Setting:CATastrophe/Starfall Archipelago
Starfall Archipelago is a region with several settlements made for the CATastrophe homebrew system.
On the main island there's five main points of interest settlement-wise: Stardust Port, which is the largest city in the archipelago and the capital. The Stilts, which is a vacation hotspot on the northeastern side of the island and seasonal dive site. Ridge Town, a farming town on the cusp of the crater lake in the center of the island. Rock Harbour, a port and fishing town on the west side of the island and home to one of the few gem and metal mines active anywhere in the world. Callaway Point, a town built on the cliffs above some of the best surf beaches on the island and home to the few orchards present in the archipelago.
Otherwise the island has scattered villages of agricultural means for the GM to fill in as needed.
There's also Landfall Village, but its more a quest hook than anything and archeology camp. I'll expand on any bits if they catch someone's eye.
Starfall Lake[edit | edit source]
Starfall Lake (crater lake, 20 square miles, average depth of 1,100 feet) The lake was formed by the collapse during the last eruption of this volcano thousands of years ago and the gradual accumulation of rainwater. While it has no natural rivers, it has several channels which have been dug into the sides of the crater that feed into the island’s irrigation systems. The lake itself had no native fish but was stocked by the settler of Ridge Town in the past. Since then several fish popular eating fish have established populations in the lake.
Cinder Island[edit | edit source]
in the center of the lake there is a small island that remains of the volcanic cinder cone. Wildflowers now grow there and the site is a popular picnicking destination.
Ridge Town Irrigation[edit | edit source]
From the southern edge of the lake is one of the oldest work projects on the island. The channel dug into the side of the lake and controlled by several sets of floodgates feeds into the greater Ridge Town area rice paddies. It has been expanded over the generations to irrigate much of the island's farms.
Stardust Aqueduct[edit | edit source]
This great stone cut path was once an overflow river from the lake but as Stardust Port began increasing population it was redirected.
The Stilts[edit | edit source]
Population: 300 permanent
The Stilts is a tourist town located on the north eastern edge of the island. It is a small town clustered between the shore and the nearest Stilts that give the town its name. The Stilts are a group of concrete and steel structures that rise out of the sea, anchored deep into the volcanic rock. Ages ago an earless city must have stood on the spot but was covered over time by the volcanic flows and then by the sea. Once it was a haven for the salvagers of Starfall, making dives into the Stilts to recover shinies for use back home or for sale. These days it’s a spot for training dives for young’uns and relaxation, though there are still the odd finds of new shinies missed by centuries of diving.
The Crumble Zone[edit | edit source]
While most of the old earless city has been looted clean by generations of divers, there is a portion on the seaward side of the settlement that occasionally erodes away enough for something new to be exposed. When a new discovery is made the news will flash all over the island quickly, often bringing a swarm of treasure hunters.
When the town gets in a slump and no visitors are about, the proprietor of the Seawall Inn discretely helps the Crumble Zone on its way, working to reveal a hidden portion of a Stilt and waiting for a tourist to discover it and set about the rumor mill that brings in customers.