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The Sorcerer-Kings are the tyrannical rulers of the last known city-states in the Dungeons & Dragons setting of Dark Sun. Ancient, theoretically immortal dual-classed Wizard/Psionicists, the Sorcerer-Kings were the servants of Rajaat during his bloody Cleansing Wars that burned the life from Athas, only to betray their master and rule over the ashes. Thus, each of them has at least begun the process of transforming into an Athasian Dragon. Because of this, they're considered extremely powerful, pretty much the BBEGs of the setting because each one is an insufferable prick.

Infamously, most of them were wiped out in the Prism Pentad tie-in novels, starting a chain of events that ended in the setting being subjected to stasis and malign neglect for decades.

Ironically, despite being the most important NPCs of the setting, TSR largely resisted the urge to tell you about these cool bad guys, so their Advanced Dungeons & Dragons lore and statistics are sparse and scattered like seeds throughout several splatbooks and adventure modules - it wasn't until Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition that Wizards of the Coast gave all of the Sorcerer-Kings a coherent, easily referenced statblock and lore writeup in a single splatbook, and even that was building on the efforts of the fans from the Burnt World of Athas fansite during the 3e era!

The Kings and Their Territories[edit | edit source]

  • Abalach-re - The queen bitch of the City-State of Raam, this paranoid schizo cunt makes your average Skaven look like Ghandi. Also universally loathed and held in contempt by both her own people and all the other Sorcerer Kings. Whether her neurotic paranoia is the result or the cause of this is a bit of a chicken-or-egg question.
  • Andropinis - He had egg shaped nostrils. He wore a toga and ruled over the Greek inspired City-State of Balic. Unique for being the only Lawful Neutral sorcerer-king (All the others are listed as Lawful Evil, naturally), and for running a state that actually somewhat functions, in a democracy-turned-dictatorial-sham kind of way.
  • Hamanu - Mr. Lionface. Not one of the original 13 Champions, he was the ruler of Urik and a blatant homage to Hammurabi. Evil and cruel, with his draconic transformation halted rather than reversed, but his devotion to order, justice, rationality, and his father's dream of a green and peaceful land make him one of the best of a terrible lot.
  • Kalak - You know your old, shriveled, power-hungry, slave-master of a grandfather? That's this guy. Ruler of Tyr before his plan to get jacked up quick on dragonsauce was discovered and foiled by a bunch of meddling kids and one talking dog. The 4e reboot explicitly starts every game with him being overthrown and Tyr being established as a Free City, before letting the PCs see where things go from there.
  • Kalid-Ma - Former Sorcerer-King of Kalidnay, currently trapped in a near-death coma in a completely different campaign setting thanks to his head honchessa's cruel betrayal of everything good in her life in favor of her freaky, possessive stalker crush on him. Probably not coming back, regardless of what the deluded cultists rifling through his garbage think.
  • Lalali-Puy - The hottest Sorcerer-Queen, and ruler of the barely civilized Jungle-Town of Gulg. Also one of the less-evil Sorcerer Kings by virtue of not doing much to actively hurt the people who adore her, with some liner notes specifically calling her the most likely King to make a face turn who hasn't already, though her current rule over Gulg is cemented by brutal enslavement of nature spirits, one of whom she's masquerading as.
  • Nibenay - Called the Shadow King. Either he really, really hated people and being seen, or he was too stupid to cast a simple glamour to NOT MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE A DRAGON around his superstitious subjects. Ruler of the largest City-State of the same name, which was locked in a perpetual war with Gulg for some crazy strong blue balls. Or blue wood. Whatever. His templars are all female, and are forced to mate with him for the job, which is frankly par for the course for evil at this point. Even considering his hideous, part-dragon/part-man appearance.
  • Tectuktitlay - He's a ladykiller, he'll rip your heart out and throw it down the fucking ziggurat. Bird like in appearance, he was the Aztec inspired ruler of Drag. Drek. Er, Draj. Smart, despite his insanity and cruelty. He indoctrinates his subjects with the idea that he was born a god and genuinely believes in his own self fabricated mythology.
  • Oronis - Former Sorcerer-King of Kurn. Kinda. Oronis is a special case. He started to feel bad about... you know exterminating all the lizard-men, especially when he saw that it was all for a lie, and he and his comrades were turning the world into a ruin rather than a paradise. So, he took his vitamins, drank his milk, and managed to put the brakes on the whole "morph into a dragon through genocide" thing... and go the other direction into becoming an avangion. Kurn is dying, but it's just a facade for New Kurn now anyway, and he's withdrawn from politics to pursue further experiments into avangion-hood while leaving behind a "true" democracy. Literally the only Sorcerer-King actively trying to make his shithole of a world a better place.
  • Daskinor - Kim Jong Il's Dark Sun doppelganger. Ruler of Eldaarich, this paranoid asshat omnipotent and benevolent God King keeps his city on permanent lockdown safe and protected from all the evils of Athas. Literally built massive walls to close off his city from the outside world thanks to his insanity starting to leak into the city as a whole because it is totally self-sufficient and wants for nothing the outside world has to offer. Especially not water and food.
  • Dregoth - The undead dragon sorcerer-king, ruler of Giustenal. This dude got ganked by a bunch of the other Sorcerer-Kings who were tired of him bragging about the size of his cock book of spells a couple thousand years ago, but his loyal Templars brought him back as a Lich, and he's just been chilling underground unbeknownst to every else, for quite some time now. Created the dray race, which he hopes will one day completely replace humanity as the new "master race."