Shrewd Fulg

Shrewd Fulg is an irritable and evil-hearted old Ogre, weathered and hunchbacked, one would think he wouldn't last long as a leader in Ogre society, with their survival-of-the-strongest and strongest-eat-weakest mindset. And you'd be right. But Fulg isn't playing by Ogre rules. He's playing by Skaven logic. See, his tribe, who he has renamed simply as "The Tribe of Shrewd Fulg" or simply "Fulg" in Total War Warhammer 3, is scared shitless of him. Even his bodyguards don't even dare to fart in his presence without his OK. Because Shrewd Fulg made a rather shrewd deal with shrews, I mean rats! That's right, Shrewd Fulg supplies those of his own tribe who he dislikes the most at the moment to the Skaven Clan Moulder, in order to twist, splice, and mutate into Rat Ogres! Suffice to say, his tribe members don't want to be dragged away by the Skaven in dead of night to the tunnels leading to Hell Pit, and as such follow the physically frail yet mentally clever old despot.