Tactics - UCM
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This is the Tactics Page for Drop Zone Commander UCM
Why Play UCM[edit | edit source]
As the "generic" faction in Dropzone commander (DzC), a lot of their units are jack of all trades/master of none types. However they can still pose an interesting tactical challenge.
Special Abilities[edit | edit source]
Articulated Mounts- Some UCM Vehicles sport folding weapon mounts allowing them to hide behind walls remaining in cover while still shooting over them.
Unit Analysis[edit | edit source]
- Command:
- Kodiak ACV: The Kodiak is a modified APC with an ultra heavy communications suite attached in the form of a trailer. These modifications increase the armor of the APC. In addition A tactical orbital strike can be called down once per turn. This powerful attack is Indirect fire allowing it to hit any target you desire.
- Phoenix Command Gunship:
- General Arthur J. Wade: General Arthur is the first of the UCM named commanders he rides to battle in a unique experimental super heavy broadsword tank. He forces you to mount all of your units in dropships of some kind or another and also provides deep discounts for many armored units. Unfortunately his brash aggressive command style is incompatible with several types of units making certain unit types not allowed when he is in command.
- Lieutenant-General Luciana M. Cato: Lt. Cato is the second named UCM commander, she rides to battle in a monolithic drone base. She provides bonuses to aircraft making them cheaper and allowing more to be taken.
- Colonel Samuel S. Helburn:
- Transport:
- Raven Light Dropship: The raven is a small fast dropship perfect for taking vital positions quickly, it can transport either 2 wolverine buggies or 2 infantry bases. In addition it can be used to transport Longbow howitzers around.
- Condor Medium Dropship: Your bread and butter medium dropship, it can transport a wide variety of units but typically sees use moving either 2 heavy vehicles (heavy tanks, APCs anything that shows up in pairs) or 3 medium vehicles (tanks ect.) Finally this dropship sports moderate armorments allowing it to loiter around and harass infantry or tanks once it drops off it's cargo.
- Albatross Heavy Dropship: Essentally an enormous flying porcupine, this thing is absolutely bristling with guns and munitions of all shapes, it can transport 9 medium tanks or 6 heavy tanks right into the thick of the fighting and lay down some serious cover fire while doing so
- Bear APC: A basic barebones wheeled APC for transporting up to three bases of troopers into the fighting, it is a large unit and can ride paired with another such APC in a Condor dropship.
- Standard:
- Sabre MBT:
- Rapier AAT:
- Katana LT:
- Troops:
- Colonial Legionnaire Squad: Deployed in units of 2 to 3, these guys are your bread and butter infantry, i.e. basic, cheep and not much to write home about but does the job. The job in question is to do the grunt work of searching for an objective and dragging it out. You could take up to 2 squads of 3 in Bear APCs or a single squad of up to 3 in a Panda with its scanner carried by a Condor for taking centre objectives, or you could put a squad of 2 in a Raven to nab out of the way objectives quickly if they're unlikely to meet heavy resistance. However your Ravens are likely better reserved for Praetorians. You'll need them in your games, and they'll be the ones finding you objective points, just don't expect miracles from them.
- Legionnaire Mortar Team: These guys are surprisingly good, if limited by model count and points. They have indirect fire allowing them to hide out of sight and resilient rules together making them pretty survivable outside of CQB. They are also very efficient at building demolition and can do damage to vehicles, especially when paired with a scout spotter. However they cannot move and fire, and every transport slot you take up with these is one that you can't take Legionaries, and in the end of the day you need the basic troops to get objective points.
- Legionnaire Flak Team: You wouldn't think that a handful of basic soldiers with a 0"M&F E6 Anti-Air cannon could compete with a dedicated defensive AA platform such as the Rapier, but these guys have some tricks up their sleeves... They can be delivered fast on a small transport to where they need to be, and most importantly they can sit on the rooves of buildings. Once on top of a building they have a good vantage point from which they have a 360 view of their surroundings which allows their 30" cannons to cover a large percentage of the board, and the building then hides them from return fire from most other ground units. As with mortars, each unit of these you take is a transport slot not holding your objective grabbing Legionnaires. Overall a decent cheep defensive AA unit, that can hold it's own when you want to free up your Condor dropships and Support slots from their Rapier rivals. Taking both would probably be overkill.
- Heavy:
- Gladius HBT:
- Scimitar Tank Destroyer:
- Broadsword:
- Support:
- Ferrum Class Drone Base: A large bulky slow armored vehicle. it commands up to 8 starsprite drones providing close fire support for UCM forces
- Longbow Howitzer: A Versatile artillery support option for UCM forces with 3 different and useful firing modes, they always come with a dropship to redeploy them due to their inability to move under their own power
- Crossbow:
- Fireblade LT: A close Cousin of the katana that trades its twin cannons out for a single monster sized flamethrower ideal for clearing infantry out of buildings
- Falcon Gunship:
- Eagle Heavy Gunship: The Eagle Heavy gunship is a variant of the medium dropship that loses all of it's transport capacity in favor of missile pods and a colossal twin heavy railgun. This flying terror is great for taking on enemy armor once it's AA protection has been removed
- Scout:
- Wolverine LAV:
- Praetorian Sniper Team:
- Exotic:
- Praetorian Team:
- Hazard Suit Team:
- Air:
- Archangel Interceptor:
- Seraphim Strike Fighter:
- Seraphim Retaliator:
Building an Army[edit | edit source]
Tactics[edit | edit source]
Counter-Tactics[edit | edit source]
Common Playstyles[edit | edit source]