Javelins and Shield +1 pts per model
- Short Bow +1 pts per model
The Champion may replace his armor with Glass Armor for +4 pts
The Champion may take up to 10 pts of Magic Items where appropriate from the armory.
Redoran Knights[edit | edit source]

The warriors of Great House Redoran have a long and great history. Duty, Gravity and Piety are their vows, and they take pride in them. Redoran Knights are the bravest of the House's retainers; their fury in battle is legendary among their foes. Many who have served in the armies of Redoran have gone on to be great leaders of the House, or to trod along the path of Holy Vehk as Buoyant Armigers.
14 pts per model. Core. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Dark Elf. 10-20 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Redoran Knight | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 5+ |
Greatswords, Bows, Bonemold Armor.
Special Rules:
Furious Charge.
Duty, Gravity, Piety: Redoran Knights are Stubborn. Should they lose a combat, Redoran Knights and any Independent Characters in their unit count as using an unmodifiable Leadership of 10 when rolling to see if they flee.
The entire unit may:
Upgrade one model to Champion(+1 A) for +10 pts. The Champion is a Character.
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +5 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician for +5 pts
The entire unit may replace their armor with:
- Glass Armor +4 pts per model
- Ebony Armor +7 pts per model
The entire unit may upgrade either or both of their weapons to:
- Glass +3 pts per model(+6 pts for both weapons)
- Ebony +4 pts per model(+8 pts for both weapons)
The Champion may take up to 20 pts of appropriate Magic Items from the Armory.
Camonna Tong Thugs[edit | edit source]
The Camonna Tong is an infamous organized syndicate. Led by none other by Orvas Dren, brother of the Duke of Vvardenfell, the Camonna Tong is well known for its dominance in the black market, smuggling Skooma and other banned goods. Agents of the Camonna Tong have a heavy influence on House Hlaalu, bribing and threatening the nobles, and even joining the House to influence it from within. Profitable commerce with foreigners, of the criminal sort, is among their primary goals; however, they also wish to give Morrowind complete independence from the Empire, and to expel the vast majority of Imperial organizations and citizens from the land of the Dunmer.
7 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf. 5-20 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Camonna Tong Thug | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 6+ |
Poisoned(4+) Dagger.
Special Rules:
Fleet of Foot.
Street Fighters: The evasive skills of Camonna Tong Thugs grant them a 6+ Cover Save in Close Combat. Their Daggers have Killing Blow the first round of combat.
One model per unit may be upgraded to Strongman (+1 S, +1 A) for +6 pts. A Strongman is a Character.
Any number of models in the unit may each take one of the following of your choice:
- A Pair of Poisoned(4+) Hand Weapons +1 pts per model
- A Pair of Poisoned(4+) Hand Crossbows +3 pts per model
- A Pair of Poisoned(4+) Javelins +3 pts per model
- A Pair of Poisoned(4+) Throwing Knives +3 pts per model
The entire unit may take:
- Chitin Armor +1 pt per model
The Strongman may be given Glass Armor for +3 pts
The Strongman may upgrade all his weapons to Glass for +6 pts
The Strongman may be given up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Elite[edit | edit source]
Spellswords[edit | edit source]
The armies of the Dunmer Great Houses each contain groups of warriors with incredible skills. Mercenaries, champions and young nobles fill the ranks of these elite warbands, fighting with the traditional ancient weapons of the Dunmer: the Blade, Bow and Spell. The Spellswords are exemplars of the Dunmer on the field of battle, and are well-respected by the armies of Men who have faced them.
14 pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf. 10-20 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Spellsword | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 4 | 5+ |
Hand Weapon, Bonemold Armor, Bow.
Inferno Hand, Daedric Bite
Special Rules:
Fleet of Foot, Relentless. An Noble joining a unit of Spellswords also gains Fleet of Foot and Relentless.
Battle Mastery: The most skilled warriors of Morrowind are known to be able to use their various weapons fluidly and in harmony with one another. A unit of Spellswords and any Noble or Special Character attached to it may equip up to 2 hands worth each of magic, ranged weapons, and close combat weapons in a single turn (i.e. they can fire their ranged weapons and cast spells, and use two Hand Weapons, all in the same turn).
Great House Telvanni Spellswords: Spellswords of Great House Telvanni have great familiarity with magic. If you are fielding Spellswords in a Telvanni army, the entire unit may replace their armor with Wizard Robes for free, and they may purchase spells with casting requirements up to 13+. They may not, however, take the Glass or Ebony weapons upgrades.
A unit of Spellswords may:
Upgrade one model to Champion(+1 A) for +6 pts. The Champion is a Character.
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +4 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician for +4 pts
The entire unit may replace their Bows with:
- Short Bow (free)
- Pair of Javelins (free)
- Crossbow +1 pts per model
The entire unit may replace the spell Flames with:
- Spell: Winter Hand, Storm Hand or Black Hand (free)
- Second Hand Weapon (free)
- Spear (free)
The entire unit may replace the spell Daedric Bite with:
- Any Destruction or Alteration spell from the army spell list(cast on 9+ or lower, cannot be a Temple spell) (free)
The entire unit may replace their Bonemold Armor with:
- Chitin Armor (free)
The entire unit may take one of the following:
- Any Destruction, Bound Item, or Alteration spell from the army spell list(cast on 9+ or lower, cannot be a Temple spell) +3 pts per model
The entire unit may upgrade any or all of their weapons to:
- Glass +3 pts per weapon per model(or +6 pts for all weapons)
- Ebony +4 pts per weapon per model(or +8 pts for all weapons)
The Champion may replace his armor with:
- Glass Armor +4 pts
- Ebony Armor +6 pts
The Champion may take up to 20 pts of magic items, where appropriate, from the armory. For every four models in the unit, a Spellsword may take up to 10 pts of magic items, where appropriate, from the armory.
The Champion may take an additional appropriate Destruction, Bound Item, Illusion or Alteration spell(cast on 9+ or lower, cannot be a Temple spell) from the armory for +4 pts.
Great House Agents[edit | edit source]
The intrigues between the Great Houses are legendary in scale. The law of Morrowind restrains the Houses from engaging in large scale wars, but all forms of underhanded activity are tolerated. Espionage, sabotage and assassination are frequently carried between Houses by hired thugs. Those who are caught are often may find themselves subject to heavy fines or outlawry, depending on the severity of their actions and the number of friends they have in high places. It is by this indirect means that the various factions of Morrowind vie for power over land, people and resources.
Elite. Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf. 5-20 models per unit. The unit must contain at least three types of agents, and and no single type of agent may make up more than two-thirds of the unit.
Hirelings are 6 pts per model.
Marksmen, Thieves and Mages are 7 pts per model.
Alchemists are 8 pts per model.
Guards are 9 pts per model.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Hireling | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 6+ |
Guard | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 7 | 2 | 4+ |
Marksman | 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 6+ |
Thief | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 6+ |
Mage | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 4 (5) | - |
Alchemist | 2 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 4 | 6+ |
Special Rules:
Fleet of Foot.
Specialists: Each unit may be composed of any combination of the six types of Agents, representing the different specialties of the freelance adventurers hired to serve the Great Houses. Each Agent has different choices of weapons and talents, as described below.
Hirelings: Armed with Hand Weapon, Leather Armor. A Hireling must take a Short Bow OR Javelin OR Second Hand Weapon OR Halberd.
Guards: Armed with Shield, Bonemold Armor. A Guard must take a Hand Weapon OR a Spear.
Marksmen: Armed with Bow OR Crossbow, and always wears Leather Armor. Marksmen have the Split Fire special rule.
Thieves: Armed with Dagger, Chitin Armor, and either a Pair of Throwing Knives OR a Pair of Hand Crossbows. Thieves have the Stealth and Move Through Cover special rules.
Mages: Armed with Sorcerer's Staff and Wizard Robes. Know one appropriate Destruction Spell and one Alteration spell (cast on 9+ or less, cannot take Temple spells).
Alchemist: Armed with Hand Weapon and Leather Armor. Knows one non-Temple Restoration spell cast on a 9+ or less. May take Bow(Poisoned (2+)) OR the Feel No Pain special rule.
Great House Underlings: The various Great Houses look for certain qualities in their hirelings. Great House Agents get bonuses based on which Great House they are part of.
House Indoril: All Agents have +1 Ld.
House Hlaalu: All Agents have +1 I.
House Redoran: All Agents have +1 WS.
House Dres: All Agents have +1 BS.
House Telvanni: All Agents have +1 Mg.
For every four models in the unit, one of the following upgrades may be made to any model in the unit:
Hireling: Upgrade armor to Glass Armor for +4 pts OR Upgrade one weapon to Glass for +3 pts.
Guard: Upgrade armor to Glass Armor for +3 pts OR Upgrade one weapon to Glass for +3 pts OR upgrade one weapon to Ebony for +4 pts.
Marksman: Upgrade ranged weapon to Glass for +3 pts OR upgrade ranged weapon to Ebony for +4 pts OR purchase Magic Item ranged weapon worth 10 pts or less.
Thief: Upgrade one weapon to Poisoned(4+) for +2 pts OR may upgrade his Stealth special rule to Stealth(+2) for +4 pts OR "rolls 3d6 for Armor Penetration against buildings" for +5 pts.
Mage: May take an additional appropriate Destruction Spell or Alteration spell (cast on 9+ or less, cannot take Temple spells) for +5 pts.
Alchemist: Upgrade armor to Glass Armor for +4 pts OR purchase up to 10 pts of Potions from the armory.
Morag Tong Assassins[edit | edit source]

The secretive brotherhood known as the Morag Tong are the Temple's primary means of keeping the peace among the Great Houses. Followers of Mephala, the Morag Tong venerate the art of murder, performing assassinations in exchange for money or equipment. They are not savage killers, however, but instruments of a strange form of justice; most criminal convictions in Morrowind result in heavy fines, with the wronged party being given the legal right to use that money to pay the Morag Tong to assassinate the guilty party. The Morag Tong send forth an assassin, bearing an Honorable Writ of Execution, who bears the legal authority to track and kill the criminal. It is only rarely that the Morag Tong will use their power and resources to conduct illegal assassinations, or to kill outlanders; they prefer to keep their hands clean of all blood that they are not sanctioned to shed.
It is by this means that the Great Houses are able to go to war with one another, while rarely setting off overtly bloody feuds or pitched battles. Should there be a misconduct among members of two Houses, the Morag Tong is permitted to avenge whatever grievances result from the action. As an organization primarily internal to Morrowind, whenever the Morag Tong appear in battle, it is only in time of dire need, or when they are tracking an enemy leader to prepare for the kill.
95 pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf. 1-3 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Morag Tong Assassin | 8 | 8 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 3 | 10 | 4 | 6+ |
Throwing Stars: The Throwing Stars of the Morag Tong count are thrown in succession, with blinding speed, as an assassin leaps at his target. The Throwing Stars are a pair of dual wielded 1-handed ranged weapons, each with the following profile: Strength=model S, Fire and Charge 4, Range 3". They may be equipped on the same turn as a Morag Tong Assassin's other weapons.
Morag Tong Armor: The grey and red robes of the Morag Tong are padded with strong leather, and filled with enchantments of concealment. This is Light Armor(6+) which grants the bearer Stealth, and does not give him Weakened Magicka(see the Armor rules in the Scrollhammer rulebook).
Writ of Execution: This sealed document bears the name of the target of the Morag Tong. At the beginning of the game, if your army contains any number of Morag Tong Assassins, choose a model in your opponent's army. The Morag Tong Assassins in your army target that model for assassination. They may choose to have any number of attacks made against that models unit in close combat assigned to that model, re-rolling misses and failed wounds against it. All hits and wounds caused in this manner must be allocated to that model.
Each Assassin knows an Illusion spell from the army spell list of your choice(cast on 13+ or less), or Black Hand.
Special Rules:
Infiltrate, Fleet of Foot, Move through Cover, Hit and Run, Precision Strikes, Precision Shots.
Lightning Reflexes: Morag Tong assassins have 4+ cover saves while in Close Combat.
Secret Orders: Morag Tong units may not be joined by Independent Characters.
Any number of Morag Tong Assassins may each replace their Throwing Stars with:
Bow (free)
Short Bow (free)
Pair of Hand Crossbows(free)
Any number of Morag Tong Assassins may each be given:
Katana +20 pts per model
Each Morag Tong Assassin may upgrade any number of his weapons to:
Glass +6 pts per weapon
Ebony +10 pts per weapon
Daedric +25 pts per weapon
Bonewalkers[edit | edit source]
Among the sacred duties of the Tribunal Temple is the preservation of the bones of Dunmer ancestors. The tombs of every great family are scattered all across Morrowind, endless mazes filled with thousands of years of buried dead. The Holy City of Necrom, in the east of east, contains thousands of such tombs. To guard these tombs, the priests of the Temple call back the spirits of the strongest bodies buried there, reanimating their corpses as Bonewalkers. These rites are necromantic in nature, but are sanctioned under the Temple's traditions. When these blessed guardians of flesh and bone appear upon the battlefield, they instill dread in the enemies of ALMSIVI.
14 pts per model. Elite. Horde, Infantry, Undead. 10-30 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base(Bonewalker). 40mm x 40mm base(Greater Bonewalker)
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Bonewalker | 3 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 2 | - |
Greater Bonewalker | 3 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 2 | - |
Special Rules:
Bonewalkers cause Fear.
Almalexian Embalming: Bonewalkers have 3+ Ward Saves against Frost and Shock damage.
The Brown Rot: Disease. Enemy models in base contact with a Bonewalker have -1 Strength.
Dread Curse: Models suffering an unsaved wound from a Greater Bonewalker get -1 Strength and -1 Toughness for the remainder of the game. This does not stack.
For every five Bonewalkers in a unit, one may be upgraded to a Greater Bonewalker for +10 pts.
Ordinators[edit | edit source]

Clad in gilded armor with sky-blue drapings, the Ordinators form the military forces of the Tribunal Temple. Every Ordinator is the product of years of training, a master of both arms and magic, a force of unwavering loyalty to ALMSIVI. The Ordinators hail primarily from House Indoril, their golden masks bearing the visage of Saint Nerevar himself. The various sects of Ordinators are devoted to the Temple's many militant endeavors: the execution of heretics and the quelling of Daedric uprisings. Others guard the sacred cities of the Temple, keeping close watch on the scum who roam the streets, and slaying those who commit sacrilege against the ancient shrines.
18 pts per model. Elite. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Dark Elf. 10-20 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Ordinator | 6 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 2 | 9 | 4 | 4+ |
Ebony Hand Weapon, Shield, Indoril Armor.
Ordinators may have up to 2 Destruction spells (cast on 9+ or lower). The spells must be the same for every Ordinator in the unit.
Special Rules:
Hatred(Undead and Daedra)
Sotha's Grace: Ordinators have a 6+ Ward Save.
A unit of Ordinators may:
Upgrade one model to Ordinator Captain(+1 A, +1 Ld) for +10 pts. The Ordinator Captain is a Character.
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +6 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician for +6 pts
A unit of Ordinators may replace their Ebony Hand Weapons with:
Ebony Spear +2 pts per model
The Ordinator Captain may take up to 20 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Silt Strider[edit | edit source]

The Silt Striders are among the largest insects of the swamps of Morrowind, standing up to a hundred feet tall. The shells of tamed Silt Striders have be carved in a manner allowing them to carry passengers, by an art practiced since time immemorial. Many owners of these creatures offer travel services across the more dangerous parts of Morrowind, a very successful business, due to the safety offered to those inside the Strider's shell. Others ride the great beasts into battle, towering above the enemy and raining arrows upon them.
75 pts for Silt Strider, 8 pts per Rider. Elite. Skirmish, Monstrous Cavalry, Dark Elf(rider). Single Model (1 Silt Strider, 1-5 Riders)
50mm x 100mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Rider | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 (4) | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 4 | 5+ |
Silt Strider | 3 | 0 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 0 | 5+ |
Riders have Bows and Bonemold Armor.
Chitinous Exoskeleton: Silt Striders have a 5+ armor save.
Special Rules:
Silt Striders cause Fear.
Tamed Monster: Silt Striders have the Bestial Instinct special rule, but while at least one Rider is alive, they may make any Leadership tests (even those required to be made on their own value) on the Rider's value instead.
Amphibious: Silt Striders ignore water terrain features when moving.
War Tower: Silt Striders are Monstrous Creatures, ridden as Monstrous Cavalry by the Riders, who are Infantry should they cease to be mounted on the Silt Strider.
One Rider may be given a Lance for +2 pts.
One Rider may be upgraded to Strider Trainer(+2 Ld) for +12 pts.
One Rider (not the Trainer) may be upgraded to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +6 pts.
The entire unit of Riders may replace their Bows with:
- Short Bows (free)
- Crossbows +1 pt per Rider
The entire unit of Riders may take one of the following:
- Any appropriate Destruction or Alteration spell from the list (cast on 9+ or less, cannot be a Temple spell) +2 pts per Model
The entire unit of Riders may upgrade all their weapons to
- Glass +3 pts per Rider
Support[edit | edit source]
Temple Priests[edit | edit source]
To be a Priest of the Tribunal Temple is to give one's life to ALMSIVI. The priestly orders hold important positions throughout all of Morrowind. The living are inspired by their sermons, and the dead are consecrated by their rites. Hymns, poems, and wild chants of worship are made to the Tribunal. Some priests wear common robes, others don elaborate trappings and veils covered in sacred symbols. Initiates to the Tribunal Temple are taught the mysteries of Dunmer religion, but are also instructed in the use of magical powers granted to them by the ALMSIVI on their thrones.
8 pts per model. Support. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Dark Elf 10-20 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Priest | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 4 | - (6++) |
Priest's Robes, Dagger, Hand Weapon
Mother's Embrace. Priests have up to two additional spells of your choice from the Schools of Restoration or Alteration(casting cost 9+ or lower). One of these two spells may be replaced by the spell Father's Hand. Every model in the unit must take the same spells.
Special Rules:
Hatred(Undead and Daedra)
Sotha's Grace: Priests have a 6+ Ward Save.
One model may be upgraded to Curate(+1 Mg, +1 Ld) for +7 pts. The Curate is a Character.
The entire unit may take:
- Priest's Staff +2 pts per model
The entire unit may upgrade their Hand Weapons to:
- Ebony +3 pts per model
The Curate may take an additional spell of your choice from the School of Restoration, Mysticism or Alteration, or instead take Summon Ancestral Ghost or one of the Temple Only Illusion spells, for +15 pts, and may trade any number of his 2 starting spells for spells from the School of Mysticism.
The Curate may purchase up to 20 pts worth of Magic Items where appropriate from the armory.
Ancestral Ghosts[edit | edit source]
To enter unwarranted into an Ancestral Tomb is to profane the bodies of the Dunmer, to blaspheme against the Tribunal Temple. And often, it is to join the dead who rest there. For those who are awakened from their slumber return as the worshipped Ancestral Guardians, protecting the cadavers of their kin and bringing destruction upon the living.
4 pts per model. Support. Horde, Infantry, Undead 10-60 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base(Ancestral Ghost). 40mm x 40mm base(Ancient One).
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Ancestral Ghost | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 2 | - |
Ancient One | 3 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 2 | - |
Special Rules:
Ghostly: Ghostly models ignore difficult and dangerous terrain. They are Ethereal(see the Scrollhammer rulebook) and Immune to Frost.
One Ancestral Ghost per unit may be upgraded to Ancient One for +6 pts
Bonelords[edit | edit source]

The greatest of the horrors sanctioned to guard the tombs of Dunmer ancestors is the Bonelord. Appearing as a hooded, pale skeletal figure, the Bonelord sprouts forth two pairs of arms, by which it calls curses upon all who enter its domain.
35 pts per model. Support. Horde, Infantry, Undead. 3-15 models per unit.
40mm x 40mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Bonelord | 3 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 8 | 3 | 5+ |
Ritual Blades: A Bonelord counts as being equipped with two Katanas, dual wielded like hand weapons for +1 A.
Veil of Darkness: Bonelords have a 5+ Armor Save.
Special Rules:
Bonelords cause Terror.
Ghostly: Ghostly models ignore difficult and dangerous terrain. They are Ethereal(see the Scrollhammer rulebook) and Immune to Frost.
Ward of the Second Barrier: A Bonelord's Armor Save can never be reduced to worse than 5+.
The Inescapable Grave: Enemy models within 6" of a Bonelord get -1 Initiative, and -1" to the maximum distance of every move of any kind they make(i.e. an Infantry model's difficult terrain test roll of 5 moves 5", but a roll of 6 becomes a 5)
Siege Strider[edit | edit source]
A Silt Strider is capable of carrying an incredible amount of weight with its sturdy insectoid legs. Some carry warbands or nobles with their retinues; others, however, may be outfitted to carry mighty siege weapons. Within the walking towers, all manner of heavy firepower, whether mundane or magical, are kept safe from the blows of the enemy.
160 pts. Support. Skirmish, Monstrous Cavalry, Dark Elf(Rider), Single Model (1 Silt Strider, 3 Riders)
50mm x 100mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Rider | 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 (4) | 1 | 3 | 1 | 8 | 4 | 5+ |
Silt Strider | 3 | 0 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 0 | 5+ |
Rider WS2 BS4 S3 T3(4) W1 I3 A1 Ld8 Mg4 Sv5+
Silt Strider WS3 BS0 S7 T5 W5 I3 A3 Ld7 Mg0 Sv5+
Riders have a single Siege Weapon which they fire together, Hand Weapon, and Bonemold Armor. Choose the Siege Weapon from the following list:
Glaive Thresher: An enormous repeating crossbow, the Glaive Thresher rests comfortably and securely within the Strider's shell. S10AP5, Move or Fire 4, Range 48".
Siege Ballista: The Siege Ballista is a crossbow-like machine converted to fire enormous boulders at the enemy. S8AP4, Move or Fire 1, Blast, Range 48", rolls 3d6 for armor penetration against structures.
Ashflame Flinger: The Ashflame Flinger's blasts contain a mix of tars and flammable chemicals found within the endless swamps and wastelands of Vvardenfell. Everything caught beneath the lit mixture is immolated. S4AP0, Move or Fire 1, Large Blast, Range 24", flame. Mark the location hit by the blast on the table. Until the beginning of your next turn, at the beginning of every phase, every unit at that location takes a S3AP0 flame hit for each model fully or partially under the marked location. Cover saves are allowed against these extra hits.
Spellwrights(Telvanni only): The riders are Telvanni nobles skilled in the arts of siege magic. This does not count as a shared Siege Weapon, but rather replaces one. All three Riders get +2 Mg, and Wizard Robes(replacing their armor). Each Rider knows a (non-Temple)spell of your choice from the list. All Riders must take spells from the same school of Magic. For one of your Riders to take a Necromancy/Summon Daedra spell, you must pay the following amounts of points:
Necromancy/Summon Daedra spell cast on 9+ or lower: +5 pts
Necromancy/Summon Daedra spell cast on 10-13+: +10 pts
Necromancy/Summon Daedra spell cast on 14-18+: +30 pts
Necromancy/Summon Daedra spell cast on 19-22+: +75 pts
Necromancy/Summon Daedra spell cast on 23+ or higher: +120 pts
Chitinous Exoskeleton: Silt Striders have a 5+ armor save.
Special Rules:
Silt Striders cause Fear.
Amphibious: Silt Striders ignore water terrain features when moving.
War Tower: Silt Striders are Monstrous Creatures, ridden as Monstrous Cavalry by the Riders, who are Infantry should they cease to be mounted on the Silt Strider.
Tamed Monster: Silt Striders have the Bestial Instinct special rule, but while at least one Rider is alive, they may make any Leadership tests (even those required to be made on their own value) on the Rider's value instead.
Weapon Crew: The Siege Weapon on the back of the Silt Strider is shared as wargear among all three Riders. As long as at least one Rider is alive, all the riders may equip it at once and fire it; this counts as them firing a weapon for the turn. The Siege Weapon is never treated as a separate model, only as a single piece of wargear that must be equipped by all riders currently alive. It is fired using the highest Ballistic Skill of models firing it.
One Rider may be upgraded to Strider Trainer(+2 Ld) for +15 pts.
One Rider (not the Trainer) may be upgraded to Standard Bearer for +10 pts.
Ash Wasp Raiders[edit | edit source]
The Ash Wasps of Morrowind's southern wastes and jungles are ferocious insects, both swift and deadly. The nobles of House Dres for centuries tamed these creatures, riding them into battle, with uncanny speed snatching up unfortunates to sell into slavery. With the sudden whir of wings, the flying swarm descends upon the enemies of House Dres, their poisonous stings combining with their rider's lances to spread chaos amongst even the most disciplined soldiers.
24 pts per model Support. Skirmish, Flyer Cavalry, Dark Elf, 5-15 models per unit. May only be joined by Independent Characters who are also riding Ash Wasps.
50mm x 50mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Ash Wasp Raider | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 (4) | 1 | 4 | 1 (2) | 7 | 2 | 4+ |
Lance, Bonemold Armor, Shield, Hand Weapon
Ash Wasp: Models riding Ash Wasps are Flyer Cavalry. They are not encumbered by their rider's heavy armor. They grant their rider Hit and Run.
Special Rules:
Descending Charge: A unit of Ash Wasp Riders(and any attached characters) may charge the turn it Deep Strikes.
A unit of Ash Wasp Riders may:
Upgrade one model to Captain(+1 A) for +8 pts. The Captain is a Character.
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +8 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician for +8 pts
The entire unit may replace their Hand Weapon and Shield with:
- Bow (free)
- Short Bow (free)
- Javelin and Shield +1 pt per model
- Pair of Javelins +2 pts per model
The entire unit may upgrade any number of their weapons to:
- Glass +3 pts per weapon(or +6 for all weapons)
- Ebony +4 pts per weapon(or +8 for all weapons)
The entire unit may replace their armor with:
- Glass Armor +4 pts per model
The Captain may take up to 20 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Special Characters[edit | edit source]

Vivec, the Warrior-Poet[edit | edit source]
Vivec is the VI of ALMSIVI, the eternal Warrior-Poet. He is Vehk and Vehk, mortal and god, for he stands one-half Chimer and one-half Dunmer above Nirn, while also dwelling eternally in the Aether. Mephala is his anticipation, for he is at once Vehk and Vehk, mortal and god, man and woman, Chimer and Dunmer. He is Thief, the brave rogue, and with his song writes truths into existence. His holy city lies upon the south coast of Vvardenfell; he is forever called upon by the prayers of Dunmer, begging for deliverance from Dagoth Ur. Many battles has he fought forever and ever to defeat Lord Dagoth, each time banishing the Devil of the Red Mountain until his next return.
The Temple of ALMSIVI teaches that VI was hatched into the mortal world from the egg of a netch-wife cast into the sea, and raised by the kingdoms of the Dreughs. In the form of a woman he was beloved of Molag Bal, who taught him the ways of godhood. He was ravished by Molag Bal while his head was disembodied, and so came to the King of Rape his lover, and from him learned the art of belly-magic. From this, Vehk and Vehk became father-mother to a brood of devils, who tore apart the land, until he smote them all with his Spear Milk-Finger.
To Nerevar, the legends call him mentor, that with his verse and riddles he instructed the young hero in the path to Royalty over all things. In the days of Nerevar, the Lie Rock, Baar Dau, fell forth from the heavens toward the city of Vivec; with his hand Vivec bound the rock to remain above the city, but to once more fall and destroy it should the Dunmer cease to love him. Vivec advised Nerevar before the Battle of Red Mountain. When Nerevar fell, and Azura's curse was brought upon the Dunmer, he ascended to be forevermore worshiped as the One who Mephala Anticipates. For a thousand and thousand more years he ruled Morrowind alongside his goddess-lover Almalexia and the mystic deity Sotha Sil. It was only at the end of this golden age that the Empire came to Morrowind.
Vivec fought to ensure a high level of independence for Morrowind, even with the nation's membership in the Empire. In the days of the Akaviri invasion, Vehk taught his people to breathe water, and called forth a great flood to drown the Armies of the East of East. When Dagoth Ur awoke, Vehk went forth with his armies and smote him again and again. But Dagoth Ur grew stronger, and stole the Tools of Kagrenac over which the War of the First Council was fought. But in the days of Nerevar, Vivec came to dwell within his palace alone, in meditation; only the highest Priests are allowed in his holy presence.
The teachings and mysteries of Vehk and Vehk are held within his Thirty-and-Six Sermons, by which Nerevar is instructed, and in which many truths are hidden. Vehk walks Nirn in the form of a mortal, bound to time, while Vehk walks the Aether as a god, born before all time begins. For he is Vivec.
500 pts. Vivec may be taken as a Hero choice in any Great House army. Should he be taken as a Hero choice, Buoyant Armigers are Core units and are not 0-1. Skirmish, Infantry. Single model.
50mm x 50mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Vivec | 8 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 8 (9) | 4 | 10 | 10 | - (3++) |
Muatra: The Milk Finger, ebony phallus-spear of Vehk and Vehk, bane of Daedra. Born of a forbidden rite, it is the Giver and Taker of Milk, the symbol of the potency of its Master. Artifact, Spear. Muatra is an Ebony Spear with Heroic Killing Blow. Wounds, whether saved or unsaved, caused by this weapon have Absorb Magicka(total on 1+).
Black Hand, Ascendant Shield, Swimmer's Blessing, Vivec's Kiss, Father's Hand, Vivec's Feast, Vivec's Command, Turn of the Wheel, Vivec's Tears, Vivec's Touch, Vivec's Mercy.
Vivec's Wrath: Vivec calls down every magical force and element in existence, devastating his foes in a whirlwind of blazing light. This unique spell is a shooting attack, Cast on a 20+. Destruction. Each time it is cast, Vivec may choose one of three firing modes:
Vivec's Smiting. S10 AP7, Move or Fire 1, Range 24".
Vivec's Purging. S7 AP7, blast, Move or Fire 1, Range 24".
Vivec's Cleansing. S3 AP7, large blast, Ignores Cover, Move or Fire 1, Range 24".
Special Rules:
Preferred Enemy(Daedra), Relentless, Guardian Stone: The Thief.
Vivec is a Character.
Fading Divinity: Vivec is a Physical God. However, his Ward Save granted by this rule is only a 3+.
Thief of the Tower: Due to his divine mastery of metaphysics, Vivec gets +10 to all spellcasting rolls.
Godly Presence: All who surround the Warrior-Poet are dumbstruck by his might and radiance. All friendly units within 24" of Vivec (including himself) are Fearless. He causes Fear. Even Daedra Fear Vivec, even if they would normally be immune to Fear; if Daedra fail a Fear Test against him, their WS is always reduced to 1 this round.
Almalexia, Blessed and Merciful[edit | edit source]
Almalexia, or Ayem, is the Healing Mother of Morrowind, and the ALM of ALMSIVI. Appearing as a beautiful Chimer woman, this goddess is renowned for her senses of justice mercy. Said to have taken mortal shape before the hatching of Vivec, Almalexia long has ruled the Dunmer people as a mother figure. In the days of the First Council, she was wife to Indoril Nerevar. Upon her husband's death, she became the lover of Vivec, and reigned over Morrowind from its capital, Mournhold. The Temple has long worshiped her and heeded her soothing and gracious commands. Countless pilgrims flock to her holy city to receive her gifts.
But there is another side to Almalexia, for Boethiah, Prince of Plots, is her Anticipation. She has the form of both a mortal and a god, just as Vivec does. Her sign, however, is the Warrior; with her divine powers, she heals her children in times of peace, strictly punishes them in times of disobedience, and defends them in times of war. Many times has the Mother of the Dunmer defended them in battle, her face beneath an ornate battle-mask, her weapon Hopesfire, twin sword to the blade of fallen Nerevar.
500 pts. Almalexia may be taken as a Hero choice in any Great House army. Should she be taken as a Hero choice, Her Hands are Core units and are not 0-1. Skirmish, Infantry. Single model.
50mm x 50mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Almalexia | 8 (9) | 6 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 10 | - (3++) |
Face of Inspiration: Almalexia's mask of war bears the horrifying visage of a Daedra, coming forth from the sacred light she exudes. Artifact, Helm. Almalexia causes Terror.
Hopesfire: The ancient curved blade of Almalexia, Hopesfire burns with a brilliant white-blue lightning flame. Artifact, Hand Weapon. This weapon grants +1 Strength, ignores armor saves, Critical Strike, shock, Multiple Wounds(d3). Attacks from this weapon cause Critical Strikes on a to wound roll of 5+.
Almalexia's Calming Touch, Devotion Undying, Almalexia's Grace, Hand of Righteousness, Mother's Kiss, Mother's Embrace, Mother's Balm.
Almalexia's Wrath: Almalexia releases all her rage in a blast of piercing flame. Nothing can withstand the fury of the angered goddess. This is a shooting attack, cast on a 30+. S10 AP7, Move or Fire 1, Large Blast, Range 36", Multiple Wounds(d3), flame. Destruction.
Special Rules:
Relentless, Guardian Stone: The Warrior
Almalexia is a Character.
Fading Divinity: Almalexia is a Physical God. However, her Ward Save granted by this rule is only a 3+.
Healing Mother: Almalexia's nature as a goddess allows her to grant her people with endless blessings, as well as wield amazing powers herself should she need to. Almalexia gets +8 to all spellcasting rolls.
Just and Merciful: Almalexia is a force of law upon the battlefield, both loved and feared. Almalexia is Fearless, and all friendly units within 24" of her are Stubborn. In addition, all Flyer Beasts and Infantry may not Fly if they would begin such a move within 24" of her.
Sotha Sil, the Mystery[edit | edit source]
The third of the Tribunes is Sotha Sil, or Seht, the SI of ALMSIVI. The scriptures of the Temple begin the tale of Sotha Sil as one who awoke among mortals as a God of Wizardry, while existing in the body of a mortal Chimer simultaneously. Sotha Sil was fascinated with the machines of the Dwemer, and sought to learn more of the magic and scientific knowledge behind their creation. Aiding Indoril Nerevar as a mage, he became fully accepted as a god after the War of the First Council; Azura is his anticipation. His appearance is that of a Chimer wearing a mechanical suit of armor, the top half of his face obscured by a golden mask.
Sotha Sil is the Mystery of Morrowind, for he is incredibly secretive in his ways. Rather than ruling a holy city populated by Dunmer, he spends his time in a vast series of underground tunnels, serving as his fortress and laboratory. Inspired by the designs of the Dwemer, he has developed an intricate system of clockwork technology. From his hiding-place, he has rarely shown his face upon the sunlit world. In earlier eras, he would often come up to the surface as the Light of Knowledge: he imparted his mysticism to the Psijiic Order, and assisted his sister Almalexia defending Mournhold against Mehrunes Dagon. But in more recent centuries, he has kept to himself, planning and building beneath the earth, in hopes of one day remaking the world in his image.
500 pts. Sotha Sil may be taken as a Hero choice in any Great House army. An army containing Sotha Sil may take units of Fabricants as core units, and may take Imperfects as Elite units. All other Core units become Elite(unless another one of the Tribunal is present in the army). Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry. Single Model.
50mm x 50mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Sotha Sil | 3 | 6 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 10 | 10(11) | - (3++) |
Mask of Sotha: Sotha Sil's mask allows him to visually analyze the currents of Magicka in their true form, while shielding him from the disruptions that may occur among them. Artifact, Helm. He is unaffected by Magicka Drain and Absorb Magicka.
Staff of Clockwork: Sotha Sil bears a strange, glowing, cog-shaped staff which affects the physical nature of motion. Artifact, Staff. Friendly units within 12" of Sotha Sil may choose to march an additional 2" through open terrain without having to roll. If they do this, they must take a dangerous terrain test.
Domewire Contraption: Wires run forth from Sotha Sil's armored carapace, conducting magical energies to and from him. Artifact. Sotha Sil recharges his Power Dice at the start of every turn, not just at the start of each of your turns(see Magic rules in the Scrollhammer Rulebook for details).
Soulpinch, God's Fire, Levitate, Sixth Barrier, Brevusa's Averted Eyes, Silence, Purge Magic, Sotha's Mirror, Ward, Wisdom, Holy Word, Ordeal of Saint Olms, Sotha's Aegis.
Aetherofabricant Charge: Sotha Sil imbues the clockwork engines of his machines with a mystic energy, preventing them from breaking down. Cast on 8+. This spell may be cast during any player's movement phase. Choose a unit of Fabricants within 12" of Sotha Sil. At the end of this Close Combat phase, for each Fabricant removed as a casualty from that unit this turn, roll a d6. On a 4+, place return that Fabricant to play in a legal location as part of its unit, with a single Wound remaining. Multiple instances do not stack.
Special Rules:
Fearless, Relentless, Guardian Stone: The Mage
Sotha Sil is a Character.
Fading Divinity: Sotha Sil is a Physical God. However, his Ward Save granted by this rule is only a 3+.
Inscrutable Wisdom: Sotha Sil counts every Power Die he uses to cast a spell as rolling a 6.
Secluded and Unconventional: Sotha Sil rarely leaves his Clockwork City, and has little interest in the affairs of others, Roll a d6 at the end of game turn 3 and every turn after that. On a roll of a 1 at the end of turn 3, a 1-2 at the end of turn 4, and a 1-3 at the end of each of the following turns, Sotha Sil vanishes from the battlefield in pursuit of another goal that seems more interesting to him. If such a result is rolled, he is immediately removed as a casualty.
The Order of the Buoyant Armigers[edit | edit source]
The Buoyant Armigers are among the most elite forces in all Morrowind. Their number is few, but they are magnificent in battle: honorable knight-assassins, poets and slayers of monsters, possessing incredible bravado beneath their grim Dunmeri demeanors. They are sworn to service to Vivec, the Master of Morrowind, chosen from the bravest nobles in all the land. They fight endlessly for their god, choosing to emulate him in their lives, ever vigilant against the predations of the Sixth House. They hold in their possession some of the strongest weapons and armor in Morrowind.
45 pts per model. Elite(0-1 Buoyant Armigers OR Her Hands). Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf. 3-10 models per unit
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Buoyant Armiger | 7 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 6 | 3 | 9 | 5 | 4+ |
Bow, Hand Weapon, Glass Armor.
Vivec's Kiss, Vivec's Tears.
Special Rules:
Stubborn, Stealth, Infiltrate, Preferred Enemy(Sixth House), Heroic Killing Blow(melee attacks only).
One model may be upgraded to Deputy-Marshal (+1 A +1 Ld) for +15 pts. The Deputy-Marshal is a Character.
Each model may choose to replace his bow with:
- A second Hand Weapon (free)
- A Pair of Hand Crossbows (free)
- A Short Bow (free)
- Any Destruction Spell of casting cost 5+ or lower (free)
- Any Destruction Spell of casting cost 7-9+ +2 pts per model
- Any Destruction Spell of casting cost 10-13+ +5 pts per model
Each model may upgrade any or all of his weapons to:
- Glass +4 pts per weapon (or +8 for all weapons)
- Daedric +20 pts per weapon (or +40 for all weapons)
Each Buoyant Armiger may take up to 20 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
The Order of Her Hands[edit | edit source]
The Hands of Almalexia, the High Ordinators of Mournhold, are the most elite of all the Ordinators. They are devoted to serving their goddess to the end. They wear armor of pale pink and alabaster; their helms bear the visage of Hortator Nerevar, and their breastplates are imbued with protective enchantments. Their scimitars are of finest ebony, each sanctified as weapons of the Mother's justice.
40 pts per model. Elite(0-1 Buoyant Armigers OR Her Hands). Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Dark Elf. 5-15 models per unit
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Hand of Almalexia | 7 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 6 | 2 | 10 | 4 | 3+ |
Ebony Hand Weapon, Shield.
Her Hands Armor: This armor is a heavier form of the standard Indoril Armor. It is Heavy Armor(4+), and grants its bearer a 5+ Ward Save.
Her Hands may have up to 2 Destruction spells (casting cost 9+ or lower). The spells must be the same for every Hand in the unit.
Special Rules:
Hatred(Undead and Daedra)
A unit of Her Hands may:
Upgrade one model to High Ordinator Captain(+1 A, +1 Ld) for +10 pts. The High Ordinator Captain is a Character.
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +6 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician for +6 pts
The High Ordinator Captain may take up to 30 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Clockwork Fabricants and Imperfects[edit | edit source]
Among the strangest of Sotha Sil's inventions are the Fabricants. These insectoid automatons are formed of both flesh and metal, and driven by internal systems of gears and pulleys. They are a terrifying foe to behold in battle, should the Mystery decide to go to war.
The Imperfects are great mechanical golems, standing six yards high. They are nigh invincible, engineered to guard Sotha Sil himself.
26 pts per Fabricant, 220 pts for an Imperfect.
Fabricants are Core units that can only be taken in an army containing Sotha Sil. Imperfects are Elite units that may only be taken in an army containing Sotha Sil.
Fabricants are Horde, Beast, Automaton. Imperfects are Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Automaton.
Fabricant unit size 5-20. Imperfects are always Single Models. Independent Characters cannot join units of Fabricants or Imperfects.
25mm x 50mm base(Fabricant). 50mm x 50mm base(Imperfect).
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Fabricant | 2 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 0 | 5+ |
Clockwork Talon: This is a Hand Weapon with Critical Strike.
Metallic Undershell: Fabricants have a 5+ armor save.
Special Rules:
Flesh and Metal: Fabricants are subject to Frenzy, and have Regeneration (6+).
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Imperfect | 2 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 7 | 0 | 1+ |
Shockblaster: This is a shooting weapon that fires with the following profile: S6 AP1, Move or Fire 1, Large Blast, Range 24", Shock damage, counts as dealing Spell Damage, Magicka Drain(1) on striking.
Hand Weapon.
Aethershield Plating: An Imperfect has a 1+ Armor Save and a 3+ Ward Save(a saving throw of 1 always fails).
Special Rules:
Regeneration (6+)
Divayth Fyr, Oldest of the Telvanni[edit | edit source]
In the fungus-tower of Tel Fyr, hidden in the coastal islands of Vvardenfell, there has lived a mysterious sorcerer for ages longer than can be remembered. Before the coming of the Empire, even before the birth of Indoril Nerevar, the reclusive wizard Divayth Fyr dwelt in his ash-swept hall. Master Fyr has over the millennia studied and mastered every form of magic, and acquired an impressive collection of artifacts. He has walked the realms of Oblivion, and has developed a method by which he can travel in and out of them with a wave of his hand. He has discovered many strange secrets, by which he has given himself unnatural vitality and prevented his body from ever aging.
In recent times, he has delved into the exotic magic of Biomancy. He has cloned several female versions of himself, who serve as his bodyguard. Another current feature of his Tower is the Corprusarium. Guarded by a manumitted former slave of his, this series of chambers is a refuge for those afflicted by Corprus, the most terrifying of all the plagues unleashed by Dagoth Ur. Countless poor souls, deformed and driven mad by the disease, wander the bowels of his tower, as Master Fyr works tirelessly to develop a cure. Among the number of the infected within Tel Fyr is Yagrum Bagarn, the last of the Dwarves.
Divayth Fyr is the most powerful and ancient wizard in all of House Telvanni, but has never joined the House's council. He has expressed that he takes no interest in the politics and murderous conspiracies of his fellow sorcerers.
450 pts. Divayth Fyr may be taken as a replacement for a generic Sorceror in a Telvanni army. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf. Single Model.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Divayth Fyr | 5 | 6 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 10 | 10 | 2+ |
Scourge (see Scrollhammer: Artifacts of Tamriel), Daedric Armor.
Chain Lightning, Daedric Bite, Lightning Storm, Levitate, Third Barrier, Sixth Barrier, Medusa's Gaze, Silence, Mass Paralysis, Soul Trap, Dispel, Purge Magic, Power Well, Ward, Hearth Heal, Blood Gift.
Special Rules:
Bound Daedra: Divayth Fyr may have all his summoned Daedra in play simultaneously(see the Sorcerer rules).
Oblivion Portal: Divayth Fyr and his daughters have Deep Strike.
Age Beyond Counting: Divayth Fyr's aeons of experience with magic grants him +5 to his spellcasting rolls. His armor does not give him Weakened Magicka, and he is Relentless. He may cast all of his spells with 1 hand.
Corprus Familiarity: Divayth Fyr is unaffected by all diseases, including Corprus.
Daughters of Fyr: Fyr may take a retinue of female clones to assist and protect him. For +25 pts per model, he may take up to 4 (Telvanni) Spellswords (with no upgrades) in Bonemold Armor as part of his unit. He and his daughters together count act as a single Independent Character, except while Divayth Fyr is in a challenge. The Daughters do not have the Precision ability, and cannot Look out Sir!, but may receive Look out Sir! hits, wounds and effects from Divayth Fyr.
Divayth Fyr may take any number of additional Summon Storm Atronach spells (cast on 15+) for +60 pts each.
Bolvyn Venim, Archmaster of Redoran[edit | edit source]
The current ruler of Great House Redoran, Bolvyn Venim is a charismatic and hot-blooded noble. It was he who proclaimed the great crab-shell Skar to be his House's fortress in the mid-third era. He wields a blade of incredible power, and is the veteran of countless duels. He holds great distrust for Outlanders, and prefers death over failure to uphold the great martial traditions of his House.
165 pts. Bolvyn Venim may be taken as a replacement for a generic Noble in a Redoran army. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf. Single Model.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Bolvyn Venim | 9 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 10 | 4 | 3+ |
Daedric Katana, Ebony Bow, Ebony Armor, 3x Healing Potion.
Special Rules:
Fearless, Furious Charge
Master Duelist: Bolvyn Venim must always accept a Challenge. While in Bolvyn Venim is in a Challenge, friendly units within 6" of him that are Fearless do not take No Retreat wounds if they lose combat.
Saint Jiub the Eradicator[edit | edit source]
One of the great modern saints of the Temple is Saint Jiub the Beast-Slayer. Once a prisoner, sentenced to death for his crimes as a hired killer, Saint Jiub arrived on Vvardenfell with his future companion in battle, the Nerevarine. It is said he journeyed with the reborn Nerevar over much of Vvardenfell as the great warrior fought against the Sixth House. But it was not by fighting alongside the Incarnate that Jiub would earn his sainthood, for he was not present at the Siege of Red Mountain; Jiub performed his greatest deeds soon after. For the Cliff Racers, wild winged beasts native to Vvardenfell, had long preyed on the island's livestock, and even attacked Temple pilgrims on occasion. Cliff Racer flocks had forever been the scourge of the Ashen Isle. Jiub hunted these creatures without mercy, and drove away from Vvardenfell.
Appointed a living saint for his actions, he became renowned as a great hero of Vvardenfell. He fought on against the wilds, until the end of the Third Era, when he went into retirement in Colovia to write his memoirs. It was there that he fell at the Battle of Kvatch, his soul stolen by the hordes of Daedra which had come forth from the Deadlands of Mehrunes Dagon. All Morrowind mourned at the news that their living saint had perished against the armies of the House of Troubles.
135 pts. Saint Jiub may be taken as a replacement for a Warrior Priest. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Dark Elf. Single Model.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Saint Jiub | 5 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 6(7) | - (5++) |
Wizard Robes, Priest's Staff, Hand Weapon, Dagger.
Heal, Heal Other, Inferno Hand, Levitation, Vivec's Kiss, Might, Quicksilver.
Special Rules:
Preferred Enemy(Cliff Racers)
Beastslayer: Saint Jiub gets +1 to wound against models with Bestial Instinct
Living Saint: Saint Jiub has a 5+ Ward Save.
Vigilant Faith: Saint Jiub grants his unit immunity to Fear, Terror and Panic.
Saint Jiub may take a Battle-Guar for +25 pts.
The Nerevarine[edit | edit source]
Among the greatest secrets of the Tribunal Temple is a foul heresy, unspeakable and unthinkable, written in the books of the Apographa. All who utter it or possess the Apographa disappear in the night, at the hands of the Ordinators of Inquisition. It is this heresy that the Ashlanders believe, and this heresy which is hinted at in the forbidden Eighteenth Sermon of Vivec. The heresy is the Cult of the Nerevarine.

Those who believe in the Cult of the Nerevarine believe a different version of history than that which the Temple claims. The Tribunal were not born as gods, but only as mortals. Nerevar was not slain by Voryn Dagoth, but defeated him, and proclaimed that no mortal should ever use the Tools of Kagrenac and steal the Godhood. Upon hearing this, his wife Ayem and his advisors Vehk and Seht murdered him, and Vehk applied the Tools to the Heart of Lorkhan. The three murderers thus became the false gods known as the Tribunal, and for this betrayal Azura cursed the Dunmer with their ashen complexion. The old gods of the Dunmer, Azura, Boethiah and Mephala, never intended to be anticipations: and so they vowed, and sent forth prophecies to mortals, that one day Nerevar would return, and destroy Dagoth forever. Following that day, he would next take his revenge upon the lying Tribunal, and unite all Dunmer under the banner of the Princes of Oblivion.
This heresy is true.
Many prophesies have been made, foretelling the end of both the Sixth House and the Tribunal. Among their number is the Lost Prophecy:
"From seventh sign of eleventh generation,
Neither Hound nor Guar, nor Seed nor Harrow,
But Dragon-born and far-star-marked,
Outlander Incarnate beneath Red Mountain,
Blessed Guest counters seven curses,
Star-blessed hand wields thrice-cursed blade,
To reap the harvest of the unmourned house."
And so it must be, that Nerevar Incarnate must be one born from out of Morrowind, and must overcome the Seven Trials:
"Seven Trials: What he puts his hand to, that shall be done. What is left undone, that shall be done.
First Trial: On a certain day to uncertain parents Incarnate moon and star reborn.
Second Trial: Neither blight nor age can harm him. The Curse-of-Flesh before him flies.
Third Trial: In caverns dark Azura's eye sees And makes to shine the moon and star.
Fourth trial: A stranger's voice unites the Houses. Three Halls call him Hortator.
Fifth Trial: A stranger's hand unites the Velothi. Four Tribes call him Nerevarine.
Sixth Trial: He honors blood of the tribe unmourned. He eats their sin, and is reborn.
Seventh Trial: His mercy frees the cursed false gods, Binds the broken, redeems the mad.
One Destiny: He speaks the law for Veloth's people. He speaks for their land, and names them great."

In the latter years of the Third Era, a mysterious wanderer came to Morrowind, claiming to be Nerevarine. Much of him is shrouded in legend, yet it is known that four Ashlander Tribes and three Great Houses united under him against the Sixth House. All who refused to acknowledge him as Hortator from among these Tribes and Houses were killed at his hands. This wanderer was proclaimed Nerevarine by all the Ashlanders, and the Tribunal Temple knew that their end was nigh. Into the streets of Vivec's holy city he marched, and armies of Ordinators fell before him in battle. Now unopposed, he entered the hall of Tholer Saryoni, High Priest of Vivec. Unto this Archcanon, he gave three signs. The first, that he was an Outlander, marked of a star as of yet unknown to the wizened priest. The second, that he bore strange scars, of one who once bore the Curse-of-Flesh Corprus, but had been cured and made immortal. The third, that upon his finger he bore the cursed Moon-and-Star, the ring that none but Nerevar himself could wear and not perish. Thus five of the Trials were complete by this hero. The elder of the Temple bowed his knee to this wanderer, declaring the Prophecies to be true.
And so the newly proclaimed Nerevarine entered the Temple of Vivec, having obtained an audience with the Warrior-Poet himself. Vivec granted Wraithguard unto the wanderer, that he might use the Tools of Kagrenac to destroy the Heart of Lorkhan. For though such an deed would cause the Tribunal to slowly but surely lose their divinity, it would do the same to Dagoth Ur, saving the world from the horrors in store for it. The hero reclaimed Sunder and Keening, and marched upon the Red Mountain. There, Dagoth Ur had used the Tools and the Heart to create a second Numidium, a golem of incredible height and power. As Dagoth Ur prepared to go forth and destroy Morrowind, Nerevarine shattered the Heart with the Tools of Kagrenac. Thus the sixth and seventh prophesies were fulfilled. Azura appeared to him and praised him, for her will had been done that day. From there, Nerevarine went forth and performed countless more great deeds.
It said by some that this hero truly was Nerevar himself, returned to Morrowind. Others say that he was an Imperial spy, as false as the Tribunal, sent to manipulate the Dunmer into complying with the Empire's will. Only the gods know which is true. But it does not matter. For this warrior fought with the blessing of Azura and the spirit of Nerevar, and fulfilled every prophecy. If the slayer of Dagoth Ur was not born the Nerevarine, then he chose to be the Nerevarine out of his own free will, aligning himself with that fate that he might bear the mantle of the hero of old.
250 pts for Nerevar Incarnate
110 pts for Nerevar Rising
Nerevarine may be taken in any Great House army as a Hero choice. He may be taken as either Nerevar Rising (representing Nerevarine as a wandering hero) or Nerevar Incarnate (representing Nerevarine at the height of his power). Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry. Nerevarine may be any of the ten common races of Tamriel. Single Model.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Nerevar Incarnate | 7 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 5 | varies |
Nerevar Rising | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 4 | varies |
Wargear and Spells:
Nerevarine has ONE of of the following:
- Wizard's Robes
- Leather Armor
- Bonemold Armor
Nerevarine has TWO of the following(he may take 2 of the same):
- Any combination in both hands of Hand Weapons, Dagger, Hand Crossbows(+3 pts per Hand Crossbow), Javelins(+3 pts per Javelin), Throwing Knives(+3 pts per Throwing Knife), Spears, Shield, or Spell: Black Hand/Inferno Hand/Storm Hand/Winter Hand
- Bow
- Short Bow
- Crossbow
- Halberd(+5 pts)
- Greatsword(+5 pts)
- Battle Axe(+5 pts)
- War Hammer(+5pts)
- Katana(+8 pts)
- Sorceror's Staff
- Priest's Staff(Temple Only)
- Two free spells of your choice from the army list, except for Necromancy/Summon Daedra Spells.
Nerevarine may REPLACE any number of these two free spells each with a spell from the following list:
- Summon Scamp (cast on 4+) (+5pts)
- Summon Hunger (cast on 7+) (+7pts)
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +7pts
- Summon Dremora (cast on 9+) (+10pts)
- Summon Golden Saint (cast on 9+) (+10pts)
- Summon Dark Seducer (cast on 9+) (+10pts)
- Summon Winged Twilight (cast on 11+) (+15pts)
- Summon Clannfear (cast on 11+) (+15pts)
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+15pts)
- Raise Skeletal Minion +6 pts
- Raise Skeletons +10 pts
- Invoke Ancestral Ghost (Temple Only) +6 pts
Nerevarine may be mounted on one of the following:
Battle-Guar +25 pts
Ash Wasp +45 pts (House Dres Only)
A mounted Nerevarine may take a Lance for +10 pts.
Nerevar Rising may take any number of magic items from the armory, other than Artifacts.
Nerevar Incarnate may take any number of magic items, including Artifacts, and may carry up to 5 consumables. He may take (replacing similar items as always) any number of the Nerevarine Specific Artifacts, and any number of the following artifacts from Scrollhammer: Artifacts of Tamriel: Auri'el's Bow, Auri'el's Shield, Azura's Star, The Bitter Cup, Bloodworm Helm, Boots of the Apostle, The Bow of Shadows, Chrysamere, Fang of Haynehktnamet, Goldbrand, Ice Blade of the Monarch, Mace of Molag Bal, Mehrunes' Razor, Ring of Khajiiti, Savior's Hide, Scourge, Spear of Bitter Mercy, Spellbreaker, Staff of Magnus, Volendrung, The Warlock's Ring.
Nerevar Incarnate may upgrade any number of his generic weapons to the following:
- Glass +6 pts per weapon
- Ebony +10 pts per weapon
- Daedric +25 pts per weapon
Nerevar Incarnate may upgrade his generic armor to:
- Glass Armor +10 pts
- Ebony Armor +20 pts
- Daedric Armor +30 pts
Nerevar Incarnate may take one of the following spells for each group of two spells he chose:
Any spell(other than Summon Daedra or Necromancy) cast on 13+ or lower from the spell list: +15 pts
Any spell(other than Summon Daedra or Necromancy) cast on 14+ or higher from the spell list: +25 pts
- Summon Scamp (cast on 4+) (+10pts)
- Summon Hunger (cast on 7+) (+15pts)
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +15pts
- Summon Dremora (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Golden Saint (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Dark Seducer (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Winged Twilight (cast on 11+) (+30pts)
- Summon Clannfear (cast on 11+) (+30pts)
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+30pts)
- Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+50pts)
- Summon Spider Daedra (cast on 20+) (+75pts)
- Summon Daedroth (cast on 20+) (+100pts)
- Summon Dremora Lord (cast on 22+) (+130pts)(summons a Markynaz)
- Summon Xivilai (cast on 24+) (+160pts)
- Raise Skeletal Minion +12 pts
- Raise Skeletons +20 pts
- Raise Skeletal Horde +40 pts
- Invoke Ancestral Ghost(Temple Only) +12 pts
- Invoke Bonelord(Temple Only) +50 pts
Nerevarine may only have 0-1 Temple Only items and spells, unless his allegiance is House Indoril or Lone Hero.
Nerevarine may bear the army's Battle Standard for +35 pts, if the army contains another Hero choice.
Special Rules:
Eternal Warrior, Dragonborn.
Star-Marked: Nerevarine may take a Guardian Stone Blessing of your choice.
Slayer of Gods: The doom of the Tribunal is Incarnate. Neither god nor mortal can withstand the vengeful rage of Nerevar Reborn. Any Ward Save better than 4+ is reduced to a 4+ save against Nerevarine's attacks and spells.
Heroic Resolve: Only the bravest of warriors would dare to lay siege to the Sixth House. Nerevarine grants his unit immunity to Fear, Terror and Panic, and makes his unit Stubborn.
Neither Blight Nor Age(Nerevar Incarnate Only): Nerevarine is Immune to Disease, including Corprus. No effect can remove this immunity.
Great House Allegiance:
The legends of Nerevarine state that he was not only made Hortator of three Great Houses, but was also sworn as a House Brother to one. Nerevarine has a bonus based on which Great House is used for your army. If he is wearing the Moon-and-Star, he gains an additional Hortator ability based on which Great House is used for your army. Regardless of which army list is chosen, you may replace Nerevarine's allegiance abilities with Servant of the Empire, or Lone Hero.
Great House Indoril: Nerevarine has no limit on Temple Only spells and items. Hortator Ability: While Nerevarine wears the Moon-and-Star, he has a 5+ Ward Save.
Great House Hlaalu: Nerevarine has +2 I. Hortator Ability: While Nerevarine wears the Moon-and-Star, he and any unit he is attached to have Infiltrate.
Great House Redoran: Nerevarine has +2 WS. Hortator Ability: While Nerevarine wears the Moon-and-Star, he and any unit he is attached to has Furious Charge.
Great House Dres: Nerevarine has +2 BS. Hortator Ability: While Nerevarine wears the Moon-and-Star, he and unit he is attached to have Scouts.
Great House Telvanni: Nerevarine has +2 Mg. Hortator Ability: While Nerevarine wears the Moon-and-Star, he may take any additional spell from the spell list for free(except Temple Only spells, Summon Skeletal Horde, and Summon Daedra spells).
Nerevarine may always replace his Great House Allegiance ability with one of the following:
Servant of the Empire: You get +1 to your Reserve Rolls, and this army is Trusted Allies with the Imperial Legion. Hortator Ability: While Nerevarine wears the Moon-and-Star, the your opponent gets -1 to his Reserve Rolls.
Lone Hero: Nerevarine may take any number of Temple spells and Items, and has Infiltrate. He takes up both 1 Hero slot and 2 Core Slots, and is the only model you are permitted to field in your army. Hortator Ability: You are permitted to field Great House Agents of the House you chose as Core units, and take Divayth Fyr and Saint Jiub as Hero choices, as an exception to the previous force organization rules.
Equipment[edit | edit source]
Basic Equipment[edit | edit source]
The following is a list of the base items found in a Great Houses of Morrowind army.
Bonemold armor is Heavy Armor(5+). Chitin Armor and Leather Armor are Light Armor(6+). Indoril Armor is Light Armor(5+).
Priest Robes are unarmored clothing. Wizard Robes are unarmored clothing that give +1 Mg.
Priest's Staff is a Temple Only staff which gives bearer +1 to his Ward Save. Sorcerer's Staff is a staff which lets bearer reroll Power Die per game turn(you must accept the second result).
Katanas are 2-handed weapons that strike with +1 Strength, and have the Critical Strike special rule. If a Weapon Quality upgrade on a Katana would grant it additional Strength, it grants it additional Initiative instead. If a model must have an item type available (as a class of weapon as default wargear or an upgrade) in order to purchase item, upgrades or artifacts of that type, Katanas as unit options are available to models that can take either Katanas or Greatswords(assuming that the unit can take a particular Katana as an upgrade, that is).
Hand Crossbows are 1-handed shooting weapons. S3AP1, Fire and Charge 1, Range 6". If a Hand Crossbow is fired, it becomes Move and Fire 1 until the end of the controlling player's next turn, to represent the difficulty of quickly reloading it. They count as Hand Weapons(dual wieldable) in close combat.
Mounts[edit | edit source]
Battle-Guar: Models riding Battle-Guars are Cavalry, use a 25mm x 50 mm base, and are granted +1T and +1A.
Warhorse: Models riding Warhorses are Cavalry, use a 25mm x 50 mm base, and are granted +1T and +1A.
Silt Striders: Models riding Silt Striders are Monstrous Cavalry. Silt Striders use a 50mm x 100mm base, and have the following profile:
Monstrous Creature. WS3 BS0 S7 T5 W5 I3 A3 Ld7 Mg0 Sv5+
Chitinous Exoskeleton: Silt Striders have a 5+ armor save.
Causes Fear. Amphibious: Silt Striders ignore water terrain features when moving.
Tamed Monster: Silt Striders have the Bestial Instinct special rule, but while at least one Rider is alive, they may make any Leadership tests (even those required to be made on their own value) on the Rider's value instead.
Ash Wasp: Models riding Ash Wasps are Flyer Cavalry. They are not encumbered by their rider's heavy armor. Ash Wasps grant their riders Hit and Run, +1T and +1A. They use a 50mm x 50mm base.
Magic Items[edit | edit source]
The Magic Items available to a Great House army are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model which is holding that type of item, and replaces the one he is holding. A model may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model. Daedric Artifacts are included in the Artifacts supplement of the Core Rules, and are taken wherever specified for a model.
Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked, and they may not be upgraded further. (Replacements are only available to models which could take that class of item to begin with).
Items and spells labelled as "Temple only" may only be given to Warrior Priests, Priests, Ordinators, and to Special Characters where allowed.
Weapons and Staves[edit | edit source]
Weapon of Flames: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Flame damage and has Shred. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Incineration for +12 pts, granting it Multiple Wounds(d3).
Weapon of Sparks: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Shock damage and has Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Lightning for +12 pts, causing it to resolve a S3AP0 shock hit with Magicka Drain(1) against the enemy unit for each unsaved wound it inflicts(whose wounds generate further similar hits until no wounds are dealt).
Weapon of Frost: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Frost damage, and models hit are Chilled until the end of next turn. May be upgraded again to a weapon of Blizzards for +12 pts, causing it to ignore armor saves.
Weapon of Wounds: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Enchanted weapon has Critical Strike.
Leech Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. This weapon has Absorb Health(6+)
Devil Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +14 pts. You may choose for this weapon to count as a Bound Weapon (instead of its normal rules) each time you use it. If you do, bearer has a 6+ Ward Save against shock damage until the beginning of your next turn.
Weapon of Striking: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. Weapon gets +1 to hit.
Weapon of Might: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. Weapon strikes at +1 Strength.
Jinkblade: Sword or Dagger only, upgrade. +18 pts. Models hit are Paralyzed until the end of next turn.
Weapon of Light: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +2 pts. Models hit by weapon whilst Night Fighting is active lose their Night Fighting cover save bonus for the remainder of the phase.
Weapon of Wasting: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +2 pts. Models hit by this weapon have Lowered Resists until the end of next turn.
Weapon of Unraveling: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +4 pts. For each hit with this weapon, roll a d6. On a 6, all ongoing magical effects on hit unit are removed.
Weapon of Nonsense: Ranged weapons only, upgrade. +8 pts. Models hit by weapon are Silenced until the beginning of your next turn.
Karpal's Friend: This is a Hand Weapon. Enemies in base contact with caster lose their charge bonuses. +4 pts.
Chitin Water-Spear: This is a Spear. Bearer treats water as Open Terrain, and has a 6+ Cover Save while in water. +5 pts.
Dwemer Harvester: This is a Halberd with Soul Trap. +20 pts.
Dwemer Pneuma-Trap: This is a Battle Axe with Soul Trap. +24 pts.
Fury: Artifact. This is a Greatsword. Bearer gets -1 to his armor save, -1 to hit, and +1 WS +1 A while wielding it. +15 pts.
Stormforge: Artifact. This is a Halberd. While wielding it, bearer is Immune to Shock damage. This weapon deals Shock damage. +20 pts.
Skull Crusher: Artifact, War Hammer. It strikes with +1 Strength, +1 AP, +1 to hit, and wielder is not encumbered by his armor. +40 pts.
Veloth's Judgment: Daedric Artifact, Temple Only. This is a Daedric War Hammer. It strikes with +2 Strength, deals Multiple Wounds(d3) and flame damage. +70 pts.
Light Staff: Staff. Night Fighting never grants a cover save better than +1 against bearers unit's shots. +2 pts.
Staff of Levitation. Staff. Bearer gets +4 to rolls to cast Levitation. +5 pts.
Staff of Reckoning: Staff. If wielder is casting spells with both hands on one of your turns, he may fire this magical shooting attack once in addition to those spells: Move and Fire 1, Range 18". Models hit get -1 WS, -1 BS, -1 I, and -1 Mg until the beginning of your next turn. +8 pts.
Staff of the Forefathers: Staff, Temple Only. Bearer gets +2 to rolls to cast Necromancy spells mana while using this staff. +8 pts.
Staff of Peace: Staff. Enemy models in base contact with caster must make an Initiative check at the beginning of each Fight sub-phase. If they fail, they are Paralyzed until end of turn. +10 pts.
Hellfire Staff: Staff. Flame spells cast by bearer ignore armor saves. +15 pts.
Crosier of Saint Llothis: Artifact, Staff, Temple Only, Warrior Priest only. The cursed staff of Saint Llothis is too dangerous to its wielder to actually use: however, its ceremonial status grants its wielder no point limit on the number of other magic items he can purchase. +10 pts.
Staff of the Silver Dawn: Artifact, Staff. Your units may always take Night Fighting cover saves against shooting attacks from enemy units within 12" of bearer. +20 pts.
Staff of Hasedoki: Artifact, Staff. Bearer has a 4+ Ward Save against Spells. +25 pts.
Boethiah's Walking Stick: Daedric Artifact, Staff. While bearer has both hands equipped with spells and wields this staff, he strikes at +2 Strength +2 AP in close combat. Bearer also gets +3 to Necromancy spells and has a 5+ Ward Save against flame damage. +45 pts.
Armor and Shields[edit | edit source]
Armour of Resist Element: Armour upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Armour of Elemental Negation for +15 pts, giving that same element -1 to wound against bearer.
Flame/Shock/Frost Guard Robe: Unarmored Clothing upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Flame/Shock/Frost Eater Robe for +15 pts, giving that element -1 to wound against bearer.
Armor of Resist Magic. Armor upgrade for +8 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.
Armor of Strength: Armor upgrade for +15 pts. Bearer has +1 S.
Heart Wall: Heavy Armor(5+). Bearer has a 4+ Ward Save against Spells. +20 pts.
Adusamsi's Robe: Artifact, unarmored clothing. Any model which hits bearer in close combat is gets -1WS -1I until the end of the next round of combat per hit, to a minimum of 1. +20 pts.
Shield of Warding: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Bearer may take an Initiative test each phase that he suffers one or more wounds from a shooting attack, before rolling saves. If bearer passes, and has a hand weapon that can normally be used to parry, he may use Parry against shooting attacks this phase(even if it came from a Monstrous Creature or a model with more than twice his WS). He may not, however, Parry any shooting attack that does not roll to hit in the normal manner.
Shield of Resist Element: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer gets +1 to his armour save against that element. May be upgraded again to shield of Elemental Negation for +10 pts, giving bearer Feel No Pain against that element.
Saint's Shield: Shield, Temple Only. Bearer is not encumbered by armor. +5 pts.
Velothi Shield: Shield, Temple Only. Bearer has Regeneration(6+). +15 pts.
Eleidon's Ward: Artifact, Shield. Bearer has Regeneration(5+). +30 pts.
Azura's Servant: Daedric Artifact, Shield. Bearer deals Frost damage in close combat, and strikes with +1 Strength. Bearer gets +1 to his armor save. +40 pts.
Belt of Wisdom: Belt. Bearer has +1 Magicka. +12 pts.
First Barrier Belt: Belt. Bearer has a 6+ Armor Save if he doesn't already have an armor save, and his armor save cannot be reduced to less than 6+. +15 pts.
Blood Belt: Belt. Bearer has +1 Wound. +30 pts.
Father's Belt: Temple Only. Belt. Bearer has a 5+ Ward Save. +25 pts.
Boots of Blinding Speed: Artifact, Boots. Bearer may add 6 to his movement, march and charge distances. Enemies gain Night Fighting cover saves against bearer's ranged attacks unless there is another model in his unit. Bearer is Blinded. +15 pts.
Ten Pace Boots: Artifact, Boots. Bearer's unit has Move Through Cover, and +1 to march distance. +20 pts.
Vivec's Ashmask: Artifact, Helm, Temple Only. At the start of each of your turns, you may cure a unit within 6" of bearer of an ongoing disease. +20 pts.
Fists of Randagulf: Artifact, Gauntlet. Bearer gets +1 WS, +1 S, and +1 I. +25 pts.
The Founder's Belt: Artifact, Belt. Bearer has +1 Wound, and his attacks are Poisoned(4+). +35 pts.
Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw: Artifact, Helm. Bearer has +1 Wound and +2 WS. +35 pts.
Other Items[edit | edit source]
A model may only have one amulet and one ring.
Soulpinch Charm: (amulet) Models in base contact with bearer replenish 1 less Power Die when they normally replenish their power dice at the start of their turn. +3 pts.
Amulet of Slow Falling: Bearer never has to make Dangerous Terrain Tests. +5 pts.
Amulet of Crimson Despair: If bearer inflicts one or more casualties this turn, 1 Power Die is restored to him at the end of turn. +7 pts.
Amulet of Balyna's Antidote: Bearer is Immune to Poison +15 pts.
Amulet of Protection: Bearer has a 6+ ward save. +15 pts.
Amulet of Barrier: Bearer has a 6+ armor save if he doesn't already have an armor save, and his armor save cannot be reduced to less than 6+. +15 pts.
Ghost Charm: (amulet) Temple Only. Once per turn, bearer may re-roll a Power Die while attempting to cast a spell of the chosen element. You must abide by the second result. +9 pts.
Warden's Ring: Temple Only. Once during each of your turns, at any time, you may roll a d6. On the roll of a 6, dispel an ongoing effect from another unit within 12" of bearer. +5 pts.
Ring of Flame/Frost/Shock Bite: Once per turn, bearer may re-roll a Power Die while attempting to cast a spell of the chosen element. You must abide by the second result. +9 pts.
Thief Ring: Bearer has +1 Initiative. +10 pts.
Ring of Resist Magic: Bearer has 6+ ward save( or +1 to his ward save) against spells. +12 pts.
Ring of Transcendent Wisdom: Bearer gets +3 to attempts to cast Conjuration spells. +16 pts.
Shadow-Weave Ring: Bearer has Chameleon(+2). This does not stack with the spell Shadow Weave. +20 pts.
Ring of the Five Fingers of Pain: Artifact. Each round of combat, bearer may choose one modifier to be added to his attacks: +1 Strength, Poisoned(4+), +1 Attack and Flame damage, +1 Attack and Frost damage, or +1 Attack and Shock Damage. +25 pts.
Consumables[edit | edit source]
Consumables are available to all models which can purchase magic items. Consumables are 0-3. Scrolls can be read as many at a time as available at times where a model is casting spells with both hands. Scrolls autocast the spell written on them. Potions may be drunk once per player turn at the start of the turn.
Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list except Summon/Necromancy spells. Scrolls for Temple Only spells are also Temple Only.
Scroll of Cast on 4+ or Lower Spell: +5 pts
Scroll of Cast on 5-8+ spell: +10 pts
Scroll of Cast on 9-12+ spell: +20 pts
Scroll of Cast on 13-19+ spell: +30 pts
Scroll of Cast on 20-25+ spell: +45 pts
Scroll of Cast on 26+ or Higher spell: +60 pts
The following potions are available to this army:
Healing Potion: Heals drinker on a d6 5+ on consumption. +5 pts
Magicka Potion: Replenishes 1 Power Die on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts
Water-Breathing Potion: Drinker treats water features as Open Terrain and gains a 6+ cover save from being in them this turn. +2 pts
Strong Potion of Healing: Heals drinker on a d6 2+ on consumption. +25 pts
Strong Potion of Magicka: Replenishes Power Dice up to drinker's Mg on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +15 pts.
Potion of Swift Swim: Drinker treats water features as Open Terrain this turn, and may march through water an additional d6". +2 pts
Potion of Jump: Drinker treats Difficult Terrain as open ground this turn if one foot. Drink at any time. +2 pts
Potion of Slowfall: Drinker does not have to take Dangerous terrain tests this turn. Drink at any time. +2 pts
Potion of Levitation: Drinker is a Flyer this turn if on foot. +5 pts
Potion of Invisibility: Drinker is Invisible this turn. +12 pts
Potion of Reflect: This turn, whenever an enemy shooting attack, melee attack or spell of any kind which would target or immediately effect drinker or drinker's unit, you may roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the attack or spell is negated, and unit from which it came takes a Strength d6 AP d6 hit. +5 pts
Potion of Cure Paralysis: Remove all ongoing Paralysis and Chill effects from drinker's unit. +4 pts
Potion of the Temple's Blessing: Remove all ongoing Disease from drinker's unit. +6 pts
Potion of Dispel: Remove all ongoing magical effects from drinker's unit. +10 pts
Potion of Resist Element: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Grants Feel No Pain to drinker against that element this turn. +4 pts
Potion of Resist Poison: Grants Feel No Pain against Poisoned attacks to drinker this player turn. +4 pts
Potion of the the Temple's Gift: Drinker is unaffected by disease this player turn. +3 pts
Potion of Element Shield: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Until end of turn, drinker gets a 6+ armor save if he does not already have an armor save, and a 4+ Ward Save against chosen element. +4 pts
Potion of Strength: Drinker gets +1 S this turn. +4 pts
Potion of Agility: Drinker gets +1 I this turn. +4 pts
Potion of Wisdom: Drinker counts as having +1 Mg at the beginning of your next turn. +4 pts
Potion of Endurance: Drinker gets +1 T this turn. +5 pts
Potion of Skill: Drinker gets +1 WS this turn. +3 pts
Potion of Marksmanship: Drinker gets +1 BS this turn. +4 pts
Skooma: This illegal narcotic is traditionally consumed by Khajiiti with frequency, and is smuggled by the Camonna Tong throughout Morrowind and northern Cyrodiil. Drinker gets -3 Ld this player turn and loses all his Power Dice, and only replenishes up to half of his Mg at the beginning of your next turn instead of the normal amount. Drinker gets +1 I and may move, march and charge an additional 3" this turn. +4 pts, House Hlaalu Only.
Moon Sugar: The plant by which Skooma is extracted is commonly(and illegally) grown by Khajiiti slaves on Dunmer plantations. Eater gets -1 Ld this player turn and loses all his Power Dice. Eater gets +1 I this player turn. +2 pts, House Hlaalu Only.
Sujamma: This is a powerful alcoholic brew is a drink native to Morrowind. Drinker cannot cast spells, gets -3 Ld, and must pass a Leadership test made on his own value in order to charge, until the end of your next turn. Drinker strikes at +2 Strength this turn. +4 pts.
Nerevarine Specific Artifacts[edit | edit source]
A list of artifacts unique to the Nerevarine.
Tools of Kagrenac: The three Tools of Kagrenac are the devices by which Godhood is to be attained. It was over them that the War of the First Council was fought. The holiest relics of the Temple, two of them, Sunder and Keening, were stolen by Dagoth Ur and granted as boons to his greatest servants. Nerevarine went forth upon a great quest to claim them for himself, taking them back from the House of Ash. For when the Tools are applied to the Heart of Lorkhan, he who wields them is given a grave choice: to steal the Godhood, or forever deny it to all mortals. Sunder and Keening are always dual wielded, and can only be equipped if Wraithguard is also equipped.
Sunder: The Hammer of Kagrenac is a Hand Weapon. Artifact. Attacks from Sunder strike at Initiative 1. Sunder strikes at +3 Strength +6 AP, and re-rolls failed hits.
Keening: The Scalpel of Kagrenac is a Hand Weapon. Artifact. Keening has Absorb Health(6+), and Absorb Magicka(1 on 6+) upon inflicting an unsaved wound.
Wraithguard: The Right Hand of Kagrenac is a Gauntlet. Artifact. Bearer has a 5+ Ward Save and may equip Sunder and Keening.
+55 pts for all three Tools.
Moon-and-Star: The Moon-and-Star was the ring of Nerevar while he lived. The Moon-and-Star was among the creations of Kagrenac, and among the holiest icons of Azura. Countless false Nerevarines have attempted to wear it; each was never seen again. Artifact, Ring. While bearing the Moon-and-Star ring, Nerevarine gains the Hortator ability depending on which allegiance he chooses. Nerevarine may purchase and wear Moon-and-Star in addition to another ring.
+20 pts.
Trueflame: The ancient sword of Nerevar, the Sword that Slays Gods, Trueflame was reforged from its shattered pieces as a gift to Nerevarine. Its twin, Hopesfire, is wielded by Almalexia. Artifact, Hand Weapon. Bearer's attacks in close combat strike at +1 Strength, ignores armor saves, Critical Strike(triggered on a to wound roll of 5+), flame, deals d3 wounds.
+55 pts.
Old Man's Lucky Coin: As Nerevarine prepared with his final battle with Dagoth Ur, he was approached by mighty Talos, the Ninth Divine, the God of War in the human pantheon. Talos came not as a god, however, but in the form of an old man clad in Cyrodiilic armor. He granted Nerevarine his lucky coin, a token of his support, a sign that even the Eight and One desired the destruction of the Sixth House. Artifact. While Nerevarine carries the Lucky Coin, he gets one free re-roll of a d6 each game turn(he must abide by the second result).
15 pts.
Spells[edit | edit source]
A compendium of the spells used for a Great Houses of Morrowind army. Spells labelled as "Temple only" may only be given to Warrior Priests, Priests, Ordinators, and Special Characters where allowed.
School of Destruction[edit | edit source]
Hex: Cast on 3+, 1-handed, cast during the close combat phase. Choose a model in base contact with caster. That model re-rolls rolls of 6 to hit this round.
Black Hand: Cast on 3+, 1-handed, close combat phase. This is a Poisoned(5+) poison spell Hand Weapon (but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon).
Inferno Hand: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S3 AP1, Fire and Charge 1, range 6", flame. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a flame spell weapon.
Sparks: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S2 AP1, Fire and Charge 1, range 6", shock, Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a shock spell weapon with Magicka Drain(1) on striking.
Frostbite: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S2 AP3, Fire and Charge 1, range 6", frost. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a frost spell weapon.
Soulpinch: Cast on 3+, shooting attack. Fire and Charge 3, Range 18". Hits cause Magicka Drain(1).
Firebolt: Cast on 3+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, range 18", flame.
Spirit Knife: Cast on 4+, shooting attack. S3 AP1, Move and Fire 1, range 18".
Shock: Cast on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Magicka Drain(1) on striking, shock.
Ice Spike: Cast on 4+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Chills on striking, frost.
Daedric Bite: Cast on 8+. Shooting attack. S6 AP2, Move and Fire 1, range 24"
Chain Lightning: Cast on 8+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", shock. Hits from Chain Lightning cause Magicka Drain(1). For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit. These additional hits, if they wound, generate additional hits of their own, and so on.
Fireball: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", flame.
Ice Storm: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S3 AP3, Template, Fire and Charge 1, frost.
Poisonblast: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S1 AP0 Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", Poisoned(4+).
Lower Resists: Cast on 7+, shooting attack. Fire and Charge 1, Range 18". If the enemy unit is hit, until the beginning of your next turn, that unit has Lowered Resists(see the spell effects rules in the Scrollhammer Rulebook)
Lightning Bolt: Cast on 10+, shooting attack. S7 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 48", hit causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.
Incinerate: Cast on 11+. Shooting attack. S5 AP1, Move and Fire 1, Range 36", Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.
Icy Spear: Cast on 11+, Shooting attack. S5 AP5, Move and Fire 1. Range 36", model hit strikes at Initiative 1 this turn, frost.
Wall of Flames: Cast on 16+. Shooting attack. Large Blast, Move or Fire 1, Range 12". This shooting attack does not have to target a unit; the rest of caster's unit not also shooting a weapon that does not have to target a unit cannot shoot or run this round as per the normal rules. Instead simply target a spot on the table(within range, and no friendly models underneath) with all models in the unit that can target in this way, and roll for scatter. Note exactly where the large blast marker hits. The marker remains in play where it lands until your next turn, affecting everyone underneath it; it represents a wall of flames. At the end of each turn, while the wall lasts, each model with any part of its base underneath it takes a S4 AP1 Ignores Cover flame hit. Each model that was underneath it(with any part of its base) at any point during this player turn then takes a S3 AP0 Ignores Cover flame hit. At the beginning of your next turn, remove the wall from play.
Lightning Storm: Cast on 19+, shooting attack. S5 AP6. Move or Fire 2d6(roll each time), Range 72", hits causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.
God's Fire: Cast on 23+, shooting attack. S8 AP1, Ignores Cover. Move or Fire 1, Large Blast, Range 24", Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.
God's Frost: Cast on 23+, shooting attack. S4, ignores armor saves, Ignores Cover. Move or Fire 1, Large Blast, Range 24". Models hit are reduced to Initiative 1 until end of turn.
Toxic Cloud: Cast on 23+, shooting attack. S1, ignores armor saves, Ignores Cover. Move or Fire 1, Large Blast, Range 30", Poisoned(4+), Shred.
School of Conjuration[edit | edit source]
Bound Sword: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound hand weapon in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Armour: Cast on 4+, movement phase. Caster's armor or robe is replaced by magic Heavy Armour(5+) until end of turn.
Bound Helm: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Caster's Helm(or lack thereof) is replaced by a magic Helm with "bearer may re-roll one failed armour saving throw of 1 per turn" until end of turn.
Bound Dagger: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Dagger in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Shield: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Equips a Shield in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Spear: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Spear in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Bow: Cast on 6+, shooting phase. Equips a Bound Bow in both hands until end of turn.
Bound Battleaxe: Cast on 6+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Battleaxe in both hands until end of turn.
Bound Katana: Cast on 8+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Katana in both hands until end of turn.
Summon: (casting requirements vary) A Summoned unit is an upgrade for caster, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. See the Scrollhammer Rulebook for further information on Summoning.
Raise Skeletal Minion: Cast on 7+, Necromancy, Summon Horde. Cast during your movement phase. Summon a Skeleton with no upgrades.
Raise Skeletons: Cast on 10+, Necromancy, Summon Horde. Cast during your movement phase. Summon d3 Skeletons with no upgrades.
Raise Skeletal Horde: Cast on 20+, Necromancy, Summon Horde. Cast during your movement phase. Summon 2d6 Skeletons with no upgrades.
For Skeleton rules, see Scrollhammer: Dragons.
Invoke Ancestral Ghost: Cast on 7+, Necromancy, Summon Horde,(Temple Only). Cast during your movement phase. Summon an Ancestral Ghost with no upgrades.
Invoke Bonelord: Cast on 18+, Necromancy, Summon Horde,(Temple Only). Cast during your movement phase. Summon a Bonelord with no upgrades.
See the Scrollhammer rulebook for further information on Summon Horde.
School of Alteration[edit | edit source]
Tinur's Hoptoad: Caster makes an incredible, magically charged leap. Casts on 3+, 1-handed, your shooting phase. If caster is on foot, caster may march an extra 1" this turn.
Flame/Frost/Shock Barrier: Casts on 6+, 1-handed, and may be cast any time. Caster gets +2 to his Ward Save (or a 5+ Ward Save if no such save already exists for him) against chosen element. Multiple instances per element do not stack.
Burden: Casts on 7+. Cast at the beginning of your opponent's movement phase. Range 24", requires LOS. Target unit moves, marches and charges 1" slower than normal, and gets -1 to Sweeping advance rolls, this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
First Barrier: Casts on 8+, 1-handed, may be cast any time. If caster has no armor save, his armor save becomes 6+ this turn. Caster's armor save cannot be reduced to worse than 6+ this turn.
Unstable Blink: Casts on 9+, your shooting phase, as long as caster is not in close combat. Roll the scatter die. Move caster 2d6" in the direction shown. If a Hit is rolled, move caster 2d6" in the direction you wish. Ignore units and terrain for this move. If caster would leave the battlefield, he is placed into reserve. If caster lands on dangerous or impassable terrain, he must take a dangerous terrain test(and move him off the impassable terrain, so he is as near as possible to his starting point while touching the impassable terrain). If caster would land within 1" of an enemy unit, place him over 1" away from that unit, as near as possible to his starting point.
Flame/Frost/Shock Shield: Casts on 12+, 1-handed, at any time. Caster gets +1 to his armour save this turn, and gets a 4+ ward save against chosen element(flame/frost/shock). Multiple instances of the armour bonus or of any one element do not stack.
Levitate: Casts on 14+, your movement phase. If caster is on foot, he counts as a Flyer this turn.
Third Barrier: Casts on 16+, 1-handed, may be cast any time. If caster has an armor save of less than 4+, his armor save becomes 4+ this turn. Caster's armor save cannot be reduced to worse than 4+ this turn.
Sixth Barrier: Casts on 26+, 1-handed, may be cast any time. If caster has an armor save of less than 2+, his armor save becomes 2+ this turn. Caster's armor save cannot be reduced to worse than 2+ this turn.
Ascendant Shield: Casts on 28+, your movement phase. Until the beginning of your next turn, caster has a 4+ Ward Save (or +3 to his Ward Save if he already has a Ward Save) against spells, is a Flyer, and for each time his Ward Save succeeds against spell damage, he gains +1 Power Dice in addition to his normal replenishment at the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Vivec's Kiss: Cast on 8+, any time (Temple Only). Caster's unit treats water features as Open Terrain and gains a 6+ cover save from being in them this turn.
Swimmer's Blessing: Casts on 9+, your movement phase (Temple Only). Caster's unit treats water features as Open Terrain this turn, and may march through water an additional d6". Multiple instances do not stack.
Crushing Burden of Sin: Casts on 20+, opponents movement phase, Range 12", requires LOS (Temple Only). Target unit may not march or make Sweeping Advance rolls this turn. All its movement distances are halved, including charge range. Multiple instances do not stack.
School of Illusion[edit | edit source]
Night Eye: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, your shooting phase. Caster ignores Night Fighting cover saves this phase.
Earwig: The casting Wizard unleashes a painful, nerve-breaking sound upon the enemy, confusing them. Cast on 5+, shooting attack. Fire and Charge 3, Range 18". Models hit must must re-roll all Power Dice whenever they successfully casts a spell until the end of next turn, and abide by the second result(remember that each die can only ever be re-rolled once).
Alad's Caliginy: A blinding darkness obscures the vision of the enemy. Cast on 5+, close combat phase, 1-handed. A model in base contact with caster is Blinded this round.
Light: Casts on 6+. Your shooting phase. Cast on any enemy unit that caster's unit shot at this turn. Neither that unit nor caster's unit gain cover saves from Night Fighting until the beginning of your next turn.
Brevusa's Averted Eyes: Cast on 8+, at the beginning of any phase. This phase, caster is Invisible.
Medusa's Gaze: Cast on 11+, 1-handed, close combat phase, beginning of Fight sub-phase. Choose a model in base contact with caster. That model is Paralyzed this phase.
Silence: Cast on 11+, 1-handed. This is a shooting weapon with Move and Fire 1, Range 12". If it hits, choose a single enemy model in the unit hit. That model takes a Mg test(using its base value) on 3d6. If it fails, it is Silenced until the beginning of your next turn.
Shadow Weave: Cast on 11+, any time. Caster gets Chameleon(+2) this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Concealment: Cast on 20+, cast at the beginning of any phase. Until the end of your next turn caster is Invisible.
Mass Paralysis: Cast on 26+, shooting attack. Move or Fire 1, Range 18". A unit hit by Mass Paralysis is Paralyzed. As long as they are Paralyzed in this way, they cannot move, march or charge until the end of next turn.
Almalexia's Calming Touch: A peaceful sensation, the power of the Merciful One, overwhelms the enemy. Cast on 5+, close combat phase, start of the Fight sub-phase(Temple Only). Choose a model in base contact with caster, other than a Physical God, Monstrous Creature, or Undead model. That model takes a Leadership test on its own value. If it fails, it cannot attack this round, and loses a Frenzied state if it has one. May only be cast on any one model once per turn.
Devotion Undying: Cast on 7+ (Temple Only). Cast in response to a unit within 12" of caster failing a morale check. That unit may re-roll the failed morale check.
Father's Hand: Cast on 7+, may be cast at any time (Temple Only). Caster gets +1 to his Ward Save (or gets a 6+ Ward Save if he doesn't already have one) until end of turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
School of Mysticism[edit | edit source]
Soul Trap: Cast on 4+, 1-handed. Cast at the start of the Fight sub-phase during the close combat phase. Caster's attacks gain the Soul Trap special rule until end of turn.
Dispel: Cast on 8+ at any time. Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit.
Purge Magic: Cast on 9+ at any time. Range 18", requires LOS. Remove all ongoing magical effects from another target unit.
Word of Motion: Caster performs a telekinetic incantation, causing objects to create a path for him. Cast on 10+, your movement phase. Caster's unit gains Move Through Cover until end of turn.
Almalexia's Grace: Cast on 8+ at any time (Temple Only). Remove an ongoing magical effect of your choice from caster's unit.
Vivec's Feast: Cast on a 8+ (Temple Only). Cast in response to an enemy spell of which would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit. Roll a d6. On a roll of a 5+, the enemy spell is negated, and up to 2 Power Dice are restored to caster.
Sotha's Mirror: Cast on 9+ (Temple Only). Cast in response to a single enemy shooting attack, melee attack or spell of any kind which would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit. Roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the attack or spell is negated, and its original source unit takes a Strength d6 AP d6 spell damage hit.
Vivec's Command: Cast on 18+ (Temple Only), cast during your shooting phase. Move any unit within 12" of caster 2d6" as you please, except within 1" of an enemy, out of coherency, off the table, or onto impassable terrain.
School of Restoration[edit | edit source]
Fortify Strength: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Strength this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Fortify Speed: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 basic movement speed and charge range this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Fortify Agility: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Initiative this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Powerwell: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster counts as having +d3 Magicka at the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Turn of the Wheel: Casts on a 5+, any time. Caster gets one free re-roll of a d6 this phase(you must abide by the second result). Can only be cast once per phase.
Flame/Frost/Shock/Poison Guard: Casts on 7+. 1-handed. Caster gets Feel No Pain against the chosen element this turn.
Ward: Cast on 7+, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells. If this spell is successfully cast, caster attempts to Ward the targeted spell(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook for details).
Hearth Heal: Cast on a 8+. Cast during any movement phase. Heal caster on a 5+.
Blood Gift: Casts on 9+. Cast at the beginning of any phase. Caster counts as having +1 W this phase. At the end of the phase, he loses the +1 W this ability gave him; if this would bring him down to 0 Wounds, it brings him down to 1 Wound instead. Multiple instances do not stack.
Might: Casts on 13+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Strength this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Quicksilver: Casts on 13+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 basic movement speed and charge range this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Nimbleness: Casts on 13+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Initiative this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Wisdom: Casts on 13+. Any time. Every model in caster's unit counts as having +1 Magicka at the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Hand of Righteousness: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase(Temple Only). This is a spell Hand Weapon (but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) with Absorb Health(6+).
Mother's Kiss: Cast on 5+ during any movement phase(Temple Only). Caster is Healed on a 6.
Mother's Balm: Cast on 5+, cast anytime (Temple Only). Remove from caster of ONE ongoing negative effect that is altering one of his following characteristics: WS, BS, S, T, I, or movement speed.
Mother's Embrace: Cast on 8+ during any movement phase(Temple Only). Target model, other than caster, within 6" of caster is Healed on a 6.
Holy Word: Casts on 9+, at the start of any Shooting Phase(Temple Only). Range 6", requires LOS. Target unit consisting of majority Undead must take a Morale Test(even if Fearless). If the test fails, the unit falls back, losing Fearless until they regroup. They cannot be pursued by a sweeping advance if they flee from melee combat this way.
Vivec's Tears: Cast on 11+, any time (Temple Only). Cure all diseases currently affecting caster's unit.
Vivec's Touch: Cast on 11+, any time (Temple Only). Cure all diseases currently affecting another unit within 6" of caster.
Vivec's Mercy: Cast on 12+, your movement phase (Temple Only). Target unit within 6" of caster becomes immune to all diseases not already affecting it until the beginning of your next turn.
Ordeal of Saint Olms: Cast on 14+, any time (Temple Only). An exhaustion overwhelms the enemy. Target unit within 12" of caster loses their charge bonus.
Sotha's Aegis: Cast on 16+, 1-handed (Temple Only). Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, a friendly unit within 6" of caster, or another one of caster's spells. Caster attempts to Ward the enemy spell, even if it is not against him or his unit. If he succeeds, caster and all friendly units within 6" count as having successfully Warded the spell.