Template:Arcane school

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Template:Tl is for use in articles about any of the eight recognized schools of magic on Golarion; it is not for use in articles about focused subschools. The parameters (except name) are optional; if left undefined they will not appear. This template has been stripped down to include only those essential crunchy statistics. All other crunchy details should be omitted.

(Arcane school)

{{ #forargs: paramname

 | key
 | value

}}{{ #forargs: paramname

 | key
 | value


Example[edit source]

See right for an example. This was created using:

{{Arcane school
| name       = Abjuration
| image      = File:Abjurer.jpg
| specialist = Abjurer, abjurist
| subschool1 = None
| focused1   = Banishment
| focused2   = Counterspell
| sin        = Envy
| source     = [[Core Rulebook]]
| page       = 209

Usage[edit source]

{{Arcane school
| name       = 
| image      = 
| specialist = 
| subschool1 = 
| subschooln = 
| focused1   = 
| focusedn   = 
| sin        = 
| source     = 
| page       = 

Parameters[edit source]

The name of the arcane school. Pretty straightforward.
An image representing the school. Should be given without [[]] or any settings.
What specialists of this school are called.
Some arcane schools have one or more subschools as defined in the Core Rulebook. If the school has none then write "None".
Any other subschools go here.
Each arcane school has focused arcane schools as defined in the Advanced Player's Guide and other sources.
Any other focused arcane schools go here.
The Thassilonian sin associated with the school of magic.
The sourcebook in which the school first appeared. For the eight schools of magic, this will be the Core Rulebook.
The page number of the school's entry in said source.