Setting:CATastrophe/MAID Conversion game mechanics
D6[edit | edit source]
Borrowed from Maid RPG, the basic mechanic of this system is to roll 1D6 and multiply the
result by the attribute you are using in a particular situation.
Usually the GM decides on a target number, which the roll has to exceed
in order to be successful, but in the case of opposed actions
(where two characters are directly opposing each other), refer to
the Combat rules, below.
If the group finds it appropriate, a player
can decide which attribute gets used for his player’s action. Maneuvering
in a situation in order to use your better attributes instead
of the weaker ones is an important part of the game.
If your ability is at 0, you automatically fail the check.
4-6 | Easy |
6-8 | Ordinary |
8-10 | Difficult |
10+ | Very Hard |
Combat[edit | edit source]
In this game, “combat” is what happens whenever characters are opposing or competing with one another.
This covers the usual forms of RPG combat like sword fighting, magic, and firearms, but it also comes into play when players are in some way opposing someone.
The GM (or sometimes the players) should choose which attribute a player uses for combat, and this is used for an opposed roll.
Also, regardless of how many players and NPCs are participating in combat, their actions are basically simultaneous.
The Attack Power of an action is 1D6 times the relevant attribute.
Whoever’s action has the highest Attack Power wins that round of combat, while the opponent(s) (here, we are calling the loser the “defender”) are subject to physical harm in the form of Stress.
The opponent suffers Stress equal to the attacker’s Attack Power divided by the attribute the defender was using against the attacker, rounded down.
If the defender’s relevant attribute is 0, they take Stress Equal to the full Attack Power. If both combatants roll the same Attack Power, then it is a tie or stalemate and neither side takes any damage.
When several characters are working together, whether for attacking or defending, their respective Attack Powers are added together.
If a group acting together is taking Stress, one member of the group (PCs take priority over NPCs, players must choose one from among themselves and not simply dump the stress on to non-player characters) will take all of the Stress points.
When a players takes Stress, note it down next to her Spirit rating.
If a players accumulates more Stress than her Spirit, she will have a Stress Explosion.
If you really don’t want to have a Stress Explosion, you can opt to do whatever the opponent wants, and thereby not take any Stress.
Think about what you’re doing before you start walking down this path.
Here are some sample NPC stat lines.
NPC Type | Attributes | Spirit |
Mook | 1 | 0 |
Minor Enemy | 2 | 0-5 |
Avarage Enemy | 3 | 0-15 |
Boss | 4 | 5-15 |
Big Boss | 5 | 5-15 |
Demi God | 6 | 10-20 |
Character Creation[edit | edit source]
CATastrophe Character Creation
Luck could be used to decide loot, ruin layouts, air quality, shop offerings, and many other things up to the DM.
You can also use the Catastrophe RPG random character generator to randomly choose how your character looks, their personality, life events, etc.
Favor is gotten by bringing back shinies, role-playing, and generally doing things in character. It is awarded by the DM. You start with favor equal to your Affection times 2. Think of them as 'fate points' and be sure to hand them out as rewards.
One way of thinking of favor could be as archeotech parts or even currency. It can be assumed the characters would probably get whatever they need for a dive in advance.
Removing Stress Spend 1 Favor to remove 1 point of Stress.
Raising Attributes To raise an attribute by 1, spent a number of Favor points equal to the new attribute level desired, times 10.
Roll Bonus Spend 1D6 Favor to add +1 to either the die roll or your attribute score for one action.
Random Event Spend 1D6 Favor to give imput on a random event that can occur.
Favor can not go under 0.
Damage (or stress), both mental and physical is measured in Spirit.Spirit is equal to Will times 10. Much like HP, if your spirit hits 0, you are knocked out. (your emergency flotation device triggers, some over convenient was drops you out of the fight/encounter.)
The diving suit has 5 parts that when damaged will lower character abilities at the DM's description. Each damaged part gives a flat -1 to all abilities and causes stress per each turn (how much?). Imagine if your air canister explodes...
Air Canister Gives a -2 instead of a -1.
Ear Hood
Skill system.
Each character can tag three 'perks' at character creation that can aid them in the game. Perks are also given out for good roleplaying and at the end of special events.
Eye of an Old One: This shiny on a chain gives you +1 in attack roles vs. Oldguards
Archeotech Wizard: Being good with old technology lets you reroll a failed archeotech related role once per session.
Bunny Hopping Maniac: When acting recklessly in ranged combat, allows you to automatically dodge and hit all enemies on the field once per session.
Home is Where the Mate is: You'll never get lost coming home as long as there's someone waiting for you.