Scrollhammer: Warriors of Elsweyr
by Duke
History[edit | edit source]

Along the southern heart of Tamriel lays a land eroded, but stubbornly standing before the passage of time. Known as Elsweyr, the desert-ridden kingdom once bore the capital off all Tamriel, and stretched across a huge swath of the continent, even before the rise of the eldest of mer. This period of strength and unification has long since passed- now the sandy peaks and hills only bear eroded husks of cities destroyed by locals and disease. In many ways Elsweyr is a land of conflict, of confusion and uncertainty. The land itself changes from gentle, lush forests to moisture-sucking desert as one moves along it's length. More importantly, it is home to the beastmen Khajiit, who are primarily to blame for the regions undiluted chaos. Power-struggles among the locals are innumerate and bloodthirsty, racial conflicts threatening to thin out the Khajiiti people each passing of the moons. Only by the careful guiding hand of the Mane, the holy king, does the region survive.
Before the widespread Khajiit kingdoms, before the harmonious cooperation and control of all Tamriel, the Clan Mothers speak of the deities that gave the Khajiit life. Before the dawn of time, there existed only two gods, two litter mates- Ahnuur and Fadomai. These two beings gave birth to the first cat, Alkosh, who was given the guardianship of time. Pleased at their creation, Ahnuur and Fadomai brought forth more life into the world. Thus Khenarthi was created, to watch over the winds. Magrus, guardian of the son was too born, as well as Mara, and S'rendarr. Time once more slipped by and the liter-mates bathed in the happiness that was family. Still not satisfied they gave birth to a further litter- this time bearing Hircine of hunger, Merrunz of destruction, Mafala of the Clan mothers, Sangiin of blood and life, Sheogorath of insanity, and countless others. Growing tired of all these new beings, Anhurr decided to stop having children; further offspring would only dilute their own happiness and blood. The young beings convinced Fadomai that they need more brothers and sisters, so a final third liter was given birth, to the land and sea, the dusk and dawn, and the Moons and their motions. Anhuur caught wind of this, and angered, struck out at his liter-mate. Fearing for her children and life, Fadomai fled with these beings to the Great Darkness and hid, finally giving birth to Lorkhaj and Namiira. Growing old with age Fadomai realized that her time was soon over. She bid the Moons to be set into motion and guide her children, and protect them from their father's wrath. To her favored daughter Azurah, she granted her a grandchild who would become the Khajiit, blessed with many boons and gifts. Fadomai then passed away, and left these new creatures to live and prosper before Azurah.
So it passed that some Khajiit were led to the forests by the goddess, those fitted to climbing and moving about the foliage. Others were placed within the graze-lands to lead simple lives, others into the desert, where their strength and harsh mindset would most befit the wastes. Slowly as time advanced these new Khajiit prospered greatly, creating villages and farms, towns, and even later magnificent cities. In the early first Era the kingdom consisted of more than sixteen kingdoms, each holding countless cities and territory, spread out across most of Tamriel. All seemed well for the beastmen, united and prosperous as they were, until the sickness came. Angered at their homelessness, and loss of land, the slugfolk of Thras let loose a vile contagion onto all of man and mer. The sickness rolled across all of Tamriel, destroying civilizations and kingdoms as it went. Populations were decimated and cultures forever changed. For reasons unknown it struck the cat-people the hardest- nearly destroying their entire race over a period of few years. Where before the Khajiit had lived easy specialized lives, the survivors were forced into roles they never had chosen, polarizing their culture and changing the kingdom into only two separate states. Living in two very different regions, and bearing radically different mind-sets, Pellitine and Anequina were set for dire straights.
For centuries and centuries the Khajiit people became embittered and unhappy, forced to work for the very survival of their race. The northern desert-men were forced to live among now-empty deserts, striking out a living beneath sun and upon sand. Those to the south focused upon farming and trading with the kingdoms of man and mer, living easier and complacent lives. Time and time again the northern barbarians would congregate and plunge the region into war, opposing the soft and decadent states of the south. Two hundred years after the Great Sickness, the respective leaders of the territories came to a conclusion- the lands would have to unite or forever be doomed to death and conflict. Keirgo of Anequina and Eshita of Pellitine thus agreed to marry and attempt to congregate the two kingdoms- and for a time it succeeded. Mere years after the unification a great class struggle occurred, each clan and house fighting for dominance of the new land of Elsweyr. Vicious and heated conflicts became common-place, the nearby provinces nearly jumping in to try to stop the bloodshed. It is within this self-hatred a Khajiit appeared, bearing the name of Rid-T'har-ri'Datta. Moving through the land as a holy-man, the strange khajiit spoke of a way to grant all the clans and different cities power. This Mane thus created the pact of the bi-lunar shadow, granting power unto the north and south in a rotational power base. It was decreed that the southern city-dwellers, and nobles, would share power with the nomadic tribes and their chieftains, each in turn, based upon the phases of Masser and Secunda. Since this fateful day the holy Mane has been reborn upon the alignment of Masser and Secunda, to continue to lead the Khajiiiti people in all his wisdom, collected over his previous lives.
During the Fourth Era the moons of Masser and Secunda vanished, plunging the terrified Khajiiti people into chaos. Without the moons they were not able to see to it that the bi-lunar shadow be monitored, let alone enforced. Despite the Mane's best wishes Elsweyr teetered on the brink of new power struggles, new infighting and war. Two slow, agonizing years later the Moons rolled back into view, and the Thalmor announced they had used magic to restore them. Bolstered by this magnificent act, and growing support for the elves, the Khajiiti people over-threw the Imperial-backed government and did away with the Mane's leadership. For the first time in millennia the independent kingdoms of Anequina and Pelletine were reformed, and subsequently placed under the stern guidance of the Thalmor.
The Land of Elsweyr[edit | edit source]

The southern expanses of the Khajiiti Kingdoms are tropical rainforests and deep lush foliage and called Pa'alatiin to antiquity. Here glades and groves supporting sugarcane plantations have fostered a diverse and fertile sedentary agrarian society. The principle industries revolve around the cultivation of sugarcane and saltrice plantations. Despite this agriculture the south is also highly industrialized and urbanized with a strong tapestry of mercantilism. In fact, the Khajiit are said to have been amongst the very first widespread traders and had a well established system before the Atmorans had came to the shores of Tamriel in the late Merithic era. Perhaps as much because of the Tenmar forests in the far south this leads to a very different nature of the Pellitine's which is antithetical to the desert roaming nature of the Northern Khajiit. These people are said to be eminently civilized, niceties and pleasantries are paramount and they look to their northern neighbors in Anequina as barbarians. However, they are widely decried as decadent and depraved in the North, and there is some truth to this in that Skooma and Moon sugar have taken their toll socially in places such as Rimmen.
The term Khajiit is said to have come from two principle words, Khaj meaning desert, and iit which is the suffix meaning 'one who does'. There is an old saying for them that there is nothing to do in the desert but walk, which allows them their name Khajiit, 'desert striders'. The Khajiit that live in these straits are typically nomadic though a number of cities exist, generally along the Cyrodiil and Valenwood borders. The northern cities tend not to be quite as inhabited as the sedentary south but this has made them centers of trade and travel not habitation. Despite this close proximity there has been no more of the Khajiit of Anequina to take advantage of chaos and expand their holdings into Cyrodiil at any time. The people are warlike and barbarous yet their mentality and legacy have ensured that they have never been externally conquered but dealt with by treaty. This has fostered a distinct independent and warrior like culture. Yet the expansionist ideals are minimal, allowing mostly for defense of their realm against slow encroaching aggressors like the Bosmer. They are derided in the south for being uncouth barbarians and the title isn't seen to be far wrong given the higher disposition of the more aggressive breeds as well as frequent raiding of neighboring areas. This may very well be a drive to survive given the nature of the harsh desert sands.
Khajiit Sub-Species[edit | edit source]

The Khajiit are bound to the mystical force called the Lunar Lattice, or ja'Kha'jay. Depending on the phases of Masser and Secunda, at their birth, a Khajiit will be marked and fated to grow into a particular subrace. At birth all Khajiit bear an uncanny resemblance to kittens. Over a mere few weeks they begin to grow and change rapidly, at the end of this time clearly showing their subrace.
Ohmes: (New Messer, Full Secunda)
Ohmes are short and wispy, greatly resembling the Bosmer of Valenwood. Because of the easy association, and the Khajiit dislike for Bosmer, the Ohmes frequently tattoo their faces to resemble a feline-aspect. They are the most common form seen outside of the province of Elsweyr, taking advantage of other races' preference to their appearance to serve in positions of ambassadorship and trade.
Ohmes-raht: (New Messer, Waxing Secunda)
Ohmes-raht are potentially the most man-like in physiology and temperament, their only physical difference that of a short wispy layer of fur. Because they so greatly resemble man they are often mistaken for such at a distance.
Suthay: (New Messer, New Secunda)
Suthay are similar to Suthay-rahts in all respects, save that they are slightly smaller.
Suthay-raht: (New Messer, Waning Secunda)
The most common breed encountered in Cyrodiil, Morrowind and Skyrim, the Suthay-raht is man-like in size and strength, and for this reason make suitable warriors. The coloring of their fur varies wildly, in various different shades, some with or without spots and stripes. Suthay-raht are often referred to as "Ja'Khajiit" (meaning "kitten") by those of other races; this appellation often strikes the Khajiit as odd, said title being one of their names for Mehrunes Dagon. Like nearly all forms of Khajiit they walk upon the balls of their feet.
Cathay: (Waxing Masser, Full Secunda)
Greatly resemble the Suthay-raht. They are somewhat larger in stature and strength, and much more heavy set, comparable to a large Orc or Nord.
Cathay-raht: (Waxing Masser, Waxing Secunda)
Standing in at more than eight feet tall, Cathay-rahts are the most beastly and huge bipedal form of Khajiit. Their fangs and claws are much more prominent than their brethren, their body much more solid and heavily muscled. All Khajiit greatly value this subrace as bodyguards and heavy attack infantry, their sheer bulk and strength nearly unmatched by any man or mer. Other races have dubbed these Khajiiti 'Jaguar Men' for their signature morphology and frequent spotted fur.
Tojay: (Waxing Masser, New Secunda)
Live in the southern marshes and jungle regions of Elsweyr, as well as the Tenmar forest. Further study is required.
Tojay-raht: (Waxing Masser, Waning Secunda))
Probably a larger version of the Tojay. Further study is required.
Alfiq: (Waning Masser, Full Secunda))
Greatly resemble housecats in size and shape. Although rather diminutive they are just as intelligent as the other forms of Khajiit, if not more-so. They are unable to converse with their brethren but can frequently make their will known, in usual house-cat fashion. Alfiq are able to manipulate magicka and cast spells.
Alfiq-raht: (Waning Masser, Waxing Secunda))
Much larger than their Alfiq brethren, this subspecies weighs in at nearly sixty pounds. They are more lean and shorter haired than the Alfiq, giving them a skeletal appearance, and have something of a more man-like face. Alfiq-rahts are part magical in nature, which leads to them all being powerful spellcasters. Their magical might is only matched by their laziness.
Dagi: (Waning Masser, New Secunda)
A less-common form of Khajiit, Dagi live in the trees of the Tenmar Forrest. Due to their smaller size and light weight, they are able to dwell in the higher branches which even the Bosmer cannot reach. The Dagi have a natural affinity for magic, and are known spellcasters, a characteristic often taken advantage of in Khajiiti battle-tactics.
Dagi-raht: (Waning Masser, Waning Secunda)
Similar in all respects to the Dagi, while somewhat larger, however not overly so as they are able to dwell in higher tree branches, like the Dagi. It can be assumed that, like their smaller cousins, they are naturally skilled in the use of magic.
Pahmar: (Full Masser, New Secunda)
Greatly resemble tigers in morphology, though they frequently weigh a bit more. These loyal beasts are unable to speak, like the Alfiq, but like the tiny Khajiit are intelligent. Among the Khajiit it is thought there is no better companion then that of a Pahmar- not only for their devotion but also their immense strength and speed.
Pahmar-raht: (Full Masser, Waning Secunda)
Larger than the Pahmar. Stronger-set and weightier, but rather short-limbed and slow. Their ursine-like morphology makes them unsuitable as mounts. They probably prefer it that way.
Senche: (Full Masser, Full Secunda)
Seven feet tall at the shoulders, and weighing as much as twenty men, the Senche are the willing steeds of the Khajiit race. Though temper-minded the Senche's minds are slightly dull- they are not nearly as bright as the other subraces. This is not to say they are dumb- these Khajiit are well smarter than horses or dogs, or nearly any animal. Senche are very warm and protective toward their bipedal cousins.
Senche-raht: (Full Masser, Waxing Secunda)
Undoubtedly the most massive breed of Khajiit, Senche-rahts can grow to more than twice an Altmer's height, and weigh more than fifty men. They are built much more stocky than other Khajiit, with short front limbs, greatly resembling a bear in morphology. Their minds seem to have regressed as their bodies flourished leaving the beasts rather dim-witted. They are gentle in disposition, making them ideal beasts of burden. During wartime they are frequently armored up and used as war platforms.
The Mane: (Moons Aligned)
A Mane can be born only under a rare alignment of Masser and Secunda when, according to legend, a third moon appears in the sky. In olden times, the Khajiit would shave off their own manes in deference to the Mane, braiding them into locks that he would incorporate into his own, gigantic mane. Over time, as the population grew, this ritual became impractical. Thus, while all Khajiit continue to remove their manes in deferential respect, they do so largely as a symbolic sacrifice, disposing of the shorn locks. The current Mane, however, continues to wear the braids of his own tribe, as well as those of his Warrior Guard, which encompasses hundreds of Khajiit. In fact, so weighted down by the hair of his kinsmen is he that the Mane cannot move without aid, and travels about the countryside by means of a Cathay-raht supported palanquin.

Army[edit | edit source]
More than any other race, or Kingdom, or provenance, the Khajiit are raiders and skirmishers of utmost excellence. They are a terror to match in combat, for the beastmen hold no concept of a fair-fight, nor any shred of resemblance to orthodox fighting tactics. Nor can one approach them in a wholly usual fashion- with the twenty-some subraces fighting in their own specialized fashions. Small house-cat like Khajiit glide across the ground silently, hurling fireballs and arcs of lightning, disappearing into oblivion in the blink of an eye. Great tiger-beasts as large as mammoths roll across the sands, laden with quilted canvas and wooden shields, biting men in half with casual ease. And beneath all this chaos comes the real threat- the vicious and hard-hitting Cathay and Suthay, striking hard with throwing weapons and spear, darting around the enemy and striking wherever weakness shows. The Khajiiti people don't believe in wearing heavy armor, not at all- within the uncaring, moisture-sucking land of Elsweyr it is hardly intelligent. Instead they garb themselves in boiled leathers, thin-lacquered plates, or stride into combat with only their silky garbs covering their chest-fur. Their armament and weapons are only further bolstered by their physiology- each and every subrace of Khajiit can see in the dark perfectly, blessed by Azurah. Under the veil of night they are able to strike when other forces are helpless, only seeing the glowing, flashing eyes in the blackness, heard by the cracks of thrown weapons. Within the cover of darkness, where they were born and raised by the gods themselves, the Khajiit are without equal.
This book contains the rules for fielding the Warriors of Elsweyr in games of Scrollhammer.
General Rules[edit | edit source]
Khajiit Racial Traits:
All Khajiiti have Eye of Night (do not need to roll for night fighting). Most of the subspecies have Claws (open hands are considered Hand Weapons, duel wielded if both are open), sans for Ohmes and Ohmes-raht, both of whom are nearly human in form. Any bonus attack for having claws is not included in unit attributes unless otherwise noted.
Note that all Khajiiti that have a Beast unit type are Fleet of Foot.
Some units are reserved and cautious- they are not required to pile in to engage in close combat, only to remain in coherency. If they are Characters, they cannot take part in Challenges in any way(a Reserved model not fighting in a Challenge does not count as refusing the Challenge). So long as there are no enemy units adjacent to the reserved unit it may use ranged weapons and cast spells as though a separate unit, also being able to draw line of sight through the unit it is joined to.
Moon Sugar[edit | edit source]
At the start of the Khajiit player's turn they receive a DRUGS token for each Hero unit alive, deployed on the battlefield. Clan Mothers instead provide 2 tokens. At any time these tokens may be spent to increase the power of a Khajiit unit. For each token spent you may grant a target unit or target character one of the following bonuses. These effects last for the rest of that turn-
- +1 Weapon Skill and -1 Leadership
- +1 Strength and -1 Leadership
- +1 Initiative and -1 Leadership
While multiple different bonuses can be granted to the same unit the same modifier cannot be applied twice in the same turn. A khajiit player may also spend 3 DRUGS tokens at the same time on a single unit to provide a more powerful effect. If this is done the target Khajiit unit has a permanent -1 Ld penalty for the remainder of the game and gains one of the following special rules for the rest of that turn-
- Counter-Attack
- Feel No Pain
Unspent DRUGS tokens are lost at the start of the Khajiit player's turn, then new DRUG tokens are granted based on surviving deployed HQ units. Note that units that are not Khajiit (i.e. War Elephants) may not receive any bonuses from DRUG tokens- in this case only the crew would be effected.
Army List[edit | edit source]
Overview[edit | edit source]
The following is an outline for armies using this book:
Heroes: Noble, Chieftain, Clan Mother, Alfiq-raht(0-1)
Core: Warriors, Khajdar, Ohmes Skirmishers
Elite: Cathay, Hussars, Pahmar Pride, Goutfang Dos
Support: Dagi, Alfiq Jos, Battlecat, War Elephant
Heroes[edit | edit source]
Noble[edit | edit source]
The Nobles of Elsweyr are the politicians, diplomats, and leaders of the southern Khajiit cities. Nobles are not necessarily born to nobility, as it is more of a honorary title for a financially and politically powerful Khajiit. The paths to wealth are many in Elsweyr- trading, fighting, or even smuggling goods. Because they frequently have questionably legal methods of financial backing, these 'noble' are all-to-often targets of backstabbing and power attempts by rivals. Still, the common Khajiit look up to these men and women, to a degree. For they too were once part of the common rabble, only to claw their way up onto the top of the heap. It is only fitting that these opportunistic scoundrels form the high ranks of the Khajiit.
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Khajiit, Single Model
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | Cost |
Suthay | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 9 | 2 | 6+ | 50 |
Ohmes | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 2* | 9 | 3 | 6+ | 55 |
Ohmes-raht | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 2* | 9 | 4 | 6+ | 60 |
Suthay-raht | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 6+ | 60 |
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Claws (*The Ohmes and Ohmes-raht do not have claws), Leather Armor.
Spells: None
Special Rules:
The noble may be upgraded to a Great Noble for +20 pts. This provides the hero with +1 Ld and +1W.
The noble may replace his or her hand weapon with:
- Spear +4 pts
- Javelins +6 pts
The noble may replace his or her shield with an additional hand weapon for free
A noble may take one of the following:
- Shield or Second Hand Weapon +6 pts
- Longbow or Shortbow +6 pts
A noble may purchase:
- Throwing weapons +6 pts
A noble may replace items in both hands with:
- Halberd +8 pts
- Quarterstaff +10 pts
- Greatsword +14 pts
- Battle Axe +14 pts
A noble may upgrade any number of his or her weapons to the following:
- Silver +2 pts per weapon
- Glass +6 pts per weapon
- Ebony +10 pts per weapon
- Daedric +25 pts per weapon (Great Noble only)
A noble may replace his or her armor with:
- Battle Garb +6 pts
- Banded Mail +10 pts
- Glass Armor +18 pts
A noble may be mounted on a senche for +40 pts.
A noble may be mounted on a War Elephant for +155 pts. If so, he loses Independent Character and becomes a Character instead. He becomes Monstrous Cavalry, and the War Elephant grants him +1 Toughness and +1 Leadership. The War Elephant is a Monstrous Creature with the following rules:
Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Mg Sv War Elephant 4 0 6 6 5 2 4 6 0 4+
- Special Rules: Causes Terror, Stubborn
- Implacable: The Elephant is naturally durable and additionally armored with quilted canvas and maille. This all provides it with a 4+ armor save.
- Tamed Monster: War Elephants have the Bestial Instinct special rule, but while the Handler is alive, they may make any Leadership tests (even those required to be made on their own value) on the Handler's value instead.
- The War Elephant may
- Upgrade its armor to Banded Mail for +20 pts, increasing the armor save to 3+.
- Upgrade to petulant, for +10 pts. When rolling for charge distance Petulant elephants roll four dice and select the three highest. When charging through cover simply roll three dice.
A mounted noble may take a lance for +10 pts. A mounted noble, if an Independent Character, may join a unit riding the same mount as himself/herself.
A noble may take up to three spells from this book's spell list as follows:
- Destruction Spells, casting cost 9+ or lower: +8 pts each
- Alteration Spells, casting cost 9+ or lower: +8 pts each
- Bound Weapon Spells: +8 pts each
- Restoration Spells, casting cost 9+ or lower: +8 pts each, (Great Noble only)
A noble may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
One noble may bear the army's Battle Standard for +35 pts, if the army contains another Hero choice. A Great Noble may not take the Battle Standard.
A noble may take up to 60 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate. A Great Noble may take any number of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Chieftain[edit | edit source]

The far north end of Elsweyr is home to warbands and nomadic tribes. Basic daily activities for these folk are a great strain, sometimes even a literal struggle, leaving many bitter and harried. Rival tribes are fought, wild-life hunted, and goods scrapped from the decaying husks of the once great civilization of Elsweyr. Within this realm these Khajiit are led by their chieftains. Born and raised to be warriors and leaders to their clans, these men and women fight for well-being and glory of their people. While not leading their men into war, or settling disputes, chieftains are able to be challenged by their clan-mates. This is normally a rare occurrence due to the high amount of respect chieftains command, but as a result these figures are only the most grizzled and capable of Khajiit warrior.
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Khajiit, Single Model
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv | Cost |
Suthay | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 9 | 2 | 4+ | 60 |
Suthay-raht | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 9 | 2 | 4+ | 65 |
Cathay | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 2 | 4+ | 75 |
Cathay-raht | 5 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 8 | 2 | 4+ | 85 |
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Claws, Shield, Battle Garb.
Spells: None
Special Rules: Stubborn
The chieftain may be upgraded to a Great Chieftain for +20 pts. This provides the hero with +1A and +1W.
The chieftain may replace his or her hand weapon with:
- Spear +4 pts
- Javelins +6 pts
The chieftain may replace his or her shield with an additional hand weapon for free.
A chieftain may take one of the following:
- Second Hand Weapon +6 pts
- Longbow or Shortbow +6 pts
A chieftain may purchase:
A chieftain may replace items in both hands with:
- Halberd +8 pts
- Greatsword +14 pts
- Battle Axe +14 pts
- Warhammer +16 pts
A chieftain may upgrade any number of his or her weapons to the following:
- Silver +2 pts per weapon
- Glass +6 pts per weapon
- Ebony +10 pts per weapon
- Daedric +25 pts per weapon (Great Chieftain only)
A chieftain may replace his armor with:
- Banded Mail +6 pts
- Glass Armor +12 pts
- Daedric Armor +30 pts (Great Chieftain only)
A non Cathay/Cathay-raht chieftain may be mounted on a senche for +40 pts.
A Cathay or Cathay-raht chieftain may be mounted on a battlecat for +95 pts.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Cathay | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4(5) | 2 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 2 | 4+ |
Cathay-raht | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4(5) | 2 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 2 | 4+ |
Battlecat | 4 | 0 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 0 | 5+ |
- Special rules:
- Monstrous Creatures, ridden as Monstrous Fast Cavalry. A Chieftain mounted on a Battle-cat loses Independent Character, becoming a Character instead. The Battle-Cat gives him +1 Toughness.
- Supreme Predator: The Senche-raht causes Fear. Against horse Cavalry, it causes Terror. The Senche-raht has the movement speed of Fast Cavalry, while retaining the other rules of a Monstrous Creature.
- Handler: If the rider is slain, the Battle-Cat gains the Frenzy special rule. When hits or effects are directed between the two models, the rider is hit on a d6 1-3, rather than merely a 1-2.
A mounted chieftain may take a Lance for +10 pts. A mounted chieftain, if an Independent Character, may join a unit riding the same mount as himself/herself.
A chieftain may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
One chieftain may bear the army's Battle Standard for +35 pts, if the army contains another Hero choice. A Great Chieftain may not take the Battle Standard.
A chieftain may take up to 80 pts of magic items from the armory where appropriate. A Great Chieftain may take any number of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Clan Mother[edit | edit source]
Where the Nobles and Chieftains see to the bodily and mental needs of the people, the enigmatic Clan Mothers provide spiritual support for the Khajiit. These elderly women easily hold the most power among the Khajiit- for not only do they whisper of the teachings and lessons of Ahnurr and Fadomai, and of past myths and legends, but also see to the production and manufacture of the beloved Moon Sugar. Not even the Mane, or leader of the Khajiit is above the Clan Mothers in power- should they widely voice disapproval over a Mane's action it is immediately redacted. Beloved and immensely respected by the Khajiiti, the words and teachings of the Clan Mothers are regarded as law.
While not a warrior per se, Clan Mothers are fully capable of marching out with their Khajiit clan. During battle these elderly Khajiit compliment the mainstay infantry with spells and commands, also providing much needed leadership.
140 pts (160 pts for Old Mother)
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Khajiit, Single Model
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Clan Mother | 3 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 9 | 6 | -(5++) |
Old Mother | 3 | 5 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 10 | 6 | -(5++) |
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Claws, Robes (Unarmored clothing).
Spells: Any combination of four spells from Mysticism or Restoration
Special Rules: Fearless, Reserved
Lessons of the Ancestral Mother: Clan Mothers may re-roll one dice each player turn and have a 5+ invulnerable save. If they are joined by a unit this reroll may be used for either the Clan Mother or the joined unit.
The clan-mother may replace her hand weapon with:
- Wizard’s staff +6 pts
A clan mother may purchase:
- Leather Armor +2 pts
- Battle Garb +6 pts
- Glass Armor +10 pts
A clan mother may be mounted on a senche for +40 pts.
A mounted clan mother, if an Independent Character, may join a unit riding the same mount as herself.
A clan mother may take up to three additional spells from this book's spell list as follows:
- Alteration Spells, casting cost 13+ or lower: +6 pts each
- Restoration Spells, casting cost 9+ or lower: +8 pts each
- Mysticism Spells, casting cost 13+ or lower: +8 pts each
- Any Alteration Spell +10 pts
- Any Restoration Spell +15 pts
- Any Mysticism Spell +15 pts
A clan mother may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
A clan mother may take any number of magic items from the armory where appropriate.
Alfiq-raht[edit | edit source]

Similar to the Alfiq, the Alfiq-raht is an immensely rare and uncommon form of Khajiit. In stature they are very similar to their smaller brethren, and equally intelligent. The main difference is that of their size- while the smaller Alfiq might be as much as twenty pounds, this particular kind weighs easily thrice that.
In the presence of an Alfiq-raht it quickly becomes apparent that the beast is somewhat otherworldly. A mage might note the crackling nimbus of energy surrounding the thing, a warrior the intense glint in their eyes. Both observations would be acute- while the Alfiq-rahts are laziest among lazy forms of Khajiit, they are also surprisingly powerful spellcasters. That's not to say their services are easy to acquire - to beckon the beasts into combat or servitude they must first be heavily bribed by other Khajiit, doted upon with Moon Sugar and trinkets. When they are actually convinced to enter battle they are a spectacle to behold- gliding along the ground with graceful ease, silently dishing out impressive feats of magick, even hopping between Mundus and Oblivion seemingly at will.
100 pts
Hero. Independent Character, Skirmish, Fast Beast, Khajiit, Single Model
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Alfiq-raht | 2 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 8 | 5+ |
Wargear: Claws
Spells: Flames, Chain Lightning, Levitate, Ward
Special Rules: Reserved
The Second Barrier (an Alfiq-raht's armour save may not be made worse than 5+)
Nirnwalk: At any time during your turn you may announce the Alfiq-raht will nirnwalk, displacing itself from the mortal realm. This requires 2 Power Die to be spent but otherwise automatically succeeds. The Alfiq-raht is then moved to join a different friendly unit within 12" of its last position. This may only be done once per turn. If the Alfiq-raht is silenced or otherwise gains an effect that does not allow spellcasting it may not Nirnwalk.
An Alfiq-raht may take up to three additional spells from this book's spell list as follows:
- Any Alteration Spell +8 pts
- Any Destruction Spell +20 pts
- Any Illusion Spell +20 pts
- Any Mysticism Spell +10 pts
- Any Restoration Spell +8 pts
- Destruction Spells, casting cost 13+ or lower: +10 pts
- Illusion Spells, casting cost 13+ or lower: +10 pts
- Summon Scamp (cast on 4+) +10 pts
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +15 pts
- Summon Dremora (cast on 9+) +20 pts
- Summon Clannfear (cast on 11+) +30 pts
- Summon Frost Atronach (cast on 12+) +30 pts
- Summon Storm Atronach(cast on 15+) +50 pts
- Summon Dremora Lord (cast on 22+) +130 pts
An Alfiq-raht may be given a Guardian Stone Blessing for +10 pts.
An Alfiq-raht may purchase any amount of magic items from the armory where appropriate- though it may only purchase rings and amulets.
Core[edit | edit source]
Warriors[edit | edit source]

The mainstay bulk of Elsweyr Forces, most frequently these warriors are the race of Suthay-raht. While on average slightly less imposing than some Orcs or Nords, the innate ferocity and natural claws easily make up for this. The armament and gear of Khajiit very greatly by clan and region, though they normally wear light leather armor and use curved swords, spears, or their claws. The Elsweyr Warrior's preferred tactic is to hit hard and fast at night when other races are at a disadvantage.
6 pts per model. Core. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Khajiit. 10-30 models per unit.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Suthay-raht | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Dro | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 1 | 6+ |
Special Rules: Fleet of Foot
Dro are Characters.
Wargear: Hand Weapon and Claws, Leather Armor.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Dro(+1 A, +1 LD) for +6 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +6 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician(can always rally) for +6 pts
- Upgrade Leather Armor to Battle Garb (5+ save) for +1 pt per model
The entire unit may:
- Replace hand weapon with spears for +1 pt per model
- Take an additional hand weapon for +1 pt per model
- Take shields for +1 pt per model
- Take shortbows for +2 pt per model
The Dro may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Khajdar[edit | edit source]

The Khajdar, or Desert Walkers, are the warriors of the deep desert. Dwelling where no other man or mer can live, the Khajiit live off of the inhospitable land, carving out an existence in the dunes and flats. It is there they live an excruciatingly difficult life - slaying monstrous beasts for food, trawling the sands for precious water, and occasionally fighting opposing clans. These Khajiiti are also naturally exceptionally skilled desert warriors. Often they appear out of the howling sands with little to no warning, striking down interlopers that tread upon Elsweyr. During large incursions the Khajdar will form a warband with their Chieftain and besiege enemies under the cover of night.
8 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Khajiit. 10-20 models per unit.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Suthay-raht | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Dro | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 1 | 6+ |
Special Rules: Fleet of Foot, Scout
Dro are Characters.
Veil of Darkness: Should the Core of a Khajiit army consist of 75% or more Khajdar, and the Khajiit army goes first, the Khajiit player may declare it to be Night Fighting the first turn if the scenario uses that ability.
Wargear: Dual hand weapons
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Dro(+1 A, +1 LD) for +6 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +6 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician(can always rally) for +6 pts
- Upgrade Leather Armor to Battle Garb (5+ save) for +1 pt per model
The entire unit may replace a hand weapon with:
- Spear for +1 pt per model
- Shield for +1 pt per model
The entire unit may:
- Take shortbows for +1 pt per model
- Take throwing weapons for +1 pt per model
The Dro may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Ohmes Skirmishers[edit | edit source]

Due to their natural agility and small size, Ohmes make ideal skirmishing infantry. The nimble Khajiit are able to dance around larger forces, peppering them with stones and arrows. Their strongest skill is not straight-up fighting however but trap-laying. Ohmes are masters of hiding themselves in foliage, laying wait in ambush for enemies to pass by. Upon receiving a signal they are than able to sprint out of cover in the ground and take foes by surprise, often outflanking them entirely. This ambush role can compliment Cathay or Suthay-raht well- once the initial lines meet the Ohmes can sandwich the unsuspecting foe, or simply attack first to set up a charge for allies. When used well they can throw enemy forces entirely into disarray.
7 pts per model. Core. Skirmish, Infantry, Khajiit. 10-20 models per unit.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Ohmes | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Dro | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 1 | 6+ |
Special Rules: *Clawless, Fleet of Foot
Dro are Characters.
Ambushers: Ohmes are master trap layers, expertly able to lay in wait and take enemy forces by surprise. The unit (and any joined characters) may be kept in reserve to Ambush. When an Ambushing unit arrives from reserve, designate a spot at least 4" from enemy units. The unit takes an Initiative Test. On a success, the unit is deployed at the position of the token and may still perform all actions as normal this turn. On a failure, the ambush goes wrong and the unit is destroyed.
Ohmes can only Ambush with joined characters that are Alfiq, Alfiq-raht, or Ohmes.
Wargear: Hand Weapon, Shield.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Dro(+1 A, +1 LD) for +5 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +5 pts
- Take leather armor (6+ Light Armor) for +1 pt per model
The entire unit may:
- Take an additional hand weapon for +0.5 pts per model
- Replace hand weapon with spears for +0.5 pts per model
- Take throwing weapons for +0.5 pt per model
- Take javelins for +1 pt per model
- Take shortbows for +1 pt per model
The Dro may take up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Elite[edit | edit source]

Jaguar Men[edit | edit source]
Dubbed Jaguar Men by the Imperials, the ferocious Cathay are among the largest and beefiest bipedal Khajiit. Each stands nearly seven feet tall and are heavily muscled, their claws and teeth more prominent than the other subspecies. The Khajiit favor them as personal bodyguards or shock-and-awe troops, frequently giving them heavier armor and great weapons. When properly equipped the Cathay are a force to be reckoned with - and it's for this reason that the Mane favors them as Warrior Guard.
13 pts per model. Elite. Fight in Ranks, Infantry, Khajiit. 10-20 models per unit.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Cathay | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 1 | 4+ |
Dro | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 9 | 1 | 4+ |
Wargear: Hand weapon, Shield, Battle Garb.
Special Rules: Cause Fear, Fleet of Foot.
Dro are Characters.
The entire unit may:
- Replace shields with an additional hand weapon for free
- Upgrade one model to Dro(+1 A and Ld) for +11 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +8 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician(can always rally) for +8 pts
- Upgrade Battle Garb to Splint Mail (4+ save) for +2 pt per model
- Upgrade Battle Garb to Glass Armor (4+ save) for +5 pt per model
The entire unit may replace Hand Weapons with:
- Spears +1 pt per model
- Javelins +1 pt per model
The entire unit may replace both hands with:
- Halberds +3 pt per model
- Greatswords +3 pt per model
- Warhammers +3 pt per model
The entire unit may upgrade all weapons to Glass for +2 pts per model
The entire unit may take up to 10 pts of magic upgrades to weapons or armor. If this is done all the Cathay must be similarly equip.
The Dro may take up to 20 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.

Hussars[edit | edit source]
Rather then using horses Khajiit instead use the Senche- massive tiger-like beasts, for transportation and warmounts. Each Senche is staggeringly massive, some larger than draft horses in both size and weight. The beasts intellect also makes them perfectly suited as steeds. Despite their bestial stature they are equally as intelligent as their bipedal brothers and sisters. On the battlefield their handlers can whip the Senche into a frenzy, carried forth by them across the battlefield on large hops and strides. There is no more frightening cavalry then the senche- claws and teeth flashing and tearing apart foes with alarming ease. The so called Desert Riders also make fine anti-cavalry units due to the beasts very scent frightening horses.
20 pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Cavalry, Khajiit. 5 to 15 models per unit. May only be joined by Independent Characters who are also riding Senche.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Rider | 3 | 3 | 3(5) | 3(4) | 1 | 5 | 1(2) | 7 | 1 | 6+ |
Wargear: Hand Weapon and Shield.
Special Rules: (Fleet of Foot)
Predators: This unit causes Fear to Cavalry units mounted on horses.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +12 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician(can always rally) for +12 pts
- Take Leather Armor (6+ save) for +2 pts a model
- Take Battle Garb (5+ save) for +4 pts a model
The entire unit may replace their Hand Weapon and Shield with:
- Dual hand weapons for free
- Javelins and Shield +1 pts per model
- Shortbow +2 pts per model

Pahmar Pride[edit | edit source]
Smaller than the Senche, Pahmars greatly resemble lions and tigers in shape and size. Though they may not be ridden as mounts by the Suthay-raht, or similar Khajiit, they instead form large packs and act as a fast-attacking infantry unit. Their ferocity is unmatched by the other subraces- the Pahmar are bestial enough, and mean enough to let their instincts wholly take over in combat. It is on battlefields that they pounce into enemy infantry amid feral cries and howls, teeth and claws searching for weak spots in armor, exposed vital points. Nearly no infantry can stand before an angry pack of Pahmar and not be torn asunder.
16 pts per model. Elite. Horde, Beast, Khajiit. 5-15 models per unit.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Pahmar | 3 | - | 4 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 2* | 6 | 2 | - |
Alpha | 3 | - | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 3* | 7 | 2 | - |
Wargear: Claws (*Already included in profile)
Special Rules: Furious Charge, Rending
Protect the Little One: The unit automatically succeeds Look Out, Sir! rolls directed toward a joined Khajiit character that is not Cathay or Cathay-raht.
Alphas are Characters.
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Alpha (+1 A, +1 Ld) for +15 pts
- If an Alpha is taken, the entire unit may likewise be upgraded to Alphas for +4 pts a model
Alphas may take up to 15 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory, but only rings or amulets.
Dos[edit | edit source]
The Khajiit have long been captured and traded as slaves by the other races, torn from their homes and forever placed into servitude. As a result the felines take the topic of self-defense very seriously. Complimented by their natural claws, Khajiit have mastered forms of martial arts over centuries of worry. Many styles have been created, including Goutfang, Whispering Fang, and Rawlith Khaj.
In various places within Elsweyr there exist monasteries of monks, those that practice and teach the use of these martial arts. It is somewhat uncommon for the warrior monks to leave the monasteries. Under times of great need or cajoling they might set out to join another fighting unit. The most common battlefield style is that of Goutfang, which teaches how to make short work of infantry, either by tearing open vital spots or transmitting force through armor.
Though less common, Whispering Fang and Rawlith Khaj are equally as lethal as Goutfang. Whispering Fang teaches the art of making sudden and viciously fast attacks from a stand-still, striking down an enemy, hard, before they can even react. Rawlith Khaj is more of a self-defense style than the others- normally it teaches the non-lethal subduing of a foe, pinning them or deflecting oncoming attacks. Although this one is mostly passive it can still be butchered into an offensive style by breaking joints and limbs.
Regardless of the style, Dos warriors are able to form an impassible line of infantry, shielding weaker portions of an army with expert fighting skills and stubborn toughness.
20 pts per model. Elite. Skirmish, Infantry, Khajiit. 8-20 models per unit.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Dos | 5 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 8 | 2 | -(6++) |
Champion | 5 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 2 | -(6++) |
Wargear: Claws, Monk Robes (6++ save).
Special Rules: Stubborn.
Champions are Characters.
Fighting Disciplines: Select which of the following styles for the unit to have-
- Goutfang: The unit gains Critical Strike
- Whispering Fang: The unit gains Counter-attack and +1 I
- Rawlith Khaj: The unit Ignores Armor in melee
The entire unit may:
- Upgrade one model to Champion(+1 A) for +8 pts
- Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +8 pts
- Upgrade one model to Musician(can always rally) for +8 pts
- Upgrade Monk Robes to Battle Garb (5+ save) for +3 pt per model
The entire unit may take:
- Quarterstaves for +6 pts per model
- Throwing weapons for +2 pts per model
The Champion may take up to 15 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Support[edit | edit source]
Dagi[edit | edit source]

Dagi are small and nimble Khajiit native to the Tenmar Forest. These Khajiit are able to swing from tree to tree, flinging themselves between cover with surprising alacrity. The beasts are somewhat unrefined and uncivilized, sharing many quirks and personality traits with monkeys. Still, they are natural at using bow, throwing weapons, and even rocks from the canopy. Dagi are also naturals with a few schools of magic such as Destruction and Illusion. Many a foe has suddenly had fire reigned down upon them from treetops by until-then unnoticed Dagi.
10 pts per model. Support. Skirmish, Infantry, Khajiit. 10-20 models per unit.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Dagi | 3 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 2 | 8 | 3 | - |
Special Rules: Hit and Run, Fleet of Foot, Stealth (+1)
Woodland Swing: Dagi have Move Through Cover while passing through woods and jungle.
Wargear: Claws.
Spells: Firebolt, Flames.
One model per unit may be upgraded to Dro (+1 Ld) for +6 pts.
Upgrade one model to Standard Bearer(+1 to combat resolution) for +6 pts
Upgrade one model to Musician (can always rally) for +6 pts
The entire unit may:
- Replace either spell with Shortbows for free
- Replace both spells with Longbows for free
- Take javelins for +1 pt a model
- Take daggers for +1 pt a model
- Take shields for +1 pt a model
- Take Leather armor (6+) for +1 pt a model
- Take longbows for +2 pts a model
The entire unit may purchase up to two additional spells from destruction or illusion, with a maximum casting cost of 9+, for +2 pts a model
The Dro may be given up to 10 pts of magic items where appropriate from the armory.
Alfiq Jos[edit | edit source]

For a long time believed to not exist, Alfiq are a small subspecies of Khajiit that greatly resemble housecats. Despite their tiny size, and inability to speak, these beasts are remarkably intelligent. All of them are able to understand spoken words, though they seldom give any acknowledgement or attempt to communicate with the other subraces.
What is most remarkable about the Alfiq is their ability to use magic. Small as they are, contained within each is a mind comparable to any man or mer sorcerer, though much more lazy. When hired on to fight during wartime the tiny Alfiq follow around a unit of larger Khajiit, using their bigger brothers and sisters as literal meatshields, casting magic as needed.
45 pts per model. Support. Independent Characters, Fast Beast, Khajiit. 2-5 models per unit.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Alfiq | 2 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 5+ |
Wargear: Claws
Spells: Firebolt, Shock
Special Rules: Reserved
The Second Barrier (an Alfiq's armour save may not be made worse than 5+)
Fight Another Day: At the start of the Fight sub-step of any close combat phase you may have the Alfiq attempt to disengage from the unit it is joined to. Perform an initiative test for the Alfiq- on a success it immediately leaves the unit and moves 6" in a direction of your choosing, potentially joining a different unit in the process.
An Alfiq may take up to two spells from this book's spell list as follows:
- Any Alteration Spell +5 pts
- Any Destruction Spell +15 pts
- Any Illusion Spell +20 pts
- Any Mysticism Spell +10 pts
- Any Restoration Spell +5 pts
- Destruction Spells, casting cost 13+ or lower: +8 pts
- Illusion Spells, casting cost 13+ or lower: +8 pts
- Summon Scamp (cast on 4+) (+10pts) +10 pts
- Summon Flame Atronach (cast on 8+) +15 pts
- Summon Dremora (cast on 9+) +20 pts
- Summon Clannfear (cast on 11+) +30 pts
An Alfiq may purchase 20 points of magic items from the armory where appropriate- though it may only purchase rings and amulets.
Battlecat[edit | edit source]
The Senche-raht is the largest of all the sub-species of Khajiit, easily weighing the equivalent of fifty men. Wildly different in form than other Khajiit, they stand nearly twelve feet tall and are very heavily muscled, more reminiscent of a gorilla or bear than cat. Their front legs are also somewhat longer than the rear, giving them a plodding shuffle of a walk. The massive cats are surprisingly lax with their brethren- frequently serving as beasts of labor and muscle for odd jobs. It is in the battlefield, however, that the Senche-rahts truly shine. For in wartime the massive Khajiit are laden with wooden shields, thick quilted canvas, and ridden upon as mobile war platforms. From the height the litter-mate, or master, is able to goad the beast into viciously attacking any foes. Other riders balance along the rear of the Senche-raht with bow or spear, picking off stragglers that escape its wrath.
Senche-rahts have something of a history with fighting the Imperial Legion. After the very first encounters commanders became wary of the beasts, not only for their fighting prowess, but also because of the effect on horses. Native Cyrodilic equines seemed to nearly go insane at the sheer scent of the beasts. This, in addition to their ferocity, has led to the Imperial Guard to give them the moniker 'Battlecats'.
120 pts for Battlecat and riders. Support. Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Khajiit. Single Model (1 Senche-raht, 1 Litter-Mate, 2 Riders). (Monstrous Fast Cavalry).
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Litter-Mate | 4 | 2 | 3 | 3 (4) | 1 | 3 | 0 | 9 | 1 | 5+ |
Rider | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 (4) | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 1 | 5+ |
Senche-raht | 4 | 0 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 7 | 0 | 5+ |
Wargear: Riders have Shortbows and Battle Garb. The Litter-mate has Battle Garb and is unarmed.
Shields: The Senche-raht is protected by thick canvas and shields along the flanks. This provides it with a 5+ armor save.
Special Rules:
Supreme Predator: The Senche-raht causes Fear. Against horse Cavalry, it causes Terror. The Senche-raht has the movement speed of Fast Cavalry, while retaining the other rules of a Monstrous Creature.
Handler: If the Litter-Mate is slain the Senche-raht gains the Frenzy special rule.
War Platform: Attack and ranged hits are randomly distributed among the types of models- on 1- they strike the Litter-Mate, 2-3 the riders, and 4+ the Senche-raht.
The entire unit of Riders may upgrade their weapons to
- Glass +3 pts per Rider
The entire unit may be upgraded to
- Support, (for free). One of the riders is removed to make room for extra shields. This allows the unit to deploy a wooden platform once per game, after deployment or during your movement phase. The unit may not move or charge the turn the platform is deployed. Deploy a 5" long barricade within 3" of the Senche-raht. This counts as difficult terrain that provides a 5+ cover save for the remainder of the game.
- War, for +20 pts. The Senche-raht's, rider's, and litter-mate's armor are upgraded to Banded Mail, upgrading the armor saves to 4+. One of the riders may replace his shortbow with a Lance.
War Elephant[edit | edit source]
In addition to the Battle-cats, Khajiiti have also trained and tamed local Elephants. Much like the other beasts, these creatures are used for construction, safe travel, and for war. There are two different kinds native to Elsweyr- the larger desert ones and smaller, more intelligent ones native to Terromar and the northern grazelands. The massive Elephant's size rivals the weight of other similarly-used animals, such as mammoths and silt striders, making them terrors to behold in combat. Clever, tough, and immensely strong, they are quite able to carry a handful of Khajiit upon their backs in addition to heavy armor. Thick pocked hide covered with maille sheets makes them nearly impervious to harm. More often than not War Elephants are simply thrown into enemy formations with almost reckless wanton.
160 pts for War Elephant and riders. Support. Skirmish, Monstrous Creature, Khajiit(rider). Single Model (1 Mahavat, 3 Riders). (Monstrous Cavalry)
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Rider | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 (4) | 1 | 4 | 1 | 9 | 1 | 5+ |
Elephant | 4 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 0 | 4+ |
Wargear: Riders have Bows and Battle Garb. The Mahavat has no weapons and wears Battle Garb.
Implacable: The Elephant is naturally durable and is armored with both quilted canvas and maille. This provides it with a 4+ armor save.
Special Rules: Causes Terror, Stubborn
Handler: If the Mahavat is slain the Elephant must automatically take its Monster Reaction test(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook). The Mahavat may not make any attacks or fire weapons while he is alive- all of his attention is spent on keeping the beast under control.
Tamed Monster: War Elephants have the Bestial Instinct special rule, but while the Mahavat is alive, they may make any Leadership tests (even those required to be made on their own value) on the Mahavat's value instead.
The entire unit of Riders may upgrade their weapons to
- Silver +2 pts per rider
- Glass +4 pts per Rider
The War Elephant may
- Upgrade its armor to Banded Mail for +20 pts, increasing the armor save to 3+.
- Replace one rider, and all bows with a mounted Ballistae for +20 pts. This weapon fires with the following profile- Move And Fire, 36” range, S6 AP6, Multiple Wounds (d3), rolls 3d6 for armour penetration against buildings. For each unsaved wound(before multiplying) caused by a shot, resolve a hit at -1S -1AP against the closest model(randomly chosen if tied) in that same unit that is directly behind the wounded model(from the perspective of the shortest distance that can be fired between the Ballistae pieces and the unit being shot at). The Ballistae requires one rider (ignoring the handler) in order to fire.
- Add wrecking balls and chains to the tusks, for +20 pts. When charging(but not counter-attacking), the War Elephant automatically inflicts an additional d3 hits against the enemy. This occurs regardless of whether or not it is allowed a charge bonus.
- Upgrade to petulant, for +10 pts. When rolling for charge distance Petulant elephants roll four dice and select the three highest. When charging through cover simply roll three dice.
Special Characters[edit | edit source]
J'zargo[edit | edit source]

A powerful and arrogant sorcerer of rare caliber, J'zargo was a member of The College of Winterhold during the Skyrim crisis. Something of a complex fellow, the Khajiit was at times humble, mostly arrogant, and shared many outlooks of the dead Dunmer house of Telvanni. In his own words, J'zargo felt that he needed to prove himself, due to Khajiit not being known as wizards. Whether or not this was true, he recklessly perused all forms of magic power available to him. Everything short of rituals and forbidden magic tests were used in his quest for power. In addition to his overbearing confidence, J'zargo was also highly competitive, using less-than-honest methods to rise in rank. For a time it seemed as though he would rise to become Archmage of the College. As luck would have it this turned out not to be the case.
210 pts. J'zargo can be taken as a replacement for an Alfiq-raht, or as a replacement for a Court Wizard in a Holds of Skyrim list that contains the Dovahkiin. Independent Character, Skirmish, Infantry, Khajiit, Single Model.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
J'zargo | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 10 | 7(9) | - |
Wargear: Magick Robes, the Fulmination
The Fulmination: Is a staff that causes all electric-type Destruction spells to strike at +1S.
- J'zargo may replace his robes with a personally enchanted suit of Ebony Plate (3+ armor save, 5+ ward save) for +40 pts.
Spells: Lightning Storm, Lightning Bolt, Flames, Lower Resists, Magicka Drain, Silence, Ward, Flame/Frost/Shock Shell.
Special Rules: Claws (Already included in profile), Fleet of Foot, Guardian Stone: The Mage
Great Scholar: While mages frequently carry ambitions of political power, J'zargo greatly eschews such practices, instead only wishing to grow in magical might. J'zargo is meticulously trained- he has +2 to his spellcasting rolls and worn armor does not give him Weakened Magicka.
The Mane[edit | edit source]

The Mane is a holy king of the Khajiit people, only born under the rare occurrence of an aligned Messa and Secunda. History tells that the first Mane to appear united class disputes among the Khajiiti people, prevented war, and instituted the two-moons-dance. All of the Khajiiti people look to the mane as a nearly divine being, and hold him in deepest regard. Such is their reverence for him that the Mane dwells within his own palace-city, known as Torval- a massive bastion made up of palaces, grown of Valenwood trees, surrounded by meadows and sugarcane gardens. Holy as the city is outsiders are not allowed to walk upon its streets.
Astronomer, prophet, and king, the Mane sees to it that Elsweyr prospers and the peace is kept. Since the coming of Rid-T'har-ri'Datta, the Manes have been the ones to measure and enforce the bi-lunar shadow of the two-moons-dance, or the seasonal passing of power from North to South. As can be expected this grants the Mane great political power- if need be a simple word could remove a noble from power, or shut down a clan. Naturally the Mane's words might be vetoed by large disapproval of the Clan-Mothers, but even then, the Mane holds great military power as well.
It is tradition among the Khajiit to shave their manes, and for the holy king to then braid these into his own massive hair-locks. Since time immaterial this has become impractical- though personal manes are still ritually shaved, the prophet now only bears the hair of his own warrior guard. Many hundred Khajiit in size, this clan is made up of only the most gnarled and physically strong Khajiiti. Sworn to serve him unto death, the mane's warrior guard are nearly warrior-slaves, possessionless, fighting for and protecting the Khajiiti with mindless passion.
Though the Mane seldom exposes himself to the rigors of war (Or his people would allow him to), there comes a time when the holy king himself must be called to battle. When such a thing happens his entire warrior clan marches into action. Cathay-rahts, Pahmar-rahts, Senche-raht, all are laden up with sacred gear and doted upon with many enhancing drugs. The mane himself is carried upon a massive stone Palanquin by countless Cathays, garbed in lacquered plates, bearing the sacred crown of Ja'Khajiit. Though no fighter by any definition, his personal guard are countless and unmatched, his mere presence able to whip the army into a fervor.
300 pts for Mane and Palanquin. Hero. Skirmish, Artillery, Khajiit. Single Model (1 Palanquin)
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
The Mane | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3(5) | 4 | 3 | 1 | 10 | 2 | 5+ |
Cathay-rahts | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4(5) | 10 | 3 | 2d6 | 8 | 1 | - |
Wargear: The Mane is equip with Battle Garb (5+) and carries Symbols of Office and the Mantle of Ja'Khajiit. The Cathay-rahts are equipped with a silver hand weapon and claws. Note that the Cathay-raht do not gain any bonuses for wielding two close combat weapons.
Symbols of Office: Count as two silver close combat weapons.
Mantle of Ja'Khajiit: The Mantle of Ja'Khajiit is an ancient Elven headrest that confers great powers upon the wearer. It provides The Mane with +1T, a 5+ ward save against Magick, and allows him to make a special shooting attack once per turn with the following profile:
- S4 AP5. Move And Fire 4, Range 24", Flame, spell damage.
Spells: None
Special Rules: Fear, Eternal Warrior
Great Palanquin: The Mane's palanquin is supported upon the backs of countless Cathay-raht, or jaguar men. Foes that come too close can be pawed and bit at by these Khajiit, and it also offers protection from its sturdy construction. These following rules apply-
- The Cathay-raht attack 2d6 times in melee and cannot gain a bonus for charging
- The Cathay-raht ignore the Critical Strike and Multiple Wounds special rules.
- If the Cathay-raht suffer an unsaved Wound from a Blast, Large Blast or Template weapon, each unsaved wound is multiplied to two unsaved Wounds.
- Marching is not allowed due to the extremely heavy Palanquin, and charge range is only 1D6", whether through cover or not.
- The Palanquin grants +1 toughness to its carriers and to the Mane himself
Leader of the Khajiit: The Mane is the official leader (As official as one can be, with the Clan Mothers) of Elsweyr, and as such holds the absolute loyalty and faith of his peers. All units within 12" may re-roll morale and tests to march within 9" of the enemy. Each turn the Mane also provides 4 DRUGS tokens instead of the usual 1.
Warrior Guard: Purchasing the Mane allows his Warrior Guard to be purchased. These units use the profiles of Jaguar Men, save that they cost 17 pts per model and are Core. Warrior Guard have +1A and Ld over the listed profile. Should the Mane be slain in combat, all Warrior Guard units gain the Hatred and Frenzy special rules for the remainder of the game.
Keirgo of Anequina[edit | edit source]
In the northern deserts of Elsweyr, there exists little but ruins and sand. The harsh lands of Anequina are home to desert wanderers and nomads. Only but a city or two remains in the land of Anequina- trade hubs that allow the spread of culture and goods to the otherwise barren region. The natives of the northern reaches are warlike and barbarous, stubborn and proud. Time and time again they have expanded outward to take land from the fringes of Cyrodiil and Pellitine, each time undefeated but pushed back by diplomacy.
In the early third era, the Khajiit of Anequina were united under a single warlord for the first time in centuries. Originally an unknown son from a small clan, Keirgo soon took control of his people and led them in war against his neighbors. Slowly at first, but with tremendous speed, the man forced all to join him or have their clan subjugated and disbanded. Stories abound of sacking entire clans and leaving but one survivor to spread the news. It became common for warrior bands to simply lay their weapons at his feet, or cities to surrender upon hearing of his arrival. By terror and clever stratagem the Cathay soon held all of Anequina under his control. After engaging in war with Cyrodiil and Pellitine for decades, the Cathay grew weary of the war between Khajiit, and formed a revolutionary plan with his enemy Eshita. Together they agreed to politically marry, in order to mend the strife and unite both kingdoms.
Upon looking at the Khajiit one would think nothing of a loyal leader, or clever strategist. Appearance haggard and scarred, motions fraught with twitches and after-effects of combat drugs, Keirgo looks more like a rabid gladiator than any form of king. It would not be remiss to assume he prefers it this way- his enemies only see the hulking scar-ridden form of a large Cathay, riding upon the back of an even more hulking Senche. Those that know the man personally could speak of his ambition, sense of duty, and bond made with fellow clanmates.
190 pts. Hero. Skirmish, Cavalry, Khajiit. Single model.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Keirgo | 6 | 4 | 4(6) | 5(6) | 3 | 5 | 3(4) | 8 | 2 | 5+ |
Wargear: Keirgo is equip with a Shield and Battle Garb. He rides a faithful Senche companion named Zhookr.
He has the following three artifacts:
- Ralib: Is a sword (hand weapon) that ignores armor.
- Gondion: Is a dagger with Critical Strike (5+).
- Carandini: Is an elvish battleaxe that strikes with +2S, +1 AP, deals Frost Damage, and is Unwieldy.
Spells: None
Special Rules: Feel No Pain(5+), Stubborn.
Young and Proud: Keirgo must always issue and accept challenges when possible. While in a challenge, he gets +1 to hit, and becomes Fearless.
War Spoils: Keirgo generates 2 DRUGS tokens each turn instead of 1.
Eshita of Pellitine[edit | edit source]
A polar opposite to the Northern Wastes, Pellitine is a lush and fertile land ripe with mercantilism. Lush with jungles and airy soil, the land's primary industry is that of sugarcane and saltrice plantations, grown along one of many powerful rivers. It is widely held that the region has been trading since before even the Atmorans had came to the shores of Tamriel in the late Merithic era. As a result of this quiet plantation life, and past of trading, the people of Pellitine are said to be wholly pleasant and civilized. This is equally true, especially when casting a blind eye toward the abundance of skooma and non-ritual moon sugar.
In the early third era, the normally peaceful lands of Pellitine were again shadowed by coming war. For years a band of warriors, led by Keirgo, had begun to amass and congregate into a massive warparty. In the upper nobility of Pellitine, this had long been ignored or looked down upon as an ignorable issue. Barbarians would kill barbarians like they always had, after all. Only one voice cast doubt to this outlook- that of the young Eshita. While she had a less distinguished past than other nobles, the young Ohmes-raht's voice rang true, and she had no trouble swaying others to prepare for war. As an ally and practitioner of Rawlith Khaj, the noble called upon the monasteries, and all able-bodied, to pick up arms and assemble for the inevitable. Soon her fears turned out to be correct- northern forces had mobilized and appeared before Corinthe, where they were soon met upon by the combined forces of Pellitine. Wild barbarians broke upon the ranks of calm Dos warriors, Khajiit killing Khajiit in a massive bloodbath. After this act the remaining nobles hastily agreed to name Eshita war-leader of Pellitine. She would go on to defend the southern cities from the north for decades. After growing weary of the bloodshed Eshita masterminded a plan. Meeting her enemy counterpart, Keirgo, they eventually agreed to marry politically and unite both kingdoms. For a short period of time the newly formed kingdom of Elsweyr knew only peace.
Fair-skinned and of Ohmes-raht build, Eshita is easily mistaken for a mer. A natural diplomat and leader, the female had a knack for politics and even fighting- from a young age Eshita had been given lessons in Rawlith Khaj. With discipline granted by training, and with lessons from Dos and parents, the young Khajiit was ingrained with an unparalleled sense of justice and honor. Soft-spoken and graceful, she was a beloved leader to the southern cities for nearly half a century. During wartime Eshita would often be joined by masters of martial arts, who looked to her as a pronouncedly benevolent figure, one worth giving their lives for.
180 pts for Eshita and Retinue. Hero. Skirmish, Infantry, Khajiit. 5 models (Eshita, 3 Dos, and a Cathay).
Eshita and her bodyguards act together as a single Independent Character, and as a unit among themselves, except while Eshita is in a challenge. Her bodyguards do not have the Precision ability, and cannot Look out Sir!, but may receive Look out Sir! hits, wounds and effects from Eshita. The bodyguards adopt the unit size and formation of the unit Eshita is attached to.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Mg | Sv |
Eshita | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 10 | 2 | 5+ |
Dos | 5 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 5+ |
Cathay | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 8 | 2 | 5+ |
Wargear: Eshita is equip with a Hand Weapon, Dagger, and Battle Garb. The Dos wear Battlegarb and use Staves of Peace, and the Cathay uses Battle Garb and a Silver Warhammer.
Spells: None
Special Rules: Stubborn, Eshita has Guardian Stone: The Serpent.
Voice of Command: Friendly units within 12" of Eshita are Stubborn.
Wealth of the South: Eshita generates 2 DRUGS tokens each turn instead of 1.
Equipment[edit | edit source]
Basic Equipment[edit | edit source]
The following is a list of the base items used by the Khajiit.
Banded Mail is Heavy Armor(4+).
Battle Garb is Light Armor(5+).
Leather is Light Armor(6+).
Priest Robes are unarmored clothing that provide their wearer with a 6+ Ward save (Or +1 to their ward save, should they have one).
Magick Robes are unarmored clothing that give +1 Mg.
Wizard's Staff is a staff which lets the bearer reroll 1 Power die per game turn(the second result must be kept).
Quarterstaff is a melee weapon that strikes at +1S, with no initiative penalty. Should the wielder be attacked by a model with lower WS the staff additionally confers a parry save. Two hands.
Katanas are 2-handed weapons that strike with +1 Strength, and have the Critical Strike special rule. If a Weapon Quality upgrade on a Katana would grant it additional Strength, it grants it additional Initiative instead. If a model must have an item type available (as a class of weapon as default wargear or an upgrade) in order to purchase item, upgrades or artifacts of that type, Katanas as unit options are available to models that can take either Katanas or Greatswords(assuming that the unit can take a particular Katana as an upgrade, that is).
Hand Crossbows are 1-handed shooting weapons. S3AP1, Fire and Charge 1, Range 6". If a Hand Crossbow is fired, it becomes Move and Fire 1 until the end of the controlling player's next turn, to represent the difficulty of quickly reloading it. They count as Hand Weapons(dual wieldable) in close combat.
Mounts[edit | edit source]
Senche: Models riding a Senche count as Cavalry. Their ferocity and bulk provides their riders with +2S and +1T, as well as providing an extra attack.
Senche-Raht: Count as Monstrous Fast Cavalry with or without riders. Mounted models get +1 T. Additional rules, as well as these, are found in their entries.
War Elephant: Count as Monstrous Cavalry with or without riders. Mounted models get +1 T.
- Tamed Monster: War Elephants have the Bestial Instinct special rule, but while the Handler is alive, they may make any Leadership tests (even those required to be made on their own value) on the Handler's value instead.
Additional rules, as well as these are found in their entries.
Magic Items[edit | edit source]
The Magic Items available to Warriors of Elsweyr are sorted into several categories. Classes of weapons, staves, light armor, heavy armor, and shields may only be taken by a model which is holding that type of item, and replaces the one he is holding. A model may take up to 3 consumables. Other items can be taken freely. Certain items may be further restricted to a particular model. Daedric Artifacts are included in the Artifacts supplement of the Core Rules, and are taken wherever specified for a model.
Items listed as upgrades are enchantments that may be taken as a bonus on a weapon that has not already been enchanted; their cost is in addition to any other costs for the item. Items not listed as upgrades are replacements; their full cost is whatever amount is marked, and they may not be upgraded further. (Replacements are only available to models which could take that class of item to begin with).
Weapons and Staves[edit | edit source]
Staff of Levitation. Staff. Bearer gets +4 to rolls to cast Levitation. +5 pts.
Hypha Weapon: Weapon has poison(5+) for +5 pts.
Flame Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Flame damage and has Shred. May be upgraded again to a Scald Weapon for +12 pts, granting it Multiple Wounds(d3).
Spark Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Shock damage and has Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be upgraded again to a Blasting Weapon for +12 pts, causing it to resolve a S3AP0 shock hit with Magicka Drain(1) against the enemy unit for each unsaved wound it inflicts(whose wounds generate further similar hits until no wounds are dealt).
Frost Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Weapon deals Frost damage, and models hit are Chilled until the end of next turn. May be upgraded again to a Cold Weapon for +12 pts, causing it to ignore armor saves.
Sickly Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +6pts. Weapon is Poisoned(5+). May be upgraded again to a Deathly Weapon for +6pts, causing it to be Poisoned(4+).
Wounding Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +8 pts. Enchanted weapon has Critical Strike.
Devil Weapon: Weapon upgrade for +14 pts. You may choose for this weapon to count as a Bound Weapon (instead of its normal rules) each time you use it. If you do, bearer has a 6+ Ward Save against shock damage until the beginning of your next turn.
Weapon of Striking: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. +1 to hit.
Weapon of Might: Melee weapons only, upgrade. +10 pts. +1 Strength.
Thornblade: Weapon upgrade for +10 pts. This weapon strikes with +3 AP.
Baadargo's Beatstick: Artifact. Hand weapon. +1 WS. Grants the bearer +2 S, except against models that have an enchanted helmet or an unmodified 4+ armor save (Discounting shields and other possible bonuses). +14 pts.
Staff of Reckoning: Staff. If wielder is casting spells with both hands on one of your turns, he may fire this magical shooting attack once in addition to those spells: Move and Fire 1, Range 18". Models hit get -1 WS, -1 BS, -1 I, and -1 Mg until the beginning of your next turn. +8 pts.
Staff of Peace: Staff. Enemy models in base contact with caster must make an Initiative check at the beginning of each Fight sub-phase. If they fail, they are Paralyzed until end of turn. +10 pts.
Merrunz Blade: Artifact, Dagger. Once per game may be used as though it were a claymore, and yet still only use one hand. +15 pts
Jinkblade: Sword or Dagger only, upgrade. +18 pts. Models hit are Paralyzed until the end of next turn.
Armor and Shields[edit | edit source]
Armour of Resist Element: Armour upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Armour of Elemental Negation for +15 pts, giving that same element -1 to wound against bearer.
Flame/Shock/Frost Guard Robe: Unarmored Clothing upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer has a 5+ Ward save (or +2 to his Ward Save) against that element. May be upgraded again to Flame/Shock/Frost Eater Robe for +15 pts, giving that element -1 to wound against bearer.
Armor of Resist Magic. Armor upgrade for +8 pts. Bearer has a 6+ Ward save (or +1 to his ward save) against spell damage.
Armor of Strength: Armor upgrade for +15 pts. Bearer has +1 S.
Shield of Warding: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Bearer may take an Initiative test each phase that he suffers one or more wounds from a shooting attack, before rolling saves. If bearer passes, and has a hand weapon that can normally be used to parry, he may use Parry against shooting attacks this phase(even if it came from a Monstrous Creature or a model with more than twice his WS). He may not, however, Parry any shooting attack that does not roll to hit in the normal manner.
Shield of Resist Element: Shield upgrade for +5 pts. Choose Flame, Shock or Frost. Bearer gets +1 to his armour save against that element. May be upgraded again to shield of Elemental Negation for +10 pts, giving bearer Feel No Pain against that element.
Intravenous Muzzle: Helm. A DRUGS token spent on this model instead counts as two DRUGS tokens. +15 pts.
Blood Belt: Belt. Bearer has +1 Wound. +30 pts.
Bloodhunter's Helm: Artifact. Helm. Bearer gets -2 Ld, gains +1 T, and has the Frenzy Special rule. A DRUGS token spent on this model instead counts as two DRUGS tokens. +35 pts.
Armor of the Mad Cat: Artifact. Armor of the Mad Cat is 5+ Light Armor. Bearer gains +1 I, +1 W, and Regenerate(5+). +40 pts.
Other Items[edit | edit source]
A model may only have one amulet and one ring.
Amulet of Khenarthi: Amulet. Bearer has +1 Initiative. +6 pts.
Adornments of Lorkhaj: Amulet. Bearer has +1 Magicka. +12 pts.
Spiked Collar: Amulet. Bearer gains a 6+ armor save, or +1 to their armor save should they already have one. Enemy beasts have -1WS when attacking this model. +15 pts.
Bone Charms: Amulet. Bearer has +1 Strength. +15 pts.
Magus Ring: Ring. Bearer has +1 Magicka. +15 pts.
Thauma Amulet: Amulet. Bearer gets +2 to casting rolls for Destruction Spells. +12 pts.
Bounding Amulet: Amulet. Bearer gets +2 to casting rolls for Conjuration Spells. +12 pts.
Warded Amulet: Amulet. Bearer gets +2 to casting rolls for Alteration Spells. +12 pts.
Rajhin Pendum: Amulet. Bearer gets +2 to casting rolls for Illusion Spells. +12 pts.
Amulet of the Stars: Amulet. Bearer gets +2 to casting rolls for Mysticism Spells. +12 pts.
Balm Amulet: Amulet. Bearer gets +2 to casting rolls for Restoration Spells. +12 pts.
Sheogorath Pendant: Amulet. Bearer gets +2 to casting rolls for Illusion Spells, and uses 1 less Power Die to Nirnwalk, should they be able to do so. +25 pts.
Obsidian Phylactery: Ring. Bearer gains +1 Toughness and gets +2 to casting rolls for Alteration Spells. +30 pts.
Charms of Enlightenment: Artifact. Amulet. Grants the bearer +1 Mg and +2 to all casting rolls. +45 pts.
Consumables[edit | edit source]
Consumables are available to all models which can purchase magic items. Consumables are 0-3. Scrolls can be read as many at a time as available at times where a model is casting spells with both hands. Scrolls autocast the spell written on them. Potions may be drunk once per player turn at the start of the turn.
Scrolls are available for all spells in the army spell list except Summon/Necromancy spells.
Scroll of Cast on 4+ or Lower Spell: +5 pts
Scroll of Cast on 5-8+ spell: +10 pts
Scroll of Cast on 9-12+ spell: +20 pts
Scroll of Cast on 13-19+ spell: +30 pts
Scroll of Cast on 20-25+ spell: +45 pts
Scroll of Cast on 26+ or Higher spell: +60 pts
The following potions are available to this army:
Healing Potion: Heals drinker on a d6 5+ on consumption. +5 pts
Magicka Potion: Replenishes 1 Power Die on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +4 pts
Water-Breathing Potion: Drinker treats water features as Open Terrain and gains a 6+ cover save from being in them this turn. +2 pts
Strong Potion of Healing: Heals drinker on a d6 2+ on consumption. +25 pts
Strong Potion of Magicka: Replenishes Power Dice up to drinker's Mg on consumption. May be consumed at any time. +15 pts.
Potion of Levitation: Drinker is a Flyer this turn if on foot. +5 pts
Potion of Invisibility: Drinker is Invisible this turn. +12 pts
Potion of Reflect: This turn, whenever an enemy shooting attack, melee attack or spell of any kind which would target or immediately effect drinker or drinker's unit, you may roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the attack or spell is negated, and unit from which it came takes a Strength d6 AP d6 hit. +5 pts
Potion of Potent Remedy: Remove all ongoing Disease from drinker's unit. +6 pts
Potion of Dispel: Remove all ongoing magical effects from drinker's unit. +10 pts
Potion of Resist Element: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Grants Feel No Pain to drinker against that element this turn. +4 pts
Potion of Resist Poison: Grants Feel No Pain against Poisoned attacks to drinker this player turn. +4 pts
Potion of Element Shield: Choose Flame/Frost/Shock when purchasing this for your army list. Until end of turn, drinker gets a 6+ armor save if he does not already have an armor save, and a 4+ Ward Save against chosen element. +4 pts
Potion of Agility: Drinker gets +1 I this turn. +4 pts
Potion of Cleverness: Drinker counts as having +1 Mg at the beginning of your next turn. +4 pts
Potion of Fast Hands: Drinker gets +1 WS this turn. +3 pts
Potion of Marksmanship: Drinker gets +1 BS this turn. +4 pts
Skooma: Drinker gets -3 Ld this player turn and loses all his Power Dice(or loses half his Power Dice if he is a Khajiit), and only replenishes up to half of his Mg at the beginning of your next turn instead of the normal amount. Drinker gets +1 I and may move, march and charge an additional 3" this turn. +4 pts.
Moon Sugar: Eater gets -1 Ld this player turn and loses all his Power Dice(unless he is a Khajiit). Eater gets +1 I this player turn. +2 pts.
Spells[edit | edit source]
A compendium of the spells used by Warriors of Elsweyr.
School of Destruction[edit | edit source]
Flames: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S2 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", flame. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a flame spell weapon.
Sparks: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", shock, Magicka Drain(1) on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a shock spell weapon with Magicka Drain(1) on striking.
Frostbite: Cast on 3+, 1-handed. May be fired as a shooting attack with the following profile: S1 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, range 6", frost, chills on striking. May be cast during the close combat phase instead; in this case, it counts as hand weapon(but can only be dual wielded with a non-spell weapon) that is a frost spell weapon with Chills on striking.
Firebolt: Cast on 3+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1,range 18", flame.
Shock: Cast on 4+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Magicka Drain(1) on striking, shock.
Ice Spike: Cast on 4+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, range 18", Move and Fire 1, Chills on striking, frost.
Lower Resists: Cast on 7+, shooting attack. Fire and Charge 1, Range 18". If the enemy unit is hit, until the beginning of your next turn, that unit has Lowered Resists(see the spell effects rules in the Scrollhammer Rulebook)
Chain Lightning: Cast on 8+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", shock. Hits from Chain Lightning cause Magicka Drain(1). For each unsaved wound, the targeted unit takes an additional hit. These additional hits, if they wound, generate additional hits of their own, and so on.
Fireball: Cast on 9+, shooting attack. S4 AP1 Blast, Move and Fire 1, Range 24", flame.
Lightning Bolt: Cast on 10+, shooting attack. S7 AP0, Move and Fire 1, Range 48", hit causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.
Incinerate: Cast on 11+. Shooting attack. S5 AP1, Move and Fire 1, Range 36", Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.
Magicka Drain: Cast on 12+, 1-handed, cast anytime. Choose a model in base contact with caster. That model suffers Magicka Drain(total).
Flamewave: Cast on 13+. Shooting attack. S4 AP1, Fire and Charge 1, Template, Multiple Wounds(d3), flame.
Flash of Light: Casts on 13+. Shooting attack. S3 AP0, Move and Fire 5, Range 30", flame. Hit models are Blinded until the end of next turn.
Lightning Cone: Cast on 14+, shooting attack. S3 AP0, Fire and Charge 2, Template, hits cause Magicka Drain(1), shock.
Lightning Storm: Cast on 19+, shooting attack. S5 AP6. Move or Fire 2d6(roll each time), Range 72", hits causes Magicka Drain(1), shock.
Firestorm: Cast on 20+. May only be cast during your shooting phase. A model casting Firestorm cannot do so if it could not fire a Move or Fire weapon either, and counts as having fired a Move or Fire weapon after using it. Place the Large Blast Marker over caster so that the center circle is entirely within caster's base. Every enemy unit under the marker is hit once for each model under it. These hits are S8 AP1, Shred, Ignores Cover, Multiple Wounds(d6), flame.
Wind of the Blazing Sands: Casts on 20+. Shooting attack. S7 AP1, Ignores Cover. Move or Fire 4, range 42", flame. Models hit are Blinded until the beginning of next turn.
Glass Storm: Casts on 27+. Cast Glass Storm during your shooting phase. A model casting Glass Storm cannot do so if it could not fire a Move or Fire weapon either, and counts as having fired a Move or Fire weapon after using it. Weather effect. Until the beginning of your next turn all enemy models within 12" of caster take a S3 AP2 (mundane) hit at the beginning of every phase, and fire ranged weapons as though under the effects of Night Fighting.
School of Conjuration[edit | edit source]
Bound Sword: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound hand weapon in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Armour: Cast on 4+, movement phase. Caster's armor or robe is replaced by magic Heavy Armour(5+) until end of turn.
Bound Helm: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Caster's Helm(or lack thereof) is replaced by a magic Helm with "bearer may re-roll one failed armour saving throw of 1 per turn" until end of turn.
Bound Dagger: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Dagger in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Shield: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, movement phase. Equips a Shield in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Spear: Cast on 4+, 1-handed, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Spear in casting hand until end of turn.
Bound Bow: Cast on 6+, shooting phase. Equips a Bound Bow in both hands until end of turn.
Bound Battleaxe: Cast on 6+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Battleaxe in both hands until end of turn.
Bound Katana: Cast on 8+, close combat phase. Equips a Bound Katana in both hands until end of turn.
Summon: (casting requirements vary) A Summoned unit is an upgrade for caster, kept in reserve, and may not enter play by any normal means. See the Scrollhammer Rulebook for further information on Summoning.
School of Alteration[edit | edit source]
Feather: Cast on 3+ at any time. 1-handed. Caster is not encumbered by his armor this turn.
Flame/Frost/Shock Shell: Casts on 6+, 1-handed, and may be cast any time. Caster gets +2 to his Ward Save (or a 5+ Ward Save if no such save already exists for him) against chosen element. Multiple instances per element do not stack.
Burden: Casts on 7+. Cast at the beginning of your opponent's movement phase. Range 24", requires LOS. Target unit moves, marches and charges 1" slower than normal, and gets -1 to Sweeping advance rolls, this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Stoneflesh: Casts on 8+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +1 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Strength of Senche: Casts on 10+. Caster's unit is not encumbered by their armor this turn.
Flame/Frost/Shock Shield: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 to his armor save this turn, and gets a 4+ ward save against chosen element(flame/frost/shock). Multiple instances per element do not stack.
Levitate: Casts on 12+. Your movement phase. If caster is on foot he counts as a Flier this turn.
Ironflesh: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +2 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Ebonyflesh: Casts on 14+. 1-handed, may be cast any time. Caster gets +3 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Portentous Barrier: Casts on 16+ at any time. Caster's unit, but not the caster, have +1 to their armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Great Burden: Casts on 17+. Opponents movement phase, Range 18", requires LOS. Target unit moves 2" slower per move, march and charge, and gets -1 to Sweeping advance rolls, this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Blessing of the Twin Moons: Casts on 19+. May be cast any time. Caster gets +4 to his armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Lunar Barrier: Casts on 24+ at any time. Caster's unit, but not the caster, have +2 to their armor save this turn. Multiple instances do not stack. Does not stack with Portentous Barrier.
School of Illusion[edit | edit source]
Sand in the Eyes: Cast on 5+, close combat phase, 1-handed. A model in base contact with caster is Blinded this round.
Dust Cloud: Casts on 5+ at any time. Caster gains Chameleon(+1) until end of turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Thief's Trick: Cast on 8+, at the beginning of any phase. This phase, caster is Invisible.
Silence: Cast on 11+, 1-handed. This is a shooting weapon with Move and Fire 1, Range 12". If it hits, choose a single enemy model in the unit hit. That model takes a Mg test(using its base value) on 3d6. If it fails, it is Silenced until the beginning of your next turn.
Shadow Weave: Cast on 11+ at any time. Caster gets Chameleon(+2) this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Invisibility: Casts on 12+. Cast at the beginning of any phase. Until the beginning of your next turn, caster is Invisible.
Vanish Without a Trace: Cast on 20+, cast at the beginning of any phase. Until the end of your next turn caster is Invisible.
School of Mysticism[edit | edit source]
Soul Trap: Cast on 4+, 1-handed. Cast at the start of the Fight sub-phase during the close combat phase. Caster's attacks gain the Soul Trap special rule until end of turn.
Dispel: Cast on 8+ at any time. Remove all ongoing magical effects from caster's unit.
Purge Magic: Cast on 9+ at any time. Range 18", requires LOS. Remove all ongoing magical effects from another target unit.
Reflection: Casts on 9+. Cast in response to a single enemy shooting attack, melee attack or spell of any kind which would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit. Roll a d6. On a roll of 6, the attack or spell is negated, and its original source unit takes a S4 spell damage hit that ignores armor saves.
Lunar Gaze: Casts on 11+. Your movement phase, no hands required to equip. Caster's unit gains Move Through Cover until end of turn.
Absorption: Casts on 12+. Cast in response to a single enemy spell that would target or immediately effect caster or caster's unit. Roll a d6. On a roll of 5+, the spell is negated, and caster gains an additional +d3 Power Dice when he replenishes his Power Dice at the beginning of your next turn.
Detect Life: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, cast during your shooting phase. Models in target unit within 6" of caster that are not artillery pieces, Automatons or Undead lose all Cover Saves until end of turn.
Detect Dead: Casts on 12+. 1-handed, cast during your shooting phase. Undead models in target unit within 6" of caster loses all Cover Saves until end of turn.
S'rendarr's Peace: Casts on 14+. Any time. Caster nominates a target model within 12" that has only 1 wound, or 1 wound remaining. Should the caster hit this model in melee or a ranged weapon then remove it from the game. This effect lasts for that player turn.
Moonpath: Casts on 20+. Your movement phase, no hands required to equip. Target unit within 6" of caster ignores terrain(except impassable terrain) until the beginning of your next turn.
School of Restoration[edit | edit source]
Lick Wounds: Cast on 5+ during any movement phase. Caster is Healed on a 6.
Fortify Speed: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 basic movement speed and charge range this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Fortify Agility: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster gets +1 Initiative this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Magicka Weave: Casts on 4+. 1-handed, any time. Caster counts as having +d3 Magicka at the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Fadomai's Blessing: Casts on 5+. Cast any time. Caster gets one free re-roll of a d6 this phase. You must abide by the second result. This spell can only be cast once per phase.
Flame/Frost/Shock/Poison Guard: Casts on 7+. 1-handed. Caster gets Feel No Pain against the chosen element this turn.
Ward: Cast on 7+, 1-handed. Cast in response to an enemy spell which would target or immediately effect caster, caster's unit, or another one of caster's spells. If this spell is successfully cast, caster attempts to Ward the targeted spell(see the Scrollhammer Rulebook for details).
Hearth Heal: Cast on a 8+. Cast during any movement phase. Heal caster on a 5+.
Howl of S'rendarr: Casts on 9+. Any time (Clan Mother only). Range 6", requires LOS. Target unit consisting of majority Undead must take a Morale Test(even if Fearless). If the test fails, the unit falls back, losing Fearless until they regroup. They cannot be pursued by a sweeping advance if they flee from melee combat this way.
Quicksilver: Casts on 13+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 basic movement speed and charge range this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Nimbleness: Casts on 13+. Any time. Caster's unit gets +1 Initiative this turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Wisdom: Casts on 13+. Any time. Every model in caster's unit counts as having +1 Magicka at the beginning of your next turn. Multiple instances do not stack.
Mara's Blessing: Casts on 10+. Any time (Clan Mother only). Cure all diseases from caster's unit.
Mara's Touch: Casts on 11+. Any time (Clan Mother only). Cure all diseases from another unit within 6" of caster.