Setting:Golden Archipelago/Races
Keep in mind that these races are optional, and you don't have to put all of them in your game.
Daevaputra/Daevaputri[edit | edit source]

Sometimes the gods of Daevanagari came down among humans in avatars, and intermingled with them; the resulting offspring is known as Daevaputra if he's a boy, and Daevaputri if she's a girl. Even though there are many gods in the pantheon, Daevaputra/putri have one thing in common: they have blue skin, and is considerably taller than normal humans. Even though they have blue skin, they still have bright red lips. Since they are supposed to be descendants of gods and goddesses, they are closer to sources of magic than normal humans. Some say that Daevaputra/putri might even become avatars of their parents, or at least channel their parents' divine might through them. They originated in Daevanagari, and are rarely found outside of the country. Most of them are of Padari caste, some are Kshatriya, and only a few are Sudra or outcasts. Sometimes, they can be born with more than one pair of functional arms, and usually these multi-armed individuals are thought of as being purer in their godly connections. A sort of one step closer to an avatar state, if you will.
Possibly more familiar names for this race (so to be spoken by Western people better):
- Bluefolk
- Deva-kin
Harimaushura[edit | edit source]

Harimaushura are tiger-headed people. They are called Harimaushura in Daevanagari, Huo Ren in Long Guo, and Tigrisamah in Tigrissiya. They are fierce warriors who have great power and claws. They have a preference to meat, but can eat vegetables as well. In Daevanagari, they are often of the Kshatriya caste, with few being Padari or Sudra. In Long Guo, the Heavenly Emperor has recognized them as subjects of the Long Guo nation, and some joined the army. In Tigrissiya, they are valued for their battle prowess and their wise scholars or priests; Harimaushura in Tigrissiya are exceptional for their relative calmness that hides their fierce nature.
Possibly more familiar names for this race:
- Tigerfolk
Bajang[edit | edit source]

Deep in the jungles of Long Guo, Azteotlan and the islands of the archipelago there lives the Bajang, a race of hairy half-human, half-ape people. Like a cross between the description of a yeti and an orangutan, most of them live in primitive tribal groups. Sometimes, Bajang are attracted to other civilizations, and joins them; Azteotlan even has a small district in their capital just for Bajang. Most, however, are shunned by humanity; these are the boogiemen who will eat your children if they are naughty. In fact, some mistreated Bajang tribes do carry out raids against other races; either killing people for meat, or stealing things. They are highly adaptable, and is able to climb with their hands and handlike feet, often jumping from tree to tree using all four appendages. Bajang do not have tails, and their feet can hold weapons; they are very dextrous and nimble, betraying their pudgy bodyshape. Bajang are rarely found outside of jungles; some might have been seen high in the mountains that border Tigrissiya, Long Guo and Daevanagari. Some ships might have Bajang as valued crewmembers.
Axolotl[edit | edit source]
Axolotl are amphibious humanoids, with a head that looks a bit like the cross of an axolotl and a hairless dog. They live in the marshes of Azteotlan. Due to their affinity to freshwater, they are usually found in the capital of Azteotlan's sewer system and caves as well as the marshes. They are known for their cunning, and their traders are often having more to sell behind the counter. Axolotl can tolerate seawater, but prolonged exposure to it will leave them wrinkly or parched. Only the hardiest of Axolotls can withstand prolonged salt water exposure, and they are valued as divers, looking for pearls or other treasure.
Vanara[edit | edit source]
Vanaras can be thought of the Cro-Magnon to the Bajangs' Neanderthal. In short, they are more advanced ape-men, smarter and more agile than their Bajang brethren, but not as strong. They usually live as tribes, although some small kingdoms of Vanaras have sprung up near Daevanagari and Long Guo's borders. They are more accepting to humans, and are generally seen as benevolent, even if a little mischievous. Like their Bajang cousins, they are adept at climbing, but unlike them, they can forge metal weapons. Many Vanaras can be found living together with humans in Daevanagari.