
Originating from several /tg/ threads about the plausibility of a Necron Pariah somehow retaining all of his/her memories and personality and joining a Rogue Trader group, the former seemed too retarded despite the fact that Thomas Macabee from Dark Crusade managed to do it. So instead they opted for a tech priest that took an affinity to Necron tech as a more plausible solution.
About[edit | edit source]
Technoprophet Shanoko is a former techpriest of Mars whom after learning the truth that the Machine God is actually the Void Dragon rebels and begins traveling and scouring the galaxy and upgrading himself with Necron technology (how the fuck he/she was able to do this and get away with it is beyond us) to the point that nothing biological remains of him/her, the only remnant of his former self is his/her mind. With a wrist mounted bolter, upgraded bionic arms with Necron-tech, immense physical strength, a gauss flayer, and possessing incredible healing and regenerative properties (not to mention he/she never has to sleep), trying to play someone like this in your Rogue Trader group is a blatant asspie of a power gamer move and will result in your DM repeatedly kicking you in the balls for faggotry no matter how interesting the character's back story and originality may seem. Shanoko is regularly hired as a mercenary for rogue traders, he/she does not ask to be paid in money but instead exotic and rare technology and knowledge of technology long past, besides, what the hell would he/she need money for, food and water? DO HO HO HO HO! Shanako also possesses the aura of Pariah (how he/she became such is again, a fucking mystery since pariahs are born and not made, or are they...) which gives him/her a massive edge over psykers and forces of the Warp. Because of this however, he/she cannot be anywhere near the bridge of a starship or the Navigators will go batshit insane. Another downside of having the pariah gene is that every other non-pariah fucking hates your guts.
Also, in case you haven't noticed, we have no idea what gender Shanako is. (FAPFAPFAP)