Sisters of Cleaning

"Sir, Slaanesh just started crying."
"Just as planned."
The Sisters of Battle, paragons of faith and purity, violent points of light in the grim darkness of the far future. It is their god-given duty to ensure that mankind does not stray from the light of the Emperor. Having heretical thoughts, knowing forbidden knowledge or being unfortunate enough to have been born with a mutation or psychic powers is a sure fire way to get your ass purged. And everyone living on your block, just to be sure. But despite their rigorous training, which puts even the toughest Imperial Guard regiment to shame, some sisters encounter an obstacle that even they feel they are unable to overcome. Spurred on by their (mistaken) sense of shame, these self-damned few, in their quest to attain absolution, place themselves in squads known as the Sisters Repentia so that they may atone for their delusional sins. Ordinarily a repentia squad finds absolution in death; its members don mere scraps of leather, chain eviscerators to their hands and then go blindly charge the nearest enemy. As hilarious as it is to picture a bunch of semi-nude nuns bull rushing a carnifex or a baneblade through a hail of gunfire, it is, admittedly, a fucking manly way to die. But such was not the case with the /tg/-created order: the Sisters of Cleaning.
The canoness of the Sisters of Cleaning's order found their purity wanting and their minds clouded by secret desires. Rather than let them work out their frustrations the usual way (e.g. lesbian sex, killing things with fire, etc...) the canoness contacted a remote Imperial Guard outpost to inform them under Inquisitorial decree that they were to induct the repentia into their unit and break them of their temptations of the flesh however they saw fit. What was proposed was blatant. What resulted was unexplainable.
When the repentia squad arrived unsupervised at the outpost they were besieged by wanton, lusting males. Their clothing was ripped from their shivering bodies and muscular arms held their slender frames down. Their orifices were filled by the throbbing, virile manhood of every guard stationed there as they writhed helplessly underneath their attackers, unable to withdraw their invading flesh. No. None of this happened as they had secretly hoped. Instead they were met by a single guardsman who beckoned that they follow him. Thus began their first assignment -- latrine duty.
Exactly the opposite of the lead character in a harem animoo, the SoC go about their daily duties as surrogate maids for the guardsmen, performing menial tasks such as unclogging toilets and fixing sandwiches all the while surrounded by hundreds of men who are utterly oblivious to any of their sexual advances. The running gag being that every situation they find themselves in is both ripe with equal parts sexual innuendo and sexual frustration. An example would involve one of the sisters bending over in front of some guardsmen to pick up bullet casings while exposing her feminine form to them -- only to dejectedly discover the hoots of adoration the men bellow are not directed at her but towards a Departmento Munitorum requisition catalogue showcasing a shiny new storm bolter. Love doesn't bloom on this battlefield.
Eventually the sisters contact their canoness to plea their case; that the guardsmen are just that -- guardsmen -- unflinchingly professional and loyal to a fault. They beg to be reinstated in the order which the canoness ultimately denies. She tells them that despite what they were *really* sent there for, they are still there as punishment. No matter how stiff it seems, or how hard it gets, they are to see it through to its climax. And there they remain; stationed in the middle of nowhere, sexually ignored, making sandwiches with their -4 Str and rooting out toilets instead of heresy. For the Emperor...
Anecdotes of the Sisters of Cleaning[edit | edit source]
Sister: "Sooo... heard any rumors about monsters lately?"
Guard: "No."
Sister: "Nothing? Well maybe your buddies said something about the Emperor? Something, y'know, blasphemous?"
Guard: "Nope."
Sister: "Oh, alright. Perhaps... you find your spirit wanting? Maybe you find that there is something you... desire?"
Guard: "Not really."
Sister: "You sure?! Because you can tell me! Haha! Haaa..."
Guard: "Uh, well, can you make me a sandwich?"
Sister: "..."
A Sister of Cleaning bends over to pick up some bullet casings while sweeping the barracks
Guard 1: "Yeeeeah! I'd like to squeeze my hands around that!"
Still bent over, the sister gasps
Guard 2: "You said it! My ammo belt'd wrap around that so hard..."
The sister blushes
Guard 3: "I'd haul that baby to the top of our chimera and mount it right there!"
The sister is now wet with anticipation
Sister: "Well if you want it so ba-"
She sees them looking at an ammo requisition form for a storm bolter, and dejectedly starts weeping to herself
Sister: "But, Canoness! T-these men aren't heretics! They're just... just... STUPID! Muscle-headed apes who are so preoccupied with guns and sandwiches that they wouldn't know a heretic if it walked up to them and spake of the Black Library!"
Canoness: (over televox) "That's ENOUGH!"
Sister: "B-but..."
Canoness: "No buts! You and your sisters are there as punishment. No matter how stiff your punishment seems, or how hard it gets, you are to see it through to its climax. Is that understood?!"
The sister nods forlornly
Canoness: "Over and out."
An Imperial Guardsman comes in and begins to unbuckle his pants
Guard: "I'm glad I found you, sister. I have something for you."
The sister's eyes widen
Guard: "My fatigues are torn. Can you stitch them up for me?"
The guard walks behind a filing cabinet, and tosses over his pants onto the sister's head
Guard: "Thanks."
The sister twitches as she barely keeps from unholstering her bolter
Guard: "Hey sister, could you please... grab my wiener?"
Sister: blushing "Oh my! What a thing to ask of a sister! But, if you asked so politely, I have no choice but to accept..."
Guard: "Thanks, it's in the fridge in the kitchen. I wrote my name on it."
Sister: "..."
Two guardsmen stand a small distance from a Sister of Cleaning
Guard 1: "Man, look at her neck's contour, I'd love to drill her. "
The Sister's ears perk up, pretends she didn't hear it
Guard 2: "Oh yeah, I can see that. And look at her chest. I bet she's a real screamer. You could probably hear her from across the barracks when she gets going."
Oh my goodness! Talking about such things in the open, they must be heretics! Now's my chance to get off this rock, and maybe get a little action on the way...
Guard 1: "It would be a lot more fun than drilling the other guards, that's for sure."
The other guardsmen? No wonder they're so cold to us girls! Oh the Canoness is going to love this!
Guard 2: "Yeah, anything would be an improvement over that."
Sister walks up to the two guards
Sister: "Hello boys, are you two talking about me? Remember I'm on orders to do whatever you say, no matter what you ask me to do..."
Guard 1: "We don't want to force you sister, but... if you're willing, how would you feel about... "
Sister: "Yes? YES?"
Guard 2: "...joining the local Drill Team? We need another singer, and from what I've heard you chant while you clean those toilets I think you're just what we need!"
A Sister of Cleaning was mopping the floor of the locker room, lamenting her station while quietly imploring the Emperor for some 'action'.
Suddenly, as she hears the marching of dozens of footsteps, her eyes widen in anticipation. As the guardsmen hurry into the locker room, they all toss a pile of filthy fatigues on her before they can notice her.
As she grumbles about not being able to see a damn thing, she digs her way out only to see the door to the showers slam shut.
As she turns around to facepalm, the shower doors swing open and the guards throw their towels on top of her, again oblivious to her presence. She again digs her way out, to find the room empty.
Thus, she weeps, and wonders why the Emperor would deprive her of even a fleeting voyeuristic pleasure.
A Sister of Cleaning grumbles as she works on her hands and knees behind a low wall weeding some plants
Guard 1: "Really? you are going to nail her good?"
Guard 2: "Of course. Look at this wood. How can I not help but want to nail her good and hard?"
The sister's ears perk up, as she slowly looks over the wall
Sister: "How can I help you guardsmen!" (maybe said with a bit too much excitement)
The sister sees the two guardsmen standing there with a hammer and nails getting ready to fix a broken fence
Guard 1: "Yes sister?"
The sister slowly sinks back behind the wall. Face twitching some.
Guard 1: "Oh, I'll bet shes just FILTHY!"
a Sister of Cleaning stops in her tracks, when she realizes there's already people in the galley
Guard 2: "Yes, yes, and seeing as she hasn't done it in quite a while, I bet she'd finish up, right quick!"
Guard 1: "Ha! Right you are. Hell, after they haven't done it in a while, they're practically EAGER."
The sister walks in, trying to walk sultry-like
Sister: "Hello boys...!" (chirping as she talks)
Sister: "What were you just talking about?"
Guard 1: "Why, you of course!"
the sister's eyes widen
Sister: "Really??"
"Guard 2: "Oh, yes. We knew you hadn't done latrine duty in some time, so we didn't think you'd mind if we re-assigned you!"
An Imperial Guardsman gets a Sister of Cleaning alone in a corner
Guard: "Hey Sister. I know this isn't standard protocol, and it might get me in trouble but... you just seem like somebody I can trust."
Sister: "Of course you can trust me. I'd never tell anybody anything you told me... or did to m-"
Guard: "I just can't hold it in any more. Sister... do you want to see my cock?"
The sister's heart is beating hard, she starts getting wet with excitement
Sister: "Ye... yes! I'd love to see it. C-can I touch it too?"
Guard: "Oh, you can stay up all night petting it if you want. We can't do it here though. Follow me to my room."
The sister follows him, literally shaking with excitement, tears of joy forming in her eyes
The guard opens the room and walks to a small cube of metal mesh in the corner of the room and removes a chicken from it
Guard: "His name is Sergeant Clucky! I raised him all the way up from an egg I got from a local farm! Isn't he precious? Go on, pet him!"
Sister: twitch
The next day the guard was flogged for harboring a live animal. The Commissar found out through an anonymous tip.
Two Sisters of Cleaning are seductively washing a vehicle in skimpy, white clothing
Sister 1: "Oh, I sure hope all this water doesn't... Oh, darn. My favorite white robes are all wet and cold!"
She rubs her breasts as they become visible through the cloth
Sister 2: "The same happened to me as I was extending and thrusting against this window to get it clean!"
She gyrates her posterior while tightening her legs
A Guardsman walking by stops dead in his tracks, a cigarette falls from his mouth
Guard: "Sweet Emperor!"
Sister 1: "Oh, Guardsman!" (while winking)
Sister 2: "Can we get a change of clothes from you?"
Guard: "I'd certainly say so. Here's a couple of Hazmat suits to put on over your clothes. We took this badboy to war with the Orks and the wheels still have some spore on 'em. You inhale, and you'll be vomiting for weeks! As you were, ladies."
Sisters of Cleaning: "..."
Two Sisters of Cleaning are sitting in their dorm, one of them crying in the other's lap
Sister 1: "I don't know how much more I can take! UUuuuah!"
Sister 2: "We must be strong! For the Emperor, remember?"
Sister 1: "B-but I feel like I'm going to burst inside! I need to feel someone's touch..."
Sister 2: "...Don't cry. Come here."
The sisters stare at each other for a moment and lean in for a tender kiss when they are startled by a knock on the door
Guard 1: "Hey, hey, hey! Ladies! We need to borrow one of you for the evening? Which one'a ya is it gonna be?"
Sister 1: "Huh?"
Guard 2: "It's party-time! We're gonna need a woman that's willing, able, and who doesn't mind getting her hands REALLY dirty-- if you know what I mean!"
The sisters look excited and Sister 2 urges her sister to go with him
Hours pass when Sister 1 returns bruised, sweaty, and with torn clothing
Sister 2: "Oh! By the Emperor!" (looking excited)
Sister 1: "Urrrrggghhh...."
Sister 2: "Er, what happ--"
Sister 2: "...the guards needed an extra pair of hands to help them replace the engine in the land raider with a new one."
Sister 1: "Ohh. Hm. Uh, hey you still wanna--"
Sister 2: "No."
A Sister of Cleaning is folding laundry, and feeling particularly grumpy
An Imperial Guardsman approaches
Guard: "Hello, Sister. I need you in my bunk. I have some work for you."
Sister grumbles
Guard: "Oh, it's work that is really 'HARD.'"
Sister: "I will change your bedding later. I am swamped."
Guard: "That's-- "
Later in the day she finally makes it to his quarters. She notices the sheets are perfectly clean and made.
On an Ecclesiarchy chapel on some ship somewhere in the Imperial Navy
Priest: "That will be all for today, my children. Go in the peace and love of our most blessed Emperor."
The congregation shuffles out, save for one Sister of Cleaning in fervent prayer in the front pew.
Priest: sits next to the Sister quietly, a mischievous look in his eyes "Good evening, Sister."
Sister: awakes from prayerful trance "G-good evening, father. Is there something you need?"
Priest: "...Well, as a matter of fact, Sister, there is something I desire from you. Something... special."
Sister: blushes curiously "F-father?"
Priest: inches closer, passionately "Because, at the end of the day, all Emperor-fearing men of the Imperium -- be they a humble Guardsman, a cleric, or a perfectly average layperson -- needs a little something to keep them fighting the good fight. Something only a very special woman can provide. One... such as you! Your reputation preceding you!"
Sister: excited "Oh, Father! How could you ever talk of such things... a man of the cloth, in his very chapel! Well, I suppose there's no use fighting it, you've got me cornered..." begins unbuttoning blouse
Priest: "Splendid! The priest's home needs a cook to fill in this week, our food servitor broke down last Tuesday and the replacement hasn't arrived yet."
Sister: sighs "Yes, Father." begins exiting
Priest: "Also, on your way out, could you send for my Altar Boy, please? Remind him to bring my 'special kit.' He'll know what I'm talking about."
Sister: "..."
A Sister of Cleaning is making sandwiches in the galley as she hears footsteps approach
Guard 1: "So you going to get her to rub your helmet?"
Sister suddenly grows attentive and stops what she's doing
Guard 2: "Oh yes. I'll bet she gets it all nice and wet."
A smile grows on the sister's face
Guard 1: "You sure she'll be able to do it all? I've seen your helmet, and it's rather big."
The sister walks up to guards, grinning
Sister: "Hello boys! Anything you want me to DO?"
Guard 2: "Yeah, my helmet's got all this gore on it. Be a dear and clean it, will you?"
The guard passes his helmet to the sister and walks away oblivious
Guard 1: right before walking off too "It was pretty cool. Those are the remnants of a Slaaneshi tentacle monster. It was violating the female Imperial Guardsmen and everything before we blew it up!"
The sister's face is twitching, she holds the helmet so tightly it cracks slightly
Guard: "Oh, Sister. Would you mind helping me with something?"
Sister: "Is there another leaky faucet or something?"
Guard: "No. Nothing like that. I need you to do some, uh, "modeling" for me."
Sister: "Modeling?"
Guard: "Oh, yes. In fact... I'm going to ask you to do a special pose."
Sister: getting interested "Ahh! Hahahaha! A special pose! I think I know just what you're asking for!"
Guard: "Ok, great! I have all my equipment for the painting right here."
The guard begins setting up his easel and canvass
Sister: batting eyelashes "So... will this painting be for your "private" use when you're alone?"
Guard: "Not exactly. I think a lot of the guys will be using it. Ok! Now, get down on your hands and knees facing me, hunch yourself over a bit, and open up your mouth in a menacing way!"
The sister breaks out into a naughty smirk and does just as she was told
Two hours pass by and the sister is still giddy
Guard: "...ok... done!"
The sister stands up and works her way to the painting excitedly
Sister: "uh... what is it that I'm... looking at?"
Guard: smiling "You made for a great reference model! With you posing like that, it was just a matter of a few extra touches, and, VOILÀ! The perfect target for firing practice!"
The sister stares with her mouth gaping as she continues to look at the painting of a chaos-spawn that half looks like her, half looks like a disgusting Nurgle monster
Guard: "Terrific isn't it? Later, we'll make some copies of it that we'll be able to shoot at all day!"
The sister slowly walks off while fighting tears
It was payday and a group of Imperial guardsmen decided to go town to a nearby town to spend some of their hard-earned money.
The Sisters had said something about "wanting to come so badly," but they had to leave them behind. (If they didn't, who would scrub the toilets?) Most of the men ran straight for the weapon shops and armor depots, but one soldier had something else on his mind.
He wanted a companion, somebody who he could live with and teach to love The Emperor, but who he could keep hidden from the prying eyes of command. So he went to a local market and bought the finest egg he could, because eating raw eggs helped him think.
To his great surprise the egg did not taste at all like a normal egg. It tasted much too feathery, and it moved around too much. When he spat it out he discovered it was a live chicken! And, despite his oral ordeal, he was completely unharmed!
"This must be fate," he thought. "And fate is the will of The Emperor. Like it or not, this chick is now part of the Imperial Guard."
Regaining his composure, he addressed the small bird, "Welcome aboard, soldier! I like you, but you're going to have to start from the bottom like everybody else! Maybe some day you'll work yourself up the rank, but until then you're... Private Clucky!"
A Sister is fueling up a newly requisitioned Hellhound on a hot day in very light skimpy clothing
Guard 1: "Oh, look at that baby"
The sister perks up and listens more intently
Guard 2: "Oh yeah, I'd love to mount her. Feel her purring beneath me."
The sister stops cleaning and gets a feeling of anticipation
Guard 1: "Oh Emperor, yes. Imagine what its like filling her with liquid."
The sister touches herself and feels she's wet
Guard 2: "Oh, but that's nothing compared to what it would be like when she spits HER 'holy liquid', if you know what I mean."
At this point, the sister turns around, her face completely red, and her hand over her crotch.
Guard officer: "Wanna take her for a wild ride, boys?"
The Sister gets a face filled with excitement and glee.
Sister: "Oh, I-I guess I hav-"
She's cut off as the Guardsmen, along with the officer, rush to the Hellhound and drive off
The sister is left in a puddle of tears and natural lubricant.
Guard: "Ahem. Excuse me... sister?"
Sister: "Sigh. Yes?"
Guard: "I know."
Sister: "You know what?"
Guard: "You know; why you were stationed here."
Sister: "...!?"
Guard: "The, ah, REAL reason..."
she blushes bright red
Guard: "I'm just a guardsman. One in billions. I have no right to be asking a sister..."
her heart beating heavily, the sister asks him what
Guard: "I... I want to be with you."
Sister: "!!!"
Guard: "B-but if you, I mean if you don't want me t-"
the sister grabs him and kisses him passionately, just as the guard embraces her the commissar rounds the corner
Commissar: "PRIVATE! How dare you sully a daughter of the Emperor?! HERETIC!!!"
Sister: "No, wait! You don-"
KERZAP!! The guardsman is summarily cattle-prodded by the irate Commissar. When he wakes up, he finds that he has been shipped to the front lines of Zaraxtaven IV, which is being besieged simultaneously by Tyranids and the Dysentery Chaos Marines of Nurgle.
The sister, appearing emotionally scarred by the event, is given an extra hour for lunch break
Guard: "Throne! Sir, that's a big one."
a Sister of Cleaning in the next room happens to overhear
Officer: "I know, I can't wait for one of those sisters to come and help me slam it home into a nicely greased up chamber, so I can really let it blow. After all this time, ripping one out is going to feel tremendous!"
the sister stands upright and starts to walk over, licking her lips and trying to put on a provocative pose
Sister: "May I be the one to help you here, boys?"
Officer: "Why certainly. You seem strong enough, bend over will you?"
Sister: "Ooh.. you mean right here?"
Officer: Well, actually, a bit to the right, please. The earthshaker rounds are in the black crate."
the sister sighs and looks for the crate
Guard 1: walking off "There is so much you can do with earthshaker rounds."
It had been a month since Private Clucky had been drafted, and he was excelling in his studies. The guard spent all his spare time teaching him, and he could see it was starting to pay off. The time he didn't spend pecking at the heretic face that activated the food dispenser he spent on the obstacle course (consisting of a bowl of water, a bowl of food, and a bunch of sawdust) training for the day, the guard was sure, he would be able to fight heretics. Little did either of them know that day was today. Too late did the guard notice the horrible monster slip into Clucky's cage. A vile monster with elongated, flailing limbs! A bulging body! Crass dark eyes! And horrible mandibles! This was clearly a beast of chaos, and the young Guard was sure of it! He was frozen with the terror, but Clucky's training had prepared him well. In one swift action, Private Clucky devoured the grasshopper whole. "You... you saved my life! That was amazing Private Clucky! Private... that name isn't enough. No mere private could do what you just did. I'm moving you up a rank. For your historic bravery, I am in your debt... Congratulations, Corporal Clucky!"
Guard: "Excuse me, sister."
Sister: rolls eyes "Yes?"
Guard: nervously "I have a favor to ask of you. It's not exactly within the scope of your duties and, well, it's kinda personal so if you don't want to, I mean I'd like for you to but ..."
Sister: attentively "I see," leaning in closer "just let me know how I can help."
Guard: "Well, it's just that I'm still young and I never actually--"
Sister: licking lips "Oh, the younger the better...!"
Guard: excited "Really? That's great! My mom always wanted me lo learn High Gothic! Can we start tonight?"
the sister mumbles unintelligibly
The next day, the guard was flogged and forced to preform his drills in irons for the two weeks after cheerfully calling his Sergeant "a son of an Ogryn" in high gothic.
a Sister of Cleaning is being held with her arms bound behind her back by a group of Imperial guardsmen.
they snicker and cheer as they tear her clothing from her
Sister: "N- noooo! Please!"
Guard 1: "Quiet you!"
Guard 2: "She's got quite a mouth, though. I think I'll put it to good use! he release himself from his pants, and prepares to stick it in her mouth
Guard 3: "She looks pretty wet down there. I'm gonna split you wide open, sis!" he says this as he bends her over and spreads her legs
Sister: "N-ahh! You... you heretics! You wouldn't!" she tries to sound angry, is but secretly elated
Guard 1: "You guys ready?" he says this as he prods her bottom
Guards: "YES, SIR!"
as the men converge on her, she is overwhelmed by the feeling-- as though she were being shaken and made to vibrate
Guard: "Yo, sister. Rise and shine. Let's get some breakfast started, we got an early drill today."
the sister hauls herself out of bed, rubs the sleep from her eyes, puts on her robe, and lets out a sigh
A Guardsman is sitting on a Chimera. When he sees a Sister walking outside, he opens the hatch.
Guard: Hey, Sister, I got a favor to ask.
Sister: *sigh* What is it now...*expecting a simple cleaning job*
Guard: You've got some talent for making weapons shiny, could you polish my lasgun?
Sister: *sigh* ok... *takes the guardsman's gun*
Guard: Not that one. Here. *opens his zipper. The sister notices a bulge in his pants.*
Sister: OhmyEmperor finally! I always wanted to---
Guard: Clean my gun? *shows laspistol hidden in his groin pocket*
- Sister of Battle is making a sandwich while cursing under her breath, the frustration of the oblivious guards getting to her.*
Guard: Hey, you seem pretty mad. Sister: Hmm? *Still making the sandwich* Guard: It's obvious what's wrong. Sister: *Eyes widen* Guard: And I know exactly how I can help! Sister: Uhhh what? Guard: Here, I'll show you, with tasty tasty mayonnaise! Sister: *Please let that be a metaphor, please let that be a metaphor!*
-The Guardsman walks up confidently to the now surprised Sister of battle-
Guard: See you have to put the mayonnaise on the bread first before you put on the meat to act like glue otherwise it falls apart which forces you to flatten the top like you were doing before.
The sisters eyes continue to widen in what the Guardsman assumes to be gratitude or thanks before he walks off.
The sandwiches were all flatter then usual the next day.
New guy: "hey guys, what's with all the chicks in robes and shit?"
Guardsman: "oh, they're some sisters of battle or something that have to do whatever we tell them to"
- new guy's eyes get wide* "anything?"
"wow. uh, ok."
3 hours later, he's found dead of a crushed pelvis. no one seems to know anything.
the autopsy later proves that his pelvis was crushed by treads, specifically from a Leman Russ battle tank. he had apparently been directing several sisters in parking the motor pool... not a particularly smart idea considering their lack of experiance with driving guard vehicles.
Major: "I'm glad I found you, sister. I've wanted to talk."
*sister looks up dejectedly from the sandwich-makings*
Sister: "... yes? What is it, Major?"
Major: "I'd kind of like to apologize for my subordinates. I know they're not the brightest humanity has to offer."
- the sister is only half-listening, hands idly continuing with the sandwich assembly*
Major: "I know it can be frustrating how oblivious they can be. And I know for a young Sister in your position, it can all be a bit frustrating."
- the sister looks up, daring to hope that this is all real*
Sister: "Y-you don't say..."
Major: "Of course, I see your frustration. And I want to help."
*her heart starts racing, her imagination already playing out wild scenarios*
Major: "So, I hope you don't mind... I picked up a few new toys in town. We can use them together later tonight if you'd like."
- the sister shivers in anticipation, a wet spot slowly spreading across her robes*
Major: "Here. These are for you."
*he lays a new panini press and an assortment of cutlery in front of the sister*
Major: "I'll help you make some sandwiches later, to help break the thing in."
*the sister's head hits the counter in frustration as the major strides out of the room, a devilish grin tugging at the corners of his mouth*
a sister of cleaning is scrubbing down a wall outside of a doorway.
Guard 1: dammit! i can't do it!
Guard 2: whaddya mean you can't 'do it'? it's easy!
at the emphasis of those last few words, the sister's interest is piqued
guard 1: if it's so easy, why don't you show me then?!?I honestly don't know how they even wear these!
guard 2: look, you just grab 'er, wrap her around, and tie her up like so! it's easy! like tying up some boots!
'could it be true!?! one of my sisters being ravished so?' the cleaning sister thought
*a feminine grunt escapes from the doorway*
'yes! yes! it must be! oh joy!'
lean leans into the doorway to sneak a peak, wild imaginings ramming through her mind...
only to be disappointed at the sight of two guardsmen, wearing aprons, and one of her comrades, struggling to open a pickle jar, with a row of unfinished sandwiches in front of her.
*sister hears voices whispering outside her door in the middle of the night*
Guard 1: "You really think this is a good idea?"
Guard 2: "Of course it is. What, don't tell me this'll be your first time!"
*the sister strains to hear more, her curiosity piqued*
Guard 1: "What if she reports us the the Commissar?"
Guard 2: "Don't worry. I'll find a way to make sure she won't."
*the sister is thrilled at the direction their conversation is taking*
Guard 1: "Anyway, by the time we're done, she won't have much energy left in her. She'll probably just pass out from exhaustion. After all, we got the whole squad in on this."
*the sister feels a warm wetness between her legs, and her chest starts to feel painfully tight with excitement*
Guard 2: "Alright. Let's do it."
*the guardsman knocks on the door, breaking the sister's tense anticipation*
Guard 2: "... we're all hungry. You wanna go on a kitchen raid with us and make some late-night sandwiches?"
*the sister rolls over with a grunt and pretends to be asleep*
Two guardsmen are eating sandwiches and occasionally take a peek at the kitchens to view a sister making more. Another sister is present in the mess hall wiping up the tables and overhears the following conversation.
Guard 1: Man all we do is have the sisters make us sandwiches.
Guard 2: What? You say that like it's a bad thing.
Guard 1: Well they're good but....
Pausing he looks over to the sister taking a slice of meat from the container next to her.
Guard 1: Can you imagine what else those hands could do? I mean all they hold are slices of meat! Imagine them holding something big and juicy!
The sister cleaning up the mess hall pauses herself.
Guard 2: Like what?
Guard 1: Well.....
*Looking around the first Guardsman seems to have adopted a shifty persona, leaning in he whispers something into his friends ears. A mixture of horror, delight with a bit of drooling is plastered over the mans face which both confuses and arouses the spying sister.*
Guard 2: Are you sure?
Guard 1: C'mon we only have to ask, I mean I'm sure they'll love the idea.
Guard 2: I dunno, I thought girls generally hated slimy stuff.
Guard 1: After all the sandwiches they make I'm sure they'll LOVE the chance to get dirty.
Guard 2: But TEN? Are you sure that they can handle them?
The sister at this point was panting, her imaginations began to run away with her.
Guard 1: C'mon, every girl likes a big sausage, once she sees mine they won't be able to say no!
The sister at this point had built up her courage and considering her frustration decided to the most direct route would be best.
Sister: I'm sorry I couldn't help but overhear something about a big sausage, I LOVE big sausages! I can handle any amount!
Guard 1: Told ya she'd love them, I have ten crates of the things at the quarter masters, we're hoping you and the girls could make something out of them for the men!
*four Sisters of Cleaning are on latrine duty and engaging in idle chatter*
Sister 1: "...and so it was decided. For her pennance, she would have to do sober what she claimed she could do drunk!"
Sister 2: "Whoa..."
Sister 3: "So, did she go through with it?"
Sister 1: "Yep. She sure did."
Sister 4: "So she literally fucked a chainsword? By The Emperor... talk about a lousy way to go."
Sister 1: "Believe it or not, she didn't die! Well, not at first."
Sister 2: "Ouch."
Sister 1: "The Apothecaries were able to keep her alive for DAYS."
Sister 3: "At least her soul was saved."
Sister 4: "Still, I hope I never screw up so badly that I have to go through something like that..."
Sister 2: "Speaking of screw-ups, what's the latest on Sister Maris?"
Sister 3: "That klutz..."
Sister 4: "Sigh. Maris... the joke of the convent."
Sister 1: "Not sure. Last I heard, she locked herself in her room in a fit of depression after that one time when she made those 100 sandwiches for the guards but didn't remove the cheese from the plastic wrappers."
*the sisters giggle* Sister 2: "Ha! I'm still reeling from when she put THREE coats of wax on the floor when she was mopping."
Sister 3: "Oh, yeah. So many guards slipped and fell that night, the infirmary was backlogged for a week."
Sister 4: "Or that time she mixed in the red baseball cap with the guards' laundry?"
Sister 1: "It took weeks for their uniforms to fade back from looking pink."
Sister 2: "They looked kind of cute, though."
Sister 3: "I wonder if Maris ever tried to get any "action" from the guards?"
Sister 4: "Well, seeing how she manages to screw up just about everything else, I'm guessing if she tried to--"
*the sister trails off as they hear an Imperial Guardsman running down the adjoining corridor and yelling excitedly*
*the sisters start exchanging looks with their jaws hanging wide open*
Sister 2: "Did he just say--"
Sister 3: "you heard it too?"
Sister 4: "But how...?"
Sister 1: "Wow. Guess she's not a complete klutz... Good going, Maris..."
*elsewhere in the compound, Sister Maris and the guard are meeting in secret*
Sister Maris: "Let's see... 20... 30... 40... 50! There, fifty Imperial Credit Slips. Just as I promised."
Guard: Heh. "Thanks, Sister." Sister Maris: "Oh, no. Thank you. Now, you're SURE that they heard you?"
Guard: "You bet! I was pretty loud. I'd have been hard to miss."
Sister Maris: "Ha! Well, now finally they might start taking me a little seriously."
*the guard begins to walk off*
Sister Maris: "Say, I don't suppose you ever considered that we--"
Guard: "No thanks. I'm gay."
*a smile cracks on Sister Maris's face knowing she's still ahead of the game anyway*
*Two SoC are settling into their new roles*
S1: This is insane. We’re their bloody MAIDS?
S2: Relax. We can make this work.
*Knock on the bunkroom door*
Guardsman: Ah, you’re both here. Good. I was hoping I get to have at least one of you.
S1: *Flushing* Y…You need both of us?
Guard: Of course, sister, there’s nearly a thousand of us here.
S2: *Bites her lip* Well, then, we had better get started.
Guard: *Grinning* Oh, I quite agree. Come with me.
*All three make their way to the mess hall, both sisters trying to hide grins*
Guard: And here we are! *Stops next to door* I’m so glad you’re here. Can you imagine what having a thousand men to look after is like?
S1: *Dazed and heady* I…I can only…imagine it.
Guard: Welp, off you go! *Opens cleaning closet across from mess door and walks off whistling*
S2: *Long pause* I’m really hoping we can make this work.
Random guardsman enters the quarters of the Sisters of Cleaning. All of the sisters are wearing white short cut tank tops, matching panties and nothing else.
Guardsman(sweating a little): Sisters, you reported a problem?
Lead Sister: Oh yes, the cooling unit in our quarters broke, and we are all so hot...
Another sister: You look pretty hot yourself, why not let us get you out of that carapace armor?
Guardsman: Not to worry sisters! Techpriest! get in here and fix this cooling unit!
Techpriest: Ah, an easy repair, it seems like some wires were accidentally cut
Lead Sister: But, wai... AAH! (all the sisters yelp and run for cover as they are blasted with freezing cold air)
Guardsman: No need to thank me, sisters! (walks off) Sisters: -_-
The sisters are now adorned with heavy, fur-lined coats pulled over their shoulders, but hanging open, concealing almost nothing. They quickly encircle the lingering techpriest. Sister 1: Oh, but we insist on thinking YOU for your trouble at least.
Techpriest: Think nothing of it, my augmentations give me tremendous... stamina.
(thinks a moment) Actually, there IS something you could help me with (gestures to his groin)
Sister(kneeling down and slowly parting his robes): Well, we would be happy t- GAH! what IS that?
Techpriest: Oh I had some unnecessary organs there replaced with a sanctified waste filtration unit.
(He gives her what amounts to a colostomy bag from the rats nest of tubes and wires)
Techpriest: The filter cartage has been backing up recently, thank you for offering to wash that out.
The sister, fighting the urge to vomit, gingerly takes the bag to the latrine. Meanwhile the techpriest stands around, oblivious to the sisters gawking at the hole where his "unit" used to be.
- a sister walks into the Major's office*
Sister: "You asked for me, sir?"
Major: "I know asking to see you after hours is irregular, but I've heard you were born on Boscor IV. I used to be stationed there."
Sister: "Really?"
Major: "Yes, and I have to admit I've grown to miss that "Boscor hospitality", if you follow."
*the sister blushes slightly and drops her gaze*
Major: "The ladies there really made you feel right at home."
*the sister blushes even more furiously, trembling slightly*
Major: "Which was great, since on that snowball, there was a lot of free time and little else to do."
*the sister closes her eyes as she feels herself growing wet from excitement*
Major: "Hell, I could really go for one of them right about now."
*the sister clenches her thighs in one last attempt to hold herself back*
Major: "For that matter, I used to take two or three at once. They always told me I had some talent with my fingers and tongue."
*the sister slowly begins to rub herself under the table, shivering with anticipation*
Sister: "A-anything you want... sir..."
Major: "Excellent. I'd like three of your best Boscor-style bacon sandwiches. I knew you wouldn't let me down."
*the sister staggers out in tears as the Major wonders if that might have been a little too mean*
The guardsman's jaw dropped as the closet door swung wide. In amongst the the mops, brooms and other cleaning supplies, two sisters of battle stared back at him, the women's uniforms were piled on the floor as if torn off in great haste. Their faces downcast in shyness, but with eyes staring longingly at his face, among other parts of his body. Guardsman: Is.. is everything alright sisters?
Guardsman: "I'm... I'M SORRY SISTERS! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU LIKED MOPS THAT MUCH!" *the sisters hang their heads in disappointment as the guardsman hastily slams the door*
Two sisters of cleaning are carrying a jug of promethium fuel past some exercising guardsmen on the parade ground. Mumbling under her breath about "oblivious idiots" the first sister accidentally sloshes a few drops of fuel onto her apron.
The second sister, thinking fast, cries out: "oh no, you spilled fuel on your uniform, take it off right away!
Sister1: (getting the idea): "Oh no, please someone help me!"
Sister2: "Oh, dear! While helping you out of your uniform, some fuel got on me as well, I better strip down immediately!
By now the entire IG regiment has stopped their exercises to stare. The two Sisters are standing helplessly in their underwear, trying (but not very hard) to cover themselves with their hands, pale skin raising goosebumps as a slight breeze passes over suddenly revealed flesh.
The guardsmen, moving as one, converge on the sisters. The women close their eyes in anticipation of what is about to happen....
A lucky move, since by the time they realized the warm wind blowing onto their necks was the propellant of three dozens of fire extinguishers firing on them simultaneously their clothes ahd already caught on fire
Major: " Moving promethium across the parade grounds while the guys are getting a much needed hellhound security course? Sister Maris, I'm disappointed in you"
A sister of cleaning was hauling out some trash when she overheard some guardsmen around the corner.
guard #1: "Oh, I'd love to get my hands on a couple of jugs, man what I could do with them."
The sister paused and listened intently.
guard #2: "I know what you mean, I'd love to have a couple of milkbags in my hands right now, the thought makes me drool.
The sister smiled to herself and loosened the top buttons of her uniform.
guard #1: man, I would put my mouth on those jugs all day
The sister pulled apart her blouse to show a dangerous amount of cleavage and walked around the corner.
"Is there anything I could help you with, boys," she cooed as she leaned forward, nearly spilling out of her top.
"Oh, yeah!" Said the first guardsman, "We'd both love it if you could get us a couple tall glasses of cool, refreshing milk!"
"But, he said bags..." the sister said confusedly.
"Oh sure!," replied the second guardsman, "I'm from Cadia and in Cadia milk comes in bags!"
- sister finishes fixing the men's shower, decides to risk it*
- gets excited thinking about what would happen if someone found her*
- she rapidly grows frustrated that nobody has walked in on her yet*
- Major pokes his head in*
Major: "Are you done in here yet? Because I told the guardsmen to wait until you were done out of courtesy."
- the sister throws a towel around herself and punches a hole in the wall as she storms out, dripping water and more all the way down the hallway to her quarters*
Ya know... At some point, some poor guardsmen is going to be cornered by 3 or 4 of them in a dark corner some where with no escape.
They speak of the close calls, the innuendo, the complete idiocy around them and how they are going to take it out on him.
At which point, in an attempt to save himself, he reveals the entire base knows why they are there. And have been under orders to punish them accordingly.
The following day, as everyone went about there usual work, a small, whimpering voice came over the vox. To the horror of the men, especially those in the presence of a sister, the base commander read their orders word for word.
Base commander(to assembled guardsmen): Listen up men! As many of you have noticed, the Sisters of Cleaning regiment stationed with us have begun performing their duties in various states of undress! (some murmuring among the guardsmen, comments like "made my sandwich wearing only an apron")
Commander: At ATTENTION! Now, while I am not privy to the inner workings of the Adepta Soroitas, I am fairly confident that this is some sort of purification rite among the sisters. If we were meant to be informed of anything more, we would be.
Therefore, you are all hereby ordered to NOT acknowledge the sisters appearance whatsoever! You will not mention their clothing or lack thereof at any time! The commissar will be listening!
Sister1: Well... thats about the sum of it ladies. All the frustration, the indignity, the sandwiches. All because of orders at the top. Take it easy on them girls, most of them are simply oblivious idiots and they do have jobs to do, as do we. But for today and tomorrow, I think we all deserve a nice vacation. (as she runs her hands down the base commanders now bare chest)
Sister2: Some notes for the boys. 1) Surrender to your sexy sexy fates, it be a lot easier on all of us. The infirmaries will be over worked enough as is. 2)When a sister tells you to fuck her in the ass, you don't crack jokes or discusses options, you fuck her in the ass. Remember, we are stronger than you, resistance is futile.
Base commander: Boys... we have fought long an har.... no wrong words, we have fought many enemies in the emperor's name. But I fear his radiance will not save us this day. Regardless of what co.... no, no. Of what happens next, it has been an honor serving with you boys. I mean... you MEN.
Sister1: Touching commander, very touching. And men they shall be when were done. And speaking of touching.
The last thing the men hear is a low whimper before the vox cuts out.
Then the sister looks up from her fanfic parchment, sighs, and says
"Pssh, as if that's going to happen."
The sisters hopes are once again raised when they hear that a battalion of guardsmen is being shipped in from a primitive feral world, only recently rediscovered.
"Surely these primitive brutes will have wild passions," they muse hopefully.
They are doubly excited when row after row of hulking troopers march off the transport. They hear tales of how these men are selected at birth and raised to be brutes in combat and are considered little more than animals. And the sounds of their nipples hardening make a loud 'ping!' against their breastplates.
To their horror, they find that the first part of making these savage warriors is to castrate them at birth.
Sister Lutinia moves slowly through the dimly lit corridor, as to not disturb the other troops in their slumber with the sharp click of her augmented right leg.
"Oh, Sister... Veriatis?" came a buzzing mechanical voice from the shadows, belonging to a robed figure who clickly steps into the light to make her presence known.
"Lutinia." She corrects the tech priest with curt tone, struggling to make out any sign of a face beyond the glowing red goggle-eyes and a ribbed hose feeding into the shadows under the hood.
"Oh, forgive me." the priest bowed deeply, its mechandrites extending behind it to maintain balance. "I am Coginatrix Sucilla, fourteenth of fourty-four." it bowed again, "Please forgive my assumption, I mistook the sound of your augmatic for that of Sister Veriatis."
"Yes, well..." Lutinia glanced down and flexed it, hearing that tinny click each time she straightened it fully. "It's been like that for the past few weeks."
"Perhaps..." the priest seemed to hesitate, though it took Lutinia a moment to recognize it as something other than the odd pause its voice already carried. "I could be of assistance?"
"Oh?" Lutinia looked thoughtful, "You would have the time to assist me? I was told I would have to wait some time for the appropriate rites to be prepared."
"Oh yes, indeed." Sucilla replied eagerly, "I have a number of special tools available in my quarters, which should be able to resolve that pesky clicking and..." trailing off again, the priest moved a step closer, so that their bodies pressed close, and Lutinia realized at last for the noticable bulge of her bussome, that Sucilla was a woman.
The tech priest's voice lowered noticably as she continued, "I also have a number of other tools available to me. They are... discrete, sleek, and have a highly... penetrating vibration action that... with your permission, we could use to... test the limits of your body in... entertaining ways. Are you interested?"
Lutinia felt the her throat catch as the Tech Priest broke contact, fighting the urge to leap foreward and wrap her arms about her as she stepped back. "I... uhm..." she stammered, feeling her cheeks turn that rosy shade she hadn't had to endure being teased about since her years in the scholla, "I would... like that... I'll meet you there after I complete my patrol."
"Excelent!" The tech priest seemed to positively buzz with anticipation. "You will find me in section block fourty-nine, room three. Just up the stairs behind you to the left."
And with that, they parted ways, Lutinia's heart ready to leap out of her chest with each click of her knee, all the louder for the newfound snap in her step.
It wasn't until she found herself wandering back down that very same corridor at the end of her rounds that the growing sence of doubt had truly begun to gnaw at her. Tales love tried for and failed abounded amongst her sisters, and though such an opportunity, or the illusion of one had never presented itself to Lutinia, she had quietly hoped it never would.
Quietly coming to a halt just before the staircase, Lutinia sighed and took her chin in her hand. "You're smarter than this." she told herself sternly, taking a shaky step backwards before straightening herself out, turning on her heel and starting back to her dorm room. "Of course you are. You will not be made a fool of by such rubbish."
And she knew it, too. In the days and months to come, when she would, on occasion, encounter Sucilla again, whether it be in some public manner or through some unexpected encounter in the hallway late at night, the tech priest never again made such an offer. Instead, they would engage in short, awkward small talk, until at last even that ceased. Lutinia felt a great releaf, knowing she'd never need know what instane experiment the mechanicum adept had planned to 'test the limits' of her body.
For her part, Sucilla could never bring herself to look Lutinia in the eyes, again.
After all the indignities they had suffered, the Sisters of Cleaning were beginning to lose hope. But that bright spark of lust flared anew with the arrival of a Space Marine veteran of the Ultramarine chapter on a brief stopover in between battlefields. Standing tall, even by Space Marine standards, he toured the base with grace and politeness. However, when he came to the barracks of the Sisters of Cleaning he dismissed his escort and addressed the sisters personally. "Blessed sisters, I must confess that I have an ulterior motive in visiting this place. When I heard of your... situation I knew I had to come here personally. While we of the emperor's finest are provided almost everything by his divine will, we still have certain needs that we cannot fulfill ourselves." Said the space marine as he tapped a gauntlet-clad hand against his solid adamantine breastplate. The sisters all crowded around this towering paragon of the emperor's might, hopeful eyes all fixed on their apparent savior. If they were to be taken by such a man, to be brought to ecstasy by a literal instrument of the emperor's will, then all of the frustration and humiliation they had suffered would be worth it.
"Tell me sisters" He continued, oh-so-carefully brushing the pure-white hair from a nearby sisters face "have you ever seen a Space Marine out of his armor?" She was only barely able to gasp out a breathless "It would be an honor" before the mighty armor began to split and fold, until at last the glorious, Adonis-like body of the space marine was before them, muscles rippling as he said: "Thank you, I can only remove that armor once every 500 years and it is so hard to find someone trustworthy enough to clean it. " He then walked past the stunned sisters toward the showers, as a thick cloud rolled out of the suit: a half-millennium worth of accumulated man-sweat and recycled waste.
As the space marine rode the dropship up into the atmosphere, he couldn't help but notice a metal burr inside his suit that scratched at his lower back when he stood in certain positions. It seemed a minor annoyance, but it troubled him greatly, knowing that he could not remove the sacred armor for another 500 years...
The assignment was a simple one, report to the station, and serve by whatever means appropriate. However, all of the Sisters agreed on the last part as less than important. After being worked to the bone with their training and being left out to dry, now was their chance to reap their dirtiest desires. Their post was a simple and remote station out in some backwater system, away from any major war zones yet due to the incompetence of the Administratum was deemed worthy of an entire regiment of Cadians. This meant it was filled with filthy quarters and rooms in need of attending to. More importantly, dirty Guardsmen without any type of sexual release. As they arrived on the station from their transport shuttle, the Sisters eagerly shared their ideas as to what would happen. The Guardsmen would allow them in and right away to tear their already skimpy uniforms from their bodies as the girls would be forced down. Despite it being immoral and sinful, the girls wouldn't be able to resist their rough touches. Yes, several Sisters found themselves hardly able to walk just imagining it all. They traveled through the decrepit hangar with luminators to light up their path. The mist made it hard to see, so they stuck close together. There was so much moisture in the air that their clothes began to cling to their bodies. It didn't help that it was also chilly, several Sisters complained that their nipples were peaking through their blouses or that their panties were riding up their thighs. Hope came in the form of working lights in the distance as they neared the inner parts of the station. The more broken and neglected parts of the station led to the more well kept areas. Two Guardsmen were standing at the entrance from the hanger as they approached it. Up close, they could see just how large the station was. From out in the void it looked large, yet it was far larger in the inside.
"State your business" the guard commanded them. The Sisters congregated around the entrance as the Head Sister introduced them. "We're the Sisters of Cleaning that were ordered to service and assist this station. In any way requested~" Mavis announced. Being the Head Sister gave her the right to wear a different uniform than the others. Her’s was more revealing as it bore a skirt and left her in tights and panties. The top piece was still that of a frilly design for a head maid. "Okay? So, you are Sisters of Battle?" the guard said back with much interest. The Sisters of Battle were great warriors that would defend the post they were sent to with ease. While the Guardsmen were more than enough defense for the station, having such mighty warriors would be a great boon. Not to mention having extra manpower in maintaining the station and morale. There was plenty of work to be done and work they could give to the girls. " I'm sure you can think of many ways for us to provide the best service," Mavis explained. The Guardsmen shared a look before nodding, she had a point. "Open the gates! We have the Sisters of Cleaning coming!" the Guardsman voxed to his comrade in the control center. As the rusty gate rose, it creaked loudly with rust. "Head in and report to the Commander for your duties. "Don't wander around either," the guard warned them. "Or you'll punish us~?" the youngest, Anne asked. "We do have a torture chamber so yeah, you will get punished" the Guardsman rolled his eyes at the Sister and pushed her along. "Oooh! So rough~" Anne cooed. The Sisters entered the fortress and walked through the wet courtyard. Several Guardsmen were about, none paying the girls a single glance. A few Sisters pulled down their blouses or hiked their skirts, hoping to catch a stray touch from the Guardsmen. But none of them even tried to grope the girls.
"Phooey, this sucks" Catherine groaned as she hauled her cleaning equipment inside. It was as if the men had no interest in them at all! Several of the Sisters announced their displeasure at being ignored. "Don't worry, they are probably just playing hard to get. A little bit of time and they will snap" Mavis assured her Sisters. As they walked through the long hallways, they came upon the Commander’s quarters. Mavis opened the door and the Sisters pilled in. The Commander sat behind a large desk, reading a document. He didn't so much as look up as they entered. "Ahem, the Sisters of Cleaning are at your disposal" Mavis announced. The Commander glanced up briefly before going back to his document. "Cleaning? Yeah, there is plenty to be done. Help yourselves and start wherever" he mumbled. Mavis frowned, that wasn't the kind of response she was expecting. She walked up to the table, bending herself over it enough that her breasts rested against the wood at an angle that gave the Commander a look down her uniform. "We offer other services as well, we are not limited to cleaning" she continued. The Commander’s brow arched, he finally looked her in the eyes after hearing that. "You don't say? Are you ladies good with your hands?" he asked. Several of the Sisters nodded, making hand jerking motions and rolling motions with their fingers. "You could say that," Mavis nodded. "Good with handling meat too?" the Commander sounded more interested this time. A few Sisters felt drool pool in their mouths at the idea of getting to sample this 'meat'. "We can handle all sorts of meats, all at once too" Mavis clarified. "Do you girls have good endurance as well? You'll need to be able to keep up with my men" the Commander added.
Nearly all of the Sisters were about to fall onto the ground. Of course, the Guardsmen would have great stamina. Enough to fuck the girls until morning! "You'll find we are more than capable of keeping up with your pace" Mavis assured him. The Commander stood up, a pleased grin on his face. "Good then! We'll have you on equipment maintenance, cooking, and storage, as well" he announced. The girls all froze after hearing his order. None of those sounded even remotely sexy. "I-Is that all? Are you sure there isn't anything else you want us to do?" Mavis asked him. This time, the Commander looked a bit annoyed. "I said what I said. If anything, else comes to mind I will tell you. For now, follow any orders my men give" he said before dismissing them. Mavis led her Sisters to their designated sleeping quarters. There were no locks and it wasn't even that far away from the men's barracks. "Well, maybe a guy might sneak in and have his way with us at night" Jane sighed as she plopped onto her bed. "I don't want to share a juicy cock with you lot" Anne argued. "Ladies, you'll each have to earn yourself good dick around here. It's obvious these men are adamant about keeping efficiency around here" Mavis silenced them all. The Sisters shared challenging smirks, eager to begin luring in the men of the guard post. Leyla, a blonde with tight curls grabbed her broom. "I'll go sweep the mess hall!" she announced. When they had passed, she had noticed several men lounging in the mess hall.
Before she entered, she made sure her skirt was pulled up enough to show off her plump ass. The dainty thong she was wearing was visible as it was nearly sucked between her thighs. Her stocking cut at her knees, only being held up by the garter belt on full display. She held the broom pushed between her breasts as she walked. Each step making the large mounds bounce against the hard wood. Leyla even went as far as to slide the broom between her breasts just for a little bit of friction. She could feel her breasts grow heavy and tight at the idea of the men staring at her. She made sure to stop near the men before beginning to sweep. They spared her a brief glance before returning to their card game. Leyla bit her lip, none of them had looked even the least bit interested in her body or her actions! But she didn't let that get to her, they were probably playing hard to get. A challenge wasn't a problem for her. She inched closer to the table. feeling the rough-edged of the corner rub against her exposed cheeks. For a moment, she thought about just getting off on the table in front of them. She could last a few rounds so one on her own wouldn't deter her. But that was the same as passing up a feast when starved. She wiggled her hips as she swept, swaying them in a sensual manner. Leyla didn't stop as she heard the men stop talking, feeling their gaze on her ass. Now that was more like it! They were probably undressing her with their eyes or thinking about taking her from behind. She wouldn't mind the rough treatment. After all the training they had gone through, being treated like an animal was nothing. She was tempted to drop the broom and spread her cheeks to show them more. "Lass, are you sweeping in here?" one of the men asked her. She turned around with a slight pout, pushing her bottom lip outward. Her charm had always been looking young and innocent as most men liked. She could gladly play the role of a Sister who didn't know any better and needed punishment. "Yup, but I'll do whatever you want to," she said as she batted her lashes. Her tone of voice turned sickly sweet at the mention of serving them. She hoped they picked up on her insinuation. The largest of the men stood up, walking over to her. Just from sight alone, Leyla knew he had a big cock. Her imagination was already going wild with the thought of him holding her like a rag doll while fucking her or moving her like his own personal fuck toy. But the man grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. Leyla's heart began to beat quickly, she didn't mind being taken from behind either! His hands left her shoulders, reaching around and grabbing her wrists. She swallowed, was he going to hold her still while his friends fucked her first? Just the idea of all those cocks near her had her dipping on the spot.
"Your form is all wrong, you'll never get this place clean like that. See look, use longer sweeps, and really stretch across the floor. It's better to work your way from the corner and just travel clockwise" the man explained as he guided her into sweeping properly. Leyla huffed, was he really teaching her how to sweep?! She knew how to sweep, she was trying to be alluring! The way he had spoken to her was as if she was his daughter, what a turn off! Of course, she didn’t mind that in roleplay. An idea came to her as the man was still in close proximity. Surely, he wouldn't be able to resist if she ground against him! The blonde girl arched her back and stuck her bottom out against the man's crotch. Even with armor on, she knew he would feel pressure in the right places if she tried hard enough. Before she could feel anything, he pulled away. "Yeah! You got it! Just keep it up and you'll be done before dinner" he praised her before returning to the table. His friends eagerly praised him for helping Leyla before returning to their game. The girl simply swallowed her frustration and continued sweeping. This time, she swept a bit more angrily as she tried to finish up quickly. Her face burned in embarrassment. Had they really no interest in her! Then she heard something clatter to the floor. "Ah shoot, sorry guys" one of the men had said as coins fell onto the floor. Leyla grinned as a new opportunity arose for her. "I'll get it!" she announced as she skipped over. She fell to her knees and crawled under the table. Leyla found the coins but took her sweet time picking them up. She made sure her ass was pushed into one of the men's laps while her face was between the legs of the other. "Oh my~ I've put myself in such a dirty position~" she purred to them. "I'll say! Don't worry, we'll move out of your way" the Guardsmen stood up from the table and stepped away from it. Leyla pouted as she gathered the coins up. "Here you are sirs," she said as she gave them back the coins. "Thanks, Sister!" the mend eagerly returned to their game as if the entire thing never happened. Nothing was coming from this for her. As she continued to clean, she peeked into the kitchen. Fayza was in the kitchen with a Guardsman prepping dinner. Her uniform opened in the front, exposing the smooth expanse of her stomach and her cinched waist. Her breasts were just barely covered by the cloth, just the right movement and they would spring free like catfish. Fayza’s long purple hair was tied back as she carried a large flank of beef over to the counter. She placed it down carefully, letting out a large sigh afterward. She rolled her shoulders back and puffed her chest out to the Guardsmen with her. "I brought the meat as requested. Are you sure about letting me handle something so big and thick?" she asked him. Fayza made sure to lean over the meat so that her chest pressed up against it. While the men may be hungry, she was in the mood for a different kind of meat. "You Sisters are supposed to be good at handling meat, you tell me," he said as he turned around to grab the glaze that was supposed to be on top. "Oh yes, we are very good at handling meat. With our hands and mouths. Which would you prefer?" she asked him. "A simple glaze requires a brush so your hands will do just fine. Here, dress it in this" he ordered her as he handed her the jar. Fayza pretended to fumble with it, getting some of the glaze on her fingers. "Oops, my bad~," she said in a playful tone as she raised her fingers to her mouth.
Her tongue slipped out between her plump lips, teasing her fingertips as she caught droplets of the glaze with her tongue. The purple-haired woman licked the shiny glaze of her fingers in a sensual manner. Sucking on her fingers as she went. She made sure to make a show of it, opening her mouth and sticking a digit in. Fayza moaned loudly as she held eye contact with the Guardsmen. Surely, he wouldn't be able to resist as glaze dripped down her chin and onto the top of her breasts. "Stop that, that's for dinner not for you to eat" the man lectured her as he took the jar away. He began showing her where and how much glaze to apply to the beef. Fayza frowned, she was sure that would have worked. "Oh, but look at the mess I've made," she said as she hugged her arms under her breasts. The glaze had soaked through, leaving her white blouse transparent and making her skin look shiny. Her nipples stuck out against the fabric as it began to fall down the shape of her breasts. "Here, clean up then" the Guardsmen tossed her a towel and went back to the beef. Fayza was about to give up but she decided to pull out all of the stops. She pulled her blouse down and began rubbing her breasts with the towel. She kept doing it until the Guardsman looked back up at her. If he caught her fondling her chest in a shameless manner, he would punish her for sure. But the man only sighed at her, lifting the dish and carrying it to the over. "If you plan on bathing, do it in the baths and not the kitchen" he lectured her. The purple-haired girl's jaw nearly dropped, was he really uninterested in her body?! "F-fine!" she took off running to the baths without fixing her attire. None of the Guardsmen batted an eye as she sped by with her breasts flailing about. It was like she wasn’t even there! Fayza sniffled as she began stripping off her sticky uniform. Even standing nude in the laundry room couldn’t excite her. Several Guardsmen had walked by and not a single one commented on her naked body. She looked down at her plump breasts and defined thigh gap. One of her hands caressed her breast while the other slipped between her thighs. There was nothing wrong with her! Maybe, she would just have to get off on her own….
“Sister! What are you doing?” a Guardsman called out to her. Fayza jumped, turning around to face him. Her hands were still on her body, pressing into her soft skin. Maybe it did work after all! "Oh, I'm so sorry! I'll accept any punishment you see fit" she said as she squeezed her breasts tightly. "Punishment? For what? I was going to tell you I have a big load for you" the Guardsmen said as he pointed to his pants. Fayza felt her heart jump, was that an invitation?! "Of course! I'd be happy to take that from you" she began. As soon as she took a step forward, the Guardsman pulled his pants off. A loaf of smelly and brown stained clothes was carried into the laundry room. "Good! We just had a run-in with some nasty Tyranids in the nearby system! They smelled like absolute shit so try not to vomit!" the Guardsmen explained as he left. Fayza wanted to scream as the scent of the remains of those blasphemous xenos filled her nose. Luanna had passed by, shaking her head at her Sister's foolishness. Of course, she was just as eager as to get some as well. But she still had a job to do. She had been tasked with dusting the war room. There were plenty of surfaces to clean and her petite form would look enticing as she pressed against the Guardsmen in the room. Three of them were bent over a table, looking at a map of the nearby sectors and systems "Don't mind me" she said as she entered the room. None of the men did, much to her dismay. Nevertheless, she began dusting off the shelves and weapons in the room. At one point, she fell onto her knees and dusted the lowest shelf. She could feel the cool draft as her whole ass was exposed. Luanna could already imagine a rough large hand grabbing her ass, spanking her for her naughty display or a throbbing cock being pushed into her and ramming her into the old dusty wood but nothing came. She was positioned right next to one of the Guardsmen, even a discreet touch would have been possible. Alas, the Guardsman remained busy at work as they discussed a defense strategy to defend against The Great Devourer. "Oof, I think I found something heavy," Luanna said aloud. This caught the men's attention, as they expected she had gotten into something she wasn't supposed to. Luanna pulled the staff out and slipped it between her thighs. She rubbed it along her clothed folds as she wiggled her ass before them. "This really big thing just showed up all of a sudden. Can you guys help me with it?" she asked them. "Sure, if you don't mind" one of the Guardsmen stood up and reached for the staff. Luanna half expected him to slip his hand into her instead, but he didn't. He pulled the staff from her and chucked it into a barrel. "Let us know if you have anything else heavy," he told her before sitting back down.
Luanna huffed, she was sure that would have worked. Well, she still had plenty of time. As she continued to dust, she heard the men talking a bit loudly. "This thing is such a pain to rub caught her ears. Rubbing? "Tell me about it, on top of being long, the ridges feel odd on the skin" another complaint reached her ears. It sounded like they were discussing a nice long cock. "Every night I have to stroke the shaft, but it never gets done. It's always something else that keeps me from finishing. I can't stand another night lying awake knowing it's still there" one Guardsman groaned. Luanna wasn't going to let this chance pass her by! "Um, I can help you with your shaft" she offered timidly. The men shared a sly grin with each other. "You sure you can handle it? You're so small and all the man had asked her. "I can, that's what I'm here for" she reassured him. "Oh, quit being coy. The girl is here to serve us so she might as well" his friend gave him a shove for teasing her. "Yeah, besides. When do you even get help with your rod? Might as well let someone with a softer touch work it" the other joined in. By now, Luanna was practically dripping with anticipation. Even if it was just a hand job, she was eager to have a cock in her hands. "Please? I really want to" she begged him. The guard rolled his eyes before standing up. "Alright, I'll let you polish my old staff," he said as he reached for a staff propped on a stand. It had intricate engravings and metal rings on it. "The thing was a gift from some Ecclesiarch monks I helped years ago. So, it's very rare, make sure to use a brush on the engravings after polishing the majority" he explained to her. Luanna felt her eye twitch, he meant a weapon?!
After Luanna had finished polishing the staff, she had left it in the war room. She didn't want to see another long weapon for days. She ran into Fayza, who was wearing a clean uniform. "I don't get it, why are they not paying attention to us?" she sighed. "I don't know but this can't continue. These guys have urges too right?" Fayza replied. Sure enough, the girls could hear two men speaking in a nearby hallway. "Did you see that rack? It's so large and full!" the man said in awe. "Right? That caboose was so enticing, it makes me want to fill it with all I have" the other man agreed. They made whistling noises and shapes in the air with their hands. Both Sisters glanced at each other, they had pretty big busts and asses that could satisfy these men! "Oh dear, were you in need of anything?" Fayza asked as she approached the men. Her body was slightly bent to show off her cleavage. "We're at your beck and call," Luanna said as she put her hands on her hips. Both Guardsmen gave the Sisters a grin before pointing to the hanger. "Actually yeah, we have a huge load for you," one of the men said. Luanna nearly squealed in joy as she thought of her ass being filled with cock. "We'll gladly take your load for you," Fayza agreed. She didn't mind giving a tit job at this point. "Great, a new supply convoy just came in with the largest supply dump I've ever seen. You could put a village on the back of that thing" the Guardsmen marveled. Sure enough, the Sisters caught sight of a large cart pulled by dozens of servitors. "We're getting supplies so you girls can load up those sacks over there so he can be on his way" the other guard explained. "Yes, sir..." both Fayza and Luanna said dryly. Neither girl had gotten what they wanted and resigned to the kitchen as all of the Sisters began making sandwiches for the Guardsmen. They could hear the loud banter as the men were eagerly talking. It must have put them at ease to know that the Sisters would be preparing food for them from now on. Once the Sisters had finished, a few carried large trays into the mess hall. The sandwiches were piled up on the tray, leveled with the Sister's chests. As they walked, they could feel the Guardsmen's eyes on them. The Sisters began to think that because the men were now hungry, they couldn't resist their charms. Haze, a red-headed sister with freckles, smirked as she placed the tray down on the table. "Feel free to grab what you like~" she winked at the men. To her dismay, they each reached for a sandwich, not even brushing against her chest as they did so. "Don't be shy, there are plenty of treats for you to sample" Haze said as she pushed her chest up. But the Guardsmen were already eating their sandwiches happily oblivious to her enticement. She pursed her lips and walked back into the kitchen to deliver the second round of sandwiches. "At this point, we'd have better luck with the enemies of Man" she sighed. The second time around, she was trying to be quick so the Sisters could leave for the night. "Hey Sister! Over here!" one of the Guardsmen called her over to their table. "Yes, sirs?" she asked with a smile. "I'm a bit hungry for something else if you know what I mean" the Guardsmen winked at her. Haze felt a rush of heat through her body, was this finally her chance. "Oh really? Right now? In front of everyone?" she asked. Doing it in front of the other Guardsmen wasn't above her. "Oh yeah, I just can't help but want to taste something sweet" the Guardsmen nodded. Haze reached for her skirt, preparing to hike it up when a piece of paper was put in front of her face. "Here is the recipe for the pie, make sure to make enough for everyone" he had instructed her. Haze froze, letting her hands fall from her skirt and grab the paper. "Of course, sir" she mumbled as she took the recipe and headed back to the kitchen. Haze relayed the order to the other Sisters. In a matter of minutes, they had freshly baked pies ready for all of the Guardsmen.
Each Sister stood in the doorway to the kitchen, eyes trained on the men wolfing down the pie. "It's like they don't even want to," Haze sighed. “Tell me about it, I wish I was that slice of pie” Jane sighed. The Sisters were fidgeting in place, just imagining getting the same attention the food got around the place. They heard a loud clap and turned around to face Head Sister Mavis. "After the men have finished up eating, it will be time for bathing. Jane and Catharine will be assisting them" she ordered the two. Both girls had a glint of hope in their eyes. If they wouldn't get the dick they wanted, at least peeping would do them in. Not to mention, it would make a good excuse for the Sisters to try and seduce them. "Right!" both Jane and Catharine said as they began to head to the showers. They prepared the hot water and laid out the soaps. "I can't wait to see what lies under all that armor," Jane said happily. "What if they drag us in there with them? We might even get a taste" Catharine joined in. Both girls giggled to one another. It wasn't until they heard approaching steps did they straighten up. They were positioned in the room before the showers, where the towels and armor were removed, and smallclothes were given. "Here they come~," Jane said happily. As soon as the door opened, a blur of men rushed by them. The Sisters weren't able to make out anything as a flurry of armor was tossed into their arms. Both Jane and Catharine grunted as they held the metals in their hands. As soon as they had set the armor down, the door shut. The steam from the water had already fogged up the only area they could peek into the baths, leaving the Sisters high and dry. "I can't see a thing!" Catharine complained as she set down a breastplate. "Let's just finish cleaning the armor, we can at least see them leaving" Jane explained. When the men would leave, they would only have towels wrapped around their waists. "Ooooh~ I see what you mean" Catharine nodded. The Sisters tirelessly polished the armor and carried them to the armory. Just as they had returned to the baths, they heard the door open. Both Sisters had their eyes trained on the doorway as the men rushed out. Once again, their vision was obstructed by numerous grimy towels. A large pile amassed over them, leaving them trapped under the clothes for a quick minute. By the time they had resurfaced, the men were gone. "I didn't even get a chance to blink" Jane sighed. "Let's just get this over with" Catharine sighed. Both Sisters gathered up the clothes and took them to the laundry room. Inside, a large pool was already being churned as clothes were added into the mixture. The Sisters dropped the towels in, reaching in and washing the clothes by hand. As the Sisters were cleaning, the Commander entered the room. "Good, we'll need those hung up to dry before you go to bed" he ordered them. A few Sisters got the idea of purposely splashing some of the water onto each other in a playful manner. The Sisters' uniforms were getting wet and soaked through in seconds. "Have you come to supervise us Commander?" they asked in a teasing voice. "Nonsense, you all know how to wash clothes. But you might want a bath if you're going to make that much of a mess" he said before leaving. The room went silent, but it was clear that each Sister was fed up with how things were going.
The night ended with the Sisters hanging the towels out to dry and washing themselves up. Not even the sensual touches from cleaning their own bodies could get them off. " I swear! I'm at my limit at this point!" Fayza shouted into her pillow. "As you know, we can't abandon our duty to the Emperor, don't even think about heading to a nearby town" Mavis glared at the other Sisters. Even if the Guardsmen weren't interested, the local drunkard would still at least cop a feel on them if given the chance. But orders were orders. If they stepped out of line, then they would be punished and not in the way they hoped for. "We don't need to scold us" Leyla rolled her eyes as she hugged her pillow. "Is it so much to ask for a man to come and rough me up a bit? I'll even swallow his load" she whined. Anne reached around the blonde's waist and hugged her from behind. "There, there. We just have to endure it, for now, we can find other ways to release the tension" she said as she tilted Leyla's chin upward. Their faces inched closer but a loud knocking at their door had all the Sisters standing up. They were only in thin nightgowns right now, their bodies easily visible through the transparent material. If this didn't get the Guardsmen, then nothing would. Mavis opened the door and met eyes with Guardsmen standing in the doorway. "Sisters! Good, you're still up! We have a problem we need you to handle" he began. The Sisters weren't even surprised, it wasn't like any of them expected a "night visit" from the Guardsmen at this point. Their lack of underwear under their nightgowns hadn't even stirred the men. "Whatever do you need sir?" Mavis had to hold back a yawn as she spoke. This should be good. "Well, our cocks are a bit frustrated from being holed up all day. There wasn't any time to really give them some air and a little fun" the Guardsman explained. A few Sisters perked up at hearing this. Cocks? Frustration? Fun? "O-Oh, will you need all of us?" Mavis asked as she bit her lip. It would be unbecoming of her to offer herself as she was the Head Sister, but she didn't want to pass up a chance to show them what the 'Head' part meant. "Oh, we won't need all of you. Just maybe three, there are plenty of cocks but all of you might overwhelm them" the Guardsman continued. A few Sisters licked their lips, crawling to the edge of their beds and leaning over the railings. "Very well then, we'll send three of our Sisters," Mavis said as she turned around. Immediately, every sister held their hand up to offer themselves to the job. Mavis selected three of them quickly, hushing the others as they complained. "Thank you for your help Sisters, I'll show you to the cocks now" the Guardsman led the girls down the hall and outside. The Sisters stuck together whispering to each other as to what could be the problem. "Outside? Oooh, I don't mind it being dirty" one whispered. "Maybe they are trying to keep it a secret from the Commander" another whispered. Each idea only made the job sound all the more erotic.
The Sisters stopped at the guard pointed over to a wood shack. The girls hurried inside, ready to strip themselves bare and attend to the cocks. To their surprise, they were met with several roosters and a few chickens. "The cock's have a bit of an attitude so it's important they get time outside. But with all the rain, it wasn't going to happen today!" the Guardsman laughed loudly. It had rained all morning today, leaving the outside area bad for virtually any animal. "Oh, I see," the Sisters said quietly. "Well, just make sure they don't wander off and maybe throw some crumbs to keep them quiet. Don't forget to lock up the coop" the Guardsman yawned before leaving the Sisters alone with the birds. The roosters began clucking, pecking at the sister's hands and legs until they opened the door. As soon as the door was opened, all of the birds rushed out. Feathers and other substances fell onto the Sisters as they were unable to move. "I'm going to see if someone else will swap with me" one Sister began but the other two grabbed her arms. "Nope, if we suffer then so do you," they said in unison.
The next morning the Sisters were up early as they began making breakfast for the Guardsmen. The three Sisters from last night had dejectedly reported in what the task had actually been. None of the other Sisters sympathized with them, in their case, it was a bullet dodged. The Sisters made the proper sandwiches and passed them out to the Guardsmen. As last time, the men took the sandwiches with subtle thanks and short glances. Morning drill was starting soon so they left as quickly as they had come. The Sisters stayed behind to clean the kitchen. With their job done, the Sisters spread out to assist as they were called to. Luanna and Fayza were assigned with cleaning up the training grounds. Both Sisters were forced to watch the men run drills in their tight clothing. Their sweaty bodies were driving the girls wild and distracting them from completing their job. "This is worse than any punishment ever! What is it going to take to get their attention?!" Luanna sighed. She wanted to be under one of the Guardsmen already! "You know the punishment we'll get is worse than death," Fayza said. But her eyes were also trained on the men as they did push-ups. Both girls easily imagined themselves under the men and getting much of the 'push' part. "I know.... but still" Luanna sobbed to herself. Their staring didn't go missed by the Guardsmen, two of them jogging over to the Sisters. "You two look like you have a lot of energy in you. How about showing us some of that?" he began. The Sisters shared an eager glance, if he wanted to see how much energy they had then they would gladly show him! "Yes! We would love to!" Luanna said happily. "Ah, but the kind of stuff we are doing is really rough. Most of the other Sisters even cried after" he continued. "T-They were just amateurs! We can handle any roughness you throw at us!" Fayza exclaimed. "That's good then! We were thinking about letting you join us on drills!" the Guardsman said happily. Both Sisters' faces fell as they realized once again, they had given their hopes up. "Don't worry about changing and just come find a place in line" he assured them. Fayza and Luanna stood together in front of the Guardsmen as they moved onto their next drill. "Time for squats!" the leader had yelled. All of the Guardsmen began squatting, flexing their muscles in front of the Sisters. Both Sisters licked their lips at the sight before them. This was pure torture. "Hey Sisters! Don't be shy!" the leader called out to them. Luanna and Fayza put their hands behind their heads and began squatting as low as they could. After a few reps, they could feel the sweat building on their bodies. Their uniforms clung to their skin and did little to cover them in the shining sun. They began breathing hard as they weren't able to match the Guardsmen's stamina. nearly collapsing onto the ground. "Alright! That's enough for today!" the leader called out. The Guardsmen released satisfied sighs and rolled their shoulders after the intensive drills. The Sisters collapsed onto the stone floor, feeling numbness in their legs. And not in the way they had wanted. "I'm so spent, I never want to run drills ever again!" both Sisters groaned.
Mavis walked over to their tired forms, looking at them with slight amusement. “Oh dear, you two looks like you had a real workout” she laughed. "Head Sister! These men are messing with us for sure!" Luanna whined. "Yeah, this has to be some kind of sick punishment!" Fayza agreed. But Mavis shook her head. "I assure you, this is no joke. Whatever is going on here, we'll have to endure. Even the Commander hasn't tried anything with me, and we've had plenty of time alone" Mavis rolled her eyes as she recalled the memory. She had pulled out all the stops while trying to seduce the Commander. Standing next to his desk with her breasts at eye level or even bending over in front of his desk. Not a single thing she tried gained her much more than a few words or a grunt from him as he signed papers and sealed letters. Even when she came at night to pass on the next set of orders or dinner, she would come in her thin nightgown and nothing else. Mavis had made sure that by candlelight he would be able to see through her nightgown too. But alas, the man had simply dismissed her for bed without even getting an eyeful. It was almost insulting to her as she was the most beautiful of the Sisters. On their way to the post, she had been cat-called every name known to man. "I've already contacted the Canoness over the situation, but she neglected to hear me out. Our punishment is to be sought through no matter what" she continued bitterly. Every sister was well aware of the situation. "This must be the Warp and not even Slaaneshi’s domain" Luanna staggered to her feet and helped Fayza up. "Anyways, I was told that Jane and Anne were supposed to be bringing in barrels for the artillery on base. See if they need assistance" Mavis ordered the two. "Yes, Head Sister" the two groaned as they walked back inside. They walked to the opposite side of the post, where the harbor was. They saw a large boat sailing away, wondering if there had been some men there who would have given them a little fun. As they entered the storage unit, they heard moaning. "Ahhh~ It's so sticky~" Jane's voice echoed out the door. "So smelly too, I don't think I can take much more!" Anne's voice came after. Both Fayza and Luanna shared a look of bewilderment. Had the two found someone to fuck?! Both Sisters ran in quickly, slamming the door open with how strongly they pushed against it. Inside, a barrel was leaking thick and dark oil all over the floor. Both Jane and Anne were covered in the oil as they tried to move the barrel outside. "Oh great! You two help us with this!" Anne called out to the other two Sisters. All four of them grabbed the barrel and managed to bring it outside. But not without getting covered in oil. "L-Look out!" Luanna ran into Jane, slipping on the oil and bringing both of them to the ground.
Now in a tangle of limbs and sticky, both Sisters found themselves in an odd position. Luanna was laying between Jane's legs with her face in the sister's skirt. Jane was on her back, dazed from the fall. "Sorry..." Luanna moaned as she raised herself slightly. Both Anne and Fayza watched with slight jealousy, they would love to be in that position. "It's fine, but since you're here" Jane reached for her panties and began to slip them down. Before she could remove the article, a Guardsman appeared. "Oh, that explains the smell. You Sisters better strip out of those clothes" he began. The Sisters stared at him in surprise, was he being for real?! "You want us to get naked?" Anne asked. "Yeah, it will be difficult getting between your legs like that if you are dressed" he explained. Luanna and Jane quickly stood back up, suddenly losing interest in each other. All four Sisters stripped themselves bare, leaving nothing between them and the Guardsman. "H-How’s this?" Luanna asked him. "Oh good, this should work just fine," he said as he disappeared for a moment. The Sisters began giggling to each other, finally! They didn't even mind sharing if it meant finally getting some good dick. As soon as the Guardsman returned, the girls were hit with a strong stream of water. "That oil is made from crushed grox. If you walk around like that, you'll attract some pests and other beats to our post. Commander's orders ladies" he said as he hosed them down. The Sisters screamed it wasn't even in a setting they could enjoy as he sprayed them down. Once the oil had been rinsed away, the Sisters stood shivering against each other. "Make sure to wash your clothes too, I wouldn't want an accident to happen" the Guardsman laughed as he left. "I hate it here!" Fayza shouted. Somewhere else at the post, an older sister by the name of Kayla was busy putting away scrolls. She passed by a nervous-looking guard. He was obviously younger than the other guards. Even the way his eyes looked away from her was cute. Kayla wasn't sure if it was because of how she looked or if he was just that nervous. Either way, she couldn't help but let her curiosity get the better of her. "Did you need something?" she asked the young guard. "O-Oh! Well, I had a request for you, sister" he mumbled in a low voice. With how shy he was being, Kayla had an idea as to what he would ask of her. "Anything you want young sir, I am at your beck and call" she reassured him. The young boy perked up at her words. "T-Thank you, sister! M-Might we meet up tonight in the archives?" he asked her. A late-night rendezvous? Now that sounded interesting. Kayla didn't mind doing it with someone so young either. Even if the boy lacked the experience, any cock would do her in. "Sure thing, I'll meet you after the luminators are powered off" she promised him. "Okay, until then Sister!" he said eagerly before running off. Kayla smiled to herself, knowing she would be the only sister lucky today. Later that night, she had volunteered to be the one to power down the lights in the hallway. The night patrol Guardsmen were all outside, leaving no one to interrupt them. Kayla carried her luminator into the archive room, fixing her robes as he waited for the young Guardsman to show. She heard feet approaching and leaned on the table in a seductive manner. "Sister?" the boy's timid voice called out to her. "I'm in here," she said back to him. The young Guardsman entered the room quietly, shutting the door behind him. The Sister began unbuttoning her gown when he walked up to the desk. "I'm sorry for asking this of you Sister, but I just can't stand it anymore," he said a bit louder. The sudden burst of desperation was turning Kayla on. "Trust me, I don't mind at all. You can use me as you like" she said sweetly. The young guard swallowed, his shy eyes meeting hers. "O-okay then, if you insist. Please, take care of me" he said as he reached for his sides. Kayla's heart began to beat faster, he was going straight for it! To her surprise, he did not pull his trousers down. Instead, he pulled out a pen and a stack of papers. Now that she looked at him, he was wearing a bag around his body. He must have brought the stationary with him. "I’m no good with writing, I can't tell the others either! It's too embarrassing!" the boy cried out. Kayla began buttoning her nightgown back up. Obviously, she had the wrong idea here. But that didn't mean nothing would happen! The boy was still a boy! He probably had uncontrollable hormones she could take advantage of! "Okay, let's get to work," she said as she climbed off the desk. Kayla stood over the boy as he began writing. He really was terrible at it. Each stroke looked more like chicken scratch than anything she had ever read before. She had to show him her own penmanship so he could have something to model after. But even with that, he struggled to copy her writing. Kayla felt her eyebrow twitch, this was worse than teaching a child. "Like this", she reached for his hand to guide him. Suddenly, an idea crossed her mind. She leaned into him, placing her chest behind his head. Her body was pressed into his shoulder as she began to show him how to write. "You need to relax your wrist more" she whispered to him. "Like this?" the young guard asked. "Hmmm, yes" she replied in a sultry tone. He began writing properly now. Kayla wondered if this was all an act as he was improving quickly. "Slower, you don't have to rush" she teased him. "Hm? But I feel like I'm getting the hang of it?" he argued. Kayla began to ease off him, watching him write more naturally. "There you go, you've gotten better!" she praised him. It was still a bit disappointing he hadn't even sprouted a boner in her presence. The young Guardsman stood up with a big grin. "Thank you, Sister! Is there anything I could do to repay you?" he asked her. Kayla licked her lips, now this could work for her. "Well, if you don't mind. I could use a man's touch tonight" she asked him. The young Guardsman nodded, smiling brightly. "Sure! I'd be glad to help you" he said as he walked behind her. Kayla shivered at the thought of finally getting touched! She felt his hands on his shoulders, moving down....and rubbing back up. To her surprise, he wasn't bad at massaging! But this still wasn't what she had expected!
The post had a small section, relative to its size that was dedicated to worship of the one true God-Emperor of Mankind. The Sisters would often help out with maintaining the old artwork and text. Even going as far as transcribing them into new texts. The priest who guided them was an old man, but the Sisters would settle for him. To their dismay, the holy man was just as dismissive of them as the Guardsmen were. The Sisters came every morning to pray, sitting together in a line. Felicia had stayed behind after prayer, she had fallen asleep while praying but everyone had mistaken it as her continuing to pray. The priest had been impressed with her, taking a seat next to her and praying. After he had finished, he gently touched her shoulder. "Sister? Sorry, did I startle you?" he said as she stirred awake. Felicia blushed, she didn't realize she had fallen asleep. The last thing she wanted was to get scolded for doing so. She was being punished in a way that wasn’t and couldn’t get her off. "O-Oh! No, I was just lost in my devotion to the Emperor. Did you need something father?" she asked him. Felicia stood up and put her hands in front of her, as all Sisters did. "Well, I was hoping you could assist me with a task in my chambers. With my old age, it's just become more difficult to do on my own" he began. Felicia's eyes shined brightly, she had heard of this kind of thing before. Sneaking away for 'work' in a father's chamber was just a disguise for the real fun that happened. Even if priests ended up being total sadists, she was still on board. "Of course, father! I'll help you!" she said excitedly. The old man smiled, giving her a slight bow. "Thank you, sister. This might sound a bit odd, but could you also go get the flogging stick? It is very important for this task" he asked her. Felicia's thighs closed together in anticipation of their task. He was certainly brave for saying it out loud! In the church, nonetheless. "Of course, father, I'll bring it right away" Felicia hurried out of the chapel and went straight to where the items for punishment were held. She grabbed the flogging stick and held it to her chest as she walked quickly back to the chapel. She made sure to keep it hidden as she passed by other Sisters and Guardsmen. Once inside the chapel, she walked to the priest's chamber. She could hear the sloshing noise of water and the sound of something hitting the floor. Her heart began to race, was father into that kind of play too? She knocked on his door softly, standing with the stick presented in front of her. The priest opened his door and smiled at the sight of her. "Sister, thank you for coming," he said as he held the door open for her to enter. Felicia walked inside, noticing the small tub of water on the floor. Next to it was a towel and a brush, catching her interest immediately. "So, father, what would you like me to do next?" she said with a shy smile. She was ready to undress if he meant to clean her before they started. The old man shut the door, locking it behind him. "Well, there is no need to prolong this. So, let's get right to it" he said as he began to remove his robe. Felicia averted her eyes shyly, reaching for the buttons on her robes. She glanced back at the priest and saw him sit on the edge of his bed in his underclothes. "Hm? There won't be any need for you to change sister, with your help, I won't make much of a mess" he reassured her. Felicia swallowed thickly, was he expecting her to take all of him in her mouth?! "Okay," she quickly dropped to her knees in front of the bowl, eagerly reaching for his waist. But she stopped as a filthy foot covered in callouses and blisters met her hands. "Bending over and cleaning my feet myself is too much for my old bones. I'm glad you are able to help me with this the priest laughed. At lunchtime, Anne was in the kitchen slicing meat for lunch. She was the only Sister there at the moment, so it was very quiet. She heard the sound of feet approaching but didn't bother looking up as it would only be other Sisters or Guardsmen. As soon as she heard the voices talking, she knew it was the men. They were talking loud enough she could hear them clear as day. "I'm telling you, she'd never say yes if I asked" one of the men complained. "Are you sure? You haven't even asked" the other replied coolly. Anne tuned them out, it was probably another gross request. She had heard about the task Felicia had been given. The smell had even hung around the Sister for a whole day after bathing. "True, but this isn't just a normal request. It's pretty intense, I don’t know if a Sister could handle it" he continued. Anne briefly paused in cutting the meat. It couldn't be, no, of course not. She went back to cutting meat as the two continued their conversation. "Well, I mean it might make her hands tired, but I heard the Sisters can handle a lot of meat" the guard had said. "Really? Maybe I should ask for more Sisters then" this time Anne couldn't help but wonder what they meant. She set her knife down and dried her hands on a towel. She walked over to them, looking rather expectantly. "Can I help you guys out?" she asked them. The Guardsmen turned to her with a grin. "Well Sister, I had a task for you, but it might be too dirty for you" one began. Anne did her best to hide the small bit of excitement that was bubbling up inside her. She didn't want to get her hopes up again.
"What kind of task?" she asked. "Well, it involves a lot of wieners if you know what I mean" the other Guardsman sighed. Anne felt her mouth water, it couldn't be... "You don't say" she muttered quietly. "Yes, and it's a pretty messy job. If you don't mind getting covered in a little juice, then you might be up for it" the Guardsman continued. "Don't forget the handwork, your hands might get tired of dealing with all of the wieners. If you want to invite more Sisters, we won't mind" the other one added in. Anne was growing suspicious, this could be just another menial task. "No, I should be enough. Would I be able to use my mouth too?" she asked them. If this was really what she thought it was, then they wouldn't disagree with her proposition. The Guardsmen shared a glance. "Of course, there will be plenty so it should be fine" one had assured her. Anne almost jumped in joy. She was going to have all of them to herself! "Alright then! Let's go!" she exclaimed. The Guardsmen stopped her from leaving. "Here should be fine, just wait here" they instructed her. Anne nodded, bouncing in place as she cleared off some counter space. That would be enough for her to lay out on top of and the Guardsmen would be able to use each inch of her. Anne heard approaching feet once again, but this time there was more than one guard. She sat on the counter with her legs opened wide. Several Guardsmen entered, carrying large crates. Anne blinked, they didn't mention crates. The Guardsmen placed the crates on the floor and left. She quickly jumped off the counter and ran to the two who had given her the request. "Hold on, what's all this?" she asked. One of them opened the crates, releasing a pungent smell of meat. "The wieners! We got a whole shipment, so we'll need you to prepare them for us" they had explained. Anne felt every bit of hope escape her body. "Good luck Sister!" they had called out to her as they left.
The wieners had been easily incorporated into the Guardsmen's meals as the Sisters were able to make hotdogs and other meals. The other Sisters that had come to help Anne had their hopes dashed as they were asked to assist with the 'wieners'. Nevertheless, they still assisted with helping her out. The Sisters were even allowed to eat some of the wieners as there was an excess amount. The phallic pleasure they got from eating the wieners didn't quite do it for them. After lunch, the Guardsmen returned to their post, and the Sisters were once again scattered around the post. Luanna was helping with moving some equipment from the training grounds when a guard approached her. "Hey sister, I wanted to borrow you for a moment," he began. Luanna turned to him with a bored expression. She didn't expect it to be anything other than cleaning up after him again. "What do you need sir?" she asked plainly. "Well, I was hoping to take you in the forest," he said. Luann felt heat pool in her stomach. Take her? Like sex? She suddenly felt shy. No one had come up to her before like this! No matter how she heard it, he was definitely asking for sex! "W-what will we be doing in the forest?" she asked him. "Oh, you know a lot of tugging and digging" he made motions with his hand. Luanna could already imagine tugging his member or him pulling her hair as he took her from behind. Digging meant he liked doing it in the ass, she wouldn't say no to that! "O-Okay, are we leaving right now?" she asked as she tried to hide her excitement. "Right now, is fine with me, you?" the guard asked her. Yes! Of course!" Luanna said happily. She dropped the equipment she was moving and followed the guard out of the post. Nearby was a thick forest with a path the Guardsmen often used. The entire time they walked, Luanna would get excited when he stopped. Would this be the spot? Far away from the post so she could be as loud as she wanted to? The Guardsman finally stopped near a tall and thick tree. It was big enough to pin her too or for him to lean against. Luanna felt the wetness between her thighs at the idea of him taking her here. "This is the spot," he said as he set down the bag he was carrying. Luanna began to unbutton her blouse when he crouched in front of the tree. She walked over and looked at what he was picking up. The Guardsman had been pulling herbs from the ground. "Come over here Sister, there is plenty to pull up" he beckoned to her. Of course, tugging and digging had referred to pulling herbs. "Yes, of course," Luanna said as she crouched down next to him. This was not the tugging she had thought she would be doing. She wept sadly as her hands pulled the plants from the ground. Once they had finished pulling the herbs, they put them into the bag the guard had brought. "Whoa, we really picked a lot! Thanks for the help sister!" he said with a big grin. "No problem" Luanna sighed as she shook some dirt from her hands. "Oh, but I do have a reward in mind for you. It's nice and long so I know you will like it" he continued. Luanna didn't dear think it to be what she had wanted all along. "Really, a reward won't be necessary" she argued. Honestly, her heart couldn't take any more disappointment. "No, I insist! For all, you Sisters do for us it is more than enough. Plus, it's pretty tasty from what the girl in the market had said to me" the Guardsman continued. The Sister had felt a bit appalled that he had resorted to using some mere peasant girl when she was readily available. Now she wanted it just out of spite. "Alright, if we are quick no one else will notice," Luanna said as she began to tug on her collar. "Great, let me whip it out for you" the guard reached near his belt and Luanna almost swallowed. But instead of a thick and long dick being thrust into her face, a baguette was put into her hands. "I picked up some this morning so it's really fresh! The rest are in the kitchen, but I managed to snag one away for you" he said happily. "Gee, thanks" Luanna almost broke the bread in half just out of frustration.
Mavis held a brief meeting with the other Sisters as a special visit from a group of soldiers was to occur. The Sisters were restless at the idea of men coming that wouldn't be so stupidly oblivious to them. On top of that, they were warriors hardened from battle. Wild beast-like men who would only know eating, fucking, and sleeping. The Sisters were also ordered to serve them and could imagine being pinned down in the men's cots as they took turns using every orifice they had. "Now, now ladies! I can see several of you are already letting your imagination get the better of you. But remember, this is our punishment and we must honor it" Mavis announced to the group. Several Sisters groaned as they heard her lecture them. "Of course, if any accidents were to happen then that will be it. I won't have to worry about reporting it" she continued with a sly grin. The Sisters began whispering their plans to seduce the soldiers to one another. The bells toll alerted them of the soldiers entering the post and the Sisters scattered about. They watched from atop the guard walls as the platoon of big and strong men entered through the gates. They were covered in dirt and grime from their travel, sweat on their faces from wearing the heavy armor. The Sisters all sighed blissfully, hoping to get a taste of them. The Commander had greeted the men, telling them they were welcome to use the post as their home and the Sisters as well. To which, several men looked up at the Sisters watching them. A few Sisters waved and pushed up their chests to entice the men. Once they were dismissed, the Sisters began to follow the soldiers around and asked if they needed any service. To their dismay, many of the requests had been the same as the Guardsmen. Make sandwiches, clean this, polish that, and so on. But they didn't lose hope, it could have just been shyness. As the night began to fall, the Sisters knew there would be plenty of time to sneak around. Jane had found a soldier alone and chatted him up about his battles. "I'm sure you are pretty popular back home, got a wife?" she asked with a teasing wink. "No, I don't. Just as you Sisters don't have husbands?" he had shot back. "Right you are, but we are open to just playing around," she said as she played with the end of her skirt. The soldier's eyes had followed her hands and he nodded. "I see what you mean, in that case, Sister. Would you mind having some fun with me?" he asked her. Jane nearly jumped out of her skin. "Yes! Of course!" she agreed. The soldier looked around before grabbing her by the shoulder. "Not here, somewhere more private" he explained. Jane happily went with him into a supply closet. She eagerly watched as he pulled his trousers down. "You too Sister, you see I want to try women's panties for once" the soldier explained. Jane felt her heart drop. "You, what?" she asked. The soldier removed his underwear and Jane looked at him. All of her hopes were dashed as she realized he was castrated as well. "I heard rumors about how soft women's panties are and ours are just itchy. So, I want to wear yours for a while. I'll give them back at laundry time, I promise!" the soldier begged her. Jane pulled her panties off in the laziest way possible. It was the first time she was doing it in front of a guy, and it had lost all sex appeal for her. "Here you go," she said dryly as she handed him her underwear. "Thank you, Sister,!" the soldier happily put them on and went on his way. Jane walked out shortly after, not even bothered with her bottom being bare. It wasn't like any of the soldiers would try something. She walked into the kitchen as several Sisters were already planning on giving the soldiers a peek at their breasts during lunchtime. As she entered the kitchen, she cupped her hand around her mouth and shouted loudly. "They're castrated!" Jane announced. A somber silence came over the kitchen as the Sisters realized there was no chance any of them were getting laid.
Lunchtime became sad sandwich time as the Sisters passed out delicious sandwiches dressed with their tears. Mavis bit her lip as she realized the soldiers were in on it too. "Sorry Sisters, it looks like it was hopeless all along" she admitted to them sadly. "At least one seemed interested in my panties" Jane sighed. "Oh please, any of us would have done it for him" Fayza argued. "While they are all busy eating, why not have some fun ourselves?" Anne suggested. Being alone in a kitchen full of food opened a lot of ideas for the Sisters. "There are some wieners leftover," Leyla said as she made a jerking motion. "Plus, we have each other," Kayla said as she draped herself onto Catharine’s back. The Sisters all shared a look of lust at the idea of them all having an impromptu orgy in the kitchen just feet away from the men. But before any of the Sisters could touch one another, the Commander had entered the kitchen. "Sisters, we need a round of refills all around" he demanded as he lifted his mug. The Sisters sighed, each grabbing a pitcher as they filled out of the kitchen. With the additional soldiers, that was more glasses to fill. No Sister was left without a pitcher as they continued to fill the seemingly endless mugs. It wasn't until the men were drunk and full did the Sisters finally have a moment to themselves again. "Oh, before you begin with the laundry. The Mess hall is an *snrk* mess! You Sisters need to clean that up first. The laundry will be waiting for you later" the Commander had said before leaving with the men. Once again, the Sisters were given task after task. It was as if the men were purposely giving them zero time to themselves. By the time they had finished, all of the Sisters were too tired to fool around with one another. Falling asleep almost immediately as their bodies hit their beds.
The assignment was a simple one, report to the station, and serve by whatever means appropriate. However, all of the Sisters agreed on the last part as less than important. After being worked to the bone with their training and being left out to dry, now was their chance to reap their dirtiest desires. Their post was a simple and remote station out in some backwater system, away from any major war zones yet due to the incompetence of the Administratum was deemed worthy of an entire regiment of Cadians. This meant it was filled with filthy quarters and rooms in need of attending to. More importantly, dirty Guardsmen without any type of sexual release. As they arrived on the station from their transport shuttle, the Sisters eagerly shared their ideas as to what would happen. The Guardsmen would allow them in and right away to tear their already skimpy uniforms from their bodies as the girls would be forced down. Despite it being immoral and sinful, the girls wouldn't be able to resist their rough touches. Yes, several Sisters found themselves hardly able to walk just imagining it all. They traveled through the decrepit hangar with luminators to light up their path. The mist made it hard to see, so they stuck close together. There was so much moisture in the air that their clothes began to cling to their bodies. It didn't help that it was also chilly, several Sisters complained that their nipples were peaking through their blouses or that their panties were riding up their thighs. Hope came in the form of working lights in the distance as they neared the inner parts of the station. The more broken and neglected parts of the station led to the more well kept areas. Two Guardsmen were standing at the entrance from the hanger as they approached it. Up close, they could see just how large the station was. From out in the void it looked large, yet it was far larger in the inside.
"State your business" the guard commanded them. The Sisters congregated around the entrance as the Head Sister introduced them. "We're the Sisters of Cleaning that were ordered to service and assist this station. In any way requested~" Mavis announced. Being the Head Sister gave her the right to wear a different uniform than the others. Her’s was more revealing as it bore a skirt and left her in tights and panties. The top piece was still that of a frilly design for a head maid. "Okay? So, you are Sisters of Battle?" the guard said back with much interest. The Sisters of Battle were great warriors that would defend the post they were sent to with ease. While the Guardsmen were more than enough defense for the station, having such mighty warriors would be a great boon. Not to mention having extra manpower in maintaining the station and morale. There was plenty of work to be done and work they could give to the girls. " I'm sure you can think of many ways for us to provide the best service," Mavis explained. The Guardsmen shared a look before nodding, she had a point. "Open the gates! We have the Sisters of Cleaning coming!" the Guardsman voxed to his comrade in the control center. As the rusty gate rose, it creaked loudly with rust. "Head in and report to the Commander for your duties. "Don't wander around either," the guard warned them. "Or you'll punish us~?" the youngest, Anne asked. "We do have a torture chamber so yeah, you will get punished" the Guardsman rolled his eyes at the Sister and pushed her along. "Oooh! So rough~" Anne cooed. The Sisters entered the fortress and walked through the wet courtyard. Several Guardsmen were about, none paying the girls a single glance. A few Sisters pulled down their blouses or hiked their skirts, hoping to catch a stray touch from the Guardsmen. But none of them even tried to grope the girls.
"Phooey, this sucks" Catherine groaned as she hauled her cleaning equipment inside. It was as if the men had no interest in them at all! Several of the Sisters announced their displeasure at being ignored. "Don't worry, they are probably just playing hard to get. A little bit of time and they will snap" Mavis assured her Sisters. As they walked through the long hallways, they came upon the Commander’s quarters. Mavis opened the door and the Sisters pilled in. The Commander sat behind a large desk, reading a document. He didn't so much as look up as they entered. "Ahem, the Sisters of Cleaning are at your disposal" Mavis announced. The Commander glanced up briefly before going back to his document. "Cleaning? Yeah, there is plenty to be done. Help yourselves and start wherever" he mumbled. Mavis frowned, that wasn't the kind of response she was expecting. She walked up to the table, bending herself over it enough that her breasts rested against the wood at an angle that gave the Commander a look down her uniform. "We offer other services as well, we are not limited to cleaning" she continued. The Commander’s brow arched, he finally looked her in the eyes after hearing that. "You don't say? Are you ladies good with your hands?" he asked. Several of the Sisters nodded, making hand jerking motions and rolling motions with their fingers. "You could say that," Mavis nodded. "Good with handling meat too?" the Commander sounded more interested this time. A few Sisters felt drool pool in their mouths at the idea of getting to sample this 'meat'. "We can handle all sorts of meats, all at once too" Mavis clarified. "Do you girls have good endurance as well? You'll need to be able to keep up with my men" the Commander added.
Nearly all of the Sisters were about to fall onto the ground. Of course, the Guardsmen would have great stamina. Enough to fuck the girls until morning! "You'll find we are more than capable of keeping up with your pace" Mavis assured him. The Commander stood up, a pleased grin on his face. "Good then! We'll have you on equipment maintenance, cooking, and storage, as well" he announced. The girls all froze after hearing his order. None of those sounded even remotely sexy. "I-Is that all? Are you sure there isn't anything else you want us to do?" Mavis asked him. This time, the Commander looked a bit annoyed. "I said what I said. If anything, else comes to mind I will tell you. For now, follow any orders my men give" he said before dismissing them. Mavis led her Sisters to their designated sleeping quarters. There were no locks and it wasn't even that far away from the men's barracks. "Well, maybe a guy might sneak in and have his way with us at night" Jane sighed as she plopped onto her bed. "I don't want to share a juicy cock with you lot" Anne argued. "Ladies, you'll each have to earn yourself good dick around here. It's obvious these men are adamant about keeping efficiency around here" Mavis silenced them all. The Sisters shared challenging smirks, eager to begin luring in the men of the guard post. Leyla, a blonde with tight curls grabbed her broom. "I'll go sweep the mess hall!" she announced. When they had passed, she had noticed several men lounging in the mess hall.
Before she entered, she made sure her skirt was pulled up enough to show off her plump ass. The dainty thong she was wearing was visible as it was nearly sucked between her thighs. Her stocking cut at her knees, only being held up by the garter belt on full display. She held the broom pushed between her breasts as she walked. Each step making the large mounds bounce against the hard wood. Leyla even went as far as to slide the broom between her breasts just for a little bit of friction. She could feel her breasts grow heavy and tight at the idea of the men staring at her. She made sure to stop near the men before beginning to sweep. They spared her a brief glance before returning to their card game. Leyla bit her lip, none of them had looked even the least bit interested in her body or her actions! But she didn't let that get to her, they were probably playing hard to get. A challenge wasn't a problem for her. She inched closer to the table. feeling the rough-edged of the corner rub against her exposed cheeks. For a moment, she thought about just getting off on the table in front of them. She could last a few rounds so one on her own wouldn't deter her. But that was the same as passing up a feast when starved. She wiggled her hips as she swept, swaying them in a sensual manner. Leyla didn't stop as she heard the men stop talking, feeling their gaze on her ass. Now that was more like it! They were probably undressing her with their eyes or thinking about taking her from behind. She wouldn't mind the rough treatment. After all the training they had gone through, being treated like an animal was nothing. She was tempted to drop the broom and spread her cheeks to show them more. "Lass, are you sweeping in here?" one of the men asked her. She turned around with a slight pout, pushing her bottom lip outward. Her charm had always been looking young and innocent as most men liked. She could gladly play the role of a Sister who didn't know any better and needed punishment. "Yup, but I'll do whatever you want to," she said as she batted her lashes. Her tone of voice turned sickly sweet at the mention of serving them. She hoped they picked up on her insinuation. The largest of the men stood up, walking over to her. Just from sight alone, Leyla knew he had a big cock. Her imagination was already going wild with the thought of him holding her like a rag doll while fucking her or moving her like his own personal fuck toy. But the man grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. Leyla's heart began to beat quickly, she didn't mind being taken from behind either! His hands left her shoulders, reaching around and grabbing her wrists. She swallowed, was he going to hold her still while his friends fucked her first? Just the idea of all those cocks near her had her dipping on the spot.
"Your form is all wrong, you'll never get this place clean like that. See look, use longer sweeps, and really stretch across the floor. It's better to work your way from the corner and just travel clockwise" the man explained as he guided her into sweeping properly. Leyla huffed, was he really teaching her how to sweep?! She knew how to sweep, she was trying to be alluring! The way he had spoken to her was as if she was his daughter, what a turn off! Of course, she didn’t mind that in roleplay. An idea came to her as the man was still in close proximity. Surely, he wouldn't be able to resist if she ground against him! The blonde girl arched her back and stuck her bottom out against the man's crotch. Even with armor on, she knew he would feel pressure in the right places if she tried hard enough. Before she could feel anything, he pulled away. "Yeah! You got it! Just keep it up and you'll be done before dinner" he praised her before returning to the table. His friends eagerly praised him for helping Leyla before returning to their game. The girl simply swallowed her frustration and continued sweeping. This time, she swept a bit more angrily as she tried to finish up quickly. Her face burned in embarrassment. Had they really no interest in her! Then she heard something clatter to the floor. "Ah shoot, sorry guys" one of the men had said as coins fell onto the floor. Leyla grinned as a new opportunity arose for her. "I'll get it!" she announced as she skipped over. She fell to her knees and crawled under the table. Leyla found the coins but took her sweet time picking them up. She made sure her ass was pushed into one of the men's laps while her face was between the legs of the other. "Oh my~ I've put myself in such a dirty position~" she purred to them. "I'll say! Don't worry, we'll move out of your way" the Guardsmen stood up from the table and stepped away from it. Leyla pouted as she gathered the coins up. "Here you are sirs," she said as she gave them back the coins. "Thanks, Sister!" the mend eagerly returned to their game as if the entire thing never happened. Nothing was coming from this for her. As she continued to clean, she peeked into the kitchen. Fayza was in the kitchen with a Guardsman prepping dinner. Her uniform opened in the front, exposing the smooth expanse of her stomach and her cinched waist. Her breasts were just barely covered by the cloth, just the right movement and they would spring free like catfish. Fayza’s long purple hair was tied back as she carried a large flank of beef over to the counter. She placed it down carefully, letting out a large sigh afterward. She rolled her shoulders back and puffed her chest out to the Guardsmen with her. "I brought the meat as requested. Are you sure about letting me handle something so big and thick?" she asked him. Fayza made sure to lean over the meat so that her chest pressed up against it. While the men may be hungry, she was in the mood for a different kind of meat. "You Sisters are supposed to be good at handling meat, you tell me," he said as he turned around to grab the glaze that was supposed to be on top. "Oh yes, we are very good at handling meat. With our hands and mouths. Which would you prefer?" she asked him. "A simple glaze requires a brush so your hands will do just fine. Here, dress it in this" he ordered her as he handed her the jar. Fayza pretended to fumble with it, getting some of the glaze on her fingers. "Oops, my bad~," she said in a playful tone as she raised her fingers to her mouth.
Her tongue slipped out between her plump lips, teasing her fingertips as she caught droplets of the glaze with her tongue. The purple-haired woman licked the shiny glaze of her fingers in a sensual manner. Sucking on her fingers as she went. She made sure to make a show of it, opening her mouth and sticking a digit in. Fayza moaned loudly as she held eye contact with the Guardsmen. Surely, he wouldn't be able to resist as glaze dripped down her chin and onto the top of her breasts. "Stop that, that's for dinner not for you to eat" the man lectured her as he took the jar away. He began showing her where and how much glaze to apply to the beef. Fayza frowned, she was sure that would have worked. "Oh, but look at the mess I've made," she said as she hugged her arms under her breasts. The glaze had soaked through, leaving her white blouse transparent and making her skin look shiny. Her nipples stuck out against the fabric as it began to fall down the shape of her breasts. "Here, clean up then" the Guardsmen tossed her a towel and went back to the beef. Fayza was about to give up but she decided to pull out all of the stops. She pulled her blouse down and began rubbing her breasts with the towel. She kept doing it until the Guardsman looked back up at her. If he caught her fondling her chest in a shameless manner, he would punish her for sure. But the man only sighed at her, lifting the dish and carrying it to the over. "If you plan on bathing, do it in the baths and not the kitchen" he lectured her. The purple-haired girl's jaw nearly dropped, was he really uninterested in her body?! "F-fine!" she took off running to the baths without fixing her attire. None of the Guardsmen batted an eye as she sped by with her breasts flailing about. It was like she wasn’t even there! Fayza sniffled as she began stripping off her sticky uniform. Even standing nude in the laundry room couldn’t excite her. Several Guardsmen had walked by and not a single one commented on her naked body. She looked down at her plump breasts and defined thigh gap. One of her hands caressed her breast while the other slipped between her thighs. There was nothing wrong with her! Maybe, she would just have to get off on her own….
“Sister! What are you doing?” a Guardsman called out to her. Fayza jumped, turning around to face him. Her hands were still on her body, pressing into her soft skin. Maybe it did work after all! "Oh, I'm so sorry! I'll accept any punishment you see fit" she said as she squeezed her breasts tightly. "Punishment? For what? I was going to tell you I have a big load for you" the Guardsmen said as he pointed to his pants. Fayza felt her heart jump, was that an invitation?! "Of course! I'd be happy to take that from you" she began. As soon as she took a step forward, the Guardsman pulled his pants off. A loaf of smelly and brown stained clothes was carried into the laundry room. "Good! We just had a run-in with some nasty Tyranids in the nearby system! They smelled like absolute shit so try not to vomit!" the Guardsmen explained as he left. Fayza wanted to scream as the scent of the remains of those blasphemous xenos filled her nose. Luanna had passed by, shaking her head at her Sister's foolishness. Of course, she was just as eager as to get some as well. But she still had a job to do. She had been tasked with dusting the war room. There were plenty of surfaces to clean and her petite form would look enticing as she pressed against the Guardsmen in the room. Three of them were bent over a table, looking at a map of the nearby sectors and systems "Don't mind me" she said as she entered the room. None of the men did, much to her dismay. Nevertheless, she began dusting off the shelves and weapons in the room. At one point, she fell onto her knees and dusted the lowest shelf. She could feel the cool draft as her whole ass was exposed. Luanna could already imagine a rough large hand grabbing her ass, spanking her for her naughty display or a throbbing cock being pushed into her and ramming her into the old dusty wood but nothing came. She was positioned right next to one of the Guardsmen, even a discreet touch would have been possible. Alas, the Guardsman remained busy at work as they discussed a defense strategy to defend against The Great Devourer. "Oof, I think I found something heavy," Luanna said aloud. This caught the men's attention, as they expected she had gotten into something she wasn't supposed to. Luanna pulled the staff out and slipped it between her thighs. She rubbed it along her clothed folds as she wiggled her ass before them. "This really big thing just showed up all of a sudden. Can you guys help me with it?" she asked them. "Sure, if you don't mind" one of the Guardsmen stood up and reached for the staff. Luanna half expected him to slip his hand into her instead, but he didn't. He pulled the staff from her and chucked it into a barrel. "Let us know if you have anything else heavy," he told her before sitting back down.
Luanna huffed, she was sure that would have worked. Well, she still had plenty of time. As she continued to dust, she heard the men talking a bit loudly. "This thing is such a pain to rub caught her ears. Rubbing? "Tell me about it, on top of being long, the ridges feel odd on the skin" another complaint reached her ears. It sounded like they were discussing a nice long cock. "Every night I have to stroke the shaft, but it never gets done. It's always something else that keeps me from finishing. I can't stand another night lying awake knowing it's still there" one Guardsman groaned. Luanna wasn't going to let this chance pass her by! "Um, I can help you with your shaft" she offered timidly. The men shared a sly grin with each other. "You sure you can handle it? You're so small and all the man had asked her. "I can, that's what I'm here for" she reassured him. "Oh, quit being coy. The girl is here to serve us so she might as well" his friend gave him a shove for teasing her. "Yeah, besides. When do you even get help with your rod? Might as well let someone with a softer touch work it" the other joined in. By now, Luanna was practically dripping with anticipation. Even if it was just a hand job, she was eager to have a cock in her hands. "Please? I really want to" she begged him. The guard rolled his eyes before standing up. "Alright, I'll let you polish my old staff," he said as he reached for a staff propped on a stand. It had intricate engravings and metal rings on it. "The thing was a gift from some Ecclesiarch monks I helped years ago. So, it's very rare, make sure to use a brush on the engravings after polishing the majority" he explained to her. Luanna felt her eye twitch, he meant a weapon?!
After Luanna had finished polishing the staff, she had left it in the war room. She didn't want to see another long weapon for days. She ran into Fayza, who was wearing a clean uniform. "I don't get it, why are they not paying attention to us?" she sighed. "I don't know but this can't continue. These guys have urges too right?" Fayza replied. Sure enough, the girls could hear two men speaking in a nearby hallway. "Did you see that rack? It's so large and full!" the man said in awe. "Right? That caboose was so enticing, it makes me want to fill it with all I have" the other man agreed. They made whistling noises and shapes in the air with their hands. Both Sisters glanced at each other, they had pretty big busts and asses that could satisfy these men! "Oh dear, were you in need of anything?" Fayza asked as she approached the men. Her body was slightly bent to show off her cleavage. "We're at your beck and call," Luanna said as she put her hands on her hips. Both Guardsmen gave the Sisters a grin before pointing to the hanger. "Actually yeah, we have a huge load for you," one of the men said. Luanna nearly squealed in joy as she thought of her ass being filled with cock. "We'll gladly take your load for you," Fayza agreed. She didn't mind giving a tit job at this point. "Great, a new supply convoy just came in with the largest supply dump I've ever seen. You could put a village on the back of that thing" the Guardsmen marveled. Sure enough, the Sisters caught sight of a large cart pulled by dozens of servitors. "We're getting supplies so you girls can load up those sacks over there so he can be on his way" the other guard explained. "Yes, sir..." both Fayza and Luanna said dryly. Neither girl had gotten what they wanted and resigned to the kitchen as all of the Sisters began making sandwiches for the Guardsmen. They could hear the loud banter as the men were eagerly talking. It must have put them at ease to know that the Sisters would be preparing food for them from now on. Once the Sisters had finished, a few carried large trays into the mess hall. The sandwiches were piled up on the tray, leveled with the Sister's chests. As they walked, they could feel the Guardsmen's eyes on them. The Sisters began to think that because the men were now hungry, they couldn't resist their charms. Haze, a red-headed sister with freckles, smirked as she placed the tray down on the table. "Feel free to grab what you like~" she winked at the men. To her dismay, they each reached for a sandwich, not even brushing against her chest as they did so. "Don't be shy, there are plenty of treats for you to sample" Haze said as she pushed her chest up. But the Guardsmen were already eating their sandwiches happily oblivious to her enticement. She pursed her lips and walked back into the kitchen to deliver the second round of sandwiches. "At this point, we'd have better luck with the enemies of Man" she sighed. The second time around, she was trying to be quick so the Sisters could leave for the night. "Hey Sister! Over here!" one of the Guardsmen called her over to their table. "Yes, sirs?" she asked with a smile. "I'm a bit hungry for something else if you know what I mean" the Guardsmen winked at her. Haze felt a rush of heat through her body, was this finally her chance. "Oh really? Right now? In front of everyone?" she asked. Doing it in front of the other Guardsmen wasn't above her. "Oh yeah, I just can't help but want to taste something sweet" the Guardsmen nodded. Haze reached for her skirt, preparing to hike it up when a piece of paper was put in front of her face. "Here is the recipe for the pie, make sure to make enough for everyone" he had instructed her. Haze froze, letting her hands fall from her skirt and grab the paper. "Of course, sir" she mumbled as she took the recipe and headed back to the kitchen. Haze relayed the order to the other Sisters. In a matter of minutes, they had freshly baked pies ready for all of the Guardsmen.
Each Sister stood in the doorway to the kitchen, eyes trained on the men wolfing down the pie. "It's like they don't even want to," Haze sighed. “Tell me about it, I wish I was that slice of pie” Jane sighed. The Sisters were fidgeting in place, just imagining getting the same attention the food got around the place. They heard a loud clap and turned around to face Head Sister Mavis. "After the men have finished up eating, it will be time for bathing. Jane and Catharine will be assisting them" she ordered the two. Both girls had a glint of hope in their eyes. If they wouldn't get the dick they wanted, at least peeping would do them in. Not to mention, it would make a good excuse for the Sisters to try and seduce them. "Right!" both Jane and Catharine said as they began to head to the showers. They prepared the hot water and laid out the soaps. "I can't wait to see what lies under all that armor," Jane said happily. "What if they drag us in there with them? We might even get a taste" Catharine joined in. Both girls giggled to one another. It wasn't until they heard approaching steps did they straighten up. They were positioned in the room before the showers, where the towels and armor were removed, and smallclothes were given. "Here they come~," Jane said happily. As soon as the door opened, a blur of men rushed by them. The Sisters weren't able to make out anything as a flurry of armor was tossed into their arms. Both Jane and Catharine grunted as they held the metals in their hands. As soon as they had set the armor down, the door shut. The steam from the water had already fogged up the only area they could peek into the baths, leaving the Sisters high and dry. "I can't see a thing!" Catharine complained as she set down a breastplate. "Let's just finish cleaning the armor, we can at least see them leaving" Jane explained. When the men would leave, they would only have towels wrapped around their waists. "Ooooh~ I see what you mean" Catharine nodded. The Sisters tirelessly polished the armor and carried them to the armory. Just as they had returned to the baths, they heard the door open. Both Sisters had their eyes trained on the doorway as the men rushed out. Once again, their vision was obstructed by numerous grimy towels. A large pile amassed over them, leaving them trapped under the clothes for a quick minute. By the time they had resurfaced, the men were gone. "I didn't even get a chance to blink" Jane sighed. "Let's just get this over with" Catharine sighed. Both Sisters gathered up the clothes and took them to the laundry room. Inside, a large pool was already being churned as clothes were added into the mixture. The Sisters dropped the towels in, reaching in and washing the clothes by hand. As the Sisters were cleaning, the Commander entered the room. "Good, we'll need those hung up to dry before you go to bed" he ordered them. A few Sisters got the idea of purposely splashing some of the water onto each other in a playful manner. The Sisters' uniforms were getting wet and soaked through in seconds. "Have you come to supervise us Commander?" they asked in a teasing voice. "Nonsense, you all know how to wash clothes. But you might want a bath if you're going to make that much of a mess" he said before leaving. The room went silent, but it was clear that each Sister was fed up with how things were going.
The night ended with the Sisters hanging the towels out to dry and washing themselves up. Not even the sensual touches from cleaning their own bodies could get them off. " I swear! I'm at my limit at this point!" Fayza shouted into her pillow. "As you know, we can't abandon our duty to the Emperor, don't even think about heading to a nearby town" Mavis glared at the other Sisters. Even if the Guardsmen weren't interested, the local drunkard would still at least cop a feel on them if given the chance. But orders were orders. If they stepped out of line, then they would be punished and not in the way they hoped for. "We don't need to scold us" Leyla rolled her eyes as she hugged her pillow. "Is it so much to ask for a man to come and rough me up a bit? I'll even swallow his load" she whined. Anne reached around the blonde's waist and hugged her from behind. "There, there. We just have to endure it, for now, we can find other ways to release the tension" she said as she tilted Leyla's chin upward. Their faces inched closer but a loud knocking at their door had all the Sisters standing up. They were only in thin nightgowns right now, their bodies easily visible through the transparent material. If this didn't get the Guardsmen, then nothing would. Mavis opened the door and met eyes with Guardsmen standing in the doorway. "Sisters! Good, you're still up! We have a problem we need you to handle" he began. The Sisters weren't even surprised, it wasn't like any of them expected a "night visit" from the Guardsmen at this point. Their lack of underwear under their nightgowns hadn't even stirred the men. "Whatever do you need sir?" Mavis had to hold back a yawn as she spoke. This should be good. "Well, our cocks are a bit frustrated from being holed up all day. There wasn't any time to really give them some air and a little fun" the Guardsman explained. A few Sisters perked up at hearing this. Cocks? Frustration? Fun? "O-Oh, will you need all of us?" Mavis asked as she bit her lip. It would be unbecoming of her to offer herself as she was the Head Sister, but she didn't want to pass up a chance to show them what the 'Head' part meant. "Oh, we won't need all of you. Just maybe three, there are plenty of cocks but all of you might overwhelm them" the Guardsman continued. A few Sisters licked their lips, crawling to the edge of their beds and leaning over the railings. "Very well then, we'll send three of our Sisters," Mavis said as she turned around. Immediately, every sister held their hand up to offer themselves to the job. Mavis selected three of them quickly, hushing the others as they complained. "Thank you for your help Sisters, I'll show you to the cocks now" the Guardsman led the girls down the hall and outside. The Sisters stuck together whispering to each other as to what could be the problem. "Outside? Oooh, I don't mind it being dirty" one whispered. "Maybe they are trying to keep it a secret from the Commander" another whispered. Each idea only made the job sound all the more erotic.
The Sisters stopped at the guard pointed over to a wood shack. The girls hurried inside, ready to strip themselves bare and attend to the cocks. To their surprise, they were met with several roosters and a few chickens. "The cock's have a bit of an attitude so it's important they get time outside. But with all the rain, it wasn't going to happen today!" the Guardsman laughed loudly. It had rained all morning today, leaving the outside area bad for virtually any animal. "Oh, I see," the Sisters said quietly. "Well, just make sure they don't wander off and maybe throw some crumbs to keep them quiet. Don't forget to lock up the coop" the Guardsman yawned before leaving the Sisters alone with the birds. The roosters began clucking, pecking at the sister's hands and legs until they opened the door. As soon as the door was opened, all of the birds rushed out. Feathers and other substances fell onto the Sisters as they were unable to move. "I'm going to see if someone else will swap with me" one Sister began but the other two grabbed her arms. "Nope, if we suffer then so do you," they said in unison.
The next morning the Sisters were up early as they began making breakfast for the Guardsmen. The three Sisters from last night had dejectedly reported in what the task had actually been. None of the other Sisters sympathized with them, in their case, it was a bullet dodged. The Sisters made the proper sandwiches and passed them out to the Guardsmen. As last time, the men took the sandwiches with subtle thanks and short glances. Morning drill was starting soon so they left as quickly as they had come. The Sisters stayed behind to clean the kitchen. With their job done, the Sisters spread out to assist as they were called to. Luanna and Fayza were assigned with cleaning up the training grounds. Both Sisters were forced to watch the men run drills in their tight clothing. Their sweaty bodies were driving the girls wild and distracting them from completing their job. "This is worse than any punishment ever! What is it going to take to get their attention?!" Luanna sighed. She wanted to be under one of the Guardsmen already! "You know the punishment we'll get is worse than death," Fayza said. But her eyes were also trained on the men as they did push-ups. Both girls easily imagined themselves under the men and getting much of the 'push' part. "I know.... but still" Luanna sobbed to herself. Their staring didn't go missed by the Guardsmen, two of them jogging over to the Sisters. "You two look like you have a lot of energy in you. How about showing us some of that?" he began. The Sisters shared an eager glance, if he wanted to see how much energy they had then they would gladly show him! "Yes! We would love to!" Luanna said happily. "Ah, but the kind of stuff we are doing is really rough. Most of the other Sisters even cried after" he continued. "T-They were just amateurs! We can handle any roughness you throw at us!" Fayza exclaimed. "That's good then! We were thinking about letting you join us on drills!" the Guardsman said happily. Both Sisters' faces fell as they realized once again, they had given their hopes up. "Don't worry about changing and just come find a place in line" he assured them. Fayza and Luanna stood together in front of the Guardsmen as they moved onto their next drill. "Time for squats!" the leader had yelled. All of the Guardsmen began squatting, flexing their muscles in front of the Sisters. Both Sisters licked their lips at the sight before them. This was pure torture. "Hey Sisters! Don't be shy!" the leader called out to them. Luanna and Fayza put their hands behind their heads and began squatting as low as they could. After a few reps, they could feel the sweat building on their bodies. Their uniforms clung to their skin and did little to cover them in the shining sun. They began breathing hard as they weren't able to match the Guardsmen's stamina. nearly collapsing onto the ground. "Alright! That's enough for today!" the leader called out. The Guardsmen released satisfied sighs and rolled their shoulders after the intensive drills. The Sisters collapsed onto the stone floor, feeling numbness in their legs. And not in the way they had wanted. "I'm so spent, I never want to run drills ever again!" both Sisters groaned.
Mavis walked over to their tired forms, looking at them with slight amusement. “Oh dear, you two looks like you had a real workout” she laughed. "Head Sister! These men are messing with us for sure!" Luanna whined. "Yeah, this has to be some kind of sick punishment!" Fayza agreed. But Mavis shook her head. "I assure you, this is no joke. Whatever is going on here, we'll have to endure. Even the Commander hasn't tried anything with me, and we've had plenty of time alone" Mavis rolled her eyes as she recalled the memory. She had pulled out all the stops while trying to seduce the Commander. Standing next to his desk with her breasts at eye level or even bending over in front of his desk. Not a single thing she tried gained her much more than a few words or a grunt from him as he signed papers and sealed letters. Even when she came at night to pass on the next set of orders or dinner, she would come in her thin nightgown and nothing else. Mavis had made sure that by candlelight he would be able to see through her nightgown too. But alas, the man had simply dismissed her for bed without even getting an eyeful. It was almost insulting to her as she was the most beautiful of the Sisters. On their way to the post, she had been cat-called every name known to man. "I've already contacted the Canoness over the situation, but she neglected to hear me out. Our punishment is to be sought through no matter what" she continued bitterly. Every sister was well aware of the situation. "This must be the Warp and not even Slaaneshi’s domain" Luanna staggered to her feet and helped Fayza up. "Anyways, I was told that Jane and Anne were supposed to be bringing in barrels for the artillery on base. See if they need assistance" Mavis ordered the two. "Yes, Head Sister" the two groaned as they walked back inside. They walked to the opposite side of the post, where the harbor was. They saw a large boat sailing away, wondering if there had been some men there who would have given them a little fun. As they entered the storage unit, they heard moaning. "Ahhh~ It's so sticky~" Jane's voice echoed out the door. "So smelly too, I don't think I can take much more!" Anne's voice came after. Both Fayza and Luanna shared a look of bewilderment. Had the two found someone to fuck?! Both Sisters ran in quickly, slamming the door open with how strongly they pushed against it. Inside, a barrel was leaking thick and dark oil all over the floor. Both Jane and Anne were covered in the oil as they tried to move the barrel outside. "Oh great! You two help us with this!" Anne called out to the other two Sisters. All four of them grabbed the barrel and managed to bring it outside. But not without getting covered in oil. "L-Look out!" Luanna ran into Jane, slipping on the oil and bringing both of them to the ground.
Now in a tangle of limbs and sticky, both Sisters found themselves in an odd position. Luanna was laying between Jane's legs with her face in the sister's skirt. Jane was on her back, dazed from the fall. "Sorry..." Luanna moaned as she raised herself slightly. Both Anne and Fayza watched with slight jealousy, they would love to be in that position. "It's fine, but since you're here" Jane reached for her panties and began to slip them down. Before she could remove the article, a Guardsman appeared. "Oh, that explains the smell. You Sisters better strip out of those clothes" he began. The Sisters stared at him in surprise, was he being for real?! "You want us to get naked?" Anne asked. "Yeah, it will be difficult getting between your legs like that if you are dressed" he explained. Luanna and Jane quickly stood back up, suddenly losing interest in each other. All four Sisters stripped themselves bare, leaving nothing between them and the Guardsman. "H-How’s this?" Luanna asked him. "Oh good, this should work just fine," he said as he disappeared for a moment. The Sisters began giggling to each other, finally! They didn't even mind sharing if it meant finally getting some good dick. As soon as the Guardsman returned, the girls were hit with a strong stream of water. "That oil is made from crushed grox. If you walk around like that, you'll attract some pests and other beats to our post. Commander's orders ladies" he said as he hosed them down. The Sisters screamed it wasn't even in a setting they could enjoy as he sprayed them down. Once the oil had been rinsed away, the Sisters stood shivering against each other. "Make sure to wash your clothes too, I wouldn't want an accident to happen" the Guardsman laughed as he left. "I hate it here!" Fayza shouted. Somewhere else at the post, an older sister by the name of Kayla was busy putting away scrolls. She passed by a nervous-looking guard. He was obviously younger than the other guards. Even the way his eyes looked away from her was cute. Kayla wasn't sure if it was because of how she looked or if he was just that nervous. Either way, she couldn't help but let her curiosity get the better of her. "Did you need something?" she asked the young guard. "O-Oh! Well, I had a request for you, sister" he mumbled in a low voice. With how shy he was being, Kayla had an idea as to what he would ask of her. "Anything you want young sir, I am at your beck and call" she reassured him. The young boy perked up at her words. "T-Thank you, sister! M-Might we meet up tonight in the archives?" he asked her. A late-night rendezvous? Now that sounded interesting. Kayla didn't mind doing it with someone so young either. Even if the boy lacked the experience, any cock would do her in. "Sure thing, I'll meet you after the luminators are powered off" she promised him. "Okay, until then Sister!" he said eagerly before running off. Kayla smiled to herself, knowing she would be the only sister lucky today. Later that night, she had volunteered to be the one to power down the lights in the hallway. The night patrol Guardsmen were all outside, leaving no one to interrupt them. Kayla carried her luminator into the archive room, fixing her robes as he waited for the young Guardsman to show. She heard feet approaching and leaned on the table in a seductive manner. "Sister?" the boy's timid voice called out to her. "I'm in here," she said back to him. The young Guardsman entered the room quietly, shutting the door behind him. The Sister began unbuttoning her gown when he walked up to the desk. "I'm sorry for asking this of you Sister, but I just can't stand it anymore," he said a bit louder. The sudden burst of desperation was turning Kayla on. "Trust me, I don't mind at all. You can use me as you like" she said sweetly. The young guard swallowed, his shy eyes meeting hers. "O-okay then, if you insist. Please, take care of me" he said as he reached for his sides. Kayla's heart began to beat faster, he was going straight for it! To her surprise, he did not pull his trousers down. Instead, he pulled out a pen and a stack of papers. Now that she looked at him, he was wearing a bag around his body. He must have brought the stationary with him. "I’m no good with writing, I can't tell the others either! It's too embarrassing!" the boy cried out. Kayla began buttoning her nightgown back up. Obviously, she had the wrong idea here. But that didn't mean nothing would happen! The boy was still a boy! He probably had uncontrollable hormones she could take advantage of! "Okay, let's get to work," she said as she climbed off the desk. Kayla stood over the boy as he began writing. He really was terrible at it. Each stroke looked more like chicken scratch than anything she had ever read before. She had to show him her own penmanship so he could have something to model after. But even with that, he struggled to copy her writing. Kayla felt her eyebrow twitch, this was worse than teaching a child. "Like this", she reached for his hand to guide him. Suddenly, an idea crossed her mind. She leaned into him, placing her chest behind his head. Her body was pressed into his shoulder as she began to show him how to write. "You need to relax your wrist more" she whispered to him. "Like this?" the young guard asked. "Hmmm, yes" she replied in a sultry tone. He began writing properly now. Kayla wondered if this was all an act as he was improving quickly. "Slower, you don't have to rush" she teased him. "Hm? But I feel like I'm getting the hang of it?" he argued. Kayla began to ease off him, watching him write more naturally. "There you go, you've gotten better!" she praised him. It was still a bit disappointing he hadn't even sprouted a boner in her presence. The young Guardsman stood up with a big grin. "Thank you, Sister! Is there anything I could do to repay you?" he asked her. Kayla licked her lips, now this could work for her. "Well, if you don't mind. I could use a man's touch tonight" she asked him. The young Guardsman nodded, smiling brightly. "Sure! I'd be glad to help you" he said as he walked behind her. Kayla shivered at the thought of finally getting touched! She felt his hands on his shoulders, moving down....and rubbing back up. To her surprise, he wasn't bad at massaging! But this still wasn't what she had expected!
The post had a small section, relative to its size that was dedicated to worship of the one true God-Emperor of Mankind. The Sisters would often help out with maintaining the old artwork and text. Even going as far as transcribing them into new texts. The priest who guided them was an old man, but the Sisters would settle for him. To their dismay, the holy man was just as dismissive of them as the Guardsmen were. The Sisters came every morning to pray, sitting together in a line. Felicia had stayed behind after prayer, she had fallen asleep while praying but everyone had mistaken it as her continuing to pray. The priest had been impressed with her, taking a seat next to her and praying. After he had finished, he gently touched her shoulder. "Sister? Sorry, did I startle you?" he said as she stirred awake. Felicia blushed, she didn't realize she had fallen asleep. The last thing she wanted was to get scolded for doing so. She was being punished in a way that wasn’t and couldn’t get her off. "O-Oh! No, I was just lost in my devotion to the Emperor. Did you need something father?" she asked him. Felicia stood up and put her hands in front of her, as all Sisters did. "Well, I was hoping you could assist me with a task in my chambers. With my old age, it's just become more difficult to do on my own" he began. Felicia's eyes shined brightly, she had heard of this kind of thing before. Sneaking away for 'work' in a father's chamber was just a disguise for the real fun that happened. Even if priests ended up being total sadists, she was still on board. "Of course, father! I'll help you!" she said excitedly. The old man smiled, giving her a slight bow. "Thank you, sister. This might sound a bit odd, but could you also go get the flogging stick? It is very important for this task" he asked her. Felicia's thighs closed together in anticipation of their task. He was certainly brave for saying it out loud! In the church, nonetheless. "Of course, father, I'll bring it right away" Felicia hurried out of the chapel and went straight to where the items for punishment were held. She grabbed the flogging stick and held it to her chest as she walked quickly back to the chapel. She made sure to keep it hidden as she passed by other Sisters and Guardsmen. Once inside the chapel, she walked to the priest's chamber. She could hear the sloshing noise of water and the sound of something hitting the floor. Her heart began to race, was father into that kind of play too? She knocked on his door softly, standing with the stick presented in front of her. The priest opened his door and smiled at the sight of her. "Sister, thank you for coming," he said as he held the door open for her to enter. Felicia walked inside, noticing the small tub of water on the floor. Next to it was a towel and a brush, catching her interest immediately. "So, father, what would you like me to do next?" she said with a shy smile. She was ready to undress if he meant to clean her before they started. The old man shut the door, locking it behind him. "Well, there is no need to prolong this. So, let's get right to it" he said as he began to remove his robe. Felicia averted her eyes shyly, reaching for the buttons on her robes. She glanced back at the priest and saw him sit on the edge of his bed in his underclothes. "Hm? There won't be any need for you to change sister, with your help, I won't make much of a mess" he reassured her. Felicia swallowed thickly, was he expecting her to take all of him in her mouth?! "Okay," she quickly dropped to her knees in front of the bowl, eagerly reaching for his waist. But she stopped as a filthy foot covered in callouses and blisters met her hands. "Bending over and cleaning my feet myself is too much for my old bones. I'm glad you are able to help me with this the priest laughed. At lunchtime, Anne was in the kitchen slicing meat for lunch. She was the only Sister there at the moment, so it was very quiet. She heard the sound of feet approaching but didn't bother looking up as it would only be other Sisters or Guardsmen. As soon as she heard the voices talking, she knew it was the men. They were talking loud enough she could hear them clear as day. "I'm telling you, she'd never say yes if I asked" one of the men complained. "Are you sure? You haven't even asked" the other replied coolly. Anne tuned them out, it was probably another gross request. She had heard about the task Felicia had been given. The smell had even hung around the Sister for a whole day after bathing. "True, but this isn't just a normal request. It's pretty intense, I don’t know if a Sister could handle it" he continued. Anne briefly paused in cutting the meat. It couldn't be, no, of course not. She went back to cutting meat as the two continued their conversation. "Well, I mean it might make her hands tired, but I heard the Sisters can handle a lot of meat" the guard had said. "Really? Maybe I should ask for more Sisters then" this time Anne couldn't help but wonder what they meant. She set her knife down and dried her hands on a towel. She walked over to them, looking rather expectantly. "Can I help you guys out?" she asked them. The Guardsmen turned to her with a grin. "Well Sister, I had a task for you, but it might be too dirty for you" one began. Anne did her best to hide the small bit of excitement that was bubbling up inside her. She didn't want to get her hopes up again.
"What kind of task?" she asked. "Well, it involves a lot of wieners if you know what I mean" the other Guardsman sighed. Anne felt her mouth water, it couldn't be... "You don't say" she muttered quietly. "Yes, and it's a pretty messy job. If you don't mind getting covered in a little juice, then you might be up for it" the Guardsman continued. "Don't forget the handwork, your hands might get tired of dealing with all of the wieners. If you want to invite more Sisters, we won't mind" the other one added in. Anne was growing suspicious, this could be just another menial task. "No, I should be enough. Would I be able to use my mouth too?" she asked them. If this was really what she thought it was, then they wouldn't disagree with her proposition. The Guardsmen shared a glance. "Of course, there will be plenty so it should be fine" one had assured her. Anne almost jumped in joy. She was going to have all of them to herself! "Alright then! Let's go!" she exclaimed. The Guardsmen stopped her from leaving. "Here should be fine, just wait here" they instructed her. Anne nodded, bouncing in place as she cleared off some counter space. That would be enough for her to lay out on top of and the Guardsmen would be able to use each inch of her. Anne heard approaching feet once again, but this time there was more than one guard. She sat on the counter with her legs opened wide. Several Guardsmen entered, carrying large crates. Anne blinked, they didn't mention crates. The Guardsmen placed the crates on the floor and left. She quickly jumped off the counter and ran to the two who had given her the request. "Hold on, what's all this?" she asked. One of them opened the crates, releasing a pungent smell of meat. "The wieners! We got a whole shipment, so we'll need you to prepare them for us" they had explained. Anne felt every bit of hope escape her body. "Good luck Sister!" they had called out to her as they left.
The wieners had been easily incorporated into the Guardsmen's meals as the Sisters were able to make hotdogs and other meals. The other Sisters that had come to help Anne had their hopes dashed as they were asked to assist with the 'wieners'. Nevertheless, they still assisted with helping her out. The Sisters were even allowed to eat some of the wieners as there was an excess amount. The phallic pleasure they got from eating the wieners didn't quite do it for them. After lunch, the Guardsmen returned to their post, and the Sisters were once again scattered around the post. Luanna was helping with moving some equipment from the training grounds when a guard approached her. "Hey sister, I wanted to borrow you for a moment," he began. Luanna turned to him with a bored expression. She didn't expect it to be anything other than cleaning up after him again. "What do you need sir?" she asked plainly. "Well, I was hoping to take you in the forest," he said. Luann felt heat pool in her stomach. Take her? Like sex? She suddenly felt shy. No one had come up to her before like this! No matter how she heard it, he was definitely asking for sex! "W-what will we be doing in the forest?" she asked him. "Oh, you know a lot of tugging and digging" he made motions with his hand. Luanna could already imagine tugging his member or him pulling her hair as he took her from behind. Digging meant he liked doing it in the ass, she wouldn't say no to that! "O-Okay, are we leaving right now?" she asked as she tried to hide her excitement. "Right now, is fine with me, you?" the guard asked her. Yes! Of course!" Luanna said happily. She dropped the equipment she was moving and followed the guard out of the post. Nearby was a thick forest with a path the Guardsmen often used. The entire time they walked, Luanna would get excited when he stopped. Would this be the spot? Far away from the post so she could be as loud as she wanted to? The Guardsman finally stopped near a tall and thick tree. It was big enough to pin her too or for him to lean against. Luanna felt the wetness between her thighs at the idea of him taking her here. "This is the spot," he said as he set down the bag he was carrying. Luanna began to unbutton her blouse when he crouched in front of the tree. She walked over and looked at what he was picking up. The Guardsman had been pulling herbs from the ground. "Come over here Sister, there is plenty to pull up" he beckoned to her. Of course, tugging and digging had referred to pulling herbs. "Yes, of course," Luanna said as she crouched down next to him. This was not the tugging she had thought she would be doing. She wept sadly as her hands pulled the plants from the ground. Once they had finished pulling the herbs, they put them into the bag the guard had brought. "Whoa, we really picked a lot! Thanks for the help sister!" he said with a big grin. "No problem" Luanna sighed as she shook some dirt from her hands. "Oh, but I do have a reward in mind for you. It's nice and long so I know you will like it" he continued. Luanna didn't dear think it to be what she had wanted all along. "Really, a reward won't be necessary" she argued. Honestly, her heart couldn't take any more disappointment. "No, I insist! For all, you Sisters do for us it is more than enough. Plus, it's pretty tasty from what the girl in the market had said to me" the Guardsman continued. The Sister had felt a bit appalled that he had resorted to using some mere peasant girl when she was readily available. Now she wanted it just out of spite. "Alright, if we are quick no one else will notice," Luanna said as she began to tug on her collar. "Great, let me whip it out for you" the guard reached near his belt and Luanna almost swallowed. But instead of a thick and long dick being thrust into her face, a baguette was put into her hands. "I picked up some this morning so it's really fresh! The rest are in the kitchen, but I managed to snag one away for you" he said happily. "Gee, thanks" Luanna almost broke the bread in half just out of frustration.
Mavis held a brief meeting with the other Sisters as a special visit from a group of soldiers was to occur. The Sisters were restless at the idea of men coming that wouldn't be so stupidly oblivious to them. On top of that, they were warriors hardened from battle. Wild beast-like men who would only know eating, fucking, and sleeping. The Sisters were also ordered to serve them and could imagine being pinned down in the men's cots as they took turns using every orifice they had. "Now, now ladies! I can see several of you are already letting your imagination get the better of you. But remember, this is our punishment and we must honor it" Mavis announced to the group. Several Sisters groaned as they heard her lecture them. "Of course, if any accidents were to happen then that will be it. I won't have to worry about reporting it" she continued with a sly grin. The Sisters began whispering their plans to seduce the soldiers to one another. The bells toll alerted them of the soldiers entering the post and the Sisters scattered about. They watched from atop the guard walls as the platoon of big and strong men entered through the gates. They were covered in dirt and grime from their travel, sweat on their faces from wearing the heavy armor. The Sisters all sighed blissfully, hoping to get a taste of them. The Commander had greeted the men, telling them they were welcome to use the post as their home and the Sisters as well. To which, several men looked up at the Sisters watching them. A few Sisters waved and pushed up their chests to entice the men. Once they were dismissed, the Sisters began to follow the soldiers around and asked if they needed any service. To their dismay, many of the requests had been the same as the Guardsmen. Make sandwiches, clean this, polish that, and so on. But they didn't lose hope, it could have just been shyness. As the night began to fall, the Sisters knew there would be plenty of time to sneak around. Jane had found a soldier alone and chatted him up about his battles. "I'm sure you are pretty popular back home, got a wife?" she asked with a teasing wink. "No, I don't. Just as you Sisters don't have husbands?" he had shot back. "Right you are, but we are open to just playing around," she said as she played with the end of her skirt. The soldier's eyes had followed her hands and he nodded. "I see what you mean, in that case, Sister. Would you mind having some fun with me?" he asked her. Jane nearly jumped out of her skin. "Yes! Of course!" she agreed. The soldier looked around before grabbing her by the shoulder. "Not here, somewhere more private" he explained. Jane happily went with him into a supply closet. She eagerly watched as he pulled his trousers down. "You too Sister, you see I want to try women's panties for once" the soldier explained. Jane felt her heart drop. "You, what?" she asked. The soldier removed his underwear and Jane looked at him. All of her hopes were dashed as she realized he was castrated as well. "I heard rumors about how soft women's panties are and ours are just itchy. So, I want to wear yours for a while. I'll give them back at laundry time, I promise!" the soldier begged her. Jane pulled her panties off in the laziest way possible. It was the first time she was doing it in front of a guy, and it had lost all sex appeal for her. "Here you go," she said dryly as she handed him her underwear. "Thank you, Sister,!" the soldier happily put them on and went on his way. Jane walked out shortly after, not even bothered with her bottom being bare. It wasn't like any of the soldiers would try something. She walked into the kitchen as several Sisters were already planning on giving the soldiers a peek at their breasts during lunchtime. As she entered the kitchen, she cupped her hand around her mouth and shouted loudly. "They're castrated!" Jane announced. A somber silence came over the kitchen as the Sisters realized there was no chance any of them were getting laid.
Lunchtime became sad sandwich time as the Sisters passed out delicious sandwiches dressed with their tears. Mavis bit her lip as she realized the soldiers were in on it too. "Sorry Sisters, it looks like it was hopeless all along" she admitted to them sadly. "At least one seemed interested in my panties" Jane sighed. "Oh please, any of us would have done it for him" Fayza argued. "While they are all busy eating, why not have some fun ourselves?" Anne suggested. Being alone in a kitchen full of food opened a lot of ideas for the Sisters. "There are some wieners leftover," Leyla said as she made a jerking motion. "Plus, we have each other," Kayla said as she draped herself onto Catharine’s back. The Sisters all shared a look of lust at the idea of them all having an impromptu orgy in the kitchen just feet away from the men. But before any of the Sisters could touch one another, the Commander had entered the kitchen. "Sisters, we need a round of refills all around" he demanded as he lifted his mug. The Sisters sighed, each grabbing a pitcher as they filled out of the kitchen. With the additional soldiers, that was more glasses to fill. No Sister was left without a pitcher as they continued to fill the seemingly endless mugs. It wasn't until the men were drunk and full did the Sisters finally have a moment to themselves again. "Oh, before you begin with the laundry. The Mess hall is an *snrk* mess! You Sisters need to clean that up first. The laundry will be waiting for you later" the Commander had said before leaving with the men. Once again, the Sisters were given task after task. It was as if the men were purposely giving them zero time to themselves. By the time they had finished, all of the Sisters were too tired to fool around with one another. Falling asleep almost immediately as their bodies hit their beds.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Cleanliness is next to holiness! Ask any Sister of Cleaning who, on any given day, roots out toilets (instead of heresy). For the Emperor!
The Emperor's work is never done...
In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only... SEXUAL FRUSTRATION!
Sergeant Clucky refers you to the filename!
She'll unclog your pipes and clean up your mess! Nope! Not a metaphor.
The Commissar has enlisted the services of Sergeant Clucky in his office where he guards against the intrusions of xeno grasshoppers!