Setting:Brighthammer 40,000/Space Marines (1st edition)
Space Marines also known as SPEES MARENSS!!! are the primary specialized heavy infantry of the Imperium of Man in the universe of BrightHammer40k. They are devoted soldiers/disciples of the Emperor of Man (tha Kewlest guy EVAH). They are dedicated to peace, understanding, and the further advancement in the knowledge and wisdom of the technical, scientific, and spiritual aspects of Humanity.
However not all Marine chapters are strictly either state deputized defenders of Imperium occupied worlds or its central religions. Many centuries after the defeat of Warp Chaos by the Emperor and his son Horus many Space Marine Chapters had slowly begun to separate from the main organized military body of the Imperium and the Adeptus orders primarily due to the now freedom from the terror of Chaos.
These Chapters evolved into what are now commonly known as "Mercenary Chapters". These independent chapters are primarily as their name indicates are soldiers for hire and of fortune hired to protect and go on special missions for clients of high status and wealth throughout the known galaxy.
Both Imperium and Mercenary Space Marines are dedicated not only to the protection of civilians and the completion of their tasked missions but to the spirit of HIGH ADVENTURE that the Brighthammer universe is legendary for.
The following article sections detail the Armor, Weapons, code of chivalry and listing of various Marine chapters.
Marine Chapters[edit | edit source]
The following section is a complete detailing of all 1st editon Brighthammer Marine Chapters please note that many follow a combination of 1987 Rogue Trader, current edition Codex - Knights Inductor and Kill Team rule sets and fluff.
Main/Central Chapters[edit | edit source]
- Reasonable Marines Technically pretty much All marine chapters within the Brighthammer universe are this as most chapters try to first find more diplomatic and non lethal means to either calm or neutralize any possible threats to the imperium or its allies, however based on both the descriptions below and by needed situation chapter tactical doctrine and disapline may vary.
- Angry Marines
- Silver Skulls their Kylie were not kidding...
- Mexicarines half mexican, half Chicano ALL MEREEN
- Ordo Explorates Marines (Science Marines)
- Female Marines (63rd Legion)
- Blood Angels (Twilight vampires with Bolter Rifles)
- Drunk Marines
Support Chapters[edit | edit source]
- Adeptus Orthodontus they clean plaque and fight tartar FOR THE EMPRAH!!!
- Classy Marines successor /brother chapter to the Reasonable Marines. They are amoung some the classiest and most polite soldiers within the Imperium.
- Pretty Marines
- Lazy Marines
- Celestial Marines - The Central Defensive Backbone of the Imperium of Man Teh Celestial Marine Corps is the main defence against the forces of darkness ever since the earliest days of the war between the Emperor and Chaos. Clad in massive golden armor and equipped with Celestial Magna-Star plasma energy based "Redemption Cannons" the Celestial Marines are humanities best chance against the legions of Warp darkness should it return.
Standard Celestial Marine Armor
- Adeptus Custodes, or just the Custodes, are the most elite troops the Imperium has to offer. Second only to the Primarchs themselves, they are equipped with the best weapons and armor the Imperium has to offer. Each also possesses a second specialization, whether in politics, or interrogation. Clad in Auramite armor, these 10,000 super warriors are legendary for their ability. However, they, as the Emperor's guard, rarely leave the Palace.
Order Marine Chapters[edit | edit source]
After the sacrifice of Horus to counter the unintentional corruption of the Lords of Order and bring calm to the immateria many Chapters of these these ancient warriors of the warp faith remain working both with and aside from the empire.
Either due to guilt for falling into zealotry or keeping old vows to protect the sectors of the galaxy or remaining order faithful that dwell in those few regions the Adepts of Order are still a strong ally and needed aid in the protection and safety of the galaxy.
Primary Chapters/Orders[edit | edit source]
- White Legion Considered the primary and founding chapter of the Adepts of Order. The White Legions history can be traced back to the end period of the War in Heaven however are most remembered and revered as the chapter led by the emperor's own son Horus.
It is through this chapter that humanity as a general whole first learned and interacted with the lords of order as a organized religion, the chapter is the first that does not exclusively worship one particular lord but all 4 combined in a religiously utopian philosophy known as Order Undivided.
- Emperor's Children Founded on the distant world of Laer this particular chapter actually was active for several thousand years before the first contact with humanity was reached as they were a wide spanning interstellar empire of their own right calling themselves the Children of Laer.
However in the 31 millennium they happened upon a remote human colony protected by a female warriorhood who found the religious claims of the aliens philosophically intriguing and were welcoming to know more.
Decades later they rose as a enlightened caste gaining knowledge of love, intimacy and physical transcendence. Now evolved into beings of hermaphroditic biology they named their order "Emperor's Children" both in honor of their founding alien patrons but as a metaphor of that they were neither sons nor daughters but androgynous children of the God-Emperor.
As what is detailed in their page as they are one of the few marine chapters that do not have descendant chapters but are devided into "Divisions" within the caste of the Phoenix Guard. Each Division is specialized in one or a small group of skills each which creates a specific strike force.
Support Chapters[edit | edit source]
Descendant Chapters[edit | edit source]
Mercenary Marine Chapters[edit | edit source]
Many Mercenary chapters consist of female marines due to the Heavy inclusion of men into the Adeptus ranks of the central Imperium military system. Far more then most offical Imperial Chapters per capita. And while many chapters are strictly for performing high risk/high pay missions for many others a mercenary life is the main way for many civilans and marines alike to experience a life of high adventure and action.
Geared with complete custom weapons and armor and transported in luxurious custom warp flight capable ships. Mercenary Marines live existences that many even in the Imperial navy can only dream of.
However whenever the definitive call to war arrives many Mercenary chapters are either conscripted or paid into main imperial service
Primary Chapters[edit | edit source]
- Mercenary Princesses The Mercenary Princesses are a elite chapter of Female marines. Mostly consisting of many of the daughters of elite Imperial Human society throughout the known galaxy.
Due to their combined wealth and influence the Princesses have access to the best and most advanced military and space faring/exploratory technologies, including a small legion of automated (Robot) marine armored units to protect/assist them there isn't a mission the Princesses cant complete or walk away from.
- Blue Phoenix as near to a independent or renegade (Canon term) version of the Ultramarines as possible the Blue Phoenix or Independent Science Marines are a Mercenary chapter similar to the Explorates Marines.
Dedicated to the pursuit of science, exploration and xenos research the Blue Phoenix exist as an entire mass military/space exploratory force in the outer rim of the Galaxy separate and fully independent from the Imperium.
They are also the first independent chapter to go on massive exploratory crusades outside of known imperial space.
Centered on the Phoenix marine controlled aquatic world of Copernica, the Blue Phoenix Marines are the only civilized governmental body that exists peacefully both outside and alongside the Imperium of man.
- Hello Kitty Marines Also more commonly known as "TEH KETTIEH MERIEENS" these felinoid soldiers command their forces from the kitties homeworld of Sanrio. A green and happy world with the cutest WITTLE ITTY BITTY MARINES YOU EVER DID SEE, YES THEY ARE They...oh *cough*cough* ummm...Sorry moving on....
Support Chapters[edit | edit source]
Descendant Chapters[edit | edit source]
To be added...
War/Exploration Gear[edit | edit source]
Heavy or specialized Exploration gear are primarily used/bought by Mercenary Marines due to the simple fact that while some Imperium Marines are ordered on some science or research missions, they are primarily tasked as armed security/escort or a strictly military defensive force and nothing more.
Armor[edit | edit source]
Next to (or even more important then) a marines weapon is the primary combat/survival armor of a Space Marine. A Marines Power Armor is fully customized according to a Marines rank, position, and Legion/Company and or Chapter affiliation. The only true main difference between Warhammer and BrightHammer armor configuration is that All Marine armor is equipped with Jump packs for near instant maneuverability in any or all combat conditions.
Scout[edit | edit source]

Also known as "Red Belt armor" due to the obvious well...Red Belt this is the most basic and commonly seen Space Marine armor on most Imperium controlled worlds.
Light and powerful made of a combination of Plasticene and Ceramite the armor composites creates a kind of artificial "chitinous" or exoskeletal like covering over the wearers body like a insect that creates as a complete as possible protection for any marine in most high/extreme combat conditions.
Lightweight and low on wargear and general equipment the Scout armor is built exactly for its namesake, low visibility and quick infiltration of enemy lines, sabotaging and gathering intelligence. Also the armor is used by most basic (non-Specialized) infantry marines due to its central/practical usage as a peacekeeper/SWAT like police action armor.
Tactical[edit | edit source]

Powerful and highly maneuverable Tactical Marine armor is what comes into play when the situation gets more serious then a bank robbery or hostage negotiation. For full scale war Tactical armor is needed. All basic and commando based imperium infantry use Tactical armor for Heavy combat and swift victory.

Tactical Armor uses far more equipment and weapons then basic Scout armor but is essentially the same in design and ease of movement. However Tactical Armor internally consists of extra layers of Ceramite and paper thin layers of hand forged Ultra-Titanium for extra protection and durability.
Exploration[edit | edit source]

The 2nd most common form of Space Marine Armor and one of the most popular forms of armor among the Ordos Explorates,