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Sheoldred is the black aligned Praetors of New Phyrexia, one of the 7 thanes, and one of /tg/'s waifus. She's a big believer in knowledge is power. And by knowledge we mean she focuses on blackmail, knowing what her enemies are up to, etc... She also focuses on denying her enemies knowledge. One of the responsibilities of her elite forces, the Exarchs, is to find information, and then destroy evidence so only Sheoldred knows it. There isn't any emphasis on science knowledge (that naturally belongs to the Blue Praetor, Jin-Gitaxias). Elesh Norn invaded her domain and destroyed her forces. Sheoldred's fate is unknown.

In the blurb introducing the commanders of Commander 2016, it was noted that Elesh Norn, Jin-Gitaxies, Vorinclex & our beloved spider-waifu here, had contributed to the compleation of Atraxa.

If you like spider girls, then I'm afraid I've got bad news. If you've been a real vorthos since New Phyrexia, you'd have known that Sheoldred is actually a parasite or something. That lower part of her body isn't part of her true body. And well, in Dominaria United, she showed up with a new prosthesis. Which is good news if you are into centipede girls. Sheoldred got a new card in Dominaria United and as a 4 mana 4/5 with 3 sentences of upside, she is efficient, making her presence known in Standard and Legacy alike!

Factions and Praetors in New Phyrexia
The Machine Orthodoxy
The Progress Engine
The Seven Steel Thanes
The Quiet Furnace
The Vicious Swarm
Elesh Norn
The Seven Thanes of New Phyrexia
Azax-Azog - Geth - Kraynox - Roxith - Sheoldred - Thrissik - Vraan