Setting:Tabula Gloria/Phrennoack/The Temple of Passing
Despite the sharp and almost perfect enforcement of the Treaty of the Eltyain people which allowed the establishment of Fort Deeanday and the village of Twaunae, there were still ambitious Imperials who wished to tame the deep woods for their own. One such attempt was by one of Tabula Gloria's elite, a certain Lord Credault, who wished to make a summer home along the wild beauty of Alboniset Lake, deep within the forest. He gathered himself a retinue of battlemages and shapermages and proceeded to venture into the forest, making it all the way to the lake, where they started to clear a lot along the lake and then start work on building a mansion that would make even the richest noble in the capital blush. Instead of delivering swift justice upon the trespassers, the Eltyain just watched the foolhardy nobleman from a safe distance. The reason for their distance was soon founded after construction was complete. The dreaded aquatic creatures, the Echoes struck them with their devastating sonic weaponry, killing everyone in the surprise assault and causing much damage to the mansion.
Considered as one of the few areas in which the Eltyain do not openly war with the Echoes, the mansion now known to the Eltyain as the Temple of Passing is used for a variety of rituals, especially those in which they hand the dead over to the Phrennoack Stags to deliver their souls into the next life.