
Sranc are a genetically-engineered Always Chaotic Evil race of posthumans created by a decadent race of aliens called "Inchoroi" from the dying earth genre novel "Second Apocalypse" by R. Scott Bakker, along with a race of finger-faced shapeshifters similar to a Doppelganger called Skin-Stealers which are used as spies, a race of 3-bodied Ogre-like beings called Bashrag who often fight alongside Sranc as elite soldiers, and Wracu, straight-up firebreathing Dragons, although there are other of these artificially created "Tekne" as well. They could be seen as an unpleasant Slaanesh-corrupted mix between Ghouls, Dark Eldar, and Savage Orcs, being primitive, bloodthirsty cannibals like Ghouls who have been genetically programmed to feel arousal from killing and causing pain, similar to the pain-lust of Dark Eldar and the genetically-engineered killing machine origins of Greenskins. The Sranc are pale, hairless, and albino. They are completely white; the only color on a Sranc is the bloodstains around its hands and mouth (and, hideously enough, their groins). As for their /tg/ relevance, they have been compared in multiple /tg/ threads to a more Grimdark take on Deodands from Jack Vance's Dying Earth, or edgier versions of J.R.R. Tolkien's Uruks, and have been suggested as a more grim and bloody replacement of Orcs as the "common savage humanoid" adventurers face. It would also be fitting for the Sranc to be given stats for roleplaying games, much as the deodands that preceded it in "Dying earth" genre fiction were as well. Also like the Uruks, who have a eugenics-created superior warrior variant in the form of the Uruk-Hai, the Sranc have a superior subspecies known as the Ursranc.
The Sranc, besides having no souls and being driven to mindless orgies of violence and rape, are so much more horrific than the Orcs they're based on because of their pure /d/egeneracy. When a horde of Sranc wiped out a defending army, the fathers of the infants of the city began dashing their beloved infant childrens' heads in against stone buildings and with rocks. They did this because of reasons which can be surmised, but which the author of this article will not write down due to the foulness of the acts the fathers rightfully feared the Sranc would attempt. There's a reason most nations of their setting have a "Scalp Bounty" for killing these monsters, not even the Uruks of Tolkien's Middle Earth were as debased and utterly without positive characteristics as a Sranc. What's worse, they worship the "No-God", a cosmic horror that combines the worst parts of Lovecraftian and Satanic elements, which is so horrid that newborn babies can't live while it exists. For the twelve years the Sranc and their Inchoroi masters' vile deity walked the world, all births by all species on the world were stillborn.
Stats[edit | edit source]
A fine fellow on /tg/ was kind enough to Stat these depraved bioweapons for GURPS.
STR 11(12) DEX 10 INT 7 (Will 10) HLT 12 (Per 11)
HP 14 Move 6 Init 5
Armor: no Based Dodge: 9 Damage: 1d3+1(3), lethal unarmed optional due to claws Unarmed Skill: 13 (10) Armed Skill: 12 (10) Total grappling skill: 25
Berserk-9 (directed) Combat Instinct Pack tactics maybe?
Relevant skills: Generic Athletics: 13 Generic Intellectual: 7, but cunning related (tracking et al) 12
typical weapons: Probably just spiked clubs and shit. +2/+3 lethal