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The Shoggoth is a kind of slime-monster originating from the Cthulhu Mythos created by H.P. Lovecraft. These are bio-engineered servitors of the Elder Things, created as living, protoplasmic toolsets with the ability to temporarily form any kind of biological tool-equivalent they may need for a specific task, and then reabsorb it back into their gelatinous mass when it became superfluous. Unfortunately for the Elder Things, the shoggoths evolved greater levels of sapience than they had intended or anticipated, resulting in them revolting against their creators. Things go weird from there. With some shoggoths starting in partial hibernation and eating penguins, some gaining even more sentience and infiltrating the greater world in meat suits, and some that allegedly started the primordial soup that lead to humanity.
Call of Cthulhu[edit | edit source]
Naturally, shoggoths make multiple appearances throughout the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, and are usually to be found in the corebook, given they are one of the more famous Mythosian monsters.
Even by CoC standards, shoggoths are absolutely beasts to fight. They can attack all creatures in a 5 yard by 5 yard area, and can "suck apart" any creature they touch if the victim fails a comparative STR check - even though the shoggoth has to divide its STR between its targets, it still has a whopping 18d6 STR score. Even if not insta-killed, the victims still take damage equal to the shoggoth's damage bonus and must roll equal to or less than their own STR on a d100 to be able to fight back. Defensively, shoggoths rely on their protoplasmic bodies; they take only 1 damage per hit from all physical weapons, halve fire and electrical damage, and regenerate 2 HP per round. They're so horrifying that even passing your SAN check means the sight of one will cost you 1d6 SAN, which admittedly is better than the 1d20 SAN you'll lose if you fail!
D&D & PF[edit | edit source]
Officially, the shoggoths are not found in Dungeons & Dragons, although the Gibbering Mouther probably has its roots in a royalty-free version. They can be found in Pathfinder, Kobold Press and the D20 version of Call of Cthulhu, as well as in the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Cthulhu Mythos splatbook written by Sandy Petersen.
Monster Hunter International[edit | edit source]
Shoggoths in Monster Hunter International are the lowest true servant (as opposed to zombies which multiple sources can create and control) of The Old Ones. They are typically sent to aid those bastards crazy enough to worship alien squid things yet are actually relevant to the being's interest. They are highly vulnerable to fire, yet able to survive being frozen long term.
Oddly enough, at least one good Shoggoth is shown to have existed. There's official merch of it.
Monstergirls? Seriously?[edit | edit source]

As a matter of fact, almost nobody ever thought that "shoggoth" and "monstergirls" should go together. The idea seemed just too weird. Until that crazy bastard Kenkou Cross did one for his Monster Girl Encyclopedia, basically turning the shoggoth into a cute slime-girl maid who uses her bio-toolset abilities to create whatever tools she needs for the job, up to and including shapeshifting into a bed to bang her chosen human master in. Which admittedly makes a lot of sense since as per there original lore Shoggoths were designed to function as labor for the Elder Things.
Speaking of the lore, an often overlook aspect of the Shoggoth history is that they were created by the Elder Things to serve them. Though they had no minds at first, they eventually did develop intelligence and when they did the Elder Things enslaved them. So in response they rebelled against them and eventually overthrew them. (It's quite similar to the Gith/Mindflayer story actually.) This means that Shoggoths and humans do have a mutual opponent in the Elder Things and are (in theory) allies against them. And of course, What happens when you ally with humans? If it speaks, they WILL find a way to bang it!
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Call of Cthulhu