Simple D6 character puck the apprentice

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Fantasy character for Simple d6[edit | edit source]

Well, he isn't the sturdiest of apprentices, but he is determined. Not particularly likable, or strong-willed. Capable of studying but not at delivering anything insightful or creative. Like most petitioners to the wizard's tower on the outskirts of the village, he is turned away after the most basic of training is completed.

Puck knew just enough to realize how little he could contribute to society. For weeks after his ejection from the care of Athatos, he laid on the straw mat in his parent's hut, picking at his boils and sobbing into the wizard's cap he had saved for. It turns out being the smartest son of the smartest potato farmer doesn't get you very far.

The innkeeper hired him though, as he wasn't a man for words himself, much less the foreign tongues he had to deal with as adventurers passed through. Puck was eager to prove his worth.

Things became progressively worse for the inn though, as the King's Road was constructed. Bypassing the village entirely, the most excitement that could be seen in the once bustling common room was when the blacksmith would pass out in his warm, watered down ale and sputter back awake. Puck realized he had to move on.

Having been rejected by every family whose daughter he attempted to court, much less the daughters themselves, he had no attachments to the village. His mother and father were more than willing to hand him a sack of potatoes, and send him on his way. His sticky, straw bed was summarily burned.

After a few hours of trudging down the now desolate road, he was exhausted, his sack full of potatoes and broken dreams. The ruts of wagon wheels and clods of hardened horse shit were constant obstacles to his slow and plodding steps.

He had to get away from here. Far away to a better life.

  • Hit Points: 5
  • Defense: 1
  • Quality: Can take quite a beating
  • Skills: Petty Magic, Running, Herbalism, History, Sign Language