Star Elf

Star Elves, also known as Mithral Elves, are yet another elf subrace from the Forgotten Realms of Dungeons & Dragons. The star elves fled from Faerûn to a demiplane refuge known as Sildëyuir, the entrance to which lay hidden in the Yuirwood undisturbed for almost two thousand years. Eventually, though, they were forced to return to their former homeworld, if only in small numbers. Those found in Faerun are either seeking to forge alliances to help the star elves defend Sildëyuir, or else scouting for places that they can flee to should the worst come to the worst and Sildëyuir must be abandoned.
Closely related to moon elves, star elves are defined by pale skin with a propensity towards pearly gray or faintly violent tinges, gray or violet eyes (sometimes gold-flecked), and hair of gold, red, or silver-white. As a race, they are typically tall and slender; men average between 5 1/2 and 6 feet in height and weigh around 140 pounds, while women are about half a foot shorter and weigh around 110 pounds. Both sexes like to wear elegant, embroidered tunics when in the privacy of their homes, but they dress for stealth and practicality when stalking through the Yuirwood. Like most elves, they are renowned for their beauty.
Even by elfin standards, star elves are cautious, aloof, and determined to maintain an emotional distance from events, something that their long isolation has certainly not helped with. They've been gone from Faerun for so long that they remember little of what other races are alike, and so the typical star elf only trusts other elves, especially their sun and wood elf cousins. They maintain a particular fear of humans, whom they regard as aggressive expansionists, and this alienates them from wood elves, who tend to be friendly towards humans. Needless to say, star elves can be judgmental, although they take their time and consider many factors before passing judgment on a creature or action. Once won, a star elf's friendship (and enmity) is deep and long lasting.
Star elf society values individual accomplishment and rights over collective effort. Star elves love beauty in any form and have a knack for perceiving inner beauty rather than outward appearance and actions. Among their own kind, star elves delight in song, dance, and works of magic, but away from their homeland they are slow to bestow the gift of their voice or artistry. They are worshippers of the Seldarine, especially Corellon Larethian, but not especially devout.
Star elves speak Common and Elven. Those who venture to Faerûn from Sildëyuir often learn Aglarondan, Mulan, or Rashemi. In their refuge, Auran, Celestial, and Sylvan are common, while some star elves learn Abyssal and other evil tongues to converse with those seeking to destroy Sildëyuir.
- Male Names: Aeril, Brevel, Dhisten, Jhered, Mourel, Ourevel, Thaeleven.
- Female Names: Bracatha, Calastra, Evindra, Falindra, Lauratha, Nimara, Varele.
- Surnames: Dawnsong, Duskwood, Moonshadow, Nightsong, Nightwind, Starwind, Woodsong, Woodwalker.
Star elves debuted as a playable race in Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition in the Forgotten Realms splatbook "Unapproachable East", with the following stats:
- +2 Charisma, -2 Constitution
- Humanoid (Extraplanar) (Native Plane is Sildëyuir)
- Medium Size
- Base Speed: 30 feet
- Immunity to magic sleep spells and effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
- Low-light Vision: Star elves can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, or similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
- Otherworldly Touch (Su): Between sunset and sunrise a star elf confers the ghost touch ability on any melee weapon she wields and any armor she wears, but only so long as she keeps the weapon in hand or wears the armor. Star elves have a magical affinity for starlight that gives them an unusual edge in fighting extradimensional foes.
- +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A star elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for the door. A star elf's senses are so keen that she practically has a sixth sense about hidden portals.
- Unlike normal elves, Star elves have no racial weapon proficiencies.
- Automatic Languages: Common and Elven. Bonus Languages: By character region.
- Favored Class: Bard.