Scrollhammer: Kingdoms of High Rock
It's not... it's not like I wanna start on a new army booklet already, geez. But... but if I did it might be this one. --FatherDuke 00:08, 20 December 2012 (UTC)
Introduction[edit | edit source]
Blah blah blah. More blah.
The following book contains the rules necessary to field a Kingdoms of High Rock army in games of Scrollhammer.
History[edit | edit source]
Land of the Direnni West[edit | edit source]
Bretons; the Manmeri[edit | edit source]
General Rules[edit | edit source]
Racial Traits[edit | edit source]
Breton Racial Traits:
Dragon Skin: Bretons have long since been annealed to the mystical energies of Aehtherius- not only is their very blood magick in nature, but the ages of oppression under their Aldmer masters have made them extremely resilient to such powers. Bretons gain +2 to their Ward Save against all spells. If they do not already have a Ward Save, this ability grants them a 5+ Ward Save against spells.
Intuitive Conjurers: As another side-effect of their mer heritage, Bretons find it rather easy to learn Conjuration and similar defensive magicks. It is unsurprising that many of the greatest Conjurers of history hail from High Rock. Many of the Bretons in this list have a bonus to their Magicka or a bonus to casting Conjuration spells, both of which are included in their profile
Orc Racial Traits:
The Cursed: Orcs gain +1 to their Ward Save against all spells. If they do not already have a Ward Save, this ability grants them a 6+ Ward Save against spells.
Berserk: At the beginning of the game, after all deployment, including Infiltrators and Scout re-deployment, mark each unit in which the majority of the models are Orcs. Once per game, you may have each unit marked thus become Frenzied, provided the majority of the models are still Orcs.
The Lance Formation[edit | edit source]
The Lance is a formation of Breton Knights, consisting of a single fore-front bearer, with two Knights behind him, three behind them, and so on forming a pointed wedge. At full charge the formation can burst an enemy formation apart and send foes scattering from the field in a rout.

Forming A Lance: A unit of Caballarii or Cavaliers can deploy in a Lance formation at the start of the game. Alternatively, the unit can adopt a Lance formation during their movement phase by reforming. The Cavalry's leader remains where he is and the unit is rearranged behind him. Cavalry in a Lance formation can adopt a normal formation in the same way, the unit reforming around the leader model. A reforming maneuver takes a unit it's entire movement phase - so a unit which forms into our out of a lance cannot move further then turn.
When arranging the Lance formation the unit's leader is always placed in the front. Joined characters do not need to take up the front of the formation, unless the joined character happens to be a Hill-King (but not King Elder). The unit's standard, musician, and any other characters are placed as near to the front as possible. The rearmost row may be lacking sufficient men to fill it. In this case place models to either edge first, and leave any gaps in the middle of the rank.
Maneuvering And Moving: A lance can maneuver by wheeling; it cannot turn. When wheeling measure from the widest rank. Otherwise, when moving the unit make all measurements from the front model in the formation.
Close Combat: In combat the Lance formation is positioned against the enemy unit with the leading model in contact and the wedge arrayed behind him. This represents the moment of contact- we might image the Lance piercing the enemy ranks and breaking through, or the Lance scattered by the enemy's stout resistance. Only the combat will tell!

All the models at the edge of the Lance can fight if there are enemy directly in front of them, as shown on the image. All enemy models directly in front of the wedge can fight back. All fighting models are considered to be 'touching' the enemy where such a distinction is called for.
Rank Bonus: In a lance formation the cavalry get +1 combat bonus for each rank behind the first, up to a maximum of 3 extra ranks (+3 bonus). A rank which is not full does not count.

Flanks: A Lance formation has no flanks as such- the long sides of the wedge are counted as its front. An enemy is not permitted to overlap onto the sides of the formation.
An enemy charging the sides of the Lance does not count as charging the flank of the unit. No bonuses are earned on combat results, and no panic test is required for a flank charge.
if a Lance is already engaged in combat and is charged from the side, the enemy is aligned against the side of the Lance formation, where possible. In this case enemy models aligned against the side are allowed to fight, and models directly in front of the lance can fight as normal. The cavalry models facing both enemy units can fight either the original unit to their front or the unit to the side, or can divide their attacks as you prefer.
Casualties: Casualties are removed from the rearmost rank, assuming that men who fall in combat are replaced by those pushing forward from behind. When removing casualties leave models at the edge of the formation so they can continue to fight.
If a character is slain his position can be taken by another knight once the combat is over.
Combat Results: After combat is completed cavalry can maintain their Lance formation or immediately adopt a regular formation of one or more ranks. To adopt a regular formation move the cavalry forward, dividing the unit equally to the left and right of the leader.
Cavalry in a lance formation cannot lap round an enemy's flank as can a regular unit. However, if the cavalry adopt a regular formation they can clap around that turn, assuming of course, they won the combat and that their new formation extends to the enemy's flank.
If the Lance succeeds in breaking the enemy unit, the cavalry can either maintain the Lance formation or adopt a regular formation as they Consolidate or make their Sweeping Advance.
Army List[edit | edit source]
Types of Lists[edit | edit source]
There are two different army lists, representing different sorts of Breton hailing from different regions. Though the people are quite similar, and unvaried visually and traditionally, they become increasingly barbaric and superstitious in the wilds.
Greater Bretony[edit | edit source]
More-so then nearly every other Province, High Rock has been beset by internal strife and war. Since time forgotten the land has been made up of five or so opposing Kingdoms, and countless further tiny fiefdoms. Most of the time these territories are able to just barely resist the call for war, instead happily interacting by espionage and political intrigue. When war marches upon High Rock (rather then stews within it) the Kingdoms may set aside their differences and unite, becoming a quite real engine of destruction.
A Greater Bretony, or Kingdom of High Rock army uses the following list:
Heroes: Hill-King*, Sorcerer Lord*, Warlock. (* is either, 1+)
Core: Peasantry, Armsmen, Pikemen, Squires, Scouting Party(0-1)
Elite: Caballarii, Cavalier, Spellswords, Toxophilites
Support: Guild Magicians, Witch-Coven(0-1), Skirmishers, Turncoats, Battering Ram, Trebuchet
Mongrels of the Western Reach[edit | edit source]
Even for Bretons, those that live within the reach are mongrels and barbarians. Aldmeri blood runs strong in the reachmen, who live willingly alongside Orc Shamans and witches. The dangerous Reachmagic is a source of interest among the more sophisticated Bretons, yet banned by the Mages Guild, who rightfully fear the wild and foul powers. Hamlets that refuse the sweet allure of dark magic instead become increasingly xenophobic and superstitious, beset by the witches and beasts that would consider them allies. As is often the case, a warlock might find himself ruling over the common folk (whether they desire it or not), or leading a noble astray with dark mutterings and spells.
A Mongrels of the Western Reach army uses the following list:
Heroes: Warlock(1+), Hill-King
Core: Peasantry, Armsmen, Pikemen, Scouting Party(0-1), Orc Savages
Elite: Caballarii, Cavalier(0-1), Spellswords, Toxophilites
Support: Witch Coven, Skirmishers, Turncoats, Battering Ram
A Mongrels of the Western Reach may choose to take Witch Covens and Skirmishers as core. If these units are taken as Core, Men-at-arms and Pikemen must be taken as Elite instead, and no units of Cavalier may be taken.
Heroes[edit | edit source]

Hill-King[edit | edit source]
Much of High Rock is split into endless city-states, principalities, baronies, and duchies. Each of these small territories are hardened by past infighting, the otherwise idyllic landscape marred by war and fortifications. Claiming hold of these locations are the Hill Kings- those of the magickal elite that stubbornly cling to power. In the past it was not uncommon for travelers to be carted to the hill-fortresses to have tribute demanded, for traversing this particular lord's land. Though this is mostly put in the past, the rulers that remain are every bit as petty and demanding. Lands owned by these nobles are generally small, and made up of few hamlets or villages. That is not to say that the kings are infirm or weakly followed, as they all tend to have loyal bands of thugs and men-at-arms, all willing to fight to the death. Hill Kings that live through the in-fighting and power attempts end up consolidating their power, by conquest of nearby territories or treaty signing. It is these grayed but clever rulers that oft are the most dangerous.
55 pts (80 pts for King Elder)
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Breton. Single Model. A Hill-King or King Elder may take a retinue of up to 2 attendants, for +18 pts per model.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Hill-King | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 3 | 4+ |
King Elder | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 10 | 4 | 4+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shield, Maille armor.
Spells: None
Special Rules: Stubborn
You there, fight!: While on foot Hill-Kings may not refuse a challenge, though they may have an attendant fight in their place when challenged. if mounted they are forced to take part in the challenge regardless of present attendants. Note that King Elders may ignore this rule.
Young and Not-So Wise: If mounted and part of a Lance formation, Hill Kings are required to fulfill the role of fore-front bearer. They must form up the first rank. Note that King Elders may ignore this rule.
Commanding Presence: Friendly units within 12" of a Hill-King who is not fleeing may re-roll failed Morale Tests, except for those required by spell effects. This is increased to a range of 18" for King Elders.
A Hill-King may replace his hand weapon with:
- Spear +4 pts
A Hill-King may take one of the following:
- Second Hand Weapon +5 pts
- Throwing weapons +8 pts
A Hill-King may replace items in both hands with:
- Halberd +8 pts
- Greatsword +14 pts
- Battle Axe +14 pts
- War Hammer +14 pts
A Hill-King may upgrade any number of his weapons to the following:
- Elven +3 pts per weapon
- Glass +6 pts per weapon
- Ebony +10 pts per weapon
- Daedric +25 pts per weapon (King Elder only)
- Master Crafted +8 pts per weapon
A Hill-King may replace his armor with:
- Leather Armor (free)
- Glass Armor +8 pts
- Full Plate Armor +12 pts
- Ebony Armor +18 pts
A Hill-King may be mounted on a Warhorse for +25 pts.
A mounted Hill-King may take a Lance for +10 pts.
A Hill-King may take up to two spells from this book's spell list as follows:
- Destruction Spells, cast on 9+ or less: +8 pts each
- Alteration Spells, cast on 9+ or less: +5 pts each
- Restoration Spells, cast on 9+ or less: +5 pts each
- Bound Weapon Spells: +8 pts each
A Hill-King may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
A Hill-King may be upgraded into a Spellsword for +25 pts. This grants the King +1 Magicka, Soldier of Fortune, and Battle Magi. See the Spellswords entry for these Special Rules.
A Hill-King may bear the army's Battle Standard for +35 pts, if the army contains another Hero choice.
A Hill-King may take up to 40 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate. A King Elder may take any number of magic items from the armory where appropriate.

Sorcerer Lord[edit | edit source]
It is unsurprising that many of the most powerful sorcerers in history have hailed from High Rock. Here, children are often tested for magical aptitude, and quickly placed under tutorships of older mages when proven able. From there one can rise through the ranks of the local Mages Guild (who encompassed most, if not all of High Rock), or eschew the guidance and seek training on their own terms. The most powerful of these folk are called Sorcerer Lords- they are the men and women with the most concentrate, surfaced elven blood, and an innate knack for spellcasting. These magicians frequently claim territories of their own, much like Hill-Kings, or serve as barons or counts for the more established nobility. Unlike many other practitioners, Sorcerer Lords are given quiet solitude from which to practice their talents, and tribute to see to it that studies are funded.
125 pts
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Breton. Single Model. A Sorcerer Lord may take a retinue of up to 2 attendants, for +18 pts per model.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Sorcerer Lord | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 9 | 6(8) | - |
Wargear: Wizard Robes, Sorcerer Staff.
Spells: A Sorcerer Lord knows 3 spells, other than Summon Daedra spells, of your choice.
Special Rules:
Conjurer: A Sorcerer Lord may have all the Summoned Daedra he has payed for Summoned in play simultaneously, but may only purchase one of each spell. Their mer blood additionally confers them a +2 bonus to casting Conjuration spells.
The Sorcerer may take up to 3 additional spells from these schools of magic for the following costs:
- Any spell (other than Summon Daedra or Necromancy) cast on 13+ or lower from the spell list: +15 pts
- Any spell (other than Summon Daedra or Necromancy) cast on 14+ or higher from the spell list: +25 pts
- Bound Weapon Spells: +8 pts each
- Summon Scamp (cast on 4+) (+10pts)
- Summon Hunger (cast on 7+) (+15pts)
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +15pts
- Summon Dremora (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Golden Saint (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Dark Seducer (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Winged Twilight (cast on 11+) (+30pts)
- Summon Clannfear (cast on 11+) (+30pts)
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+30pts)
- Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+50pts)
- Summon Daedroth (cast on 20+) (+100pts)
- Summon Dremora Lord (cast on 22+) (+130pts)(summons a Markynaz)
A Sorcerer Lord may take an Atronach Familiar(in addition to any one spell that is not Summon Daedra or Necromancy). This grants the Sorcerer the ability to select an additional spell from their spell list, and a Summoning spell, for a cost depending on the nature of the creature Summoned:
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) (+51pts)
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+64pts)
- Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+80pts)
Rules for using Daedra are found here: Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults. Note that the Sorcerer Lord may not have a familiar and Summon Daedra spell of the same kind.
The Sorcerer Lord may replace their Wizard robes with:
- Leather Armor +6 pts
- Maille Armor +12 pts
- Glass Armor +18 pts
A Sorcerer Lord may be mounted on a Warhorse +25 pts.
A Sorcerer Lord may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
A Sorcerer Lord may bear the army's Battle Standard for +35 pts, if the army contains another Hero choice.
A Sorcerer Lord may purchase any amount of magic items from the armory where appropriate.

Warlock[edit | edit source]
Deceivers. Oath breakers. To many citizens of Tamriel there is no more foul and detestable being then a warlock. While it is quite often easy to tell the difference between a mage and such a creature, it is also rather easy for the same mages to be tempted by the darker powers. A lust for an artifact, the feeling of helplessness, or the need of vengeance can all easily send one into a downward spiral. Still other practitioners are simply taught to cherish evil powers from the beginning without knowing better. The end result is much the same, no matter the cause - a powerful spellcaster hungry for power, with little care for the well-being of others or themselves.
Warlocks favor necromancy and illusion magic- both of which are rather disliked as a whole, or forbidden altogether. No other magick is quite so fulfilling to abuse. In addition to bending others to their will, and raising hordes of the undead, these folk also frequently strike pacts with Daedra. It is this combination of reckless hunger and non-existent morals that make warlocks extremely dangerous. It is not unheard of for a warlock to appear before a community as a benevolent caster, wishing them aid, only to quickly infiltrate positions of power. Unchecked they can cause unbridled suffering among populated areas
110 pts
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Breton. Single Model.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Warlock | 2 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 8 | 7(8) | - |
A Warlock may be changed to
- Orc for +? pts
- Imperial for +? pts
Wargear: Tattered Robes, Dagger, Sorcerer Staff.
Spells: Earwig, Shadow-Weave, Mindless Frenzy, Poison-blast
Special Rules:
Beautiful Visage: Warlocks and Witches are concealed by a magick illusion that confers upon them great beauty. Other common races are at -2WS and -1BS to strike them. Upon being wounded (by anything) this special rule is lost. Note that units that happen to be Immune to Illusion, or are blind, may ignore this rule altogether.
Reachmagic: At any time during your turn, you may nominate a friendly, mortal model within 2" of the Warlock. Roll a dice- on a result of 5+, an additional Power Die is granted to the Warlock. On 4- the targeted model is automatically wounded yet still confers a Power Die if slain.
The Warlock may take up to 2 additional spells from these schools of magic for the following costs:
- Any spell (other than Summon Daedra) cast on 13+ or lower from the spell list: +15 pts
- Any spell (other than Summon Daedra) cast on 14+ or higher from the spell list: +25 pts
- Summon Hunger (cast on 7+) (+15pts)
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +15pts
- Summon Dremora (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Golden Saint (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Dark Seducer (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Raise Skeletons (cast on 10+) (+25pts)
- Summon Clannfear (cast on 11+) (+30pts)
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+30pts)
- Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+50pts)
- Summon Daedroth (cast on 20+) (+100pts)
- Summon Dremora Lord (cast on 22+) (+130pts)(summons a Markynaz)
A Warlock may take up to three unbound familiars. For every 20 points spent in this fashion they may purchase an additional spell of your choice for the normal cost. Unbound familiars may not be re-summoned when slain, but multiples of the same kind may be purchased.
- Flame Atronach (+11pts)
- Dremora Warrior (+14pts)
- Frost Atronach (+24pts)
- Skeleton Champion (+?pts)
- Wraith (+?pts)
Rules for using Daedra are found here: Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults.
The Warlock may replace their Tattered Robes with:
- Leather Armor +6 pts
- Mail Armor +12 pts
- Glass Armor +18 pts
A Warlock may be mounted on a Warhorse +25 pts.
A Warlock may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
A Warlock may purchase any amount of magic items from the armory where appropriate.

Attendant[edit | edit source]
Attendants are the personal guards of a King or Sorcerer. They are frequently nobles or counts, but can occasionally also be high-ranking members of a guild, or simply hired mercenaries of exceptional prowess. As a side effect of following nobility, these men and women tend to be thugs or opportunists. That's not to say that there is no such thing as a noble-minded attendant- rather that they take the protection of their lord very seriously.
Attendants are not Hero choices in their own right, but may be taken as bodyguard upgrades for various models. Infantry, Breton. Unit size and formation are determined by what model they are attached to.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Attendant | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 4+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shield, Plate Armor
Spells: None.
Special Rules: Precision
Hands: Attendants are always purchased along with an Independent Character. The Character and his Attendants function together as a single Independent Character, except while the Character is in a challenge. Attendants cannot Look out Sir!, but may receive Look out Sir! hits, wounds and effects from the character they are protecting. An Attendant adopts the unit size and formation of the unit he is attached to, and always functions as part of the Independent Character he is attached to(while remaining a separate model), with the exceptions described above.
Less-then-honorable: If the accompanied Character is in a challenge one of the Attendants may attempt to make a rear attack onto the enemy's character before any blows are struck. Roll for Initiative- on a success a single melee attack automatically strikes the enemy character, as if the attendant had charged from cover. Regardless of what happens, if the enemy character is part of a unit (either has a retinue or joined a unit), the attendant is mercilessly hacked down and removed from the game.
Any number of Attendants may replace both hands with:
- Dagger and hand weapon (free)
- Two hand weapons (free)
- Great Weapon +6 pts per model
- Bow or Short Bow +2 pts per model
Any number of Attendants may replace their armor with:
- Leather (free)
- Maille (free)
- Full Plate Armor +6 pts per model
Any number of Attendants may upgrade any number of their weapons to:
- Poisoned(4+) +10 pts per weapon
If the model protected by the Attendant is mounted, each Attendant must also be mounted for +8 pts each. A mounted Attendant may take a Lance for +3 pts. Mounted Attendants lose their Less-Then-Honorable special rule but are allowed to attempt Glorious Intervention.
Each Attendant may take up to 15 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
An attendant may bear the army's Battle Standard for +35 pts.
Core[edit | edit source]

Peasantry[edit | edit source]
Citizens in High Rock live rather difficult lives. What little pockets of order, and civilization exist tend to be oppressive and heavily controlled my nobility. Out in the countryside it can be worse, with bands of witches and savages raiding towns and hamlets, which in turn are fought over by petty lords and brigands. More then nearly any other provenance, the middle class work hard for their gold and homes. Beneath these impaired citizens lay the peasantry.
Malnourished, destitute, beggarly. Any of these words adequately sum up the life of a High Rock peasant. More then any other provenance the lowly paupers live it hard. Life is a constant struggle to remain clothed and fed, to say nothing of avoiding the problems inherent in a waring land. So lowly are these folk that a lord or king would be shamed to call them for use in war. More commonly a horde of peasants fall upon outsiders or monsters in a fervor, chasing out threats by sheer force of numbers.
4 pts per model. Core. Horde, Infantry, Breton. 10-40 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Peasant | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 6 | 2 | - |
Champion | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 6 | 2 | - |
Wargear: Spears
Special Rules:
The Downtrodden Many: The courage of Peasant blocks are held together by a string- at any one moment they might flee for their lives, especially when presented with massive fire-breathing dragons or great engines of Corprus-flesh. If a friendly non-peasant unit within 12" flees, this unit must likewise make a morale check or flee.
The Champion happens to be a Character, somehow.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Champion for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +2 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +2 pts
The entire unit may:
- Take shields for +0.5 pts per model
- Upgrade armor to Padded Armor for +0.5 pts per model
- Replace all weapons with Bows, and take a Dagger for +1 pt per model
- Replace all weapons with Pikes for +1 pt per model
The Champion may upgrade his armor from Leather to Maille for +4 pts.
The Champion may take up to 6 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

Armsmen[edit | edit source]
Armsmen are professional, well-trained warriors that serve in the organized military of a lord. Though they hold no real status like the Knights or Magickal Elite, they are still considered more respectable then other common rabble. Many Armsmen begin their careers at an early age by joining a local fighters guild, or performing guard duty. During a stroke of luck this individual is then hired on by a noble or king, to fill the ranks of their army. Armsmen are well trained, much of their peacetime schedule spent training. In addition to frequent practicing they are better armed then their peers- either granted or loaned equipment by their patron.
5 pts per model. Core. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Breton. 10-20 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Men-at-arms | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 5+ |
Champion | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 5+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon and Maille
Special Rules: None
The Champion is a Character.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Champion for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +4 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +4 pts.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade their armor to Full Plate Armor for +2 pts per model
- Take shields for +0.5 pts per model
The entire unit may replace both hands with:
- Spear and Shield +0.5 pts per model
- Halberd +2 pt per model
- Great Weapon +3 pt per model
The Champion may take up to 10 points worth of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

Pikemen[edit | edit source]
Pikes are a deceptively powerful weapon on the battlefield of Tamriel. Of humble origins, the pike has been rediscovered since ancient times. It's effectiveness against heavy cavalry and monstrous beasts is without equal- it's for this reason that the Breton nobles frequently employ, or hire, large packs of infantry to make use of them. Even hardly trained militiamen are able to employ Pikes with great results, protecting the weaker or more lightly armed blocks of infantry with a literal hedge of death. While it is arguably the Knights and Magicians that are the most hard-hitting and heroic, the Pike plays an important role on the battlefields of High Rock.
6 pts per model. Core. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Breton. 10-30 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Pikeman | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 6+ |
Champion | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 6+ |
Wargear: Pikes and Light Maille
Special Rules:
Pike Drilling: Pikemen have the Wall-of-Death rule as normal, granted by their pikes. In addition they also get +2 Strength +2 AP against charging or counter-attacking Monstrous Creatures and charging or counter-attacking Monstrous Fliers- but only if said enemies attack from the front. While using spears this bonus is halved.
The Champion is a Character.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Champion(+1 A) for +6 pts.
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +4 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +4 pts
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade armor to Maille for +1 pt per model
- Replace both hands with Spear and Shield (free)
The Champion may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

Squires[edit | edit source]
Members of the destitute peasantry are not always satisfied with what they have. When a flight of fancy, or desperation takes grip of such folk, sometimes they leave home to seek out fortune on their own terms. It is well known that High Rock nobility is vaguely determined, and arguably achievable by anyone, so this drive for fame is deeply rooted in many Bretons. All across the land young men and women seek to quest and do good by others- hunting monsters, slaying villains, performing good deeds in hope of recognition. A depressingly small number of these people end up finding their fortune, but some yet become Spellswords or Crusaders of excellence.
5 pts per model. Core. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Breton. 10-20 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Squire | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 2 | 6+ |
Yeoman | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 3 | 6+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon and Padded Armor
Spells: None
Special Rules: None
The Yeoman is a Character.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Yeoman for +5 pts.
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +4 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +4 pts.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade their armor to Maille for +0.5 pts per model
- Take shields for +0.5 pts per model
- Take an additional hand weapon for +0.5 pts per model
- Be mounted on Riding Horses for +5 pts per model. Mounted Squires may not take ranged weapons.
The entire unit may replace both hands with:
- Halberd +2 pts per model
- Longbow +3 pts per model
- Greatsword for +3 pts per model
The Yeoman may upgrade his armor from Maille to Full Plate Armor for +6 pts.
The Yeoman may take a spell (cast on 11+ or less) from Destruction or Restoration for +8 pts
The Yeoman may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Scouting Party (0-1)[edit | edit source]
8 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Breton. 5-15 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Scout | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Veteran | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Wargear: Longbow, Hand Weapon, Leather Armor
Special Rules: Scout, Move Through Cover.
One model per unit may be upgraded to a Veteran for +10 pts.
The entire unit may take:
- Shields for +1 pt a model
- Scaled Maille for +3 pts a model
- Javelins for +2 pts a model
The entire unit may replace their Longbows with:
- Crossbows (free)
- Spear and Shield (free)
The Veteran may take up to 10 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Orc Savages[edit | edit source]
[Another unit description]
5 pts per model. Core. Horde, Infantry, Orc. 10-30 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Savage | 3 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Champion | 3 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon and Shield
Special Rules: Frenzy
The Champion is a Character.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Champion for +10 pts.
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +4 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +4 pts.
The entire unit may:
- Take Throwing Weapons for +1 pt per model
- Take Leather Armor for +2 pts per model
Any number of models may replace both hands with:
- Spear and Shield +1 pt per model
- Bow or Short Bow +2 pts per model
- Halberds +2 pts per model
- Great Weapon +3 pts per model
The Champion may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Elite[edit | edit source]

Caballarii[edit | edit source]
The armed forces of High Rock gladly make use of light raiding cavalry, both on the battlefield and for running messages. Unlike the Cavalier, Caballarii are made up of poor nobles and veteran armsmen. Few of the men and women actually own their steed, instead using one provided by their lords. Due to their higher status, Caballari have the time to dabble in magick, and become fairly proficient in its use. Ultimately they become able to cast from horseback even during the clangor of combat. The combination of mobility and destructive magic makes them deceptively powerful.
14 pts per model. Elite. Fight in Ranks, Fast Cavalry, Breton. 6-15 models per unit.
25mm x 50mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Caballarii | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3(4) | 1 | 3 | 1(2) | 8 | 3 | 5+ |
Champion | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3(4) | 1 | 3 | 1(2) | 9 | 3 | 5+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shield, Light Maille. Riding horse.
Spells: None
Special Rules: Lance Formation
The Champion is a Character.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Champion for +13 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +7 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +7 pts.
Any number of models may replace their hand weapon and shield with any of the following:
- Spear and Shield (free)
- Two Hand Weapons (free)
- Great Weapon +5 pts per model
- Bow +3 pts per model
- Short Bow +3 pts per model
Any number of models may replace their armor with any of the following:
- Maille or Plate Armor +4 pts per model
- Scaled Mail +5 pts per model
- Full Plate Armor +10 pts per model
Any number of models may purchase one of the following spells:
- Bound Sword +4 pts a model
- Bound Spear +4 pts a model
- Bound Battleaxe +8 pts a model
- Flames +2 pts a model
- Frostbite +2 pts a model
- Firebolt +3 pts a model
- Shock +3 pts a model
The Champion may take up to 10 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.

Cavalier[edit | edit source]
Cavalier make up most of the magick elite of High Rock. In essence they are Breton knights- though it would be inaccurate to liken them to their Imperial counterparts. As a whole they tend to not follow any codes of honor or chivalry. Instead cavalier are every bit as fickle and petty as their patrons, frequently lording it over the peasantry whenever a chance might present itself. Due to the unintelligible difference between the middle class and magick elite, these nobles often take special care to differentiate themselves- dressing in wild in-the-vogue clothing, ceremonial gear, and harshly correcting those that mistake them for a citizen.
Despite their numerous shortcomings, Cavalier do appreciate the intellectual pursuits of magick and speechcraft, and bear the best of weapons and arms Bretonny has to offer. During wartime these nobles group together to form a rock-solid cavalry wing, running down light infantry with deliberate enthusiasm. In fighting ability they are a match for nearly any other cavalry, and some magicians as well. As is expected, cavalier all have at least basic knowledge in conjuration, normally bounding all manner of weapons during battle. Others have experience in destruction- all the better to blast away at unarmored foes with.
24 pts per model. Elite. Fight in Ranks, Cavalry, Breton. 6-15 models per unit.
25mm x 50mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Cavalier | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3(4) | 1 | 4 | 2(3) | 8 | 3 | 4+ |
Cavalier Champion | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3(4) | 1 | 4 | 2(3) | 9 | 3 | 4+ |
Cavalier Lord | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3(4) | 2 | 4 | 2(3) | 9 | 6 | 4+ |
Wargear: Lance, Hand Weapon, Shield, Maille. Warhorse.
Spells: None.
Special Rules: Stubborn, Lance Formation, Hatred (Models with a base cost of 4pts or less)
The Cavalier Champion and Cavalier Lord are both a Character.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Cavalier Champion for +10 pts
- Upgrade one model to Cavalier Lord for +16 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +8 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +8 pts.
Any number of models may replace their hand weapon and shield with any of the following:
- Spear and Shield (free)
- Two Hand Weapons (free)
- Great Weapon +5 pts per model
Any number of models may replace their armor with any of the following:
- Full Plate Armor +6 pts per model
- Ebony Armor +12 pts per model
Any number of models may upgrade their weapons to:
- Ebony, for +8 pts per model
- Master Crafted, for +10 pts per model
The entire unit may purchase the following:
- Bound Sword for +3 pts per model
- Bound Spear for +3 pts per model
- Bound Battleaxe +6 pts a model
- Firebolt +3 pts
- Ice Storm +3 pts
- Chain Lightning +3 pts
- Fireball +6 pts
The Cavalier Champion may take up to 20 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
The Cavalier Lord may take up to 30 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
The Cavalier Champion/Lord may each purchase an additional spell

Spellswords[edit | edit source]
Spellswords are spellcasting specialists trained to support troops in skirmish and in battle. They are trained in the dual talents of swordplay and magick, equally adapt at either. Unlike battle magi, they are often given lighter skirmishing armor, and are also trained in less destructive arts of magick. Alteration is taught to the spellswords to benefit the units they are attached to, and Restoration, to tend to those who might need healing. Veteran spellswords are prized mercenaries and can take the role of adventurer with ease.
In battle they are terrible to behold- striking away with blindingly fast blows, running headlong at the front of their formations to get to grips with enemies. Each and every one of these warriors are at least passably trained in the art of enchanting, so they wield gear and trinkets of deceptive power. Entire squads of spellswords are luxuries that not all Hill Kings can afford.
18 pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Infantry, Breton. 8-16 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Spellsword | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 4 | 4+ |
Spellsword Champion | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 4 | 4+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shield, Maille
Spells: The entire unit knows two of the following spells- Bound Sword, Bound Spear, Ice Storm, Fireball, Chain Lightning, Stoneflesh, Ward, Fortify Endurance, Fortify Health
Special Rules:
Soldiers of Fortune: Rather then just train in physical combat, or the pursuit of magick knowledge, Spellswords have chosen to dabble equally in both. When casting, hands using a spear, hand weapon, or greatsword count as empty.
Battle Magi: Wearing armor does not give Spellswords Weakened Magicka.
The Spellsword Champion is a Character.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Spellsword Champion for +10 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +6 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +6 pts.
Any number of models may replace both hands with:
- Sorcerer Staff (free)
- Spear and Shield (free)
- Greatsword +3 pts per model
- Battleaxe +3 pts per model
The entire unit may upgrade their armor to:
- Scaled Mail for +3 pts per model
- Full Plate Armor for +6 pts per model
Any number of models may take:
- Dagger +1 pt per model
The entire unit may purchase an addition spell from their particular list, for +6 pts per model, or one of the following:
- Bound Greatsword +4 pts per model
- Bound Battleaxe +4 pts per model
- Flame Cloak +9 pts per model
- Summon Scamp (cast on 4+) +10pts per model
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +15pts per model
The Champion may upgrade their armor from Full Plate to Ebony for +9 pts.
The Champion may take up to 16 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Rules for using Daedra are found here: Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults.
Toxophilites[edit | edit source]
Cousins to the elite Spellsword, Toxophilites are more skirmish and marksman oriented battlemagi. Rather then take to harassing attacks, or the clangor of shield-to-shield combat, Toxophilites instead have honed the deadly art of archery. It could be said that their strengths resemble those of the Great Houses of Morrowind to a degree- for they are trained somewhat in all forms of combat. The bow, the sword, and magick alike is practiced by these men and women.
The Toxophilite's greatest asset is the Bound Bow- the soul of a daedra, torn from the realm of Oblivion and shaped into a deadly weapon. It is well known that all bounded weapons are hideously powerful, but bows in particular seem to punch through armor with ease. On the battlefield Toxophilites let loose deadly hails of bounded arrows before falling back and repeating. Should the enemy somehow come to grips with these archers they are all too able to relinquish the shimmering bows and engage in melee combat.
13 pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Infantry, Breton. 5-15 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Toxophilite | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 4 | 6+ |
Champion | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 4 | 6+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Light Maille
Spells: Bound Bow
Special Rules:
Faster to the Draw: Toxophilites may replace their currently equip weapons during the Close Combat phase, before they perform any actions. This desummons any currently bound weapons.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Champion for +10 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +7 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician for +7 pts.
The entire unit may replace their Hand Weapon with:
- Spear (free)
- Halberd for +2 pts per model
- Greatsword for +3 pts per model
The entire unit may upgrade their armor to:
- Scaled Mail for +3 pts per model
The entire unit may take:
- Shields for +1 pt per model
- Spell: Bound Sword for +2 pts per model
- Spell: Bound Greatsword for +6 pts per model
The Champion may take up to 10 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Support[edit | edit source]
Guild Magicians[edit | edit source]
30 pts per model. Support. Skirmish, Infantry. 3-6 models per unit. Magician and Wizards may be any of the 10 common races of Tamriel.
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Guild Magician | 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 8 | 4 (6) | - |
Guild Wizard | 2 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 9 | 5 (7) | - |
Dremora Musician | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 4+ |
Wargear: Sorcerer staff, hand weapon, and wizard robes.
Special rules: Hit and Run
Offered Council: Upon deployment, should the unit have five or more models one of the Magicians may be moved into another unit of your army. For all intents and purposes this Magician will count as an upgraded model of that unit, and character. For +15 points this Magician may also be mounted on a Warhorse and join a Cavalry unit instead. Unless this Magician joins a unit that has Hit and Run they will lose the USR.
Guild Magicians, Guild Wizards, and Dremora Musicians are all Characters.
A Magician may purchase up to three spells from the armory, as included in this list:
- Any Alteration Spell (+3pts)
- Any Bound Item Conjuration Spell (+6pts)
- Any Restoration Spell (+4pts)
- Any Mysticism Spell (+6pts)
- Illusion spells cast on a 12+ or lower (+6pts)
- Illusion spells cast on a 13+ or higher (+11pts)
- Destruction spells cast on a 12+ or lower (+6pts)
- Destruction spells cast on a 13+ or higher (+11pts)
- Summon Scamp (cast on 4+) (+10pts)
- Summon Hunger (cast on 7+) (+15pts)
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) (+15pts)
- Summon Dremora (cast on 9+) (+20pts)
- Summon Clannfear (cast on 11+) (+30pts)
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+30pts)
The Guild Wizard may purchase up to four spells from the armory, from the list above, and any of the following:
- Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+50pts)
- Summon Daedroth (cast on 20+) (+100pts)
- Summon Dremora Lord (cast on 22+) (+130pts)(summons a Markynaz)
Rules for using Daedra are found here: Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults.
The unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Wizard for +15 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +10 pts
- Purchase a Dremora Musician for 25 pts. (The Dremora has a hand weapon, Eternal Warrior, and Immune to Disease. It does not have Fearless.)
Any number of Guild Magicians may replace their robes with:
- Leather Armor (free)
- Maille for +8 pts
- Scaled Maille for +12 pts
- Glass Armor +16 pts
Any number of Guild Magicians may upgrade their hand weapons to:
- Elven +4pts per model
- Glass +8pts per model
- Ebony +8pts per model
Any number of Guild Magicians may take one of the following Guardian Stone Blessings for +10 pts:
- Blessing of the Warrior
- Blessing of the Steed
- Blessing of the Mage
- Blessing of the Ritual
Guild Magicians may take up to 12 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
The Guild Wizard may take up to 20 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.

Witch Coven[edit | edit source]
18 pts per model. Support. Skirmish, Infantry, Breton. 4-10 models per unit.
Base Size: 25mm x 25mm.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Sister | 2 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 8 | 4 (5) | - |
Matron | 2 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 9 | 5 (6) | - |
Any number of Sisters may be changed to
- Orc for +? pts
- Imperial for +? pts
Wargear: Dagger, tattered robes.
Special rules: Fearless
Harmonious Efforts: Witches may pool their Power Die together to attempt to cast a spell that would otherwise be impossible alone. Before casting simply nominate who all is casting a particular spell, add their respective Power Dies together, and choose one of the casting models to attempt to hit with the spell(s) (if applicable).
Reachmagic: At any time during your turn, you may nominate a friendly model within 2" of the Witch Coven, mortal or not. Remove a wound from this model. Until the start of your next turn, all spells cast by this unit will treat rolled Power Die as one score higher. The maximum bonus that may be granted is +2.
Impudent Presence: This unit counts as Daedra, Necromancers, and Black Magic, for the purposes of Hatred and Preferred Enemy.
The Matron is a Character.
Spells: Sisters and Matrons know two of the following spells- Poisonblast, Cripple, Lower Resists, Horrifying Blindness, Torments of Oblivion. Note that you may choose different spells for the Matron.
The entire unit may purchase an additional spell from the armory, as included in this list:
- Any Bound Item Conjuration Spell, +3 pts per model
- Any Mysticism Spell, +4 pts per model
- Illusion spells cast on a 12+ or lower, +4 pts per model
- Illusion spells cast on a 13+ or higher, +5 pts per model
- Destruction spells cast on a 12+ or lower, +4 pts per model
- Destruction spells cast on a 13+ or higher, +8 pts per model
- Summon Scamp (cast on 4+), +20pts per model
- Summon Hunger (cast on 7+), +30pts per model
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+), +30pts per model
- Summon Dremora (cast on 9+), +40pts per model
- Summon Golden Saint or Dark Seducer (cast on 9+), +40pts per model
The Matron may purchase up to two additional spells from the following:
- Any Alteration Spell (+4pts)
- Any Bound Item Conjuration Spell (+8pts)
- Any Mysticism Spell (+8pts)
- Illusion spells cast on a 12+ or lower (+8pts)
- Illusion spells cast on a 13+ or higher (+15pts)
- Destruction spells cast on a 12+ or lower (+6pts)
- Destruction spells cast on a 13+ or higher (+11pts)
- Summon Winged Twilight (cast on 11+) (+60pts)
- Summon Clannfear (cast on 11+) (+60pts)
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) (+60pts)
- Summon Storm Atronach (cast on 15+) (+100pts)
- Summon Daedroth (cast on 20+) (+100pts)
- Summon Dremora Lord (cast on 22+) (+130pts)(summons a Markynaz)
- Summon Spider Daedra (cast on 20+) (+150pts)
Rules for Daedra are found here: Scrollhammer: Daedra Cults.
Rules for Undead are found here: Scrollhammer: Order of the Black Worm.
The unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Witch Matron for +18 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +10 pts
The entire unit may take a single retinue with no upgrades, for the following cost:
- 10-30 Dread Zombies, for Xpts each.
- 10-30 Scamps, for 6pts each.
- 5-15 Dremora, for 14pts each.
- 5-15 Flame Atronachs, for 11pts each.
The entire unit may take:
- Sorcerer's Staff for +3 pts a model
- Cultist Staff for +2 pts a model
- Hand Weapons for +2 pts a model
- Spears for +2 pts a model
Sisters may take up to 10 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
The Matron may take up to 20 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate. The Matron may alternatively take the Blood Chalice.

Skirmishers[edit | edit source]
[Awwww yis]
8 pts per model. Support. Skirmish, Infantry, Breton. 10-20 models per unit.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Skirmisher | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 5+ |
Champion | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 1 | 5+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon and Shield, Leather Armor
Spells: None
Special Rules: Hit and Run, Move Through Cover.
The Champion is a Character.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Champion for +8 pts.
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer for +6 pts
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade their armor to Light Maille for +2 pts per model
- Upgrade their armor to Glass armor for +5 pts per model
- Replace hand weapon with spear (free)
The entire unit may take:
- Javelins for +2 pts per model
- Additional hand weapon for +1 pt per model
- Bows or Shortbows for +2 pts per model
- Great Weapon +3 pts per model
The Champion may take up to 10 points worth of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

Turncoats[edit | edit source]
65 pts per model. Support. Independent Characters, Breton. 1-3 models per purchase.
25mm x 25mm base.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Turncoat | 6 | 6 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 3 | 9 | 4 | - |
Wargear: Hand Weapon
Spells: None.
Special Rules: Poisoned, Always Strikes First
Particular Set of Skills: Turncoats are masters of assassination and subterfuge, able to throw enemy forces into disarray by one of many different methods. Turncoats are not deployed like a normal unit- instead pick one of the following three missions for each model. Although Turncoats are characters they may never lead your army, nor do they increase any joined unit's Leadership.
- Assassinate: Add an additional model to one of your Core units during deployment. An Assassin turncoat may be revealed at the beginning of any of your turns, or at the start of any Close Combat phase. Simply declare that this unit contains the Turncoat and replace a model in the front rank with the Turncoat model. Note that if this unit is wiped out or flees before the turncoat is revealed they are removed as a casualty.
- Sabotage: You may attempt to stop a particular unit from arriving to the battlefield. Before deployment declare that you have a Turncoat sabotaging. Select an enemy unit- it is placed into reserve instead of deploying normally. A maximum of two turncoats may Sabotage. Note that you may not Sabotage an enemy unit that contains a hero, has Scout, or is a flier.
- Distract: You may attempt to delay the advance of enemy units. Before deployment declare that one of your Turncoats is distracting. Select an enemy player- this particular player has -1 to all reserve rolls for the entire game. A maximum of two turncoats may Distract.
Any number of Turncoats may take:
- Dagger +3 pts per model
- Additional hand weapon +6 pts per model
- Great Weapon +8 pts per model
- Throwing weapons +10 pts per model
Any number of Turncoats may purchase up to three of the following spells:
- Soulpinch (+4 pts)
- Lower Resists (+8 pts)
- Bound Armour (+8 pts)
- Earwig (+8 pts)
- Alad's Caliginy (+10 pts)
- Shadow Weave (+10 pts)
- Purge Magic (+8 pts)
Turncoats may take up to 20 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Battering Ram[edit | edit source]
[Woo woo]
50 pts per artillery. Support. Skirmish, Artillery. 1 to 3 artillery per unit.
75mm x 25mm base
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | |
Battering Ram | - | - | - | 7 | 3 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Crew: None!
Wargear: None
Special Rules:
Ram: Battering Rams require at least 6 Infantry models to carry them. When this is the case, the Ram's strength is equal to 3x that of the models carrying them, up to a maximum of 10. (I.e. 3 STR means an attack of S9) Instead the Ram may be carried by 4 monstrous infantry, with the strength 2x that of the carrying models. Together the crew and ram may make a single attack against an adjacent building each close combat phase. Oncoming ranged attacks are split between the crew and ram(see rules for artillery in the Scrollhammer rulebook). The units carrying the ram may fight in combat as normal, and if they Fall Back, the Battering Ram is left in place.
Battering Rams may attack adjacent structures with the following profile- S*, autohit, rolls 2d6 armor penetration against buildings.
Mechanical: The Battering Ram model is Immune to Poison and Immune to Disease.
The battering ram may:
- Take a canopy for +10 pts. This grants the crew a 5+ cover save.
- Be heat treated for +10 pts. Grants the Ram a 5+ ward save against Fire and Frost attacks.
Trebuchet[edit | edit source]
110 pts per artillery. Support. Skirmish, Artillery, Breton. 1 to 2 artillery per unit.
25mm x 25mm base(crew). 50mm x 100mm base(trebuchet).
Trebuchet Unit
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Trebuchet | - | - | - | 8 | 4 | - | - | - | - | - |
Crewman | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Engineer | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 8 | 1 | 6+ |
Crew: 5 Crewman
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Leather Armor.
Special Rules: Trebuchet: Trebuchets are made up of crew and the actual artillery piece, with oncoming ranged attacks being split between the two(see rules for artillery in the Scrollhammer rulebook). The Trebuchet models may not move, only pivot, and require at least two crewman to make use of the special shooting attack. If a Trebuchet unit is forced to Fall Back while not locked in combat, and contains one or more artillery pieces, instead remove an artillery piece as a casualty.
Each shooting phase, the unit may choose to fire a single boulder, or a grapeshot of rocks, with the following profiles-
- Single Boulder: Move or Fire 1, Blast, Barrage, 18-72” range, S7AP3, Multiple Wounds (d6), rolls 2d6 armor penetration against buildings.
- Grapeshot: Move or Fire 3d6(roll number of shots for each model each time), 48” range, S4AP0
Mechanical: The Trebuchet model is Immune to Poison and Immune to Disease.
Each artillery unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Engineer(+1 BS, +1 Ld) for +10 pts
- Take shields for each model for +1 pt per model
Each Engineer may replace his or her armor with Glass Armor for +4 pts
Special Characters[edit | edit source]
King Gortwog gro-Nagorm of Orisnum[edit | edit source]
King Lysandus of Daggerfall[edit | edit source]
King Emeric of Wayrest[edit | edit source]
The Hero of Daggerfall, the Agent[edit | edit source]
Knights of the Dragon[edit | edit source]
Knights of the Rose[edit | edit source]
Order of the Raven[edit | edit source]
Equipment[edit | edit source]
Basic Equipment[edit | edit source]
The following is a list of the base items found in the Kingdoms of Breton unique to this army book. Items not listed here are found in the Scrollhammer Rulebook.
Padded Armor is armor made from heavily woven fibers. Light Armor(6+).
Tattered Robes are unarmored clothing that give +1 Mg.
Wizard Robes are unarmored clothing that give +2 Mg.
Sorcerer's Staff is a staff which lets its bearer reroll 1 Power Die per game turn(you must abide by the second result).
Cultist's Staff is a staff which lets its bearer reroll 1 Power Die per game turn(you must abide by the second result). If this reroll results in a natural 1, caster immediately takes a wound, saves allowed as normal.
Mounts[edit | edit source]
Warhorse: Models riding a Warhorse count as Cavalry. They provide +1 T to their riders for being armored, as well as providing an extra attack. Mounted models use a 25mm x 50mm base size.
Riding Horse: Models riding Riding Horses count as Fast Cavalry. They provide +1 T to their riders for being armored, as well as providing an extra attack. Mounted models use a 25mm x 50mm base size.
Magic Items[edit | edit source]
The Magic Items available to the Kingdoms of High Rock are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model which is holding that type of item, and replaces the one he is holding. A model may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model. Daedric Artifacts are included in the Artifacts supplement of the Core Rules, and are taken wherever specified for a model.
Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked, and they may not be upgraded further. (Replacements are only available to models which could take that class of item to begin with).
Weapons and Staves[edit | edit source]
Atronach Staff. Staff. Once per game, at the start of your turn, caster may automatically summon a Frost Atronach. +24 pts.
Sir.Hearthsley's Maul: Artifact, hand weapon. Grants the bearer +2S and +1 to hit. +30 pts.
Armor and Shields[edit | edit source]
Warded Field Plate: Artifact, Heavy Armor(5+). Increases the bearer's Ward save against magic by 2, but only once each turn. Should the bearer not already have a Ward save this confers a 5+ save against magic, which may only be taken once each turn. +15 pts.
Silver-Lacquered Plate: Artifact, Heavy Armor(4+). Grants the bearer Regenerate(6+) and increases T against Werecreatures by 1. +25 pts.
Mantle of the Conjurer: Artifact, robes. Grants the bearer +2 Magicka and removes the one-model limit for Summons. +40 pts.
Other Items[edit | edit source]
Pelt of the Vanquished: Artifact. Confers a 6+ save that can be combined with normal armor, up to 2+. It also gives the bearer +1 to their Ward save against magic. (Or a 6+ save against magic, should they not have one already.) +25 pts.
Blood Chalice: Artifact (Witches/Warlocks only). A turn in which the character does not attack or move, or plan on attacking or moving, the Blood Chalice may be activated. This turn the bearer may re-roll three power die, in addition to those that a staff might confer. +30 pts.
Consumables[edit | edit source]
Consumables are available to all models which can purchase magic items. Consumables are 0-3. Scrolls can be read as many at a time as available at times where a model is casting spells with both hands. Scrolls autocast the spell written on them. Potions may be drunk once per player turn at the start of the turn.
Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list except Summon/Necromancy spells.
Scroll of Cast on 4+ or Lower Spell: +5 pts
Scroll of Cast on 5-8+ spell: +10 pts
Scroll of Cast on 9-12+ spell: +20 pts
Scroll of Cast on 13-19+ spell: +30 pts
Scroll of Cast on 20-25+ spell: +45 pts
Scroll of Cast on 26+ or Higher spell: +60 pts
The following potions are available to this army:
Healing Potion: Heals drinker on a d6 5+ on consumption. +5 pts
Magicka Potion: Replenishes 1 Power Die on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts
Potion of Health: Heals drinker on a d6 2+ on consumption. +25 pts
Potion of the Mind: Replenishes Power Dice up to drinker's Mg on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +15 pts.
Potion of the Sea: Drinker treats water features as Open Terrain and gains a 6+ cover save from being in them this turn. +2 pts
Potion of Feather: Drinker is not encumbered by his armor this turn. +1 pts
Potion of Buoyancy: Drinker treats water features as Open Terrain this turn, and may march through water an additional d6". +2 pts
Potion of Invisibility: Drinker is Invisible this turn. +12 pts
Potion of Reflection: This turn, whenever an enemy shooting attack, melee attack or spell of any kind which would target or immediately effect drinker or drinker's unit, you may roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the attack or spell is negated, and unit from which it came takes a Strength d6 AP d6 hit. +5 pts
Potion of Cure Paralysis: Remove all ongoing Paralysis and Chill effects from drinker's unit. +4 pts
Potion of Cure Disease: Remove all ongoing Disease from drinker's unit. +4 pts
Potion of Dispel: Remove all ongoing magical effects from drinker's unit. +10 pts
Potion of Resist Element: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Grants Feel No Pain to drinker against that element this turn. +4 pts
Potion of Antivenom: Grants Feel No Pain against Poisoned attacks to drinker this player turn. +4 pts
Potion of Resistance: Drinker is unaffected by disease this player turn. +3 pts
Potion of Element Shield: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Until end of turn, drinker gets a 6+ armor save if he does not already have an armor save, and a 4+ Ward Save against chosen element. +4 pts
Potion of Strength: Drinker gets +1 S this turn. +4 pts
Potion of Agility: Drinker gets +1 I this turn. +4 pts
Potion of Intelligence: Drinker counts as having +1 Mg at the beginning of your next turn. +4 pts
Potion of Endurance: Drinker gets +1 T this turn. +5 pts
Spells[edit | edit source]
School of Destruction[edit | edit source]
Black Hand: Cast on 3+, 1-handed, close combat phase. This is a Poisoned(5+) poison spell Hand Weapon (but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon).
Flames: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S2 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", flame. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a flame spell weapon.
Sparks: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S2 AP1, Fire and Charge 1, range 6", shock, Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a shock spell weapon with Magicka Drain(1) on striking.
Frostbite: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S2 AP3, Fire and Charge 1, range 6", frost. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a frost spell weapon.
Firebolt: Cast on 3+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, range 18", flame.
Shock: Cast on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Magicka Drain(1) on striking, shock.
Ice Spike: Cast on 4+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Chills on striking, frost.
Daedric Bite: Cast on 8+. Shooting attack. S6 AP2, Move and Fire 1, range 24"
Chain Lightning: Cast on 8+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", shock. Hits from Chain Lightning cause Magicka Drain(1). For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit. These additional hits, if they wound, generate additional hits of their own, and so on.
Fireball: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", flame.
Ice Storm: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S3 AP3, Template, Fire and Charge 1, frost.
Poisonblast: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S1 AP0 Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", Poisoned(4+).
Lower Resists: Cast on 7+, shooting attack. Fire and Charge 1, Range 18". If the enemy unit is hit, until the beginning of your next turn, that unit has Lowered Resists(see the spell effects rules in the Scrollhammer Rulebook)
Lightning Bolt: Cast on 10+, shooting attack. S7 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 48", hit causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.
Incinerate: Cast on 11+. Shooting attack. S5 AP1, Move and Fire 1, Range 36", Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.
Icy Spear: Cast on 11+, Shooting attack. S5 AP5, Move and Fire 1. Range 36", model hit strikes at Initiative 1 this turn, frost.
Cripple: Cast on 15+, shooting attack. Fire and Charge 1, Range 18". Target enemy unit has -1S or -1T until the start of your next turn. Does not stack.
Wall of Flames: Cast on 16+. Shooting attack. Large Blast, Move or Fire 1, Range 12". This shooting attack does not have to target a unit; the rest of caster's unit not also shooting a weapon that does not have to target a unit cannot shoot or run this round as per the normal rules. Instead simply target a spot on the table(within range, and no friendly models underneath) with all models in the unit that can target in this way, and roll for scatter. Note exactly where the large blast marker hits. The marker remains in play where it lands until your next turn, affecting everyone underneath it; it represents a wall of flames. At the end of each turn, while the wall lasts, each model with any part of its base underneath it takes a S4 AP1 Ignores Cover flame hit. Each model that was underneath it(with any part of its base) at any point during this player turn then takes a S3 AP0 Ignores Cover flame hit. At the beginning of your next turn, remove the wall from play.
Lightning Storm: Cast on 19+, shooting attack. S5 AP6. Move or Fire 2d6(roll each time), Range 72", hits causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.
God's Fire: Cast on 23+, shooting attack. S8 AP1, Ignores Cover. Move or Fire 1, Large Blast, Range 24", Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.
God's Frost: Cast on 23+, shooting attack. S4, ignores armor saves, Ignores Cover. Move or Fire 1, Large Blast, Range 24". Models hit are reduced to Initiative 1 until end of turn.
Toxic Cloud: Cast on 23+, shooting attack. S1, ignores armor saves, Ignores Cover. Move or Fire 1, Large Blast, Range 30", Poisoned(4+), Shred.
School of Conjuration[edit | edit source]
Soulpinch: Cast on 3+, shooting attack. Fire and Charge 3, Range 18". Hits cause Magicka Drain(1).
Bound Sword: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound hand weapon in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Armour: Cast on 4+, movement phase. Caster's armor or robe is replaced by magic Heavy Armour(5+) until end of turn.
Bound Helm: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Caster's Helm(or lack thereof) is replaced by a magic Helm with "bearer may re-roll one failed armour saving throw of 1 per turn" until end of turn.
Bound Dagger: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Dagger in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Shield: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Equips a Shield in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Spear: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Spear in casting hand until end of turn.
Spirit Knife: Cast on 4+, shooting attack. S3 AP1, Move and Fire 1, range 18".
Bound Bow: Cast on 6+, shooting phase. Equips a Bound Bow in both hands until end of turn.
Bound Battleaxe: Cast on 6+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Battleaxe in both hands until end of turn.
Bound Katana: Cast on 8+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Katana in both hands until end of turn.
Banish Daedra: Casts on 9+, at the start of any Shooting Phase. Range 6", requires LOS. Target a Daedra model, other than a Physical God, within 6" of caster. That model must take a Leadership test on its own value. If it succeeds, neither it nor any model in the unit it is currently in may be targeted by this spell again this turn. If it fails, it is removed as a casualty.
Call Flame Thralls: Cast on 14+, summon. Summons two Flame Atronachs, regardless of other summons the caster has in play. Lasts until end of turn; the caster may cast at a higher difficulty, prolonging the effect by one game turn for every +4 more required to cast. Recasting will desummon any present thralls.
Spirit Fist: Cast on 18+, shooting attack. Range 18", Move and Fire 1. Can only target mortals. Target infantry unit must make a morale test, and on a failure 1d3 models are instantly removed.
Call Frost Thralls: Cast on 20+, summon. Summons two Frost Atronachs, regardless of other summons the caster has in play. Lasts until end of turn; the caster may cast at a higher difficulty, prolonging the effect by one game turn for every +4 more required to cast. Recasting will desummon any present thralls.
Call Storm Thralls: Cast on 25+, summon. Summons two Storm Atronachs, regardless of other summons the caster has in play. Lasts until end of turn; the caster may cast at a higher difficulty, prolonging the effect by one game turn for every +4 more required to cast. Recasting will desummon any present thralls.
Conjurer's Helper: Cast on 30+, 2-handed, may be cast any time. Summons a Flame Atronach, Frost Atronach, and Storm Atronach until the end of your turn.
Summon/Call: (casting requirements vary) A Summoned unit is an upgrade for caster, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. Called units and Thralls follow the same rules, save that they do not count against the summon limit, and leave play after a certain amount of time. See the Scrollhammer Rulebook for further information on Summoning.
School of Alteration[edit | edit source]
Feather: Cast on 3+ at any time. 1-handed. Caster is not encumbered by his armor this turn.
Flame/Frost/Shock Shell: Casts on 6+, 1-handed, and may be cast any time. Caster gets +2 to his Ward Save (or a 5+ Ward Save if no such save already exists for him) against chosen element. Multiple instances per element do not stack.
Burden: Casts on 7+. Cast at the beginning of your opponent's movement phase. Range 24", requires LOS. Target unit moves, marches and charges 1" slower than normal, and gets -1 to Sweeping advance rolls, this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Stoneflesh: Casts on 8+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +1 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Swiftswim: Casts on 10+, your movement phase. Caster's unit treats water features as Open Terrain this turn, and may march through water an additional d6". Multiple instances do not stack.
Pack Mule: Casts on 10+. Caster's unit is not encumbered by their armor this turn.
Flame/Frost/Shock Shield: Casts on 12+, 1-handed, at any time. Caster gets +1 to his armour save this turn, and gets a 4+ ward save against chosen element(flame/frost/shock). Multiple instances of the armour bonus or of any one element do not stack.
Levitate: Casts on 12+ during your movement phase. If caster is on foot, he counts as a Flyer this turn.
Ironflesh: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +2 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Ebonyflesh: Casts on 16+, 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +3 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Protect: Casts on 17+. Caster's unit gets +1 to its armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Quicksilver Flesh: Casts on 18+, 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gains Feel No Pain (5+) until end of turn.
Aegis: Casts on 20+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +4 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
School of Illusion[edit | edit source]
Night Eye: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, your shooting phase. Caster ignores Night Fighting cover saves this phase.
Light: Casts on 6+. Your shooting phase. Cast on any enemy unit that caster's unit shot at this turn. Neither that unit nor caster's unit gain cover saves from Night Fighting until the beginning of your next turn.
Cacophony: Casts on 6+, your shooting phase. Range 18", requires LOS. Targets an enemy unit. Each model in that unit that rolls power dice must re-roll results of 6, until the end of next turn, and abide by the second result(remember that each die can only ever be re-rolled once).
Chameleon: Casts on 6+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gains Chameleon(+1) until end of turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Mindless Frenzy: Cast on 8+ during the close combat phase, at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase. Target unit within 6" of caster takes an Ld test on its own value. If it fails, and it is currently locked in close combat, failed rolls to hit from that unit (outside of challenges) score hits on themselves, rather than missing, until end of turn.
Silence: Cast on 11+, 1-handed. This is a shooting weapon with Move and Fire 1, Range 12". If it hits, choose a single enemy model in the unit hit. That model takes a Mg test(using its base value) on 3d6. If it fails, it is Silenced until the beginning of your next turn.
Paralyze: Casts on 11+. 1-handed, close combat phase, beginning of Fight sub-phase. Choose a model in base contact with caster. That model is Paralyzed this phase.
Invisibility: Casts on 12+. Cast at the beginning of any phase. Until the beginning of your next turn, caster is Invisible.
Muffletongue: Casts on 14+. Your shooting phase, 1-handed. Range 12", requires LOS. Targets an enemy unit. Each model in that unit takes an Mg test(using its base value) on d6. Each model that fails are Silenced until the end of next turn.
Horrifying Blindness: Cast on a 15+ during the close combat phase, at the beginning of the Fight sub-phase. Target unit within 6" of caster is Blinded this round.
Daylight: Casts on 16+. Cast at the beginning of your turn. Weather. Night Fighting is no longer in effect until the end of your next turn.
Gaze Upon Dibella: Casts on 18+. Close combat phase. Target a unit within 6" of caster. That unit is Paralyzed this phase.
Spectral Form: Casts on 20+. Cast at the beginning of any phase. Caster becomes Invisible(this effect lasts indefinitely).
Magelock: Casts on 22+, 2-handed. This is a shooting attack with Move and Fire 1, Range 18". If it hits, choose a single enemy model in the unit hit. That model takes a Mg test(using its base value) on 4d6. If it fails, the unit has -2 to all Power Die until otherwise dispelled or removed. May not stack.
Torments of Oblivion (Witches/Warlocks only): Cast on a 23+ at the beginning of any phase. Select a unit within 6" of caster. Until the beginning of your next turn, that unit's toughness is reduced to an unmodifiable 1(instant death is still calculated using its original toughness, however), and its armor save is reduced to an unmodifiable "-".
Blood Frenzy (Witches/Warlocks only): Cast on 25+. Your shooting phase, 2-handed. Range 24", requires LOS. Targets an enemy unit. Target unit must make a morale test. If failed the unit strikes itself 1d6 times for every 5 models within it.
Mind Shackles (Witches/Warlocks only): Cast on 25+, shooting phase, requires LOS. Target unit within 18" must roll 2d6+3 under Ld. For each point of failure the unit is paralyzed for a game turn. At the start of the enemy player's turn they may roll again to attempt to dispel the effect early.
School of Mysticism[edit | edit source]
Soul Trap: Cast on 4+, 1-handed. Cast at the start of the Fight sub-phase during the close combat phase. Caster's attacks gain the Soul Trap special rule until end of turn.
Soul Leech: Cast on 4+, 1-handed. Cast during the close combat phase. This spell counts as spell hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon). It has Absorb Magicka(4+) on striking, and Absorb Health(6+).
Soul Thirst: Cast on 7+ in response to a friendly model within 6" of caster attempting to cast a spell. Remove any number of Soul Gem counters from caster and/or from the target of this spell. Add that number to the casting roll.
Dispel: Cast on 8+ at any time. Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit.
Dispulsion: Cast on 9+ at any time. Range 18", requires LOS. Remove all ongoing magical effects from another target unit.
Word of Motion: Caster performs a telekinetic incantation, causing objects to create a path for him. Cast on 10+, your movement phase. Caster's unit gains Move Through Cover until end of turn.
Detect Life: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, cast during your shooting phase. Models in target unit within 6" of caster that are not artillery pieces, Automatons or Undead lose all Cover Saves until end of turn.
Detect Dead: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, cast during your shooting phase. Undead models in target unit within 6" of caster loses all Cover Saves until end of turn.
Greater Disupulsion: Cast on 16+ at any time. Range 18", requires LOS, large blast. Units covered or partly covered by the blast have all ongoing magical effects removed.
Displacement: Cast on 20+, cast during your shooting phase. Move any unit within 12" of caster 2d6" as you please, except within 1" of an enemy, out of coherency, off the table, or onto impassable terrain.
Break the Bonds: Cast on 22+ at any time. Range 24", requires LOS, large blast. Units covered or partly covered by the blast have all ongoing magic effects removed. Any beneficial spells removed in this fashion may not be recast until the end of the opponent's upcoming turn.
School of Restoration[edit | edit source]
Fortify Swordsmanship: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Weapon Skill this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Fortify Marksmanship: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Ballistic Skill this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Fortify Strength: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Strength this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Fortify Endurance: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Toughness this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Fortify Speed: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 basic movement speed and charge range this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Fortify Agility: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Initiative this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Fortify Willpower: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster counts as having +d3 Magicka at the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Minor Healing: Cast on 5+ during any movement phase. Caster is Healed on a 6.
Mara's Balm: Casts on 5+. Cast anytime. Remove from caster of ONE enemy ongoing negative effect that is reducing one or more of his following stats: WS, BS, S, T, I, or movement speed.
Prayer to Zenithar: Casts on 5+. Cast any time. Caster gets one free re-roll of a d6 this phase. You must abide by the second result. This spell can only be cast once per phase.
Resist Flame/Frost/Shock/Poison: Casts on 7+. 1-handed. Caster gets Feel No Pain against the chosen element this turn.
Ward: Cast on 7+, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells. If this spell is successfully cast, caster attempts to Ward the targeted spell(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook for details).
Healing: Cast on 8+ during any movement phase. Caster is Healed on a 5+.
Heal other: Cast on 8+ during any movement phase. Target model, other than caster, within 6" of caster is Healed on a 6.
Fortify Health: Casts on 9+. Cast at the beginning of any phase. Caster counts as having +1 W this phase. At the end of the phase, he loses the +1 W this ability gave him; if this would bring him down to 0 Wounds, it brings him down to 1 Wound instead. Multiple instances do not stack.
Turn Undead: Casts on 9+, at the start of any Shooting Phase. Range 6", requires LOS. Target unit consisting of majority Undead must take a Morale Test(even if Fearless). If the test fails, the unit falls back, losing Fearless until they regroup. They cannot be pursued by a sweeping advance if they flee from melee combat this way.
Mara's Embrace: Casts on 10+ during your movement phase. Target model, other than caster, within 6" of caster is Healed on a 6. Alternatively, you may target a model with a Wounds characteristic of 1 in a Core unit from this army book. Roll a d6. On a 6, a slain model in that unit of the exact same profile as the model targeted is immediately placed back in that unit, and may perform all actions as normal this turn. This cannot bring back a model that has not already been slain. This alternative effect may only revive on model in each of your units per turn.
Arkay's Chastisement: Casts on 12+. Shooting attack, Fire and Charge 1, template. A unit hit by this weapon must take a Leadership test on the lowest value available. If the test is failed, the unit suffers a number S5AP0 flame hits that ignores Feel No Pain equal to the number of Undead models hit by the template, with all wounds allocated against Undead models in the unit. If the unit consists entirely of Undead and failed the Leadership test, the unit must fall back, losing Fearless until they regroup. They cannot be pursued by a sweeping advance if they flee from melee combat this way.
Finesse: Casts on 13+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Weapon Skill this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Aim: Casts on 13+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Ballistic Skill this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Might: Casts on 13+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Strength this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Resilience: Casts on 13+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Toughness this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Quicksilver: Casts on 13+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 basic movement speed and charge range this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Nimbleness: Casts on 13+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Initiative this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Wisdom: Casts on 13+. Any time. Every model in caster's unit counts as having +1 Magicka at the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Grace of the Nines: Casts on 14+. Any time. Target friendly unit within 12" becomes Immune to Fear, Terror and Panic this turn.
Shout to Talos: Casts on 18+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Strength and +1 Weapon skill this phase. Multiple instances do not stack.