Story:Lovehammer: Sailor Moon 40k
One upon a time in a corner of the internet known as Spacebattles a crackship of a crossover concept was formed: what if Sailor Moon, icon of the Japanese Magical Girl or Mahou Shoujo genre and awkward introduction to anime girls for many a Neckbeard, was transported or reborn into the universe of Warhammer 40,000.
Somehow this idea was enough to spawn 9 entire threads with tens of thousands of posts and legions of fanfiction both good and bad under the name Lovehammer: Sailor Moon 40k.
Lovehammer was a trend that almost entirely missed /tg/, who were busy with their own Alternate heresy projects that didn't involve anime waifus invading their setting.
What follows is an edited and annotated version of the most famous of those, known as the 'grimdark edition' written and posted by users Bloody Mary and Shan'xara in the year leading up to the release of the Horus Heresy Tabletop Game. The series was touted as a series closer to 'normal' 40K canon that stripped out a lot of the more silly elements of Sailor Moon that were common to other stories. Covering the Great Crusade and into the Heresy, the story eventually ran to over 300,000 words before it abruptly stopped.
Though relatively unknown, its range and depth leave it as unique within the world of Warhammer 40k fanfiction that has been posted to the Internet. It is with that in mind that the writing has been copied and posted here, almost word-for-word. After all, posting the stories to two sites better ensures that fans will always be able to access and enjoy the writings in times to come.
Premise[edit | edit source]
Lovehammer begins during the Great Crusades just after the Emperor of Mankind has finished vanquishing the warlords of Terra and united the wartorn planet under his rule. The scattering of the Primarchs co-incides with the arrival of Sailor Moon from the end of the Sailor Moon anime, pursuing the stolen star seeds of her fellow Senshi from across time and space.
She is saved by the Emperor who Promptly adopts the girl and raises her as his daughter, sensing a power to rival his own that is not born of the Warp. As the Emperor and the Princess search the galaxy for the lost Primarchs, they discover that Serenity's original guardians, the Senshi have been reborn alongside the Primarchs as (adopted) family, partners, rivals or subjects.